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Do you have an unusual problem that involves unseen goblins?  Maybe our group can help.  We work for free (except for gas and any added expenses). 
  A long time ago (before either you or I was born) the spiritualists of the world discovered through communication with “the other side” that there were several so called “ghosts” roaming around either bothering people or just lost.   When the spiritualists at the time communicated with the other side they learned through communication with their spirit guides and others that there is a school of workers on the other side that help these unfortunate individuals called the Watson School of Light Workers.  And that they (the spiritualists) could ask them to help these unfortunate lost souls.  Some of you reading this may have known Rev. Dollie Sanders, she is the one who introduced the Watson School to this writer as well as many other of her students. 
  The Watson School of White Light are light beings on the other side and their sole purpose is to help to bring across individuals that are “stuck” in one way or the other on the earth plane to a higher plane of existence.  This assistance is done by forming a white light circle and communicating with these individuals to try to move them towards the white light.  Many of those who are stuck do not want to move towards the light but can be motivated to do so with kind and considerate urging. 
  What we are trying to do is to help those that are disturbed or unseen individuals move to their greater good. 
We do not charge but do ask for gas money and extra expenses (which there is usually none)
A  “love offering” is given only if you wish.   
There are no guarantees in this
white light work but we will be
more than happy to try and assist you.
if you have this problem or concern,
please write to me. 


My email address is: and I will be more than happy to discuss it with you and maybe come to your place and check it out.  
Rev. Alita
