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mY tiny CoLLeCtiOn oF kiCkS thAt i ROcK riGht NoW(sTiLL grOWiN..)

aY thESe aRe The ShoEs ThAt i WeAR riGHt NoW anD aRe thE oNLy ONeS 4 dA schOO yeAr...(2002-2003)

I wear a size 7-8.5 and i got some of these pictures from ShoeBacca and um thats bout it. (THESE AREN'T MY ACTUAL SHOES)

mY White/Gold AF1's..(first pair)

wiT thEsE aiR foRcE onEs...i gO oUt To chiLL aNd TRY t0 LoOk goOd oR somEthiN...i trY tO wASh thEsE EvERY TIME iT gEtS diRtY...ima prOLLy eNd uP f(_)c|(!|\| iT uP...

mY t-MaCs

wiT thESe t-MaCs i juSS chiLL wiT eM anD soMeTiMeS gEt eM diRTy....i cLeaN eM oNce iN a WhiLe...thE oNLy thiNg diFFeReNt fRom ^ anD miNe iS juSS thAt i chAngEd The LacEs t0 BLUE aNd ^ iS cLeaNeR :/ (starting to get tight on me)

i jusS wEaR diS foR b-BaLL...

mY oThA chiLLiN shOEs...Goes wit ANyTHING

P.E ShoeS

Ay, i juss copped these Jet FLights about a week or so ago and it was 30 bucks and uh...its comfy as *&^%!

I just got these at Big 5 for Christmas..i swear gotta be one of tha best deals ever....from 159.99 to 35 wow...cant beat that...

my chillin shoes for this winter so i dont mess ne other kicks up...