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Genealogy Data Page 26 (Notes Pages)

For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.

, Matilda (b. , d. ?)

Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 140

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de Boulogne, William (b. , d. Abt 1159)
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 140
Death: Abt 1159

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, Godfrey (Or Geoffrey) Count of Boulogne, Duke of Lower Lorraine (b. Bef 1061, d. 18 Jul 1100)
Note: BIOGRAPHY: Domesday tenant 1086 at Carshalton, Surrey; a leader of the First Crusade, elected King of Jerusalem, but took the title Advocate of the Holy Sepulchre (as Godfrey I). Weis, "Ancestral Roots", page 138-139.

BIOGRAPHY: French GODEFROI DE BOUILLON, duke of Lower Lorraine (as Godfrey IV; 1089-1100) and a leader of the First Crusade, who became the first Latin ruler in Palestine after the capture of Jerusalem from the Muslims in July 1099. Godfrey's parents were Count Eustace II of Boulogne and Ida, daughter of Duke Godfrey II of Lower Lorraine. Although he was named heir to the duchy of Lower Lorraine by his uncle in 1076, the Holy Roman emperor Henry IV kept the duchy for his son and left Godfrey with the lordship of Bouillon, in the Ardennes region of France. Godfrey won back his duchy in 1089 as a reward for his loyal service in Henry's war against the Saxons. Impelled by religious motives, a craving for adventure, and his failure as an administrator, Godfrey, with his brothers Eustace and Baldwin, joined the First Crusade in 1096. When Raymond of Toulouse, lay leader of the crusade, declined to become king of Jerusalem, Godfrey accepted the crown but refused the title of king and was called instead Advocatus Sancti Sepulchri (Defender of the Holy Sepulchre). Although Godfrey arranged truces with the Muslim maritime cities of Ascalon, Caesarea, and Acre and successfully beat off an Egyptian attack, he alienated many of the crusade's leading figures. Most of these returned to Europe or took up residence in other parts of Palestine, leaving Jerusalem defenseless. Godfrey also acknowledged himself as a vassal of Daimbert, patriarch of Jerusalem, thus laying the foundation for future struggles between lay and ecclesiastical figures who sought to control the kingdom. On his death he was succeeded by his brother Baldwin I. Despite Godfrey's weakness as a ruler, the tall, handsome, and fair-haired descendant ofCharlemagne was later idolized in legend as the "perfect Christian knight, the peerless hero of the whole crusading epic." ENCYCLOPÆDIA BRITANNICA online edition

BIOGRAPHY: Duke of Lower Lorraine and first King of Jerusalem, son of Eustache II, Count of Boulogne, and of Ida, daughter of Godfrey the Bearded, Duke of Lower Lorraine; b. probably at Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1060; d. at Jerusalem, 18 July, 1100 (according to a thirteenth-century chronicler, he was born at Baisy, in Brabant; see Haigneré, Mémoires lus à la Sorbonne, Paris, 1868, 213). The history of his early years has been distorted by legend, according to which he slew with his own hand the anti-king Rodolphe at the battle of Moelsen (1080), and was first to enter Rome after it had been besieged by Henry IV (1084). What appears certain is that he was chosen to succeed his uncle Godfrey the Hunchback, Duke of Lower Lorraine, who was assassinated in 1076. But Henry IV took Lorraine, leaving to Godfrey only the marquessate of Antwerp. As a vassal of the German Empire Godfrey took sides with the army of Henry IV in the War of the Investitures and followed the emperor on his expedition to Italy against Gregory VII (1080-1084). In the interval hewas compelled to return in order to defend his possessions which had been attacked by the Count of Namur, and about 1089 Henry IV restored to him the legacy of Godfrey the Hunchback by creating him Duke of Lower Lorraine. The new duke's authority was extremely weak when opposed to the feudal power which had developed in the vicinity. At this time the whole north of France was aroused by the letter of Urban II, who besought the nobility of Flanders to go on the Crusade. Godfrey was among the first to take the cross, together with his two brothers, Eustache and Baldwin (1096). To procure resources he sold or pledged many of his estates. Many nobles at once arrayed themselves under his banner, and about 15 August, 1096, he departed at the head of 10,000 knights and 30,000 foot soldiers. His army was composed of Walloons and Flemings. "Born at the frontier of the two nations and himself speaking both languages", he served as the link between them, and by his authority appeased the quarrels provoked by their national self-esteem (Otto of Freisingen, Mon. Germ. Hist.: Script., XX, 250). The crusaders reached the valley of the Danube and in September, 1096, arrived at Tollenburch (Tulin, west of Vienna), on the frontier of Hungary, where they learned of the disaster that had befallen the followers of Peter the Hermit. Before entering Hungary Godfrey negotiated with King Coloman for a free passage through his dominions. He himself met the king, who welcomed him warmly, but took Godfrey's brother Baldwin as a hostage, together with his wife. During the march through Hungary (October, 1096) the strictest disciplines prevailed among the crusaders, to whom the inhabitants furnished provisions in abundance. After crossing the Save, the army entered the territory of the Byzantine Empire. At Belgrade Godfrey received a letter from the Emperor Alexius I (Comnenus), promising him assistance if the crusaders would refrain from violence. At Nish and at Sterniz (Sofia), they found abundant provisions and presents from the emperor. After a halt of eight days at Philippopolis (26 Nov.-3 Dec.) the army approached Adrianople (8 December) and marched towards the Hellespont. Here occurred the first conflict between the crusaders and the imperial government. According to Albert of Aix, Godfrey, learning that the emperor held in captivity Hugues, a prince of France, demanded the latter's freedom, and on the emperor's refusal pillaged the neighborhood of Salabria (Selymbria). As a matter of fact, the French prince was not a prisoner, but Godfrey and his army arrived before Constantinople (23 Dec., 1096) in a hostile mood, and closely watched by the imperial troops. Warned against the emperor, Godfrey kept away from the imperial palace. However, during the Christmas festivities, he consented to cross the Golden Horn, and went into camp at Pera (29 Dec.). The chief desire of Alexius was to prevent the junction of Godfrey's army with that of Bohemond, leader of the Normans of Italy; Alexius had hoped to induce Godfrey to swear fealty to him and then to remove his army to Asia. Throughout the winter Godfrey resisted the imperial demands. At last, 2 April, 1097 (the date given by Anna Comnena is preferable to 13 January given by Albert of Aix; see Chalandon, "Alexis Comnène", 179), on the approach of Bohemond, the emperor decided to act, and cut off the supplies of the crusaders. Several combats ensued, and, despite the contrary assertion of Albert of Aix, Godfrey must have been defeated. Anna Comnena states that he then consented to do homage to the emperor, promising to restore him any former imperial possessions which he might wrest from the infidels. Some days later the Lorraine army was conveyed to Pelekan on the Gulf of Nicomedia, and at the end of April all the leaders of the crusade were reunited. Godfrey appears to have acted as peacemaker, and he induced Raymond IV, of St-Gilles, Count of Toulouse, to swear fealty to the emperor. Far from directing the crusade, he appears to have taken an obscure part in the siege of Nicæa and the battle of Dorylæum (1 July, 1097). During the crossing of Asia Minor he was seriously wounded while hunting. At the siege of Antioch he consented to obey the orders of Bohemond, and after the capture of the city he had to give up the castle which his followers had taken (July, 1098). On the way to Jerusalem. while others quarrelled, Godfrey marched towards Edessa, where his brother, Baldwin, had just established himself. He returned from this expedition in October, 1098, and before entering Antioch, with only twelve knights, put to flight onehundred and fifty Turks. According to the tradition repeated by Guibert de Nogent (Gesta, VII, 11), he had, with a stroke of the sword, hewn a Turkish horseman through the middle so that his body fell in two equal halves. Having returned to Antioch, he took part, together with Robert Courte-Heuse, Duke of Normandy, in the council of arbitration assembled to reconcile Bohemond and Raymond of St-Gilles. After 23 November, 1098, a number of the crusaders left Antioch with Raymond, butGodfrey of Bouillon and Robert, Count of Flanders, began to march on Jerusalem only at the end of February, 1099. After besieging Gibel they rejoined the main army before Arka (12 March), were at Tripoli (13 May), Beirut (19 May), Cæsarea (30 May), and reached Jerusalem on 7 June. Godfrey and his army took an active part in the siege of the Holy City. His camp was pitched to the westward. On 15 July, 1099, about nine in the morning, Godfrey and his brother Eustache placed a movabletower against the walls and were the first to enter the city. During the ensuing massacre of Mussulmans, Godfrey, thinking only of his vow, stripped himself of his arms, and, barefooted and in his under-garments, made the rounds of the ramparts, and then went to pray at the Holy Sepulchre. The crusaders were soon intent on providing a new king for the conquest. Several bishops offered the crown to Raymond of St-Gilles, who refused, declaring "that the title of king seemed to him outof place in that city" (Raimond de Aguilers, Histor. Occid. des Crois., III, 301). Robert Courte-Heuse being urged declined in like manner. All refused to accept the burden which the new royalty must prove. Finally, Godfrey, being unanimously elected, accepted "for the love of Christ" (22 July). According to the chronicles of those times, he refused to wear the crown "through respect for Him who had been crowned in that place with the Crown of Thorns". Indeed, he seems never to haveborne the title of king (which only appears under his successor), and to have been content with that of Duke and Advocate of the Holy Sepulchre. It may be that he acted in this manner through respect for the clergy, who regarded the new conquest as the property of all Christendom, and some of whom were averse to the election of a king (Raimond de Aguilers, Hist. Occid. Crois., III, 295). Godfrey seems to have always considered himself the protector of the Church. Not only did he make so many donations that William of Tyre despairs of enumerating them, not only did he cede a fourth of Jaffa (Joppa), the city of Jerusalem, and the tower of David to the patriarch Daimbert, but he consented, as did Bohemond, to receive investiture from the patriarch (William of Tyre, Historia, IX, XV). Godfrey displayed great energy in meeting the many difficulties which threatened the new State, but he was destined to succumb to sickness. On 12 August, 1099, having rallied the crusading forces, he gained a victory at Ascalon, thus preserving Palestine from Egyptian invasion. Assisted by the Pisans, he rebuilt the city of Jaffa, which became a port of arrival for crusaders. He signed a treaty of alliance with the Venetian fleet, agreeing to besiege Acre, but was attacked by the plague at Cæsarea, 10 June. After a short stay at the hospital which he had founded at Jaffa, he returned to Jerusalem, where he died on 18 July, having named his brother Baldwin as his successor. He was buried in the church of the Holy Sepulchre. The tomb of Godfrey was destroyed in 1808, but at that time a large sword, said to have been his, was still shown. Legend soon laid claim to him; in the contemporary accounts of the First Crusade (Gesta Francorum, Raimond de Aguilers, Foucher de Chartres, Anna Comnena, etc.), he is portrayed as the perfect type of a Christian knight. Tall of stature, with pleasing countenance, and with so courteous a manner "that he seemed more a monk than a knight" (Robert the Monk, Hist. Occid. Crois., III, 731), in the hour of danger he showed admirable courage. As a zealous Christian, he was among the first to take the cross, accomplished his vow without the slightest deviation, and at great personal cost accepted the defence of the new conquest. Such is Godfrey as he appears in actual history. In the chronicle of Albert of Aix (d. 1120, edit. Hist. Occid. Crois., IV), the author already exhibits a tendency toput the figure of Godfrey in the foreground and to attribute to him, to a certain extent, the direction of the crusade. Albert of Aix and Guibert de Nogent attribute to Godfrey exploits of an epic character (Guibert de Nogent, Gesta, VII, 11).When, in the thirteenth century, Jean d'Ibelin and Philip of Novara edited the "Assises" of Jerusalem, they referred to Godfrey as a law-making king, and attributed to him a code, the "Letters of the Holy Sepulchre", which never existed. Indeed, at that time, and perhaps as early as the twelfth century, Godfrey of Bouillon had become, like Roland and Arthur, a hero of the chansons de geste. The trouvères provided him with a mythical origin, making him a descendant of the legendary "King of the Swan", whose feats he is made to repeat, and, after relating the events of his childhood, continued his adventures to the taking of Jerusalem. Under Philip Augustus, Graindor of Douai reconstructed the works of a certain Richard thePilgrim, and composed a complete history of this crusade: (1) "Elioxe", ed. Todd (Baltimore, 1889); (2) "Beatrix", ed. Hippeau (Paris, 1868); (3) "Antioche", ed. P. Paris (Paris, 1848); (4) "Jérusalem", ed. Hippeau (Paris, 1868); see L. Gautier, "Bibliographie des chansons de gestes" (Paris, 1897). In the fourteenth century, all these poems were collected under the title of "Roman du chevalier au Cygne" (ed. de Reiffenberg, Brussels, 1846-59).

BIOGRAPHY: BREYSIG, Gottfried von Bouillon vor dem Kreuzzüge in Westdeutsche Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kunst, XVII; HAGENMEYER, Chronologie de la première croisade (Paris, 1902); IDEM, Epistulæ et chartæ ad historiam primi belli sacri pertinentes (Innsbruck, 1901); PIRENNE, Histoire de Belgique (Brussels, 1901), I; VÉTAULT, Godefroy de Bouillon (Tours, 1874); BEYER, Vita Godefridi Bullionis (Marburg, 1874); CHALANDON, Essai sur le règne d'Alexis Comnène (Paris, 1900); DODU, Histoire des institutions monarchiques dans le royaume latin de Jérusalem (Paris, 1894); CONDER, The Kingdom of Jerusalem (London, 1897); RÖHRICHT, Geschichte des Königreichs Jerusalem (Innsbruck, 1898); PIGEONNEAU, Le cycle de la croisade et la famille de Bouillon (Paris, 1877). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VI online at

Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 140
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Encyclopedia Britannica Online
Title: Encyclopedia Britannica Online
Page: Subject: Godfrey of Bouillon
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Catholic Encyclopedia Online
Title: Catholic Encyclopedia Online
Page: Subject: Godfrey of Bouillon
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 138
Death: 18 Jul 1100 Jerusalem, Palestine

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de Mandeville, Beatrice (b. , d. ?)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Catholic Encyclopedia Online
Title: Catholic Encyclopedia Online
Page: Subject: Godfrey of Bouillon
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 139

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de Mandeville, Geoffrey (b. , d. ?)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 139

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, Eustace II Count of Boulogne (b. , d. Abt 1080)
Note: BIOGRAPHY: A companion of William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings, 1066. Weis, "Ancestral Roots", page 138.
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 140
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 140
Note: Line 158-22
Death: Abt 1080

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, Bd Ida of Boulogne (b. 1040, d. 13 Aug 1113)
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 140
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Dictionary of Saints
Title: Dictionary of Saints
Author: John J. Delaney
Publication: Doubleday, New York, 1980
Page: Page 296
Death: 13 Aug 1113

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, Godfrey The Bearded Duke of Upper And Lower Lorraine (b. , d. 1069)
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 140
Death: 1069

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, Dada (Or Ida) (b. , d. ?)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 140

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, Eustace I Comte de Boulogne (b. , d. 1049)
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 140
Death: 1049

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, Maud of Louvain (b. , d. ?)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 140
Note: Line 148-21

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Fitzwilliam, Amice Countess of Gloucester (b. Abt 1160, d. 1 Jan 1224-1225)
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 67
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 3
Death: 1 Jan 1224-1225

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de Clare, Richard 6th Earl of Clare (b. 1153, d. Bef 28 Nov 1217)
Note: Magna Charta Surety, 1215. Weis, "Ancestral Roots", page 67.
5th Earl of Clare, Earl of Hertford and Gloucester. Weis, "The Magna Charta Sureties, 1215", page 185.
Earl of Hertford, Lord of Clare, jure uxoris Lord of Tewksbury and Lord of Glamorgan; Magna Charta Surety 1215; a Giffard heir he granted Buckingham Manor in dower to his daughter Maud. R. J. Curfman, "The Yale Descent from Braiose and Clare Through Pigott of Buckinghamshire", 56:3
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 67
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Magna Charta Sureties, 1215
Title: The Magna Charta Sureties, 1215: The Barons Named in the M
agna Charta, 1215 and Some of Their Descendants Who Settle
d in America During the Early Colonial Years.
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (5th Ed)
Page: Page 185
Text: d. betw. 30 Oct and 28 Nov 1217.
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 3
Text: d. Nov 1217
Source: (Individual)
Page: Descendants of Richard de Clare
Note: 3rd Earl of Hertford 1173 (Clare, Tonbridge; St. Hilary; half Giffard honor){Gloucester, Glamorgan,Gwynllwg} Inherited Buckingham Manor as part of the Giffard estates from his great-great grandmother Rohese Giffard, wife of Richard FitzGilbert. Magna Charta Surety.
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Magna Charta Sureties, 1215
Title: The Magna Charta Sureties, 1215: The Barons Named in the M
agna Charta, 1215 and Some of Their Descendants Who Settle
d in America During the Early Colonial Years.
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (5th Ed)
Page: Page 185
Note: 153-4
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 3
Death: Bef 28 Nov 1217
Cause: Murdered in London?

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de Clare, Roger Earl of Clare & Hertford (b. 1116, d. 1173)
Note: Earl of Hertford, 1156-1173. Weis, "The Magna Charta Sureties, 1215", page 185.
Earl of hertford, Lord of Clare; quarrelled with Thomas à Becket over Tonbridge Castle and was unsuccessful in opposing Thys ap Gruffydd (1132-97), Lord of Deheubarth, known as "the Lord Rhys". R. J. Curfman, "The Yale Descent from Braiose and Clare Through Pigott of Buckinghamshire", 56:3
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 213
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Magna Charta Sureties, 1215
Title: The Magna Charta Sureties, 1215: The Barons Named in the M
agna Charta, 1215 and Some of Their Descendants Who Settle
d in America During the Early Colonial Years.
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (5th Ed)
Page: Page 185
Note: Year only
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 3
Note: Year only
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 213
Note: Line 246B-26
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Magna Charta Sureties, 1215
Title: The Magna Charta Sureties, 1215: The Barons Named in the M
agna Charta, 1215 and Some of Their Descendants Who Settle
d in America During the Early Colonial Years.
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (5th Ed)
Page: Page 185
Note: 153-3
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 3
Death: 1173 Oxfordshire, England
Burial: Eynsham Priory, Oxfordshire, England

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Flatel, Agnes (b. Abt 1014, d. ?)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 157
Death: --Not Shown--

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de Bolebec, Osbern Seigneur of Longueville-Sur-Scie In Normandy (b. Abt 970, d. 1063)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 157
Death: 1063 France

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, Duvelina (b. Abt 974, d. ?)
Death: --Not Shown--

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de Clare, Richard fitz Gilbert Lord of Clare, Suffolk (b. Abt 1084-1090, d. 15 Apr 1137)
Note: Lord of Clare, salin by the Welsh in Grwyney Forest near Abvergavenny during a journey; founded the priory at Tonbridge; that he was ever Earl of Hertford, as sometimes given, is unfounded.
Source: (Name)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 3
Source: (Birth)
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 212
Text: Slain by Welsh. Weis, "Ancestral Roots", page 212.
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Magna Charta Sureties, 1215
Title: The Magna Charta Sureties, 1215: The Barons Named in the M
agna Charta, 1215 and Some of Their Descendants Who Settle
d in America During the Early Colonial Years.
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (5th Ed)
Page: Page 185
Note: Full date and location
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 3
Text: slain by the Welsh in Grwyney Forest near Abergavenny during a journey 15 Apr 1136
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Magna Charta Sureties, 1215
Title: The Magna Charta Sureties, 1215: The Barons Named in the M
agna Charta, 1215 and Some of Their Descendants Who Settle
d in America During the Early Colonial Years.
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (5th Ed)
Page: Page 185
Note: 153-2
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Given Name: Richard
Death: 15 Apr 1137 In Grwyney Forest near Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales
Burial: Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England
Cause: Slain by the Welsh

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le Meschin, Adeliz Or Alice of Chester (b. , d. ?)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 212
Text: Slain by Welsh. Weis, "Ancestral Roots", page 212.
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 3

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de Montfort, Simon II "The Bald" Seigneur of Montfort-L'amaury (b. , d. 18 Jul 1181)
Source: (Death)
Note: Full date
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 114
Text: Slain by Welsh. Weis, "Ancestral Roots", page 212.
Death: 18 Jul 1181

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