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Genealogy Data Page 4 (Notes Pages)

For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.

Hawes, Elizabeth (b. 1654, d. Bef 1715)

Note: Prob., New Haven, New Haven, CT
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol VI, Page 1460
Death: Bef 1715

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Potter, William (b. Abt 1608, d. 6 Jun 1662)
Note: WILLIAM, Watertown, came prob. in the Abigail from London, 1635, aged 27, with w. Frances, 26, and ch. Joseph, 20 wks. His mo. Hannah had m. bef. they came over, a Beecher, and had Isaac. He a. 1643 rem. prob. to New Haven, there had other childr. and in his will, 1662, names Nathaniel, 22 Dec. 1644; Joseph; Hope, b. 3 Oct. 1641; and Rebecca, bapt. Jan. 1643. Possib. this is the man wh. was execut. Friday, 6 June of that yr. in the story of whose once being art. 3 of Appx. of Thaumaturgus, Magnalia VI. 38, Mather had gr. satisfact. and that he might defy human credulity makes the wonder, that tho. twenty yrs. a mem. of that ch. he had liv. in most infamous crimes no less than fifty yrs. together. The wretched man was perhaps s. of a wid. P. liv. at New Haven 1646. See Rec. I. 247. Hope m. 3 Feb. 1664 Daniel Robinson; and Rebecca m. 27 Nov. 1667, Thomas Adams.
(Savage, "Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England", Vol 3)

IMMIGRATION: The ĞiğAbigailĞ/iğ of London sailed from foreign ports, the last being Plymouth, England on June 4, 1635. She sailed with about 220 passengers aboard along with livestock. She arrived in Boston about October 8, 1635 with smallpox aboard. Richard Hackwell, master. Passengers included:
William Potter 27 husbandman to Watertown
Mrs. Frances Potter 26
Joseph Potter 6 mo

William Potter's Trial at New Haven 26 May 1662
In 1662, William Potter, was called to testify to the charges of capital crimes with "sundrie animals" brought by his wife and son. In 1666, his daughter, Rebecca Potter, was found guilty of "indiscretions" with John Thorpe.

At a Court of Magistrates, held at Newhaven for the Jurisdiction,
the 26th of May, 1662.
Present, the Government, Deputy Governor, Mr. Fen, Mr. Treat, Mr. Crane, Magistrates.

William Potter was called before the court to answer to what charge or accusation as they understand from examination is layd against him, viz: that he hath comitted the sin of bestiality with sundrie creatures.

The Governor told him, that first he must mind him of his carriage before the magistrate: when he was examined, that when you heard what your wife & son testified to your face, yet you was not affected as you should have beene, whether true or false, but stood in a stupid way, making deniall of what was testified that they could not fasten it as a charge against him, yet told him that the puidence of God was soe strange in it, (his neare relations thus charging of him.) that if he was guilty God would bring it forth to light, & soe, with as much solemnes as they could, left it with him & alsoe with Mr. Gilbert to gainne any further discovery as he could; and now it seemes since, (it may be by some better dealing with him in the busines, & Gods jealousie against him.) God hath brought it forth out of his owne mouth; and seeing the church hath done their duty, which they well approved of, they as ministere of justice call him to account, to speake the truth in the case, & deale plainely, as standing before the great God of heaven & earth, his judge & theirs, & to make acknowledgment of the facts, how, when, & with what creatures.

He answered that first when he was before the magistrates he answered with a distinction, & thought their testimony could not take away his life, but being before the church & helped over something that stucke with him, he did confesse & judge himselfe worthy to be cut off from among men & to be given over to be among devills;

And now he confessed more paticularly, the first time he said was in old England, at prentise, when he was about eleven yeare old, & after when he came to New England these temptations followed him, though sometimes they left him some yeares together, & then he thought God did worke upon his soule, & the temptation left him a great while, but after he coming to live at Mr. Gilberts farme it returned againe, & he acted with a cow wiich is now gone, & after coming to his owne farme his lust followed him, though he thought he should have got power against it, &

When the man was hanged for the same act he was much startled, but after still the temptation went on, & it strooke a dampe upon his spirit that it was not right with him, & there he acted first with a bitch, which he hanged thinking he should be free from the temptation when she was gone, but it still pursued him, & he acted this wickednes wth two sowes, one of which was that of which his son testifies, there is alsoe a yeareling heifer, a two yeare old, and a cow that he had beene vilely naught withall this spring, alsoe three sheepe, of which he said he told his wife which they were; these was all he said, only his attempting with his old mare which is now dead; & then confessed that he had gone far from God, but prayed, & desired their prayers, that he might not goe further from him and desired to have what meanes might be affoarded for his everlasting good, acknowledging the Lord to be righteous whatever became of him.

He was asked with what he covered these wicked courses? He answered that he went on against the checkes of his conscience, & did not consider the compasse of his sin, he had some dislikes of it but was overcome still, & when he son discovered him, he had noe heart to speake to him, but was affected with teares, that he, being an old man, should be a foole in his latter end.

He was minded of his sin before the magistrates, that he should speake soe against his knowne light, & of his excusing it to his wife when she told him of it.

He said he thought his excusing of it to her was a forerunner of these sins after.

Much was said by him by way of acknowledgment of his evill, but in a confused way, as that sometimes he was filled with horror & that his sin lay upon him night & day, & that he was such sins the nature of them did harden his heart, & that he was filled with shame & confusion for the dishonor that he had done to God & that he had caused the name of God to be blasphemed among the heathen.

He was told that such sins was judiciary sins, according to Rom. 1, 24, when men like not to retaine God in their knowledge, they are just judgments of God upon such under such light as he hath lived under, & that he should come to such a degree of sinning & to such an age ws a thing to admiration & astonishment of all that heares him.

He said he thinkes now all he did was to be seene of men, though sometimes he had other thoughts, yet now he hath nothing but his sin left upon him & is discouraged, & his sins affright him from God, though sometimes some hopes may be in him.

He was asked what pvoking sin he sees that might pvoke God thus to leave him? He answered that he had neglected duty in secret, & had not kept his watch over himself & way, & was very unconstant in family duties formerly, though something better of late.

He was asked how he was educated? He answered, well, & was taught to reade.

He was then seriously advised & warned to take in the agravations of his sin, for he had beene a continuall liver in this sin from his childhood, & that he had beene exceedingly hardened in it, that he should goe on in it after he saw others put to death for the same acts & such like, & was told that his sins was wonderfull, therefore was wished to be serious about repentance, & to take heed he did not word it out to the last.

He was further questioned, that seeing he had acknowledged more then was charged against him, whether he had not defiled himselfe with any woman besides his wife.

He answered noe, neither with woman, mayd nor child, that was certaine.

The Court haveing considered the case p'ceeded to sentence, & first read the law to him, & then the Governor asked him if he had anything to say why the court should not p'ceede to judge him according to the law.

He answered noe, but his great matter was betweene God & his soule, to desire him to give him repentance.

The Governor then declared, that seeing it is soe, they could doe noe otherwise, and he therefore in the name of the court did declare to William Potter that the law read was the sentence of the court, to be executed upon him, viz: that he be hanged on the gallowes till he be dead, & then cut downe & buried, & the creatures with whome he hath thus sinfully acted to be put to death before his eyes.

He answered that he had in himselfe the sentence of death before For the time of his execution, it was left to the magistrates of Newhaven with the advise of the elders. *
* Mather, who gave an account of this case, Mag. B. vi. Cap. v. Ap. iii. states that he was executed on the 6th of June.
Source: Records of the Jurisdiction of New Haven.
Source: (Name)
Abbreviation: Potter Families
Title: Genealogies of the Potter Families and Their Descendants i
n America; Part 5, John and William Potter, of New Haven, C
Author: Charles Edward Potter
Publication: Boston, MA: Alfred Mudge & Sons, 1888 [Photoduplication
, NEHGS, Boston, MA]
Page: Page 1
Source: (Name)
Abbreviation: Potter Families
Title: Genealogies of the Potter Families and Their Descendants i
n America; Part 5, John and William Potter, of New Haven, C
Author: Charles Edward Potter
Publication: Boston, MA: Alfred Mudge & Sons, 1888 [Photoduplication
, NEHGS, Boston, MA]
Page: Page 25
Text: Signed the Plantation Covenant, New Haven, Conn., June 4, 1639
Source: (Name)
Abbreviation: Potter Families
Title: Genealogies of the Potter Families and Their Descendants i
n America; Part 5, John and William Potter, of New Haven, C
Author: Charles Edward Potter
Publication: Boston, MA: Alfred Mudge & Sons, 1888 [Photoduplication
, NEHGS, Boston, MA]
Page: Page 13
Source: (Name)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol VI, Page 1459
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Potter Families
Title: Genealogies of the Potter Families and Their Descendants i
n America; Part 5, John and William Potter, of New Haven, C
Author: Charles Edward Potter
Publication: Boston, MA: Alfred Mudge & Sons, 1888 [Photoduplication
, NEHGS, Boston, MA]
Page: Page 25
Note: arrived at Boston 1635 aged 27
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Records of the Colony or Jurisdiction of New Haven, from Ma
y, 1653 to the Union
Title: Records of the Colony or Jurisdiction of New Haven, from Ma
y, 1653 to the Union
Author: Charles J. Hoadly
Publication: Hartford, CT, 1858
Page: Page 443
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Abigail
Title: Abigail
Author: Immigrant Ship Transcribers Guild
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: New Haven Potters
Title: The New Haven (Conn.) Potters, 1639
Author: James Shepard
Publication: NEHGR, Vol 54 (1900)
Immigration: On the ĞiğAbigailĞ/iğ from London
Date: Abt 8 Oct 1635
Place: Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Death: 6 Jun 1662 New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut
Will: Date: 19 May 1662
Place: New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut
Cause: Hanged

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, Frances (b. Abt 1609, d. ?)
Source: (Name)
Abbreviation: Potter Families
Title: Genealogies of the Potter Families and Their Descendants i
n America; Part 5, John and William Potter, of New Haven, C
Author: Charles Edward Potter
Publication: Boston, MA: Alfred Mudge & Sons, 1888 [Photoduplication
, NEHGS, Boston, MA]
Page: Page 25
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol VI, Page 1459

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Frederick, William (b. , d. ?)
Note: Resided Wallingford and Woodbury, CT.
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol III, Page 623

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Ives, Ebenezer (b. 6 Apr 1692, d. 7 Jul 1759)
Source: (Name)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol IV, Page 911
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol IV, Page 911
Note: Record Source-Vital statistics, New Haven, CT
Source: (Christening)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol IV, Page 911
Note: Record Source-First Congregational Society, New Haven, CT
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol IV, Page 911
Note: Record Source-Gravestone record, Old graveyard, North Haven, CT
Christening: 22 May 1692 New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut
Death: 7 Jul 1759 New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut
Burial: Old Graveyard, North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut

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Atwater, Robert (b. , d. Bef 22 Dec 1522)
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Atwater History and Genealogy
Title: Atwater History and Genealogy
Author: Francis Atwater
Publication: Meriden, CT: 1901, Journal Publishing Co.
Call number: CS/71/A89/1901/v.1 c.2
Name: New England Historic Genealogical Society Circulating Library
Address: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
Boston, MA 02114-2120
Address1: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
City: Boston
State: MA
Postal Code: 02114-2120
Phone: 1-888-906-3447
Page: Page 29
Source: (Burial)
Abbreviation: Atwater History and Genealogy
Title: Atwater History and Genealogy
Author: Francis Atwater
Publication: Meriden, CT: 1901, Journal Publishing Co.
Call number: CS/71/A89/1901/v.1 c.2
Name: New England Historic Genealogical Society Circulating Library
Address: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
Boston, MA 02114-2120
Address1: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
City: Boston
State: MA
Postal Code: 02114-2120
Phone: 1-888-906-3447
Page: Page 29
Text: Directs burial in the churchyard at Lenham
Death: Bef 22 Dec 1522 Royton, Lenham, Kent, England
Burial: Churchyard, Lenham, Kent, England

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, Johanna (b. , d. ?)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Atwater History and Genealogy
Title: Atwater History and Genealogy
Author: Francis Atwater
Publication: Meriden, CT: 1901, Journal Publishing Co.
Call number: CS/71/A89/1901/v.1 c.2
Name: New England Historic Genealogical Society Circulating Library
Address: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
Boston, MA 02114-2120
Address1: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
City: Boston
State: MA
Postal Code: 02114-2120
Phone: 1-888-906-3447
Page: Page 30
Text: He mentions his wife Johan, sons Thomas, Christopher, Edward and William and daughter Alice.

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Ives, Joseph (b. 1647-1648, d. 17 Nov 1694)
Source: (Name)
Abbreviation: Yale Genealogy and History of Wales
Title: Yale Genealogy and History of Wales
Author: Rodney Horace Yale
Publication: Beatrice, NE: Milburn & Scott Co., 1908
Page: Page 124
Text: Captain Joseph Ives, of North Haven, they moved to Wallingford where they remained a few years and then removed to North Haven. the people met at their house for public worship on the Sabbath until they were able to build a meeting house. Mr Ives was captain of the first train-band in the place
Source: (Name)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol IV, Page 910
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Genealogy of the Ives Family
Title: Genealogy of the Ives Family
Author: Arthur Coon Ives
Publication: Watertown, NY: Hungerford-Holbrook Co., 1912
Call number: CS/71/I78/1928
Name: New England Historic Genealogical Society Circulating Library
Address: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
Boston, MA 02114-2120
Address1: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
City: Boston
State: MA
Postal Code: 02114-2120
Phone: 1-888-906-3447
Page: Page 28
Text: b. about 1647
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol IV, Page 910
Text: b c. 1608
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol IV, Page 910
Note: Record Source-Vital statistics, New Haven, CT
Death: 17 Nov 1694 New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut

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Yale, Mary (b. 26 Oct 1650, d. 1704)
Source: (Name)
Abbreviation: Yale Genealogy and History of Wales
Title: Yale Genealogy and History of Wales
Author: Rodney Horace Yale
Publication: Beatrice, NE: Milburn & Scott Co., 1908
Note: #30
Source: (Name)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol IV, Page 910
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol IV, Page 910
Note: Record Source-Vital statistics, New Haven, CT
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Yale Genealogy and History of Wales
Title: Yale Genealogy and History of Wales
Author: Rodney Horace Yale
Publication: Beatrice, NE: Milburn & Scott Co., 1908
Page: Page 101
Source: (Christening)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol IV, Page 910
Note: Record Source-First Congregational Society, New Haven, CT
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Yale Genealogy and History of Wales
Title: Yale Genealogy and History of Wales
Author: Rodney Horace Yale
Publication: Beatrice, NE: Milburn & Scott Co., 1908
Page: Page 124
Christening: 27 Dec 1685 New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut
Death: 1704 New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut

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de Somery, Ralph Baron Dudley (b. , d. 1211)
Note: Held Dudley and Dinas Powis. Weis, "Ancestral Roots", page 78.
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 78
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 78
Note: Line 81-28
Death: 1211

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Marshal, Margaret (b. , d. After 1243)
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Directory of Royal Genealogical Data
Title: Directory of Royal Genealogical Data
Author: Brian Tompsett
Page: Marshal, Margaret
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 78
Death: After 1243

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Ives, William (b. Abt 1607, d. 3 Apr 1648)
Note: Of Saint Stephen parish, Coleman Street, London, Middlesex, England.
(Calder, "The New Haven Colony", page 30.)

WILLIAM, New Haven, unit. in the civil compact, 4 June 1639, but had prob. come to Boston 1635, aged 28, in the Truelove from London, had Phebe, bapt. 2 Oct. 1642; and John, 29 Dec. 1644; and d. 1648, but his will, in Apr. of that yr. names no ch. makes John I. his excor. wh. as well as Joseph, may have been br. or s. His wid. m. 1648, William Bassett. This surname is made Joes by Mr. Drake, in Geneal. Reg. XIV. 324, as by me it had been in 3 Mass. Hist. Coll. VIII. 273; but my dilig. London correspond. had correct. the name to Ives, as in 3 M. H. C. X. 130, on wh. Drake says, he cannot tortue it into Ives, tho. to me it seems a beter name than Joes. Let the New Haven readers decide. Always in old pr. or wr. the first two letters of this name are subj. to the variab. interchang. I for J, and J for I, U for V, and V for U. Eleven of this name had, in 1828, been gr. at Yale.
(Savage, "Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England", Vol 2)
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Genealogy of the Ives Family
Title: Genealogy of the Ives Family
Author: Arthur Coon Ives
Publication: Watertown, NY: Hungerford-Holbrook Co., 1912
Call number: CS/71/I78/1928
Name: New England Historic Genealogical Society Circulating Library
Address: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
Boston, MA 02114-2120
Address1: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
City: Boston
State: MA
Postal Code: 02114-2120
Phone: 1-888-906-3447
Page: Page 27
Note: About 1607 in England
Text: There is today, in the new cemetery at North Haven, Conn., a comparatively new obelisk-shaped monument on which is inscribed: WILLIAM IVES, 1607-1648
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: The Genealogy of Walter Gilbert
Title: The Genealogy of Walter Gilbert
Author: Walter Gilbert
Note: abt 1618 in Ipswitch, Suffolk, England
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: The New Haven Colony
Title: The New Haven Colony
Author: Isabel MacBeath Calder
Publication: New Haven, Yale University Press; London, Oxford Universit
y Press: 1934
Call number: F98.C26
Name: Walla Walla College Library
Address: 104 SW Adams St.
College Place, WA 99324
Address1: 104 SW Adams St.
Address2: College Place, WA 99324
Phone: (509) 527-2133
Page: Page 30
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Genealogy of the Ives Family
Title: Genealogy of the Ives Family
Author: Arthur Coon Ives
Publication: Watertown, NY: Hungerford-Holbrook Co., 1912
Call number: CS/71/I78/1928
Name: New England Historic Genealogical Society Circulating Library
Address: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
Boston, MA 02114-2120
Address1: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
City: Boston
State: MA
Postal Code: 02114-2120
Phone: 1-888-906-3447
Page: Page 27
Note: 1648 only
Text: There is today, in the new cemetery at North Haven, Conn., a comparatively new obelisk-shaped monument on which is inscribed: WILLIAM IVES, 1607-1648
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: The Genealogy of Walter Gilbert
Title: The Genealogy of Walter Gilbert
Author: Walter Gilbert
Note: Full date
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol IV, Page 910
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Genealogy of the Ives Family
Title: Genealogy of the Ives Family
Author: Arthur Coon Ives
Publication: Watertown, NY: Hungerford-Holbrook Co., 1912
Call number: CS/71/I78/1928
Name: New England Historic Genealogical Society Circulating Library
Address: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
Boston, MA 02114-2120
Address1: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
City: Boston
State: MA
Postal Code: 02114-2120
Phone: 1-888-906-3447
Page: Page 17
Text: Sept. 19, 1635, William Ives, after taking an oath of allegiance, was accepted as a passenger on the 'Truelove', "to be transported to New England;" he was then twenty-eight years of age.
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England
Title: A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New Engl
Author: James Savage
Publication: Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1861
[online at:]
Text: WILLIAM, New Haven, unit. in the civil compact, 4 June 1639, but had prob. come to Boston 1635, aged 28, in the Truelove from London, had Phebe, bapt. 2 Oct. 1642; and John, 29 Dec. 1644; and d. 1648, but his will, in Apr. ofthat yr. names no ch. makes John I. his excor. wh. as well as Joseph, may have been br. or s. His wid. m. 1648, William Bassett. This surname is made Joes by Mr. Drake, in Geneal. Reg. XIV. 324, as by me it had been in 3 Mass. Hist. Coll. VIII. 273; but my dilig. London correspond. had correct. the name to Ives, as in 3 M. H. C. X. 130, on wh. Drake says, he cannot tortue it into Ives, tho. to me it seems a beter name than Joes. Let the New Haven readers decide. Always in old pr. orwr. the first two letters of this name are subj. to the variab. interchang. I for J, and J for I, U for V, and V for U. Eleven of this name had, in 1828, been gr. at Yale.
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: The New Haven Colony
Title: The New Haven Colony
Author: Isabel MacBeath Calder
Publication: New Haven, Yale University Press; London, Oxford Universit
y Press: 1934
Call number: F98.C26
Name: Walla Walla College Library
Address: 104 SW Adams St.
College Place, WA 99324
Address1: 104 SW Adams St.
Address2: College Place, WA 99324
Phone: (509) 527-2133
Page: Page 30.
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Genealogy of the Ives Family
Title: Genealogy of the Ives Family
Author: Arthur Coon Ives
Publication: Watertown, NY: Hungerford-Holbrook Co., 1912
Call number: CS/71/I78/1928
Name: New England Historic Genealogical Society Circulating Library
Address: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
Boston, MA 02114-2120
Address1: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
City: Boston
State: MA
Postal Code: 02114-2120
Phone: 1-888-906-3447
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: The New Haven Colony
Title: The New Haven Colony
Author: Isabel MacBeath Calder
Publication: New Haven, Yale University Press; London, Oxford Universit
y Press: 1934
Call number: F98.C26
Name: Walla Walla College Library
Address: 104 SW Adams St.
College Place, WA 99324
Address1: 104 SW Adams St.
Address2: College Place, WA 99324
Phone: (509) 527-2133
Christening: St Stephen Coleman Street, London, Middlesex, England
Immigration: Date: 1635
Place: New England

Death: 3 Apr 1648 North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut

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Dickerman, Hannah (b. 1622, d. 6 Nov 1665)
Christening: New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut
Death: 6 Nov 1665 New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut
Burial: 1665

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Yale, Thomas (b. 1616, d. 27 Mar 1683)
Note: THOMAS, New Haven, s. of David, b. in Wales, came prob. in 1637 to Boston, with Theophilus Eaton, wh. had m. for his sec. w. the wid. mo. of Thomas, and with his f.-in-law, went in 1638 to plant at New Haven; there sign. the planta. covenant, 1639, m. Mary, eldest d. of Capt. Nathaniel Turner, had John, b. a. 1645; Thomas, a. 1646; Elihu, said by Dr. Stiles to have been b. 5 Apr. 1648, but some doubt, whether he was s. of Thomas, or even b. in New Haven, suggest. that he may have been s. of the br. David, [which he was (Thomas and Anne Lloyd)*] or even br. but the town rec. contains not the b. of either of the three; Mary, 16 Oct. 1650; Nathaniel, 3 Jan. 1653; Martha, 6 May 1655, bapt. 18 Mar. 1660, wh. d. under 16 yrs.; Abigail, 5 May 1660, bapt. perhaps, 22 July foll.; Hannah, 6 July 1662; and Elizabeth 29 Jan. 1667; was rep. 1672, and d. 27 Mar. 1683. His est. by inv. of 7 May foll. was L479. and in 1684 it was distrib. to the wid. three s. (Elihu not nam. but he may have declin. to partake) [Elihu was the son of his brother David*] and four ds. of wh. Mary had m. Jan. 1673, Joseph Ives; Hannah, m. 9 May 1682, Enos Talmadge; and Elizabeth m. 30 July 1688, Joseph Pardee. His wid. d. 15 Oct. 1704.
Savage, "Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England", Vol 4)
* my notes
Source: (Name)
Abbreviation: Yale Genealogy and History of Wales
Title: Yale Genealogy and History of Wales
Author: Rodney Horace Yale
Publication: Beatrice, NE: Milburn & Scott Co., 1908
Page: Page 100
Text: Came to America in 1637, with his father-in-law, Gov. Eaton, and others, and settled in New Haven, as a merchant, in 1638, with an estate of £200. After the death of Eaton, he accompanied his mother and Hannah Eaton, his half sister, and brother David, to England, in 1659. He returned to New Haven, and purchased lands in that part of the town which is now North Haven, and settled on them as early as 1660. He was one of the principal men of the colony, a signer of the Plantation Covenant of New Haven, and filled with honor many offices of trust, with credit to himself, and to the satisfaction of his friends and fellow colonists. He left an estate of £479.
Source: (Name)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol VIII, Page 2031
Source: (Name)
Abbreviation: Notes on the Yale Ancestry
Title: Notes on the Yale Ancestry with a Royal Descent
Author: Peter G. Van der Poel
Publication: The American Genealogist; Vol 32
Page: Page 73
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Yale Genealogy and History of Wales
Title: Yale Genealogy and History of Wales
Author: Rodney Horace Yale
Publication: Beatrice, NE: Milburn & Scott Co., 1908
Page: Page 95
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol VIII, Page 2031
Text: b. c. 1616
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol VIII, Page 2031
Note: Record Source-Vital statistics, New Haven, CT
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: The New Haven Colony
Title: The New Haven Colony
Author: Isabel MacBeath Calder
Publication: New Haven, Yale University Press; London, Oxford Universit
y Press: 1934
Call number: F98.C26
Name: Walla Walla College Library
Address: 104 SW Adams St.
College Place, WA 99324
Address1: 104 SW Adams St.
Address2: College Place, WA 99324
Phone: (509) 527-2133
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Event: Type: King Philip's War
Date: 1675
Immigration: Date: 26 Jun 1637
Place: Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Death: 27 Mar 1683 New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut

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Turner, Mary (b. , d. 15 Oct 1704)
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol VIII, Page 1866
Note: Record Source-Vital statistics, New Haven, CT
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol VIII, Page 1866, Page 2032
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Notes on the Yale Ancestry
Title: Notes on the Yale Ancestry with a Royal Descent
Author: Peter G. Van der Poel
Publication: The American Genealogist; Vol 32
Page: Page 73
Death: 15 Oct 1704 New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut

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Atwater, Ebenezer (b. 13 Jan 1665/66, d. 1702)
Note: BIOGRAPHY: Described in a deed as a tailor. Atwater, "Atwater History and Genealogy"
Source: (Name)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol I, Page 62
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol I, Page 62
Note: Record Source-Vital statistics, New Haven, CT
Death: 1702 New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut

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Heaton, Abigail (b. Jan 1673/74, d. 19 Nov 1731)
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol III, Page 726
Note: Record Source-Vital statistics, New Haven, CT
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol III, Page 726
Death: 19 Nov 1731 New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut

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Atwater, David (b. , d. 5 Oct 1692)
Note: ATWATER, DAVID, New Haven 1638, came from London, sign. the planta. coven. 4 June 1639, had Mercy, b. 29 Feb. bapt. 5 Mar. 1648; Damaris, b. 2 Nov. but the ch. rec. has bapt. 21 Oct. 1649, and usually the town rec. is far more to be relied on than that of the ch. at New Haven, tho. the contrary is true in most towns, yet here the day assign. for bapt. in Geneal. Reg. IX. 357 may be true, tho. in a wonderful proportion, almost one half of the instances, it can be prov. to be wrong; David, 13 July, bapt. I judge, 3 Aug. tho. Mr. White gives it 13 Aug. 1651, wh. we kn. is mistake; Joshua, 11 Jan. bapt. prob. 6 Feb. 1653, ch. rec. as Mr. White gives it, being 11, wh. was Friday, when John Davenport would rather have anathematiz. than bapt. any ch.; John, 1 Nov. 1654, bapt. I presume, 5 of the same, tho. ch. rec. has 1, wh. was Wednesday; Jonathan, b. 12 July 1656; Abigail, 3 Mar. 1660, bapt. 1 Apr. foll.; Mary, 31 Mar. 1662, bapt. 20 Apr. foll. as I judge, tho. the ch. rec. as Mr. White prints it, be 22; Samuel, b. 17 Sept. 1664; and Ebenezer, 13 Jan. 1667; all of wh. are nam. as liv. May 1676,by the will of his br. Joshua. He d. 1692, and in his will the yr. bef. names all the s. exc. Joshua, wh. had liv. at Wallingford, m. 24 June 1680, Lydia d. of John Rockwell of Windsor, and both h. and w. without ch. d. 1681. Of the ds. I kn. the m. of four, Mercy to John Austin, and Damaris to John Punderson, both on 5 Nov. 1667; Abigail to Nathaniel Jones, 7 Oct. 1684; and Mary to Ichabod Stow of Middletown, 22 Oct. 1688.
(Savage, "Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England", Vol 1)

Came to Boston in 1637, removed to New Haven in 1638, "Directory of the Ancestral Heads of New England Families 1620-1700"; page viii; Frank R. Holmes, New York, 1923.

Credited as being the first signer of the planter's agreement (New Haven). Assisted in the erection of the first house of worship in NewHaven, 1639-40. Atwater, "Atwater History and Genealogy"
Source: (Name)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol I, Page 60
Source: (Name)
Abbreviation: Atwater History and Genealogy
Title: Atwater History and Genealogy
Author: Francis Atwater
Publication: Meriden, CT: 1901, Journal Publishing Co.
Call number: CS/71/A89/1901/v.1 c.2
Name: New England Historic Genealogical Society Circulating Library
Address: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
Boston, MA 02114-2120
Address1: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
City: Boston
State: MA
Postal Code: 02114-2120
Phone: 1-888-906-3447
Page: Page 51
Source: (Christening)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol I, Page 60
Text: bp...Lenham, Kent
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol I, Page 60
Note: Record Source-Vital statistics, New Haven, CT
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Atwater History and Genealogy
Title: Atwater History and Genealogy
Author: Francis Atwater
Publication: Meriden, CT: 1901, Journal Publishing Co.
Call number: CS/71/A89/1901/v.1 c.2
Name: New England Historic Genealogical Society Circulating Library
Address: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
Boston, MA 02114-2120
Address1: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
City: Boston
State: MA
Postal Code: 02114-2120
Phone: 1-888-906-3447
Page: Page 55
Christening: 8 Oct 1615 Lenham, Kent, England
Death: 5 Oct 1692 New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut
Burial: Cedar Hill Cemetery, New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut

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Sayre, Damaris (b. 1625, d. 1 Apr 1691)
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol I, Page 60
Note: Record Source-Vital statistics, New Haven, CT
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Atwater History and Genealogy
Title: Atwater History and Genealogy
Author: Francis Atwater
Publication: Meriden, CT: 1901, Journal Publishing Co.
Call number: CS/71/A89/1901/v.1 c.2
Name: New England Historic Genealogical Society Circulating Library
Address: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
Boston, MA 02114-2120
Address1: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
City: Boston
State: MA
Postal Code: 02114-2120
Phone: 1-888-906-3447
Page: Page 54
Text: Damaris Sayre, daughter of Thomas Sayre, or Southampton, L. I.
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Atwater History and Genealogy
Title: Atwater History and Genealogy
Author: Francis Atwater
Publication: Meriden, CT: 1901, Journal Publishing Co.
Call number: CS/71/A89/1901/v.1 c.2
Name: New England Historic Genealogical Society Circulating Library
Address: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
Boston, MA 02114-2120
Address1: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
City: Boston
State: MA
Postal Code: 02114-2120
Phone: 1-888-906-3447
Page: Page 55
Note: Gives date as 7 Apr 1691
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol I, Page 60
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Atwater History and Genealogy
Title: Atwater History and Genealogy
Author: Francis Atwater
Publication: Meriden, CT: 1901, Journal Publishing Co.
Call number: CS/71/A89/1901/v.1 c.2
Name: New England Historic Genealogical Society Circulating Library
Address: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
Boston, MA 02114-2120
Address1: 160 North Washington St, 4th Fl
City: Boston
State: MA
Postal Code: 02114-2120
Phone: 1-888-906-3447
Page: Page 93
Note: Record Source-New York Probate records, 1st Vol, p 119. the will of Thomas Sayre of Southampton. L. I., mentions his daughter Damaris Atwater (1669).
Death: 1 Apr 1691 New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut

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Heaton, James (b. 1632, d. 16 Oct 1712)
Note: JAMES, New Haven 1661-85, m. 20 Nov. 1662, says Dodd, Sarah, d. of Rev. Nicholas Streete, had Nathaniel, b. 9 Nov. 1664; Samuel, 4 Oct. 1667; James, 13 Feb. 1670, d. at 1 yr.; James, again, 14 Jan. 1672, d. soon; Abigail, Jan. 1674; Seth, 25 Mar. 1676; Theophilus, 12 Apr. 1680; Ann, 23 Dec. 1682; and Mr. Porter thinks he was relat. of Gov. Eaton, and in 1654 spell. so. He d. 16 Oct. 1712. His s. Seth and Theophilus had fams. as Porter writes, without specify. Abigail m. Dec. 1691, Ebenezer Atwater, and next, 27 Nov. 1712, John Gilbert.
(Savage, "Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England", Vol 2)
Source: (Name)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol III, Page 725
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol III, Page 725
Note: Record Source-Gravestone reocrd, Grove Street Cemetery, New Haven, CT
Text: ĉ. 79
Source: (Christening)
Abbreviation: English Ancestry of Nathaniel & James Heaton
Title: English Ancestry of Nathaniel Heaton of Boston, Mass., an
d of His Nephew, James Heaton of New Haven, Connecticut
Author: Dean Crawford Smith and Douglas Richardson
Publication: NEHGS Register Vol 152 (Oct 1998) Pages 430-452
Page: Page 452
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Families of Ancient New Haven
Title: Families of Ancient New Haven
Author: Donald Lines Jacobus
Publication: Baltimore, MD: 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co. [Broderb
und Family History CD #179 (CT Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s)]
Page: Vol III, Page 725
Note: Record Source-Gravestone reocrd, Grove Street Cemetery, New Haven, CT
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Yale Genealogy and History of Wales
Title: Yale Genealogy and History of Wales
Author: Rodney Horace Yale
Publication: Beatrice, NE: Milburn & Scott Co., 1908
Page: Page 508
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: English Ancestry of Nathaniel & James Heaton
Title: English Ancestry of Nathaniel Heaton of Boston, Mass., an
d of His Nephew, James Heaton of New Haven, Connecticut
Author: Dean Crawford Smith and Douglas Richardson
Publication: NEHGS Register Vol 152 (Oct 1998) Pages 430-452
Immigration: Date: 1633-1642
Place: New England
Death: 16 Oct 1712 New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut
Burial: Grove Street Cemetery, New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut

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