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A little girl in Tulsa, Indiana was kidnapped from her one story house last week. The seven year old's parents are understandably distraught. They told local correspondant Jim Hightower, "This is the most horrible thing that's ever happened to us. We're just sitting here waiting to hope she's alive...sweetie, if you're watching we love you. Come home safe." Unfortunately for the girl's parents, her already decaying corpse was found in the woods two miles from her quaint residence. She had been shot in the head execution style with a nine milimeter bullet after being sexually abused. More to come on this story as we learn more details.

A thirty car pile up on I-5 caused the deaths of fourteen people and injured twenty-three more. Witnesses to the scene said that the car responsible for the crash was weaving in and out of lanes quickly, and struck the rear of another motorist, causing both to spin out and subsequently crash. Our own Sam Waterston is there now to bring you more. Sam, are you there? "Yes I am. The scene here is complete chaos. Over here you can see spots of blood from where one of the victims was found dead on arrival, presumably from massive blunt force trauma to the head and chest. Much is the same for the other thirteen people who lost their lives today in this tragic turn of events. Back to you."

In Olympia, a local 7-11 was robbed this morning. A man reportedly came into the convenience mart brandishing a shotgun and demanded the money in the register. After the frightened cashier handed over the thirty-four dollars that was in the register, the thief shot the man in the stomach and fled the scene. The cashier remains at Harbor View Medical Center in critical conidition.

More to come on the evening news after these words from our sponsor, Fisher Price.

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