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Donato's Angel

~ My Info ~

*~Hello Everyone!~*

My name is Laura and I am 19 years old. I attend Hofstra University (Go PRIDE!) and I'm in the Pep Band (ha imagine me with some PEP!!!) I am majoring in English. I also work at a doctor's office, where I am like the Gopher, lucky me huh? It's so aggravating, but anyway, dont let me get started on that. I have a wonderful fiance, who I don't know what I would do without. He is my entire life. I love you baby 4*29*99. MUAHS. I enjoy hanging out with family and friends.I love to write poetry and short stories and one day I hope to publish a book of my poems compiled together.

My Shout Outs

*^* Donato *^*

Baby, I love you so much. We've been through a lot of things in the last 3 years. I don't know where I'd be without you, you helped me be the person that I am. You are such an amazing person, thank you for everything. Ever since Donna's Sweet 16, I've liked you, but since April 29, 1999, I've grown to love you. Your quirkiness is one of the major things that I love. Your family has been great also, they've welcomed me with open arms and act like we are married. I cannot wait for that day. Everytime I look at my ring, all I can do is smile and think of how happy we are. ::sings Dreaming of You:: Late at night when all the world is sleeping, I stay up and think of you and I wish on a star that somewhere you are thinking of me to....::stops:: Everytime I think of you, I cannot help but smile. What is that? Vampire Stench? LOL Damn those oil slicks...MarioKart. I knew we were soulmates ever since 9/99. Baby I love you more than life. MUAHS. Ti amo sempre amore mio!! With you in my life all of my dreams have come true. We've sorted out many things over the last 4 years. My life would be different without you, and I know I would not be the same person I am today. Baby, I love you!! <3

*~* Steph *~*

My little sister, who is actually getting bigger than me...::cries:: Everyone is taller than me :( We have so much fun when we are around each other. I don't know what I'd do without our late night talks...when either one of us cries, but it's all good after we talk. Who else is going to go shopping with you and listen to you...??? LOL Just kidding...Who else is going to go Prom Dress shopping with you and help you pick out a dress.....I am definitely going with you when you check out some colleges....Concerts with you are well...interesting to say the least. Don't give up on guys!! There's someone out there for you...I don't wanna hear that from me.All I have to say is "ROAD TRIP!!" I gave you a bruise ::smiles evilly:: :) The first and only time, huh?! What's your new word that everyone will steal?? "Mos Def" Who are you going to marry now? It's sunburn right?! "OoOoOo He likes you! " I told you so!!! I win....You lose. EWWWWWW You sneezed on me....Thas nasty.

*-* Christina *-*

What would I do with out you? You make me laugh whenever we hang out? We've had some crazy times?? I'm going to drive the No Doubt Tour Bus one day...and be a guest on your show. Hey look, it's my little I still amazed how you can do that...HOOK!! LOL. You know that our kids will be friends. I feel so comfortable around you and that's why you are one of my best friends. Hopefully our children will be as close as we are and experience all the craziness that we went through.

*°* Andrew *°*

Andrew--> Ever since I can remember we've been friends. Asking our parents if we can go in each other's pools or going to the supermarket, having them say no and then asking if they can call the other. We'd always get to go. LOL. We've made a lot of we have a new one...watching you race and making 72 laps. Congrats on that by the way. My little brother...You are one crazy kid. REEEOOORRRIIITTT, did you know that I can still do that...LOL. IT's amazing b/c I was the one who could never do that out of all of us. Have you spoken to Bruce and Carol lately? Sorry but it's unforgetable... anyways how did you come up with those names? It still amazes me. Hurricane, was such a strange game! Watching you race is....well...scary first of all, but I am getting used to it...You have to keep on doing it. Thank you for staying in band with me, my last year...although you were hardly there...tsk tsk. What am I going to do with you? LOL J/K.

*¿* Brad *¿*

You are a great older brother, always taking care of me. Thank you. It means a lot to me to have a brother like you :). I will still never forget the day you made me tell Ron what you told me...about me being your younger sister. It means a lot to me. Whenever I have car problems I'll be seeing you, but I hardly see you now :(

*^* Felice *^*

Another brother of mine and one crazy guy. You are a great guy and I am glad that we are so close. It means a lot to me we can tease each other like we usually do. Like we used to when we worked at the office....having rubberband fights and you sticking M&M's between my toes...those were some crazy things, but they were fun. We have to hang out more often...I miss the good ol' By the way, you still owe me ice'm not going to forget it.So how many nicknames do you have for me, Buddy?! Depends on the color shirt, I wear, huh?! Little Canary, Blue Jay, Pinkie, Little Bug. "I think I'll keep you!" You are a great person to talk with. I can just bitch and complain to you and you can do the same with me. We get good advice that way dont we?! Our friendship is made up of truth, sense of humor, and advice basically. The two of us are like in practically every sense.Our little headbutts. :) After Hana's party, the next day my head started to hurt...I felt like I had a bruise.

*~* Michelle *~*

We have so much fun when we are around each other. Whether it's going to the mall and have someone follow us (or you) who was he following Or going to TGIFriday's and have those guys follow us...very scary and that was thanx to Steph. Trying to find a Sweet 16 dress There is never a dull moment...We have to hang out soon. You are like a sister to me and I am glad that we are so can talk to me about anything.You, Steph, and I are definitely TROUBLE MAKERS! ::laughs:: That should be our little group. Things are never the same after we've been there! lol! The Smithhaven Mall! ::screams:: He like the one in the brown coat...Sorry he needs a girlfriend.. I wonder who he was talking about. Then the Village Pub. What's your middle name? "Laura" ::smiles:: The two of us are definitely sisters. WE have to go shopping more because we have almost the same style :)

*-* Ray *-*

Hey babe, what's up? Or should I say "love"? may look older than me and be taller than me, but never forget....I am the older one. You cant have any of the cheerleaders...even if they look younger than you, but you are younger than them. By the way, the perfect girl is out there for you. Until then you'll just have to wait for her. You've gotta come out here more really do. I'm sure that your parents will let you out here everyday when you get a license and a car. ( After all.. how much trouble can a priest get into..::reads the papers:: Um... forget it...) <~~ Webmaster's lil input).You won't be alone forever, but with girls cuz, just take things slowly. You are a great guy and don't need someone just yet. Take it easy and don't try to buy them and you will have someone.Why do you need one. "I dont know what to tell you." "I wish I could, but it's up to you." You are a great person and I am glad that we can talk to each other about any and everything. We too are alike, more so than ever. :)

*¿* Chris *¿*

Hey what up cuz? You know they keep leaving your lights on. What are you going to do about your Ferrari? We've gotta chill more often...You are such a crazy We've got so many PANTYHOSE???!!! LOL....You are amazing on stage. Watching you there, I can tell you belong. You are a great guy. I love you.

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