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Investigators Handbook  

Some Definitions:

  Hunt (Ghost Hunt) – Going to a place (church, school, or other property) where possible paranormal activity exists and trying to gather evidence of those paranormal activities.  Evidence can include audio, video, or other physical means.  Once the hunt is done, three conclusions are to be made.  One, no evidence can be gathered and a decision to end the hunt has been made.  Two, evidence can be gathered and a decision to continue with the “investigation” is the next step.  Or, three, no evidence can be gathered and a decision to continue the hunt at another time is made.  

Investigation (Ghost Investigation) – Once the “hunt” has been conducted and evidence exists, this is the next phase.  From here, data is recorded and gathered.  Data being that of photos, sounds recorded, notes written, samples, interviews of any or all witnesses.  Anything to either prove/disprove the investigation is gathered.  Once the investigation is completed the next step is either prove or disprove evidence of paranormal activity.  If to disprove, overwhelming evidence is produced and “assistance” is needed.   Assistance (Spiritual Guidance) – This step is just as important as the other two.  Guidance of either living with the spirit or trying to move it on form the property is to be decided.  Depending on the owner(s) of the property, they may want to pursue their own spiritual guidance in this matter (i.e. Priest, Wiccan coven leader, etc.).   I would recommend getting in contact with local officials and advise them of your groups’ intentions.  This is to not let the family down after the investigation is done and telling them that they are on their own.  Although, they may prefer just that.  Just be prepared not to leave the family out to dry.

  EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) – Is the process of recording voices or sounds of a spirit on audiotape.  This is usually done with a tape recorder and an external microphone.  Coaxing the spirits to answer by asking questions or demands.    EMF Detector (Electro-Magnetic Field Detector) – A device used in both hunts and investigations.  It’s used to detect spirits.  These meters read the electromagnetic fields in an area.  It is a common theory that spirits disrupt this field.  This distortion is reported to be in the rang of two to seven mill Gauss, which is measurable by commercial EMF detectors, designed to detect electromagnetic emissions form microwave ovens and high-tension electrical wires.  

Motion Detectors – Two of the most common types of detectors available today are Ultrasonic and Microwave.  Both use reflected waves to monitor an area.  A change in the reflected waves indicates motion, and triggers an alarm.  Ultrasonic motion detectors use very high-pitched sound waves, while microwave motion detectors use microwave radiation.      

Where to Begin:   Listed here are some places to begin hunts and investigations.  Although, don’t limit yourself and team to just these areas.  Also, don’t let the age of the property fool you either.  Remember don’t trespass on property.  Contact any local Police departments, Co. Sheriffs, or any establishments for permission, or to let them know that your team will be out hunting or investigating.  

Cemeteries – Age of the cemetery doesn’t matter, but the more time that has past, the more chance of other spirits accumulating in the area.  Theory is that sometimes spirits are drawn back to their won bodies, and that sometimes portals exist to continue to the “other side”.  The may be a lot of truth to this theory. 

Native Americans have always placed their loved one on sacred grounds to make the transition to the next world easier.   

Schools – Either schools or former sites may house spirits because of highly emotional events that may have happened at the site.  

Theaters – Same situation that applies to schools.  Because of the highly emotional events that occur at this site, it could draw spirits back to it.  

Churches – Because of the highly emotional state that people get into when in churches, this is a hotspot for activity.  Usually the buildings are opened to the public, which gives you an easy place to start.  

Battlefields – many violent deaths occur at such sites, making this also a hot spot for spirits.  Because of the nature of these areas I highly recommend these areas.

  Hotels / Motels / Boarding Houses – Dark dealings and highly emotion states take place in these rooms.   

Prisons – Another great site for lingering spirits.  

Lighthouses – The commitment of lighthouse keepers and their families make this a highly emotional site.  Also many deaths occurred due to being so far from medical facilities.

  Highways – Roads with high fatal accident casualties.   

Museums – Many objects with emotional attachments to spirits can be found within these dwellings.

  Antique Stores – For the same reasons as stated above.  

Ghost Towns – Need I say more???            

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  The types of spirits that may be encountered…   This spirit is of human nature and remains this way.  This spirit may not know that it has past on, possible because of unfinished business.  Or sudden death.  These spirits resemble their former selves in the previous life.  Their temperament depends on who they use to be.  Beware, because of this person was moody, mean, other wise it will show.  Although, highly unlikely.
This spirit is not of human origin for whatever reason.  These are the type of spirits to watch out for because of what trouble they cause.  Not much else can be said about these because of where they come from, which is still under investigation.  Beware of these also.  But, it is also highly unlikely that you’ll encounter these too.   WHAT EQUIPMENT YOU SHOULD BRING DURING A HUNT OR INVESTIGATION:   35MM Camera – One of the more important tools of the trade.  As long as it’s a brand name camera, who cares?  With technology these days you don’t have to worry too much about quality.  Also, what ever your cost, you go as expensive, or as cheap as you want.  The type of film that I would use, as many paranormal investigators do, would be at least 400-speed film.  Although 800 speed film seems to get better quality over all.   Digital Camera – Also an important tool. Being an avid fan of HP, I would recommend any of their cameras.  Although quality here is what counts.  The better the camera, the better results.  But, this camera should compliment a regular film camera.  I am sometimes skeptical of this technology because of the classic picture, erase the cameras memory and start from scratch.  Also, you don't have to worry about physic imprints on the film.     Flashlight with spare batteries and bulb and flashlight ring – Obviously, this item is a common sense thing to have.  I recommend a police flashlight.  Most of these come with battery packs that you can switch out faster, rather than fumble around with batteries and miss an opportunity.  Most police stores you can get a flashlight ring to put on your belt loop to hold your flashlight for easy access. 
First aid kit – Just in case, you never know when you’re going to need one.       Notebook w/pen and pencil – You’ll need to write and log everything that happens on the hunts and investigations.  Bring at least one pen and pencil.  The reason behind both is because if you’re in the cold for a long time…your pen could freeze up on you.  Also you pencil lead may break, and then you can use your back up pen.  If you don’t write your information down then you really don’t have much research information.  “If it isn’t written down, it didn’t happen”!    Pocket Tape Recorder, VOX – You can either supplement this with your pen and pencil with notebook, or you could just use this by itself.  You don’t have to fumble around with writing utensils.  I would recommend getting an external mic to pin to your shirt if possible, to make it hands free.  Make sure that you have extra batteries and blank tapes for back up.   Jackets or weather appropriate clothes – if you are cold you are not at your best and your observation skill could suffer, pretty common sense.   Watch – so you can log in the times of events and your arrival and departure.   Video Camera – This is used for taping in lighted or daylight conditions only, unless you have a special low light camera. Although, you probably won’t catch much with this, it is helpful towards evidence gathering and organization of the time frame logs.   Tape recorder w/external microphone and high quality tape – Must be used with an external microphone, if not, you’ll record the sounds of the internal mechanism of the recorder, therefore, making your tape useless.  If possible, use high bias or metal tapes.   IMF Detector – The most important tool of the investigation.  Common theory proposes that spirits disrupt the electromagnetic field, making them detectable with this tool.  Be aware of the natural readings in the investigations area before you assume that your readings are detecting a spirit’s presence.  Make sure that you know where power lines major appliances and other electronics are before your investigation.   Compass – Not only to find your way or to plot out certain areas, but you can also use in conjunction with the EMF Detector.  The needle of the compass will move erratically if done properly when trying to find a spiritual presence.    Motion Detectors – I would recommend using infrared detectors and also only inside buildings too.  Because of the sensitive of the detectors, you don’t want any other natural causes interfering.   Thermometer or Thermal Scanner – Both are excellent for detecting cold spots that are often found at the investigations area.  Thermal scanners work on a point and shoot situation.  Picking up any cold spots that the beam travels through.  It could be easier to track of areas indoor this way.  But, a regular digital or analog thermometer will do the job also.  There detect the temperature that they “sit” in at the time of detection.  Either one will work, just depends on your budget.   Hand Held Radios – Very useful in large in/outdoor areas where your team is divided in groups.  Especially in an emergency, these might be your best friends!  Be aware they could interfere with EVP recording.   Map – For both the property you’re investigating, and outside that area.  In case of an emergency, or your adventures lead you onto a direction you didn’t expect, be prepared to go beyond that.  Take one with you to avoid the pain of not having one!   Identification – During your investigations, you’ll probably attract the attention of the police in one form or another.  They’ll want you to have some kind of ID to know who you are.  I would recommend getting some kind of ID holder that you could clip to your shirt coat pocket for “instant ID”.  Also, make sure that you have the original copies of the release forms and permission slip if possible for them to look at.   Investigations Kit – This includes items such as large tweezers, plastic containers, small jars, storage bags, and rubber gloves.  These items are to gather evidence of any kind that may help in the investigation.    Cellular Phone – If you have one, it can come in handy in case of emergency.   THE HUNT OR INVESTIGATION:   Research and scout out the specific location first.  Gain information about the history the location and who owns it.  Try and arrange and/or get permission to be on the property first.  Advise the owner of who will be there and what the teams will be doing.  If it is public property, notify the police that your team will be there.  If possible, try and contact the Parks and Recreations Dept. first and get permission.  This will be easier than trying to explain yourself to the police or owners of your presence if someone calls in!
Also, try and get witness interviews out of the way first.  It could also help in the dis/proving of the paranormal activity.
Decide what tools will be needed on the hunt or investigation.  Also, make sure that you have all the supplies needed for it.  Try and also devise how the walk through of the property is to be conducted.  Set ground rules for the team and that everyone understands and agrees to them. Discuss transportation arrangements and directions. 
Pick a specific day and time for the hunt or investigation to begin.  If the weather is bad, reschedule, especially if outside.  But, if an electrical storm is present, it may increase activity, but try and keep indoors.  Remember, safety first!
Before arriving to the property, make sure that everything is loaded.  Cameras, tape recorders, fresh batteries, and film.  That way, in case something happens when you arrive at the property, you and your team won’t be fumbling around with the equipment.  Again, make sure that everyone understands the walk through plans and rules.
Whoever is in charge of the team is the contact.  That way, in case you have a discussion with anyone (i.e. police, owners, other people), that person is the spokesman for the group.  
Also, some like to say a blessing before the beginning of the investigation.  That way spirits won’t follow them and this may keep low-level spirits at bay.  Whatever your belief, make sure that you are comfortable with it and BELIEVE in it, else you won’t be protected. 
Walk around the property to get a feeling of the surroundings and allow any spirits to get a feel for your team and you.  I would estimate to do this for about 15 to 20 minutes.  Then log your start time and weather conditions and any other information that is relevant.  If need be, during this time, also set up any stationary equipment that you may have.  Make note of any areas that may give you false readings or possible false pictures.
Then get yourself and other teams members ready for cameras, recorders, etc.  Start getting pictures and other evidence of paranormal activity.  Be sure to note anything that is unusual, especially meter and temperature readings.  Also note any visual sightings and strange sounds that are heard.  Note any strange or unusual feelings or emotions that may seem out of place.  NOTE EVERYTHING YOU CAN, NO MATTER HOW STRANG OR UNUSUAL!  I cannot stress that enough.  That way you can compare notes and findings later.  If someone coughs during the investigation, log it!  Someone trips over something log it.  Because what one teams hears, may not be the same as to what another may hear somewhere else.
Make sure that everyone gets to double over everything that the first group has done.  That way it gives everyone the opportunity to investigate.  This also keeps everyone alert and the chance to double your findings and compare notes later.  And compiles the scientific data for later analysis.
Also if for whatever reason, a mess is made during the investigation, please clean up afterwards.  Respect for the owner and the spirits!    AUDIO AND VIDEO RECORDING TIPS;   Open you film and load it before going to the hunt or investigation site.
Use at least 400-speed 35mm film.  Usually 400 and 800 speeds work best, but anything higher usually develops too grainy.  You may want to try using black and white or even infrared firm.
Try and make note of other lights in the area so when you view the picture later, you won’t think a street light is an “orb”.
No smoking at the location, it can appear list mist on photos, so don’t contaminate the evidence gathered.
Watch for dust or dirt being kicked up in the area you are taking pictures of, because it can make it look like orbs.
Long hair should be tied back or put under a hat.  Again, this is to prevent contamination of the evidence. 
If possible, remove or tie up camera straps to prevent contamination of evidence. 
Watch for reflective surfaces and try to make note of them in your log.  Make note of any light sources if possible that may appear on film.
Let other team members know when a photo is about to be taken, that way you are not getting double flashes and any low light devices can be pointed away or protected.  If this happens, log the picture number and what happened during the picture.
Be conscious of your breath during cold weather.  Even your hands if you have had them stuffed in gloves because of the sweat evaporating which can cause stream.  If you THINK you may have accidentally taken a picture of it, log it in your notes and when you get the photo back, just discard it form the evidence.
You may even try asking the spirit(s) if you can take its/their picture.  What could it hurt?
When taken pictures, take them anywhere! But try and include the whole room or area if possible.
If you see an orb, mists, or sparkles during the flash of the photo, then take more.  You could be near a spirit.
Study each photo carefully; sometimes spirits are hard to notice.
Make sure that you use your 35mm and then your digital right away.  That way again you are being extra careful during your evidence gathering.   
Don’t pay for fancy developing, you can get them developed anywhere.  Just let the developers know to process and print every photo.  I use the local discount stores photo service.   ADDITIONAL STEPS:   · If possible, during the walk through of the property, note on map location of any air vents, heaters, electrical appliances, fuse boxes, and other major electronics.  Mark down temperatures in their rooms and any EMF readings.  Also, have a team member take at least 5 to 10 photos of the property during the walk through.    · If a new witness comes up during the walk through of the location, try and interview them away form the walk through if possible.  Get permission, and then have at least 2-team members interview with a camcorder if possible.  The other members should continue with the walk through.   · Don’t share any conclusions or opinions with the witnesses or wonders until all the evidence and data has been prepared and reviewed.  Your team will need to research the evidence and correlate it before an educated opinion can be given.   · If the weather is uncooperative, such as raining, snowing, or foggy, reschedule it!  Proper hunts or investigations cannot be done in those kinds of conditions.   · Keep you mind open, any negative feelings may drive away spirits.  Be respectful of locations and of the spirits.   · Be skeptical, look for any natural causes or man made ------- that could be causing the so-called paranormal activity.  The evidence that is gathered by the team will have to stand up to scrutiny.  Eliminating all explanations makes the evidence all the stronger.   · Obviously, no smoking, alcohol, or drugs at the hunts or investigations.   · Don’t whisper, it could cause problems with the EVP tapes.   · Try not to ear any kind of scent products (i.e. perfume, cologne, etc).  That way someone on the team doesn’t mistake it for a supernatural occurrence.   · Make sure that someone knows where the team is going to be conducting the hunt or investigation, in case of emergency.   · Avoid areas that are marked with “No Trespassing” signs or the like.  Your team should be OK as long as no signs are posted prohibiting presence in certain areas.  As long as responsible parties ask you to leave the property, you are OK.  But, if asked to leave or other signs are visible…respect them!   · Obey all laws when out on a hunt or investigation.  The attention of police officers is often gotten very easily when you or your team is wandering around a cemetery, church or other property in the middle of the night.  As long as you and your team ore on public property, and aren’t breaking any laws, there shouldn’t be a problem.  But, you should always anticipate having to explain your teams presence to the powers that be.   · Don’t horse around at any hunt or investigation.  Search for any conventional explanation for any supernatural event you and your team may witness.  No investigation has benefited from other team members jumping about in Halloween masks to terrorize fellow team members.   · Avoid discussions of any event that you or your team witness until everyone present has a chance to write down their version of the incident.  Because of this, sometimes when something happens, individual accounts get jumbled and everyone starts to question or forget their own impressions.   · Be sure to dress appropriately for the hunts or investigations.  Shorts, baggie pants, sandals, high heels leads to problems in overgrown vegetation or unseen pitfalls.  Also doesn’t look too professional.  Although, when conducting a hunt or investigation and looking like a SWAT team, doesn’t help either.  I recommend blue jeans, comfortable shoes, and a T-shirt.  Also, to compliment and have some kind of uniformity, my team uses a green windbreaker with the letters NCPG in yellow stenciled on the back and front.  Also a fanny pack to hold other supplies and equipment.   · Avoid lone hunts or investigations.  You can run into hazardous terrain that could cause injury.  Also, that if you are stranded in the middle of nowhere at night, you can run into some strange or unexpected dangers too.  Just remember, make sure that you have a “battle buddy” with you.       · Make sure that you are comfortable and competent with the equipment that you have before conduction a hunt or investigation.  Simple equipment can be difficult to operate because of poor design.  Take the time to become familiar with you equipment.  Be prepared to act out of instinct and experience with your equipment.   · Keep an open mind with respect to personal accounts told by witnesses.  Some people are commonly seen more or less as credible witnesses, simply on their appearance, demeanor, or station in life.  While these instincts, gut reactions, and first impressions have some degree of truth within themselves, social stereotyping largely influences them.  It is important the each individual account be evaluated with respect.   · During recordings of EVP, make sure that everyone present speaks in a normal tone voice.  Never whisper during an EVP recording.  Also, constant chatter should be avoided.  Speak only when necessary and in a normal tone.  It will be easier when trying to distinguish an EVP form everyone present at the investigation.  Also, if your using hand held radios make sure that you have an earpiece in for the radio.  The recorder isn’t picking up that way the chatter of the radio.   · EMF meters detect the electro-magnetic fields oftentimes associated with ghosts and haunting activity.  But, don’t be fooled into thinking that EMF’s are exclusive to the paranormal.  First, before you run screaming “Ghost!” the possibility of an electrical source must be ruled out.  Appliances, televisions, digital alarm clocks, power lines, etc…all emit EMF while in use.  To get a feel for you EMF meter, we suggest you begin by scanning your home.  Put it close to the T>V> set while it is both on and off.  When you get a reading, scan to see actually haw far the EMF extends away form the set itself.  Further than you thought, huh?  When scanning for ghosts, don’t just hold the device in your hand.  Put your detector into the area you wish to scan.  Be sure to scan headstones, chairs, couches and other sitting surfaces, corners, closets and anywhere you think a ghost might go.  Move your meter in all directions while scanning.  For example, don’t simply put it in a closet momentarily; scan the closet top to bottom, left to right.  

FINAL NOTES:   Keep in mind that most of the people contacted that request an investigation will want to be comforted, educated and may also want the spirits evicted.  Whatever approach or beliefs, be prepared for this.  If not, make sure that you have contacts that can help or at least provide assistance to help in the eviction of the spirit(s).

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