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The Spirits aren't always in the Whiskey  

As experience has told us, many places in peculiar have reports of being haunted.  Places such as hospitals, retirement centers for the elderly, and treatment facilities.  Yes that’s what I said.  I am a Chemical Dependency Professional working in the state of Washington.  All the treatment centers I’ve worked in have spirit activity.  I say this not only by my personal accounts, but my colleagues also report experiences they can’t explain. 

One place I want to tell you about is located centrally in the city of Bellingham.  A small group of offices in an upstairs section of many suites is home to energy of unknown origin.  This outpatient program started in this suite around 1991.  Several years before that, another program was in the same offices and closed after giving it a good try.  One room in the back is used as a group room, slash counselors office.  Out of the five counselors I know of, including myself, all have experienced great depression after moving in.  At times when I would be standing in the middle of the room, papers and articles on the desk in front of me would start moving.  Often times just the sound of rustling papers was heard.  One female counselor from South America reported seeing a black energy rise up and come at her when she was smudging the room.  This energy backed her out of the room and she left for the night. Those of us with the teachings of the native ways smudged a lot.  She reported to several of us staff the next day of this menacing presence.  She seemed determined to not let this spirit get the best of her.  But eventually she left stressed and burnt out.  She chose to leave the profession altogether.  Certainly our loss! 

I’d experience the energy as seeing papers moving, while she saw the entity.  That room was my last office before resigning.  I left in a hurry and stressed to the max.  All the counselors that occupy that room leave the same way.  I asked other staff to exchange offices with me and they said, “no way wedon’t want to be in there with that thing”.  One counselor a man close to his church had ministers come in after hours to bless and anoint each room.  It seems to help for a while, but eventually things got back to normal.   During the time since the center started many patients relapsed and died as a result of overdoses.  Some choosing to drive again under the influence, crashed and died.  So what do I think the cause of this energy is?  I personally believe many addicts and alcoholics have spirits attached to them.  Patients coming in and out all the time, bringing energy with them.  And I believe some decide to stay.  Lots of counseling and letting go take place in those rooms.  And maybe some patients start the road to recovery by letting go of their demons, right there in those same rooms.  I’ve witnessed a lifting of spirit in people that can’t be explained.  There is a saying in recovery, “We can’t promise that the gates to heaven will open up and let you in.  But we will promise that the gates to hell will open up and let you out.”  Now if staff could have trainings on how to rid the energy before it turns dark.  Well I’m learning more how to take care of myself and protect my space.  I set limits with the spirits as they wonder the halls.  I presently work on a reservation with their drug and alcohol program, and we have lots of spirits.  The only difference is, I now tell them I have to work and so for now “take a rest.”  All the staff knows of their presence and they come up in conversation a lot.  Sort of like family.  Do I believe that the dark presence still lingers at the small program in Bellingham?  Yulp, nothing changes if nothing changes.  That’s another story another time that I hope I can report to you later.  

Story submitted by Swift Eagle

