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  Neighbours Boys

  Home / Up / Tom Scully (Father) _ Andrew Larkins-2004   



With mum & Katie Landers

Lived: 26 Ramsay Street
Parents: Bob Landers Bruce Kilpatrick-1990-aprox and Annette Landers Tanya Uren 1988 (Seen above)
Siblings: Katie Landers Sally Jensen 1988 (Seen above)

Girl friend: Phoebe Gottlieb
Occupation: Student Beverly Robinson's nephew, he was killed on the way to the hospital, (by a van.) to tell his girlfriend Phoebe Bright, not to abort their baby. Phoebe eventually had a baby girl and named it Hope.Hope Gottlieb_Lauren Pearson 1993

Home / Up / Tom Scully (Father) _ Andrew Larkins-2004