Steam Roller
move at a jog. left foot on the front left peg other foot on the back left peg.
Shove the frame right.
Swiftly turn left while pulling the front in under you.
Right when the back wheel comes off the ground, push the frame smoothly to the right around 120 degrees.
When The frame is passing your right hand take your hand from tha bars and grab the seat.This is hard and freaky. You should grab the back of the seat but the nose works too.
Just try to keep rolling forward like this. Do not use the brakes as they will throw you on your face.
Just to practice, try and roll around without getting in properly so you can learn to balance. The balancing is very hard. Do not become upset!
To ride out just place the back wheel on the ground and swing your right foot over it onto the pedal. Now move your left foot onto the other pedal. Ride out!