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sakura taisen was created by ooji hiroi; sega, red company (C)1996-present
this fanfiction is by JillM; posted may 14, 2002
notes: again a long delay. gomen nasai!!! i'm almost finished with this series. promise!

More Butai Love
Episode 13

"Doushite??" Kaede cried, still kneeling on the ground, "Why did you authorize such a thing to be created, Neesan??! Why, why, WHY!?!?!'

Kohran looks at the scoreboard in Yuri's hands. "It's a very complicated invention ya. I still haven't figured out how this crazy thing works."

"Now that I think about it," Yoneda said, while tapping his chin, "It was Ayame-kun's idea for a man being the taichou of the Hanagumi. I wonder what was going through her head."

Everyone stopped to ponder this, but it didn't take them very long to figure it out. "Yapari, Neesan..." Kaede sighed.

"AAA!!?" Everyone now looked at Kikunojou, who had a face full of panic. "W-What should I do?! Oogami-san and Kayama-san are both in love with me!"

"No fair!!" Tsubaki exclaimed, "You can't have BOTH of the hot guys!!"

"Sou yo!" Yuri yelled, "You have to give one up!"

"B-But which one?" Kiku cried, face blushing, "They are both so wonderful! I... I don't know what to do!"

"Kiku-chan," Kotone came over and clasped their hands together, "No matter what you choose, I'm behind you all the way. I always have."

"Oh Taichou!!" Kiku gasped, sparkles in the air.

"BASTARDS!!!" Kasumi exclaimed, quickly breaking up the 'lovey-dovey'ness. "The two of you make me ill!! It's all your fault everything is so messed up!!"

"How's that?" they asked in unison.

Kasumi waved her fingers at them. "Because Because Because Because Because!!!!!" Everyone now stared at her with concern as she fell to the ground on her knees - right next to Kaede. "Oh... what is to become of us...?"

But Kaede was lamenting something else. "NEESAN!!! This is all your fault!!!" She started shaking the scoreboard in a frenzy. "WHY?! WHY DO YOU TORMENT ME EVEN NOW?!"

"D-Daijoubu oi?" Kanna stammered, "Na, Kaede-san..."

"She's lost it ya!" Kohran noted, "Ah sou ya! I have a good invention for this!" Kohran then sped off to her room.

"Ara?" Orihime blinked. "I just saw something flutter from the scoreboard. Everyone gathered around. "Sou de~su... isn't that... Sakura-sa~n's bromide?"

Everyone did a double take and then started laughing. "S-Someone..." Maria said, in between her giggles, "Someone drew a mustache and beard on her...!"

"Sou sou!" Yuri chuckled, "Looks very good on her..."

"Oi, this isn't funny!" Yoneda said sternly. But finally he just broke down laughing. "K-Kazuma had a pretty cute son, wahahahahaha!!"

Despite everyone having a good laugh. Kaede didn't look amused. "I finally understand... When someone made Sakura-kun appear like a man, the scoreboard discarded her as an option... Now, who is the culprit?"

All eyes turned to Sumire, who was trying to sneak away. "N-Nan desutte??! Are you saying that I did it??"

"Iya, sonna!" Kurisu cried, "We're just wondering why you're trying to escape..."

"I'm not escaping! I just... I felt a need to powder my nose, that's all."

"Oi Sumire!" Kanna said, moving in front of her, "You're acting suspicious... Now tell the truth, before I shove this fist up your pretty nose..."

"Hmp! How uncivil! Fine! The culprit was me - Watakushi desu wa!" Sumire exclaimed, "That little fruit cake stepped on my kimono AGAIN for the eight time during rehearsal! I had it with her! I figured if she wasn't an option anymore, we could just drop her! I had no idea it would cause such a stir! She's just a second rate actress anyways!!"

There was a long general pause.

Sumire took out her fan and started to fan herself. "Aa... now I feel a lot better, getting that out of my system..."

"Sumire..." Maria said in a grave voice, "Have you any idea what kind of trouble you have caused. Because of you, Sakura has gone AWOL. Her relatives have threatened the Teigeki. And now our series is in danger. Will you take responsibility for your actions?"

"My actions! I didn't do anything wrong! It's really Sakura-san's fault! Minna-san, I am insulted by your behavior, accusing me like this! I am going to drop my role!"

"NO! Don't do that!!" Yoneda exclaimed, but Sumire stormed out of there before anyone could stop her. "Ah, dammit... now what are we going to do...?!"

"Hmhmhmhm," Oogami stood behind him, looking smug. "If I were the Taichou of the Hanagumi, I would find a solution right away!"

"Baka yarou!" Yoneda snapped, "You weren't even looking for a solution when you were Taichou! You were busy chasing girls, dammit!"

"D-Datte...!" Oogami stammered, "How do you expect Kayama to do any better?! He can't even ride a koubu!"

"He can too!" replied Tsubomi, "According to the report, it would take him a year of training to be able to use a koubu. Kayama-san has already completed his training and passed the test. He could power one if he wanted to!"

"Yeah but..." Oogami stammered, "H-He doesn't have a special relationship with the girls as I do! How do you expect him to be a catalyst?!?" Everyone coughed. "What's that supposed to me??!"

Yuri replied, "Actually, Kayama-san has been sending time with each of us. Amusement parks, shopping, lunch and dinner. Heck, he even planned a camping trip with us and some naval offices (hyaaan)."

"BEHIND MY BACK!?!" Oogami exclaimed, "That traitor!!"

"No offense, Oogami-san," Tsubaki replied, "It's just that you're not the only guy around here."

"KYA!" Kiku wailed, "I cannot decide!!!"

"Sonna... Minna..." Oogami uttered, his face falling, "I... I was betrayed by everyone..." He then took into a run and disappeared down the hall.

Before anyone could go after him, a group of girls entered the lobby. "Sumimasen!! We were wondering if we could buy some tickets for the upcoming play."

A cold draft filled the room. "You... want tickets...?" Yuri uttered, remembering her job just a little, "Honto ni...?"

"Ano, where have I seen you before?" Tsubaki asked, "I feel like its de ja vu."

"We're the Yumegumi." said their leader, "We work in the research division of the capitol's defense."

All eyes turned to Jiru. "W-We thought..." Tsubomi said, "That you said you were the Yumegumi."

"Ahahahaha! Did I say that??" Jiru laughed, while waving her hands.

Maria took out her gun. "Who are you really??"

"Ah... well... sore wa..." She then pointed at the doors. "Look!" Everyone turned to see. Jiru quickly grabbed Kurisu by the arm and ran out of there.

"OI!!! Come back here!!!" Kanna exclaimed, "Na, Shihainin, who is she anyways... Jiru no yatsu??"

Yoneda frowned a little. "You know... I was told that she was the Yumegumi leader too. I forgot that I had met the Yumegumi before... I have no idea why..."

"You forgot??" Yuri asked, "Shihainin, even though you are really old, it's not like you to forget something."

"Totemo hen de~su!" Orihime exclaimed, "That girl was able to hypnotize us or something! It makes me suspicious of her! Let's find out who she is really!!"

Orihime, Kanna, and Maria quickly left to go after them - just as Kohran got back. "Ta-da! Here it is!! Happy Hiromu-kun ya!!!"

"Happy Hiromu-san??" the others repeated with sweat-beads as Kohran held up this strange looking helmet.

"Sou sou ya!" Kohran replied, "This is going to help cheer up those two stressful gals - this way, we can finally get some work done! Aa... who are these people??" she asked, looking over at the group by the door.

"We're the Yumegumi. Since we work for the government, don't we get a discount on tickets??"

"You want to buy tickets?!?" Kohran cried. She then took out a box and hit a switch. Her ticket-selling robot came... and was smoking.

"KYAAAAAA!" the Yumegumi cried, running away from it. It started to chase them. "KYAAAAAA!! Someone save us!!!!"

"Kohran!!" Yoneda exclaimed, "We were THIS close to selling tickets!"

"Warui ya..." Kohran sighed, "I think there are some bugs I need to work out. But where was I?" They turned towards the two women, kneeling on the floor. "Aa! Kasumi-han~! Kaede-han~! One of you - please lend me your head!!"

Yuri, Tsubomi, and Tsubaki pulled up their leader and handed her over to Kohran, who was planning on using her as a guinea pig. Meanwhile, Kaede just sat there, looking depressed.

'Stupid scoreboard... Ara?' She lifted her head as her kinematron was beeping. 'Who could that be...?'

* * * * * * * * * * * *
Meanwhile, Jiru and Kurisu were still running. They could hear the others close behind them. "W-What should we do??!" Kurisu exclaimed. Jiru just leaped into the wall, right into one of the trap doors, pulling him along. "UWAAAAAAH!!!"

Kurisu landed on his stomach, feeling sore. Then Jiru landed on his back. "Ah, what a soft landing!" she sighed.

"A-Ano... Jiru-san..." Kurisu stammered, feeling pain.

"Yoshi! We've got to get out of here!" Jiru exclaimed, standing.

"ITEH!!" Kurisu said, feeling more pain. Jiru just walked off him and ran off to the command center. "Ne, Jiru-san, why are we running??"

"Datte!" she said, as she was trying to activate the gouraigo, "If they find out who we really are, then we'll be in trouble!"

"Ara, but who are you really???" Sumire had been there the whole time and heard everything. But before she could push for more answers, she saw an album that had fallen from Kurisu's pocket. "N-Nan desu ka??!"

"AAH!?" Kurisu's face went red. "S-Sore wa...!!"

Sumire was flipping through the album. "My swimsuit issue, volume 3. Maa, you have excellent taste, Kurisu-san."

"H-Hai, Sumire-sama!" he gasped, his head turning into teapot and letting out steam, "I-I have every single volume!"

"Hearing this... I am happy!" she said with a smile, "You are much more sensible than the men around me. I am already sick of them all. I shall get away from here as soon as I can!"

"Ne ne!" Jiru called, "The goraigo is ready to go! Let's escape, Kurisu-chan!"

Kurisu quickly grabbed Sumire's hands. "A-Ano... Sumire-sama..."


"Will... will you... WILL YOU RUN AWAY WITH ME?!"

Sumire blinked. "Ara...?"

Kurisu fell to his knees. "Onegaishimasu!! I adore you!!"

Sumire was flattered, more like a self-righteous trip. "Ohohohohohoho!! Why wouldn't you?!" But the wheels in her head were also turning. 'If I disappear for a little bit, everyone will be so desperate to get me back and forget all my ill deeds...' She patted the boy on the head. "You have a deal! Let's run away!"

Jiru cleared her throat. "Erhen! The goraigo is ready~!"

"Hai! Let's go!!" Kurisu said, taking Sumire by the hand and helping her into the train. "Ureshii~!"

"OMEDETOU~!" Jiru chimed.

Sumire just continued to laugh evilly inside her head. 'Ohohohohoho!!!'

* * * * * * * *
"Ara, Yuuichi! Doushita no?" Kaede asked, looking into her kinematron.

"Hora! We're on duty now - you can't call me by my name so personally, Fukushire!"

"D-Demo... it never stopped us before..." she uttered, wondering why he was so defensive with the way she said his name. "Do you really want it this way??"

"Sou da na... We can't give everyone the wrong idea of us..."

'Yuuichi...' Kaede's face saddened. 'He seems so cold... Ah, I know!' She quickly grabbed the scoreboard. 'It's because of this!' She then took out a pen and drew a mustache on Kikunojou. Instantly Kiku's face went away.

"Ne, Kaede-san... Are you still there?"

'Oh no... It didn't work...!' Kaede thought, as she went back to her kinematron. "Fine, I'll call you 'Kayama-kun' for now on."

Kayama shivered. "Aaa~! Ii na! You know I love it when you call me with 'kun'... You are a devilish woman, Kaede-san~!

"Ah?!" Kaede blinked as he started to play his guitar. 'He... He's back to normal!!' But just to make sure, she grabbed Kikunojou. "Ne, Kayama-KUN."

"Oh! Yamero!!" he exclaimed, clutching his head.

"Ah, gomen ne..." she said smiling innocently, "Anyways, what do you think about Kikunojou-kun??"

"Hmmm?? Well, his breasts a little lopsided."

"WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT HIS CHEST!!!" Kaede cried. She then paused. 'At least he acknowledged that he is a he.'

Kayama tilted his head to the side. "The ancients say, 'One should not try to change the currents of the ocean, because the ocean is what it is and will go at its own flow.' Besides, the real thing looks much better. Ne, Kaede-chan??"

"N-Nan desutte?! How can you say such things so openly!!" Kaede exclaimed, her face all red as the others were listening in on her conversation. "We're on duty here!!"

"Sou da ne," his voice turning serious, "But since you are calling me 'Kayama-KUN', shall I call you what you like most???"

Kaede dropped the kinematron. "S-Sonna!!" She covered her ears and ran out of there, "DAME YO!!!"

Yoneda picked up the kinematron. "Oi! What are you doing?! What happened with Sakura??"

"Aah, that's right! It happened like this..."

* * * * * * * * * * * *
Earlier, Kayama was running down the street, chasing after the speeding bus. "Oi!!" he called to some cops, "How come you're not doing anything to stop that bus?!"

But the cops were immune to the screams and the disaster pouring down the street. "Yapari, the Hanagumi is filming some sort of movie. They are clever with the hidden cameras."

'Figures, you shouldn't leave things to the local law enforcement.' Kayama sighed, as he reached out his hand to catch the back window handle of the bus. He was able to leap onto its bumper and then climb onto the roof. He crawled to the other side and put his head down over the windshield. "YO!"

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Sakura screamed as she saw the face by surprise. The entire bus jerked to the left and Kayama almost fell off. He crawled in through the side door, while Sakura struggled to get the bus under control. "Sumimasen, Kayama-san!!!"

"Daijoubu yo! I'm here to save you. Now, let me take over the driving."

But he saw that Sakura's nerves were on edge and there was no way she could be pried from the wheel. "Sakura-kun? Look out for that lamppost!"


Kayama quickly grabbed part of the wheel and steered them out of danger. 'How is this going to work?' he wondered as they calmed down. He looked over his shoulder at the three gangsters who had passed out. 'This cannot be good. I've got to stop this bus!'

He turned to the driver. "Sakura-kun... Gomen!" He then sat on her lap and grabbed the wheel. Despite, her high pitch screaming in his ear he was able to steer the bus into the park and slow it to a stop. After the world stopped spinning, Kayama leaned his head against the wheel. "Yokkata..."

"GET OFF ME!!!" Sakura hollered. She pushed him off and he landed on the floor. By now, Dandy and his gang woke up, only to hear her cries. They came running to the rescue, just in time to see Sakura's tearful face.

"S-Sakura-san!!" Dandy gasped, "What did that hooligan do to you?!?" Sakura could only sob. "TEME!! I won't forgive you!!"

'Dame da!' Kayama thought as the trio surrounded him, 'This isn't good! They look real scary!'

"Come on, boys!" Dandy hissed, "Let's mess him up real good!!"

"With pleasure, Boss!" Nishimura and Takeda said, cracking their knuckles.

'What should I do? Should I fight back? Iya... this is unnecessary violence. We should be fighting together against the demons, not each other. This is a world where men should live in harmony! We should all link our hands and sing together! Ah, that's it!!'

Kayama paused to clear his throat. "Basu wa... yuku yuku..." Dandy blinked, lowering his fists. Kayama just continued singing, "Subarashii yume nosete~!"

And you can guess what happened next...

"DAMEEEE!!!" Sakura yelled, covered her ears, "I hate this song!!!"

But Kayama and Dandy were dancing around the bus, singing "the Bus song." Nishimura and Takeda were clapping their hands. "We LOVE this song!"

"Rai rai rai rai rai rai rai rai~!"

"YAMETTE!!!" Sakura cried, "I'm going to go crazy!!!" But then, she saw her grandmother standing outside the bus. 'Sonna! I'm caught! I-I have to get out of here!!' She turned to the singing duo. "Dandy-san!!"

But he didn't hear her. Already, Gontaro and Obaasama were approaching the door. Sakura sped through the back of the bus. Running at top speed, she broke through the back window and kept on running. No thanks to the loud singing and background music that just came out of nowhere, the Sendai-gumi didn't take notice of the crashing noise. They stood there, wondering why these men were dancing and singing in the bus.

The old woman went up to them and mumbled something. "Eh? Nan da?" they asked.

Gontaru stepped up. "WHERE IS SAKURA-OJOUSAMA!!!"

Dandy rubbed his ears. "Sakura-san... she was here a moment ago." All eyes turned to the back of the bus, where there was broken glass everywhere. "Sonna! Sakura-san!!"

"We have to catch her! She can't be too far!" Gontaru noted. He and the old woman departed.

"Sonna! Sonna!!" Dandy cried, clutching his head, "I was THIS close to Sakura-san and I let her go! I didn't even get her autography! Oh, I am so pitiful!"

"Demo na," Kayama said, patting his shoulder, "You have such a great singing voice!"

"TEME!!" Dandy exclaimed, "It's all your fault Sakura-san got away!! Boys! Take care of him!"

Next thing he knew, Kayama was thrown out of the bus, which zoomed away in a hurry. Since then, he had been at Ueno Park.

* * * * * * * * * * * *
"Sou ka..." Yoneda uttered, "Sakura is still running from her relatives. Hopefully, they can talk it out. I really think we should concentrate on the play. But..."

Suddenly there was an explosion. Apparently, Kohran's latest invention didn't work so well.

"Kasumi-san! Kasumi-san!!!" Yuri, Tsubaki, and Tsubomi cried, worried for their leader. She just sat up, a dazed look in her face. "She looks like she's all right." Yuri noted.

"Daijoubu desu ka??" Tsubomi asked, "Can you stand?"

"Un..." Kasumi said, getting on her feet. "What happened?"

"Don't you remember?" Tsubaki asked, "Your depression, and then your intense hatred for the Baragumi??"

"I... do not remember..." Kasumi uttered, rubbing her head. "But I... I suddenly... feel so... HAPPY!"

"YOSSHA!!!" Kohran popped up, waving her hands, "My invention worked!!!"

"Sonna!!" Tsubomi, Tsubaki, and Yuri cried in unision; they were shocked that one of Kohran's inventions actually worked. "It must be the end of the world..."

"OI!! Would you get to work already!!?" Yoneda exclaimed.

* * * * * * * * * * *
Meanwhile, Kaede was in the dressing room, freshening up. She was now in a good mood and couldn't wait for Kayama to show up. 'Datte, he's not chasing that Kikunojou anymore! Hmhmhmh!' she thought, putting on some lipstick, 'Hurry back, Yuuichi~!'

"Kaede-san..." said a drone voice behind her.

"Kya!" Kaede said with a jump. She slowly turned to see Oogami standing there. 'Oh no...' She clutched her head. Something was wrong and she started to feel dizzy. 'Not again!!'

"Kaede-san," Oogami sighed, "Lots of things have happened. One minute I'm in love with you, and the next with Kiku-chan... And now, I'm no longer the Taichou of the Hanagumi. Everything is falling apart. I don't understand it at all...'

Kaede just backed away from him, holding out the open lipstick. "S-Stay back, Oogami-kun! I'm warning you!!"

"Eh? Doushita, Kaede-san?!"

Kaede just turned heel and ran out of there. 'I can't be in love with Oogami-kun! It's... it's just wrong!! Neesan, please... please help me!'

Somehow, don't ask how, but Kaede's pleads were heard. As Oogami chased after her, he heard some samba music. 'Masaka!' He stopped and looked over his shoulder. But as he did that, one of the light fixtures fell on his head. He then passed out.

Sakura's mother happened to be passing in the hallway, when she saw he lying on the floor. "Oh my!" she cried, falling instantly in love. Without another thought, she grabbed him by the arm and dragged him away...

* * * * * * * * * *
"It's no use..." Maria sighed, she and the others making a complete search of the Teigeki, "Jiru is no where to be found."

"When I see that little...!!" Kanna grumbled. But then her stomach made a noise. "Oi, let's take a break. All this raging has made me hungry..."

"Sou de~su!" Orihime pouted, "We've been running around and yelling ALL day. I'm losing my voice. Let's rest now."

"Hai hai..." Maria uttered. They then stopped in the lobby to see the Teigeki Musume girls working in a frenzy. "Eto... you guys aren't on strike anymore??"

"Sou ne!" Tsubaki chimed, "Kasumi-san is back to her cheery self so we can work hard now!"

"Hora!" Kasumi exclaimed, "Get back to work, Tsubaki-san! The play is tomorrow after all!!"

"Hai..." Tsubaki sighed, walking back to the gift shop with her head down.

Yuri's eyes narrowed, "Because Kasumi-san is back, it's only work work work. Aaan, this is not healthy for a young woman's life. At this rate, I'm going to have paper cuts all over my hands. Mou, this isn't attractive at all!"


"Hai..." Yuri sighed, walking back to the business office with her head down.

Kasumi then turned to Tsubomi, whose eyes went big and quickly ran into the cafeteria without argument. Kasumi then turned back to her gentle self and smiled to the girls. "For some reason, I feel so relieved. Please work hard on your preparations for the play."

"Jitsu wa..." Maria uttered, "We haven't rehearsed at all. There's no way we'll be ready in time..."

"Sou yo," Kanna added, "And I'm hungry!"

"NANI!?" Kasumi grabbed them both by the collars, "GO REHEARSE NOW!!!"

"EEEEEEEE?!?!?" Kanna and Maria stammered, shaking with fear. They nodded and quickly ran towards the stage.

"Matte kudesa~i!!" Orihime cried, running after them.

Kasumi then smiled. "Minna-san... do your best!"

* * * * * * * * * * *
While all this was happening, Yoneda sat in his office - very drunk. 'There's no way we will be ready for the play tomorrow...'

Now the phone started ringing. He managed to pick up it. "Yeah??"

"Shihainin! Sumire desu wa!"

"Oh! Sumire no yatsu... nan darou?"

"I just want you to know that I am not coming back to the Teigeki! Not until I receive a complete apology! Oh... and until I receive the starring role in the series! Understood??"


"Do we have an agreement, Shihainin??"

A bit of drool dribbled onto the phone. Yoneda drifted off to sleep in his drunkenness.

"SHIHAININ! SHIHAININ!!" Sumire felt insult and hung up the phone. 'Fine! I won't go back! Demo...' She slowly turned around and looked at the strange people around. 'DEMO!!!'

Meanwhile, Kaede had came into the manager's office. "Shihainin! Taihen da yo!!"

"Hah? Wha??" Yoneda sputtered, his eyes blinking open, "Nan dai, Kaede-kun?"

"Yuuichi isn't back yet!!"

"Baka yarou... you woke me up because of that??" he mumbled trying to go back to sleep. But his eyes blinked open. "Oh! Sou da! Kayama is the taichou now, so he's also the ticket boy! I also have a list for him to do!"

"I have a list for him also!" Kaede sighed, holding it up. 'Oops, why am I showing this to him?!'

She blushed as Yoneda leaned over and took a look. "Kaede-kun, I don't think he could do that."

"I thinks so!"

"Hmmmm, wanna bet?"

Kaede cleared her throat. "Tonikaku, the play is tomorrow. What should we do if he doesn't come back in time?"

"Oogami is our only choice."


Yoneda shrugged, "I'll let him know. Maybe a chance for him to redeem himself." Kaede left without a word, but slammed the door. Yoneda laughed, "Oi oi..." He then leaned back in chair, trying to remember whom he was talking with on the phone. "Heh, must not be important. Hmmmm, sake..."

onto the final special alert!