This is a page I
have made for a friend of mine who has been experiencing some
health problems. My
thoughts are with her. I wanted to cheer her up a bit, thus
this page.
They say
that smiling and laughter are the best cures,
so I attacked my memorabilia box
and came up with a few
items from our past that
we had shared.
This is a picture of me and some friends graduating from PennTreaty Jr. High School... so many years ago!
I was on the Penn Treaty traffic patrol? We had to monitor the halls in between classes. I felt so important.
Here is my roster schedule for 8B.
This is a page out of my autograph book.
Then of course, there were those graduation pictures. My goodness, where does the time go?
Remembering Mastbaum
Click Here to see Mastbaum's logo!
I tried out for the Mastbaum Cheerleader's club?
I didn't make it (what else is new) did you?
Click little
cheerleader to see a Mastbaum cheer! Yeah team!
Here is the Mastbaum song? I don't remember it?
I recently found a great Mastbaum Link
A teacher you would never forget Remember Mrs Sprague
The Alumni Association will gratefully accept any donation in memory of a deceased Mastbaum graduate, or relative of a graduate. JEMAA acknowledges all gifts to the family of the deceased. All contributions go to scholarships. |
We gratefully accept donations for the JEMAA Mary Sprague Memorial Fund. Every year, a cash award is given to a graduating senior who is furthering his or her education. This is for the purchase of books. The award is given in memory of Mrs. Sprague, who taught English at Mastbaum for more than 20 years. We determine the recipient by results of an essay contest. |
This statue was in the lobby of Mastbaum for years and years Click on it to see it large.
As long as there are tests, there will be
prayer in public schools.
The 50-50-90 rule: Anytime you have a
50-50 chance of getting
something right, there's a 90% probability
you'll get it wrong.
Looking Back
Catchin' lightening bugs in a
jar, Bedtime, Climbing trees, There's nothing like the
good old days! They were good then, and
they're good now when we think about them. (Keds & P F Flyers), Do you remember when? |
click on books to email me
Below are a few songs I thought you might enjoy!
Garden Party (because I like it) | Rock Around the Clock | Peggy Sue | I'm Walking | Mr Lonely | Sixteen Candles |
Click on the banner below to find your High School!