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Entry One

6-21-02 Ramona's Entry

Pete and I picked up Bob and started the drive out to the coast late in the day. The carpool lane was of some help until we got to Puyallup, then it was heavy traffic for that time of day. It took longer than we would have liked. Just before our destination we found a Subway sandwich shop and Pete and Bob purchased a meal and refreshment.

We arrived at the Twin Harbors State Park campground around 8:00 p.m. As we approached the coast the temperature dropped and it definitely was cooler and overcast. Bob and I waited in the car as Pete went in to be assigned a campsite. We were wondering why it was taking so long. Pete returned to say he had good news and bad news. The bad news was - they had no record of the reservation! The good news was - there was a campsite available. Whew! What a relief! Although for two bikers and a small tent I do not think there would have been any problem setting them up in an area for the night.

We drove to the campsite and I watched them unpack their gear. Both Bob and Pete were anxious and excited to begin their bike trek. Pete had been working very hard at work trying to tie up many loose ends on pending projects before leaving and he did not have time to pack his bike packs before he had left. I was to wait at the campsite until he had packed his gear to be sure that if anything did not fit I could take it back with me. Fortunately everything fit. Pete thought that after a couple of days they would have their packing system down to an efficient order so they would know exactly where something was when they needed it. Pete did some last minute tune-ups on his bike and Bob went looking for a phone to contact his father.

While on the way out Bob had discovered that he had forgotten his biking shoes and his father was very gracious about being able to drive out to deliver them to his son that evening. Bob was unable to use his cell phone in the area. He had called his father earlier and now needed to tell him the correct campsite number because it had changed from what he had originally told him. Unfortunately his father’s cell phone number was inaccessible from the area and Bob was going to go to the old campsite number in hopes of meeting his father there and retrieving his shoes.

As I watched them sort out the evening I was wrapped in a woolen blanket against the chill of the evening. I could hear the sound of the ocean just beyond the trees and I was sure after Pete was settled he would go out and touch the water before he fell asleep. When I felt it was time I got into the car for the long drive back home. I saw the many happy campers around the site and I even saw a father and two sons in their wet suits and carrying surf boards returning to their campsite after a days surfing adventure. It reminded me of our days on the California beaches. I am sure this bike trip will be a great experience for them both.

I wished them well and asked the angels to guard them on their journey. I drove back home that same evening and I am anxiously waiting to hear how their first day went.


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