1. Cascadia is to become a nuclear-free zone. This means the closure of the Hanford Reservation and the Bangor U.S. Navy Submarine Base. No further nuclear plants or facilities will be planned or built.

2. The investment in the technologies that will harness alternative energy resources such as solar, wind, hydrogen, and biomass. Coal and petroleum will not be long-term answers to the energy problems we face today.

3. Establish high efficiency standards for lighting and home appliances.

4. Tax incentives for companies who invest in making their facilities energy efficient and using energy efficient technologies.

5.To continue to use current energy resources but invest in better ways to make them more safer to the environment.

6.The takeover of the Bonneville Power Adminsitration facilities in Oregon and Washington jointly by the states. We will continue to provide power to the Western United States and Canada at a cost and on a limited basis. We must provide our own needs as a first priority.

7.To cut subsides and funding to companies that refuse to use non-renewable resources for energy.

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