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In the quest to satisfy our desire for the physical realm, we have glorified, and even at times perverted, what these senses mean to us. In the main, the utter depravity and distortion of what we are physical has become so embedded within our minds, that many of us don't think twice about what it is we are truly looking at. In effect, we have synthetically created what it is that we can never experience given our limitation as the species human. Flashing images that compose our television programming, the touched up pictures within the pages of magazines, perfumes and colognes sold in department stores, cheap and easily manufactured food...all synthetic. We have so artificially recreated our natural world, that there is simply no room for anything natural. The price that we have paid for this is the slow debasing of what all of this means to us. Before, we would glorify these sensations, describing them in full detail and emotion in poetry and literature, talking among ourselves and offering up our own experiences to the wonder and awe of others. Now, it is simply a quick fix of synthetic joy. This plastic elation has become the norm, and the price isn't money, it isn't is our soul. We have torn the soul from the very heart of our world. All for one more high...all for one more injection that will keep us complacent enough in delusion that we feel as if we are experiencing a true marvel...when all we are truly experiencing is the slow decay of our very essence...

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