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Sue's Super Facepainters

Top left in the back, hand on the hip is Terri, Sally, Nicky, Anna, Kimmy, bottom left in front is Alyse, Sue and Jonna (pink Princess).

WELCOME TO SUE'S SUPER FACEPAINTERS Page in our little corner of the web. We hope that you enjoy our page as much as we are having fun building it and taking the classes! Our workshop happened on September 13-14th 2003 in Bellingham, WA at Alyse and Camerons (Zig Zag and Ragz the clowns) house. We had a wonderful Painter/Artist named Sue Howard (Owner of She came from England to teach us how to do some fabulous painting. The skills that she has and what she taught us left us with our mouths dropped open and I think that most of us are still in awe over what we learned from Sue. Putting Snazaroo paints and Sue's new paints (coming soon)to work and learning a whole lot of new things, like blending, making Horns, Eyes, Butterflies, Princess', Farie's, Tigers, Monsters, some really cool and unusal designes and you name it!

We are facepainters and clowns in the Seattle/Everett Washington area that wanted to learn additional skills to the ones we already have. Most all of us were only doing simple cheek art and wanted to expand ourselves to full faces but were afraid to do it on our own. So Sally*Genii Blue the clown* and Alyse *Zig Zags the clown* got together and had Sue come to us to teach us some unbelievable talents that she had. We had so much fun having her with us that we couldnt get enough and we want more! Before we knew it.... more people in more cities were wanting Sue too... which is how we got to where we are now! Sue is very willing to come to anyone who will pay for her airfare and feed her. She doesn't eat much, will sleep on your couch and teach you everything that she knows. Well, maybe not everything. We in the Seattle area are already looking at the possibility extending her tour next year so just let us know if you're interested in having her come to you too! Who knows what next year will bring! This year was Philidelphia, LA, San Jose, Seattle and Tucson! We are already talking about a group tour to see Sue in England next year... wouldn't that be a hoot! She said come on she will put us all to work and we might just do it! Look out England here we come!

If youre interested in contacting us to come to your event or birthday party please dont hesitate to email Sally at or Terri at for more information!

Please make sure you sign our guestbook below! Thanks!!

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Butterfly Steps

Princess' and Fairy Steps

Leopard Steps

Monster Steps

Monster Steps Page 2

Scenery Steps

Tiger Steps

Snake Steps from Kimmie

Giraffe Pictures

Butterfly Pictures

Princess and Fairy Pictures

Leopard Pictures

Monster Pictures

Scenery Pictures

Misc Pictures


Below are the links to our home pages! Feel free to go take a look and see what cute clowns and characters we have on top of having our new founded face painting skills!

T Tator Tot The Clown's Home Page

Genii Blue The Clown's Home Page

Kimmie's Kloset

Zig Zags and Ragz The Clown's Home Page