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Genealogy Data Page 11 (Notes Pages)

For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.

de Caen, Robert Earl of Gloucester (b. Abt 1090, d. 31 Oct 1147)

Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 112
Source: (Burial)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 114, 117
Note: Line 124-26
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 3
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Notes on the Yale Ancestry
Title: Notes on the Yale Ancestry with a Royal Descent
Author: Peter G. Van der Poel
Publication: The American Genealogist; Vol 32
Page: Page 71
Given Name: Robert Fitz Roy
Death: 31 Oct 1147
Burial: Priory of St. James, Bristol, Gloucester, England

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, Maud (Mabel) (b. , d. ?)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 114
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Notes on the Yale Ancestry
Title: Notes on the Yale Ancestry with a Royal Descent
Author: Peter G. Van der Poel
Publication: The American Genealogist; Vol 32
Page: Page 71

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Fitz Hamon, Robert (b. , d. ?)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 114

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, Henry I 'Beauclerc' King of England (b. Abt Sep 1068, d. 1 Dec 1135)
Note: William's younger brother Henry (reigned 1100-35) succeeded to the throne. He was crowned three days after his brother's death, against the possibility that his eldest brother Robert might claim the English throne. After the decisive battle ofTinchebrai in 1106 in France, Henry completed his conquest of Normandy from Robert, who then (unusually even for that time) spent the last 28 years of his life as his brother's prisoner. An energetic, decisive and occasionally cruel ruler, Henry centralised the administration of England and Normandy in the royal court, using 'viceroys' in Normandy and a group of advisers in England to act on his behalf when he was absent across the Channel. Henry successfully sought to increase royalrevenues, as shown by the official records of his exchequer (the Pipe Roll of 1130, the first exchequer account to survive). He established peaceful relations with Scotland, through his marriage to Mathilda of Scotland. Henry's name 'Beauclerc' denoted his good education (as the youngest son, his parents possibly expected that he would become a bishop); Henry was probably the first Norman king to be fluent in English. In 1120, his legitimate sons William and Richard drowned in theWhite Ship which sank in the English Channel. This posed a succession problem, as Henry never allowed any of his illegitimate children to expect succession to either England or Normandy. Henry had a legitimate daughter Matilda (widow of EmperorHenry V, subsequently married to the Count of Anjou). However, it was his nephew Stephen (reigned 1135-54), son of William the Conqueror's daughter Adela, who succeeded Henry after his death allegedly caused by eating too many lampreys (fish)in 1135, as the barons mostly opposed the idea of a female ruler.
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 112
Note: Gives year as 1070
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Directory of Royal Genealogical Data
Title: Directory of Royal Genealogical Data
Author: Brian Tompsett
Page: Henry I Beauclerc, King of England
Note: Month, year and location
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 112
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Directory of Royal Genealogical Data
Title: Directory of Royal Genealogical Data
Author: Brian Tompsett
Page: Henry I Beauclerc, King of England
Note: Full date and location
Source: (Burial)
Abbreviation: England Under the Norman and Angevin Kings 1075-1225 (The N
ew Oxford History of England)
Title: England Under the Norman and Angevin Kings 1075-1225 (The N
ew Oxford History of England)
Author: Robert Bartlett
Publication: Oxford, England: 2000, The Clarendon Press
Page: Page 595
Source: (Burial)
Abbreviation: Kings and Queens of England (and Later United Kingdom) Sinc
e 802
Title: Kings and Queens of England (and Later United Kingdom) Sinc
e 802
Author: Buckingham Palace Press Office
Page: Henry I Beauclerc, King of England
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 112
Note: Line 121-25
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Magna Charta Sureties, 1215
Title: The Magna Charta Sureties, 1215: The Barons Named in the M
agna Charta, 1215 and Some of Their Descendants Who Settle
d in America During the Early Colonial Years.
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (5th Ed)
Page: Page 189
Note: Spouse of 161-9
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Notes on the Yale Ancestry
Title: Notes on the Yale Ancestry with a Royal Descent
Author: Peter G. Van der Poel
Publication: The American Genealogist; Vol 32
Page: Page 71
Death: 1 Dec 1135 Abbey of Saint-Denis, Saint-Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis, France
Burial: Reading Abbey, Reading, Berkshire, England

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d'Aubigny, William 2nd Earl of Arundel And Sussex (b. Bef 1150, d. 24 Dec 1193)
Note: Had a grant from the crown, in the 23rd year of King Henry II., of the Earldom of Sussex, and in the first year of King Richard I., had a confirmation from that prince, of the castle and honor of Arundel, as also of the Tertium Denarium of the county of Sussex. He died in 1196, and was succeeded by his son, William.
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Directory of Royal Genealogical Data
Title: Directory of Royal Genealogical Data
Author: Brian Tompsett
Page: d'Aubigny, William, Earl of Arundel 2nd
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 131
Note: Line 149-25
Text: Earl of Arundel and sussex; Crusader,
Death: 24 Dec 1193

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de St Hilary, Matilda (b. 1137, d. 24 Dec 1193)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 131
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 3
Death: 24 Dec 1193 , Norfolk, England
Burial: Priory of Great Carbrooke, Norfolk, England

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de St Hilary, James (b. 1107, d. Abt 1154)
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 131
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 3
Death: Abt 1154

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, Aveline (b. , d. ?)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 131

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d'Aubigny, William "The Stronghand" 1st Earl of Arundel (b. Abt 1102, d. 12 Oct 1176)
Note: Surnamed "William with the strong hand," from the following circumstance, as related by William Dugdale: "It happened that the Queen of France, being then a widow, and a very beautiful woman, became much in love with a knight from an other country, who was a comely person, and in the flower of his youth; and because she thought that no man excelled him in valor, she caused a tournament to be proclaimed throughout her dominions, promising to reward those who should exercise themselvestherein, according to their respective abilities; and concluded that if the person whom she so well affected should act his part better than others in those military exercises, she might marry him without any dishonor to herself. Hereupon divers gallant men, from foreign parts hasting to Paris, amongst others came this our William de Albini, bravely accoutered, and in the tournament excelled all others, overcoming many, and wounding one mortally with his lance, which being observedby the queen, she became exceedingly enamored of him, and forthwith invited him to a costly banquet, and afterwards bestowing certain jewels upon him, offered him marriage; but, having plighted his troth to the Queen of England, then a widow, he refused her, whereat she grew so discontented that she consulted with her maids how she might take away his life; and in pursuance of that design, inticed him into a garden, where there was a secret cave, and in it a fierce lion, unto which she descended by divers steps, under color of showing him the beast; and when she told him of its fierceness, he answered, that it was a womanish and not a manly quality to be afraid thereof. But having him there, by the advantage of a folding door, thrust him to the lion; being therefore in this danger, he rolled his mantle about his arm, and putting his hand into the mouth of the beast, pulled out his tongue by the root; which done, he followed the queen to her palace, and gave it to one of her maids to present her. Returning thereupon to England, with the fame of this glorious exploit, he was forthwith advanced to the Earldom of Arundel, and for his arms the Lion given him." He subsequently married Adeliza of Lorraine, Queen of England, widow of King Henry I., and the daughter of Godfrey, Duke of Lorraine. Adeliza had the castle of Arundel in dowry from her deceased husband, the monarch, and thus her new lord became its feudal earl, 1st Earl of Arundel in this family. The earl was one of those who solicited the Empress Maud to come to England, and received her and her brother Robert, Earl of Gloucester, at the port of Arundel, in August 1139, and in three years afterwards (1142), in the report madeof King Stephen's taking William de Mandeville at St. Albans, it is stated "that before he could be laid hold on, he underwent a sharp skirmish with the king's party, wherein the Earl of Arundel, though a stout and expert soldier, was unhorsedin the midst of the water by Walceline de Oxeai, and almost drowned." In 1150, he wrote himself Earl of Chichester, but we find him styled again Earl of Arundel, upon a very memorable occasion, namely, the reconciliation of Henry, Duke of Normandy, afterwards King Henry II., and King Stephen at the siege of Wallingford Castle in 1152. "It was scarce possible," says Rapin, "for the armies to part without fighting. Accordingly the two leaders were preparing for battle with equal ardor, when, by the prudent advice of the Earl of Arundel, who was on the king's side, they were prevented from coming to blows." A truce and peace followed this interference of the earl's, which led to the subsequent accession of Henry after Stephen's decease, in whose favor the earl stood so high that he not only obtained for himself and his heirs the castle and honor of Arundel, but a confirmation of the Earldom of Sussex, of which county he was really earl, by a grant of the Tertium Denarium of the pleas of the shire. In 1164, we find the Earl of Arundel deputed with Gilbert Foliot, Bishop of London, to remonstrate with Louis, King of France, upon according an asylum to Thomas a Becket within his dominions, and on the failure of that mission, dispatched with the archbishop of York, the Bishops of Winchester, London, Chichester, and Exeter, Wido Rufus, Richard de Invecestre, John de Oxford (priests), Hugh de Gundevile, Bernard de St. Valery, and Henry Fitzgerald,to lay the whole affair of Becket at the foot of the pontifical throne. Upon levying the aid for the marriage of the king's daughter, in the 12th year of Henry II., the knight's fees of the honor of Arundel were certified to be ninety-seven, and those in Norfolk, belonging to the earl, forty-two. In 1173, we find the Earl of Arundel commanding, in conjunction with William, Earl of Mandeville, the king's army in Normandy, and compelling the French monarch to abandon Verneuil after a long siege, and in the next year, with Richard de Lucy, Justice of England, defeating Robert, Earl of Leicester, then in rebellion at St. Edmundbury. This potent nobleman, after founding and endowing several religious houses, died at Waverley, in Surrey, on October 3, 1176, and was buried in the Abbey of Wymondham.
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 131
Death: 12 Oct 1176 Waverly Abbey, Surrey, England
Burial: Wymondham Priory, Norfolk, England

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, Adela of Louvain (b. 1103-1106, d. 3 Nov 1151)
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 131
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Directory of Royal Genealogical Data
Title: Directory of Royal Genealogical Data
Author: Brian Tompsett
Page: Adeliza of Louvain, Queen of England
Note: Location and date of 1105
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Louvaine
Title: Louvaine
Author: Suzanne Doig
Publication:, 3 Apr 2000
Page: Adeliza of Louvain, Queen of England
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 131
Note: Gives date of 3 Nov 1151, and location
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Directory of Royal Genealogical Data
Title: Directory of Royal Genealogical Data
Author: Brian Tompsett
Page: Adeliza of Louvain, Queen of England
Note: Gives date Abt 23 Apr 1151
Source: (Burial)
Abbreviation: Directory of Royal Genealogical Data
Title: Directory of Royal Genealogical Data
Author: Brian Tompsett
Page: Adeliza of Louvain, Queen of England
Death: 3 Nov 1151 Afflighem Abbey, Afflighem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium
Burial: Afflighem Abbey, Afflighem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium

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de Neufmarché, Bernard Lord of Brecon (b. , d. 1093)
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 152
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare
Title: The Yale Descent from Braiose & Clare Through Pigott of Buc
Author: Robert Joseph Curfman
Publication: The American Genalogist; Vol 56, No 1, January 1980
Call number: Serial Shelves Am 34 Vol 56 No 1
Name: Connecticut State Library
Address: 231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Address1: 231 Capitol Avenue
Address2: Hartford, CT 06106-1537
Page: Page 2
Death: 1093

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, Geoffrey I (Godfrey I) "The Bearded" Count of Louvain, Duke of Lower Lorraine (b. Abt 1060, d. 25 Jan 1139-1140)
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 135
Source: (Burial)
Abbreviation: Louvaine
Title: Louvaine
Author: Suzanne Doig
Publication:, 3 Apr 2000
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 131, 135
Note: Line 155-23
Death: 25 Jan 1139-1140
Burial: Afflighem Abbey, Afflighem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium

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de Chiny And De Namur, Ida (b. 1103, d. 1117-1122)
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 131
Death: 1117-1122

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, Adelaide of Namur (b. 1068, d. 1124)
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 131
Death: 1124

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, Otto II Count of Chiny (b. , d. 1124-1131)
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 131
Death: 1124-1131

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, Arnold II of Warcq Count of Chiny (b. , d. 1106)
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 131
Death: 1106

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de Montdidier, Adelaide (b. Abt 1025, d. Abt 1069)
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Descendants of Hildouin III de Montdidier
Title: Descendants of Hildouin III de Montdidier
Author: Ed Mann
Publication:, 21 Dec 1999
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 131
Given Name: Adela De Rameru
Death: Abt 1069

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de Rameru, Hildouin III 4th Comte de Montdidier et Comte de Roucy (b. Abt 1010, d. Abt 1063)
Note: BIOGRAPHY: Seigneur of Rameru
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Descendants of Hildouin III de Montdidier
Title: Descendants of Hildouin III de Montdidier
Author: Ed Mann
Publication:, 21 Dec 1999
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 131
Death: Abt 1063

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de Roucy, Alix (b. Abt 1014, d. 1062)
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Descendants of Hildouin III de Montdidier
Title: Descendants of Hildouin III de Montdidier
Author: Ed Mann
Publication:, 21 Dec 1999
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 133
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 133
Note: Line 151-22
Death: 1062

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de Namur, Albert III Comte de Namur (b. Abt 1028, d. 22 Jun 1102)
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Généalogie de rois de France
Title: Généalogie de rois de France
Author: Jean-François Campion
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestral Roots
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to A
merica before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charl
emagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong and some o
f Their Descendants
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999, (7th Ed)
Page: Page 131
Death: 22 Jun 1102

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