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Sakura Taisen was created by Ooji Hiroi-sensei; all rights reserved to Sega co. Red co. Bandai Visual.
This fanfiction is written by JillM; original posting: september 23, 2001
notes: yes, this is a nasty fic. sorry to those who can't stomach it. more scandalous things and oogami-bashing under way. the 'scoreboard' & 'manly gauge' come from the game series; oogami can check who's his name girl is, etc. oh, and this fic DOES support 'YURI' (dedicated to you, Olivia-san, for all your great fanart ^_-).

More Butai Love
Episode 2

Oogami walked back to the theater sighing and staring up at the sky. "That sure was a close call... If Kayama hadn't showed up, who knew what would've happened..."

He didn't know if he should be grateful that his life was saved or that Kayama was entirely on his side. But, suddenly indecent images of Kaede filled his mind. 'OH!' A drop of a blood dribbled from his nose as he stopped and clutched his head. 'Not good...!'

Blushing, he leaned against the brick wall and looked down the street from which he came. 'Kaede-san sure is even madder than before. What am I going to do now? Hmmm... at least I have Sakura-kun to cheer me up.' He then took out his little score-sheet to gaze upon the face of his sweet cherry blossom girl. 'Hah? She's not there anymore... Did I drop her somewhere...?'

Oogami looked around on the ground, but he couldn't find her mini bromide anywhere. Feeling a bit confused, he looked back at his score-sheet. His number one girl was now...

"Yo Taichou!" Kanna chimed, popping up behind him and patting him on the shoulder, "What's going on?"

"Heh? Oh, I was just coming back from Kaede-san's apartment. What are you doing, Kanna?" he asked, quickly trying to hide the score-sheet. Unbeknownst to him, it fell out of his pocket and onto the ground.

"I just came out here for some fresh air... and to get away from that Snake Woman. She's damn pissed off at me again." Kanna noted, rubbing her nose and chuckling, "I don't know why though... ehehehe!"

"I see... Well, talking to you, Kanna, sure has cheered me up. I feel more inspired to get back to work. Arigatou!" he said going into the theater through the business office doors.

"No problem, Taichou!" she called after him. She then saw the scoreboard at her feet. "Heh? What's this?? Hey... that's me... and the other girls! What the heck is this thing supposed to be...?!"

* * * * * *
Inside, Oogami found the girls in the Business office as he had left them, this time both Tsubaki and Tsubomi with stomachaches. "Uggg, no more... I can't eat anymore sweets..." Tsubaki sighed, lying on the floor next to the half-eaten pile.

"Oogami-san, where have you been?" Tsubomi dizzily asked, grabbing onto his arm and pulling herself up, "It's getting even worse... Well, the phones had stopped a while ago, but when a crowd arrived to buy tickets, no one sold them any... Yuri-san told them we were closed and has been chatting on the phone since."

Oogami scratched his head. "We've got to get Kasumi-san back... Is she still hating men?" Tsubomi solemnly nodded and pointed over to the dazed woman, with her head down on the table. "Hmm... She gets fired up when she sees Kotone, but at least it makes her function..."

"Oh! So you'll contact the Baragumi??"

"Aa... well... er... I'll see what I can do." he stammered. Oogami really didn't want to have any contact with the Baragumi. Still, if he wanted business to go on as usual for the theater, he had to do something. "I've got to go think about this!" he said, rushing out of there.

"Waaaait!! Oogami-saaaan!! Don't leave me here on my own!!"

Tsubomi's voice trailed away as he rushed through the lobby and into the hallway. Panting, he wondered where he should go next. 'Maybe I could ask advice from the other girls... Where could they be?'

"Oogami-san," said a familiar voice. From around the corner, Gontaru stepped forward. "So we meet again."

"Gaaaaaah?!" Oogami backed away cautiously, "It's that crazy old guy I met back in Sendai!!" The unpleasant memory flashed in his mind. He had gone to Sendai and stopped by the Shinguji home to give his regards, only to be violently reprimanded and thrown out by this guy. "What the hell are you doing here?!"

"My mistress has sent me to give you this message." Gontaru said, his eyes very slant and scary, "You stay away from Sakura-ojousama or else..."

"Or else what...?" Oogami squeaked. Gontaru leaned over and whispered it in his ear. Oogami clutched his chest. "Eeep! Not that!!"

"Then, do as we ask. That is all." Gontaru said, walking past him and down the hall for the exit.

"Wait a minute!!" Oogami yelled, running after him, "You can't tell me what to do!!" Just as he neared the old guy, Gontaru grabbed him by the wrist and hurled him down the hallway. "UWAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" Lying upside down, he watched as the geezer made his escape. "Dammit... uggg..."

* * * * * * *
Some time later, Oogami woke up in the dressing room. Maria hovered over him, looking very concerned. "Taichou, what happened?" she asked, with his head on her lap, "We found you lying in the hallway, unconscious."

"Hah... oh... I..." He fixed his tie and quickly got up, blushing very hard. "I-I have to go... I have to find Sakura-kun..."

"Maa~!" Sumire grumbled, pacing the room, "That girl left in the middle of practice. I don't know where she went, but she has inconvenienced us all!!"

Maria smiled towards him. "Don't mind Sumire. She was trapped under the set for almost an hour... ehehe. Anyways, Kanna and Kouran have also run off on their own, so we won't be able to resume practice until tomorrow."

"It really is cutting it close," Oogami uttered, "But what about ticket sales? The Business office has shut down. I don't know what to do..."

"Kaede-san would know." Maria uttered, rubbing her chin, "Have you asked her to come to help us?" Oogami went pale and didn't say anything. "I guess I'll have to ask her. But today she said she had lots of paper work to finish at home, so I don't think we will bother her just yet."

Sumire then grabbed Oogami by the arm. "Ara!! Where did you get that injury on your face? Don't you know you have to look presentable as the Teigeki's ticket-clipper? It's unlike you, Chuui. Please take better care."

"Thanks for your concern, Sumire-kun," he replied, as she fussed over him, "But it's nothing really. I'll be okay. I've had worse wounds than this."

"Still," she sighed, dragging him towards the door, "We better bring you to the infirmary and have you looked over."

"Hai hai...!"

As soon as those two left, Maria turned back to her script. She then saw Kanna enter. "What's going on, Kanna?" Maria asked, looking at her baffled expression, "What happened...?"

* * * * * * * *
Downstairs in the infirmary, Sumire had Oogami sit down on the stool. "E-to, Sumire-kun," he stammered as she began to wrap bandages around his head, "Do you know what you're doing exactly??"

"Of course I do, Chuui!" she snapped, making the bandages tighter, "I am a genius at everything I do! Talent runs in the Kanzaki family, you see!"

"Yeah, but... I can't see anything!!"

"Stop complaining or else none of your injuries will heal!" she scolded, going to close the first aid kit. She then let out a heavy sigh and sat across from him. "Actually, Chuui, I've wanted to talk to you about something..."

Oogami pulled some of the bandages away from his eye and saw the uneasy look in her face. "What's the matter, Sumire-kun? You can tell me about it. Whatever it is, maybe I can help you."

"Well..." she started to say, while fidgeting and shuffling her feet, "I'm a little nervous about opening night. It may sound strange, but it's been a while since I have been the lead actress in a performance. I don't know if I still have that sparkle like I did before."

"Oh Sumire-kun," Oogami said, taking her hands, "I have no doubt that you will be wonderful when it's curtain call. The audience will always love you no matter what."

"Really?? Thank you so much, Chuui. I think my confidence has come back." she said, smiling and pressing a kiss on his cheek, "Please don't tell anyone about this. It will be very embarrassing for me."

Oogami went red, touching his still moist skin where the kiss was place. "Aa... h-hai... whatever you say, Sumire-kun..." he stammered, looking very silly. 'Hah?' He felt like someone was watching from the door, but when he looked again no one was there.

* * * * * * * * *
Meanwhile, Yoneda had decided to check what was going on in the Business office. Immediately, he discovered that was a mistake as an enraged Kasumi chased him out of there. "UWAAAAAAH!!" he exclaimed, ducking some overripe tomatoes, "W-What the hell is going on...?!?"

Kasumi just broke down in tears again. While Tsubaki and Tsubomi brought her back to the table, Yuri went out to the startled manager, hiding under table outside the office. "Sumimasen, Shihainin. Kasumi-san has issues and wishes not to see a man ever again. But, for some reason, we can't seem to get her out of the office. It'll be a while before things can get back to normal."

"Well, isn't there something we can do? I mean, can't you and the other girls work the office??"

"Iyada." Yuri replied, crossing her arms, "We're standing by Kasumi-san since she is our leader. Until she says so, we will not work either."

"Like you listened to her when she was still emotionally stable!" Yoneda grumbled, frowning at the stains on his gray suit, "Look, now isn't the time for a strike! Opening night is in three days and we've got a theater to run...!"

"Aa, aa, aa!" Yuri shook her finger at him. "We refuse to listen to any man. Now, if you excuse me - I have some scandals to spread!"

"W-Wait a minute!!" he called after her, but she went into the office and closed the door. From the open window, he saw that the others were just sitting around the table, reading magazines and trying to cheer up the gloomy Kasumi. "Hell, there's no time for this! Where is that Oogami?!?!" Yoneda angrily exclaimed, waving his fists.

* * * * * * * * * *
Oogami was coming up the stairs with Sumire, when Kanna grabbed Maria pulled her around the corner. "There he is," she whispered, putting her hand over her friend's mouth to keep her quiet, "Should we ask him what this means or should we wait until later?"

"Mrrrff mrrrfff mrrr!!"

"You're right. Maybe later," Kanna uttered, while Maria struggled in her strong hold, "I mean, that Cactus woman is with him. It'll just become some big scene..."

"Hora you two!" chimed a voice from behind. They turned around to see Kouran, wearing her hangar clothes covered with grease. Kouran stared back at them a little alarm. Kanna still had her arms around Maria, her hand around her waist, the other around her front with her hand over her mouth. "W-What's going on??"

Maria finally broke free. "Aaa! Couldn't... breathe...!" she gasped, clinging to the wall, "Kanna, warn me before you go and do that!"

"Sorry! I didn't know I was using full strength!" Kanna cried, looking embarrassed, "I just didn't want to get caught!"

Kouran tilted her glasses to get a sparkle to go off. "Heeeeh?? You two are up to something. Let me guess - you couldn't fight off your hidden passions any longer and just had to...!"

"WAIT A MINUTE!!" Maria cut in, her face all red. The other two just stared at her in shock. She had taken out her gun in her haste to make Kouran stop from continuing where she was going with that conversation. "Kanna and I... we weren't doing anything... Right??"

"S-Sure... anything you say," Kouran stammered, hanging onto Kanna for protection, "Just stop pointing that at me... Maria-han..."

Just then another person joined the scene. "What the hell is going on here?!" Yoneda exclaimed, as they were standing just outside his office, "It's sake time! Get out of my way!" Pushing through them, he disappeared into the office. After a pause the girls relaxed, but then the door opened again. "Put that gun away, Maria - you're making me nervous!!"

"S-Sorry, Shihainin..."

"And tell Oogami to do something about those Teigeki Musume!!" With that the door slammed shut for good.

"Yoshi! Let's go find Taichou!" Kanna said, leading the way down the hallway, "Then we could finally ask him about =that=."

* * * * * * * * *
While all this was happening, Kaede sat at home, moping by the window. Kayama, sensing her unhappy mood, quickly made a tray full of goodies along with some tea and came to offer it to her.

"My sweet Kaede, whatever is the matter? Why do you not wear a smile??" he asked. Kaede just sighed and turned away from the paperwork and him. "Oh Kaede!" he exclaimed, sliding an arm around her, "Do not be ashamed of today's events!"


"You have a nice body - there's nothing to be ashamed about!"

"Y-Yuichi! That is not the point!!" Kaede exclaimed, breaking away from him, "I... I only want you to look at me..."

Kayama smiled and took her hands into his. "Come now, let's not be angry with Oogami. He's only human and can't help it if my Kaede is such a gorgeous woman."

Kaede's mouth dropped open. "You mean... you're not at all concerned?!"

"Why should I? I trust you completely. And I trust my best friend. Perhaps the only concern I had was that you might catch cold being without warmth in such a drafty climate. I sure hope you don't get sick..."

While Kayama went off about how they should get Kouran to build them a heating system, especially with the summer coming to a close - Kaede stared at him with astonishment. Suddenly, her hand came flying across his face.

"Itai!" Kayama gasped, rubbing his reddened cheek, "Kaede, why'd you slap me for??" Her face was tearful as she pushed away from him, "K... Kaede...?"

"I am not something you can pass around to your friends!!" she exclaimed, "You and Oogami can have each other... but get out now!!"



"UWAAAAAAAH!!" Kayama cried as Kaede threw him out the door. "K-Kaede...!!" But the door slammed close in his face. 'What the heck is all that about...?!'

* * * * * * * *
Sumire and Oogami were together in the Salon, drinking tea. "I wonder where Sakura-san went." Sumire uttered, gazing out the window as night had fallen.

"Hah?" Oogami lifted his head. 'Sakura-kun isn't back yet...?' He then turned towards the door. "Aa! Minna, what's going on?"

Kanna and Maria both stared at him and couldn't say anything. Kouran walked around them and grabbed hold of his arm. "Oogami-han~! Yoneda-ojihan said you've got to do something about the Teigeki Musume. They're still on some kind of strike."

"I can't do anything." he replied, pulling away, "They won't listen to me, because I'm a guy."

"Hmm... to think that Oogami-han was the only one able to talk some sense into them." Kouran sighed, crossing her arms, "They won't even talk to us. We've got to find another way to get them to get moving."

"Let's bribe them." Sumire said. They just stared at her, aghast. She flipped out her fan and replied haughtily, "Got any other ideas?? It's not like we're bribing them money... just give them whatever it is that they want."

"That's a good idea, Sumire-kun!" Oogami said, "Please go be a spokesperson and find out what exactly it is that they are asking for."

"Fine... I suppose this job must be left up to me." Sumire said, getting up and leaving the room, "Ohohohoho!"

Kouran snagged the silent Maria and Kanna over the hands and pulled them out the door. "Let's go watch!! Ehehehe!!"

Now alone in the Salon, Oogami looked out the window. 'It's getting late...' Getting up, he walked down the hallway to his room. Opening his door, he saw that someone was already in there. "Haaah?? Kayama?!"

Sitting in the open window, Kayama looked very depressed. Even when he played a chord on his guitar, it didn't sound happy. "Yo... Oogami..."

"W-What happened?"

"I don't know... Kaede and I had an argument over the heating system... Anyways, I don't have anywhere else to go... Oogami, please help me."

Oogami uneasily gazed at his pitiful friend. "I-I guess... you can stay here for tonight..."

"OH THANK YOU!!" Kayama cried, leaping at him and hugging him tightly, Oogami couldn't reply because he couldn't breathe. Gazing out the window, he again felt that someone was watching him. But he couldn't do anything about it, because Kayama started dancing with him. "Oogami, you're so wonderful!!"

* * * * * * * * *
Downstairs, Sumire had approached the Teigeki Musume and was trying to list down what their demands were. "Hmmmm..." Tsubaki tapped her chin, "I know!! I would like to sell bromides of handsome guys from now on!"

"Wait a minute," Maria said, stepping in, "I thought you hated men now."

"No, our leader Kasumi-san hates them. I refuse to talk to one right now, but I would be happy to gaze upon a handsome one all day." she replied, "But I am very sick of selling bromides of pretty girls to nasty perverts!"

All the girls nodded in agreement that this was a good demand. "What I want is," Yuri uttered, tapping her chin, "Some good scandal, please! Life is just so boring here without some excitement! I can't work under these conditions!!"

"I see..." Kanna noted, "Don't worry about it! We'll get something going! Leave it to Sumire to make some scandalous behavior!!"

"W-What did you say?!?" Sumire cried, angrily turning to her, "I am a respectable person! I refuse to become the talk of common people! If you want to make some rumors, let's find some dirt on Maria-san!!"

"You leave Maria outta this!!" Kanna snapped, as the two of them getting into a physical confrontation.

Maria chuckled at them then turned to the others. "Is that all you ask? What about you, Kasumi-san? What is your demand??"

Kasumi gazed off into space. "What I want is for all the men in the world to DIE!!"

"A-ano... I don't think we can do that one..." Kouran stammered, wiping her glasses, "Anything else you want, Kasumi-han??"

Kasumi looked down for a moment. She then folded her hands together and uttered, “There’s only one thing I really want… and that is… for Kotone-san to love me.”

Everyone just stopped and stared at her tearful face. Maria walked up to her and patted her on the shoulder. “Kasumi-san…”

“That’s so sweet…” Kouran uttered, taking off her glasses and wiping a tear from her eye.

“…But it ain’t happening.” Yuri finished for her. The others all nodded in agreement.

Kasumi went back into her emotional breakdown state, while the others went back to the drawing board. It was going to be a very, very long night.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Special alert -> Orihime returns to Italy~!

“What a lovely day~!” Orihime sighed, the sun shining in her black locks. Turning to her companion, she smiled and took hold of his hand, “Tanoshii de~su ka, Takeshi-sa~n?”

”H-Hai.” he uttered, blushing. Together they were riding gondola down the river streets of Venice. “I’m a little… peevish around water,” he stammered, shaking and clinging to her arm, “Eeep!”

“Ehehehe!!” Orihime happily laughed and twirled the umbrella behind them to block the sun glare. “Takeshi-sa~n, I believe we’re going get closer on this trip.” He gulped and bashfully nodded his head. Over his shoulder, she spotted another gondola nearby. “Aa! It’s Mama and Papa!!”

Ogata Seiya and Carino Soletta were locked in passionate embrace, but managed to wave towards their daughter before going back to what they were doing. “W-Waah!” Takeshi gasped, “Your parents sure are very, very much in love!”

Orihime snuggled closer to him. “We can be as much in love too…”

”H-Hah??” Takeshi went red as she started to smother him with kisses. “Uwaaaah!!” The man steering the boat could only grin and laugh heartily.

After the longest gondola ride, the couple finally got onto land. “Aa, where did Mama and Papa go??” Orihime sighed, “I thought they were ahead of u~s…”

Suddenly a messenger came by with a letter and gave it to her. While Orihime read over the contents, Takeshi recovered from her amour attack. “What does it say?”

“It says that Mama and Papa have… ELOPED!” she gasped, crumpling up the paper, “Aa, this is terrible news de~su!”

”T-Terrible?” Takeshi stammered, shaking the hair from his eyes, “Orhime-san, I thought for sure you’d de happy to hear this… I mean they are your parents.”

”Of course I’m happy they are eloping!” she replied, “Demo~! They didn’t invite me to the wedding~?! How da~re they!! We must find them right awa~y!!”

”Uwaaaah!” Takeshi cried as she grabbed his hand and dragged him down the walkway and across the bridge. “Look! They’re over there!!”

”Mama!! Papa!! Don’t do it yet!!” Orihime cried, running as fast she could, “Wait for me~! Matte kudesa~i!”

”Orihime…” Ogata uttered, looking pale as his daughter came racing over with the fretful young man in an arm hold.

Carino smiled. “Looks like our daughter wants to elope as well.”

Orihime happily exclaimed, “So you’re okay with it?!”

Takeshi went pale. “EEEEH??! What is with this family!?!?”

onto episode 3
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