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Contributed by: Colleen Hunter

      GEORGE the second, by the grace of God of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King Defender of the Faith--TO ALL TO WHOM these Presents shall come Greeting. Know Ye that for divers good causes and considerations, but more especially for and in consideration of the sum of FORTY SHILLINGS of good and lawful money for our use paid to our Receiver General of our Revenues in this our Colony and Dominion of Virginia. We have given, granted, and confirmed and by these presents for us our heirs and successors do give, grant, and confirm unto Thomas Millsaps one certain tract or parcel of land containing four hundred acres lying and being in the county of Augusta on a Branch of Smith Creek and bounded as followeth, to wit, Beginning at three Hickory Saplings in a line of the land of Benjamin Borden and with the line of the same North twenty degrees east to two white oaks and northeast one hundred poles to the dividing line between us and Lord Fairfax and with the same north forty six degrees west two hundred and forty poles to three pines. Thence southwest two hundred and fifty poles and south forty-six degrees east three hundred and twenty poles to the Beginning. With all woods, under woods, swamps, marshes, long rounds, meadows, feeding and his due share of all veins, mines, and quarries as well discovered as not discovered within the bounds aforesaid and being part of said quantity of four hundred acres of land and the rivers, waters, and watercourses therein contained together with the privileges of hunting, hawking, fishing, fowling, and all other profits, commodities, and hereditaments whatsoever to the same or any part thereof belong or in anywise appertaining. To have, hold, possess, and enjoy the said tract or parcel of land and all other the before granted premises and every part thereof oftheir appurtenances unto the said Thomas Millsaps and to his heirs and assigns for ever. To be held of us our heirs and successorsas of our manor of East Greenwich in the County of Kent in free and common soccage and not in Capite or by Knights Service yielding and paying unto our heirs and successors for every fifty acres of land and so proportionately for a lesser or greater quantity than fifty acres the fee rent of one shilling yearly to be paid upon the feast of Saint Michael the Arch Angel and also cultivation and improving three acres part of every fifty of the tract above mentioned within three years after the date of these presents provided always that if three years of the said fee rent shall at any time be in arrear and unpaid or if the said Thomas Millsaps, his heirs, or assigns do not within the space of three years next coming after the date of these presents cultivate and improve three acres part of every fifty of the tract above mentioned then the estate hereby granted shall cease and be utterly determined and thereafter it shall and may be lawful to and for us our heirs and successors to grant the same lands and premises with the appurtenances unto such other person or persons as we our heirs and successors shall think fit. In witness whereof, we have caused these our letters patent to be made: Witness our trusty and well beloved Thomas Lee, Esq. President of our Council and Commander in chief of our said Colony and Dominion at Williams burgh under the seal of our said Colony the fifth day of September one thousand seven hundred and forty nine in the twenty third year of our reign.