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Genealogy Data Page 34 (Notes Pages)

For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.

Giffard, Margaret (b. , d. ?)

Note: Prob Whaddon, Buckinghamshire, England
Note: Margaret Giffard was the sole daughter and heiress of John Giffard of Whaddon Hall; she bequeathed that manor home to her son, Thomas Pigott. She also inherited Giffard Hall which passed onto Thomas Pigott and was sold to Henry VIII by Thomas's widow, Elizabeth, in 1543.
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestors of Thomas Yale, Capt.
Title: Ancestors of Thomas Yale, Capt.
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 6

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Giffard, John (b. , d. ?)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestors of Thomas Yale, Capt.
Title: Ancestors of Thomas Yale, Capt.
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 6
Death: --Not Shown--

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Wooley, Margaret (b. , d. ?)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestors of Thomas Yale, Capt.
Title: Ancestors of Thomas Yale, Capt.
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 6
Death: --Not Shown--

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Iwardby, John Esq. (b. , d. 22 Aug 1485)
Note: Lord of Quainton and Overby
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 6
Death: 22 Aug 1485

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Brudenell, Joane (b. , d. After 1522)
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 6
Death: After 1522

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Iwardby, Nicholas Lord of Quainton And Missenden (b. , d. May 1462)
Note: Lord of Quainton and Missenden, Buckinghamshire. Buried 10 May 1462 at St. Bridget's, London, of which he was patron in 1447. He was confirmed by charter of King Henry VI in the lands of his maternal ancestor, great-great-grandfather SirThomas de Missenden, knight (d. 1369).
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 6
Death: May 1462
Burial: 10 May 1462 St Bridget's Church, London, Middlesex, England

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Hampden, Elizabeth (b. , d. 8 Dec 1466)
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 6
Death: 8 Dec 1466
Burial: Missenden, Buckinghamshire, England

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Brudenell, Edmund Esq. (b. , d. ?)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 6

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Englefield, Philippa (b. , d. ?)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 6

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Iwardby, John I Lord of Quainton (b. , d. Abt 1430)
Note: Of Maple Durham, Oxfordshire.
There was/is a memorial brass in memory of John Iwardby and Katherine (Missenden) at Missenden Abbey. The article by Robert Joseph Curfman in "The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buckinghamshire," The American Genealogist, Vol 56," 1980: pg. 9, from George Lipscomb, "History of the County of Buckingham (London J & W Robins, 1847) 2:481f. includes this transcription:
"There were anciently many fine brasses, in memory of the Missendens. On a brass affixed to the basement of the Altar Table, which is of oak, and modelled from an ancient tomb, is, 'Hic Jacet Johannis Iwardby Armiger et Katherine uxor ejus filia et haeres Bernardi de Missenden quae quaedum Katherina obiit die mensis Julii A.D. MCCCCXXXVI et dictus Johannes obiit die mensi An.Dom. MCCC [plus sveral illegible letters] quorum animabus propitietur Deus: Amen'...effigies of a man and woman; under the man, two sons; and under the woman, two daughters; and at their feet, ythe inscriptions before mentiponed."
Source: (Name)
Abbreviation: Iwardby Family
Title: Iwardby Family
Author: Tim Powys-Lybbe (
Publication: soc.genealogy.medieval, 17 Aug 2002
Text: of Quainton, Bucks
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 5
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Iwardby Family
Title: Iwardby Family
Author: Tim Powys-Lybbe (
Publication: soc.genealogy.medieval, 17 Aug 2002
Death: Abt 1430
Burial: Missenden Abbey, Great Missenden, Buckingham, England

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Missenden, Katherine (b. 1408, d. 10 Jul 1436)
Note: Of Great Missenden, Buckshire.
Source: (Name)
Abbreviation: Iwardby Family
Title: Iwardby Family
Author: Tim Powys-Lybbe (
Publication: soc.genealogy.medieval, 17 Aug 2002
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 5
Death: 10 Jul 1436
Burial: Missenden Abbey, Great Missenden, Buckingham, England

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Hampden, John Esq. (b. Abt 1386, d. 1458)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 6
Death: 1458

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Whalesborough, Elizabeth (b. , d. ?)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestors of Thomas Yale, Capt.
Title: Ancestors of Thomas Yale, Capt.
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 6

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Englefield, Philip (b. , d. ?)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestors of Thomas Yale, Capt.
Title: Ancestors of Thomas Yale, Capt.

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de Missenden, Bernard (b. 1386, d. 1409)
Note: At the death of his father, Bernard became a ward of King Richard II and made a proof of his full age in 1407. (Robert Joseph Curfman, "The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buckinghamshire," The American Genealogist, Vol 56," 1980: pg. 5.)
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 5
Death: 1409
Burial: Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, England

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Frome, Isabella (b. , d. After 1435)
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 5
Death: After 1435

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Whalesborough, John (b. Abt 1369, d. 10 Jan 1418)
Note: His wardship was first committed to his mother and her 2nd husband, then passed in June 1383 to William, Lord Botreaux, with whom they remained until he proved his age in june 1391 and gained control over his inheritance. Commissioner of Array for Cornwall in 1399, 1403 and 1405; Knight of the Shire for Cornwall in 1402; Justice of the Peace 1403-1407. He died in possission of 7 manors (having aquired Tressider) and extensive lands in Cornwall. Ronny Bodine, "Whalesborough-Walesbreu of Cornwall", GEN-MEDIEVAL-L@rootsweb.con, 25 Feb, 1999.
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Whalesborough-Walesbreu of Cornwall
Title: Whalesborough-Walesbreu of Cornwall
Author: Ronny Bodine <>
Publication:, 15 Feb 1999
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestors of Thomas Yale, Capt.
Title: Ancestors of Thomas Yale, Capt.
Death: 10 Jan 1418

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Raleigh, Joan (b. , d. ?)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestors of Thomas Yale, Capt.
Title: Ancestors of Thomas Yale, Capt.

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de Missenden, Edmund (b. , d. 12 Dec 1394)
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 5
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestors of Thomas Yale, Capt.
Title: Ancestors of Thomas Yale, Capt.
Death: 12 Dec 1394

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Grey, Juliana (b. , d. 1407)
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 5
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestors of Thomas Yale, Capt.
Title: Ancestors of Thomas Yale, Capt.
Death: 1407

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