1. The CNP strongly advocates the concept of giving the counties and communities greater say in their own affairs through decentralization and direct democracy. The people should and must have the real last word in the issues and affairs of their home counties and towns. These can be conducted through referendums. Most facets except for energy, environment, external affairs, transportation, and some legal affairs will be give to the control of the communities.

2. The CNP firmly maintains the rights and liberties of every citizen regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, social class, religion, or creed. To ensure this, any future rewrite of the state and future national constitution should have imbedded in it a charter of rights and liberties to ensure all will be given a share in our society.

3. Upon independence, any issues of national interest must be consulted with both legislative bodies in the state capitals of Oregon and Washington before passing on to the Federal Assembly, a unicameral legislative body which would consist of representatives from local districts in both states. The Federal Assembly will be utilized to introduce, debate, and pass bills which would be ultimately signed by both governors of Oregon and Washington and the president of Cascadia.

4.The state legislatures in both Oregon and Washington should be merged into one-chamber state assemblies in order to speed up the lawmaking and law passing process. The state of Nebraska as well as several countries have such legislative bodies and are successful.

5. To eliminate any deadlock in the state or federal assemblies, should any bill fail to pass through a tie or any indifference after a 90-day period, then such matter should be put to the people of Cascadia and/or it's states through referendums to settle the outcome. If any referendum passes, then it will be finalized by the signatures of the governors of Oregon and Washington and/or the President of the Republic. Therefore the law of the land.

6. To have a fair play policy in the way of elections, the equal distribution of campaign funding as well as required media access to all political parties to ensure all voices are heard and given the chance to prove themselves in elections from the local level to the national level. This gives the chance for a multiparty democracy as oppose to a two-party system.

7. All services from government should be streamlined and all unnecessary bureaucracy be thrown out. The government should decentralize all service to local agencies in order to better serve the communities to they serve.

8. To broaden the personal freedoms of the citizens of Cascadia as long as they don't impact the security of the nation. Most victimless crimes should be eliminated. The legal system needs to be overhauled and get their priorities in check.

9. To maintain the freedom of information and access to all government information and documentation by the citizens of Cascadia except for information that would impact national security.

10. In order to ensure further government accountability, there should be the introduction of "question periods" conducted by the state legislatures and the future Federal Assembly on a weekly or bi-weekly bases where members of both state and national assemblies can put forth questions to the governorate or presidential cabinets on issues and how they are being conducted and how they are being dealt with.

11. Eliminate the electorial collage. Every national election should be one person for one vote.

12. Upon independence, all federal cabinet positions shall be voted on by the people of Cascadia.

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