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What Is BOOO? 
Bellingham Observers of the Odd and Obscure:
  BOOO is a small group of amateur investigators of paranormal energy, and Odd Occurrences.  We meet regularly to discuss and learn more about the growing number of paranormal activities and to investigate alleged HAUNTED SITES!   We conduct private and confidential investigations, gathering evidence while respecting personal privacy and property.  We will offer training for new members before going on site.  Group investigations of grave yards are open to anyone.    We also include spiritual aspects of investigating, having psychics with sensitive abilities, handling each investigation as guided by spirit.  Our investigations starts with prayer and asking permission to continue, ending with words of gratitude to the unseen forces that guides us.     Some times we encounter the need for Spiritual Transformation.  We have referrals that have many years experience in being "Light Workers."
Be assured we are "Connected!"