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More Butai Love Final Final Episode! Sakura Taisen created by Ooji Hiroi, all rights reserved to Sega, Red company, Overworks, Bandai (c) 1996-2002

notes: okays, this is it! it's very LONG and will probably be edited more, but i don't know what parts to change. sigh. definitely need feedback. but here we go! enjoy! JillM ^_^ June 19 2002

Sakura Taisen
More Butai Love
Final Episode Final Half

"Hoshi ga kirei na..." (The stars are beautiful)

Kayama sat against a tree in Ueno Park, staring up at the sky. He struck another chord on his guitar and sighed.

"Looking at the beautiful stars alone... It's so lonely... I wish I could get up and go back to the Teigeki, but being thrown out of a bus, I've hurt my leg. And my kinematron is low on batteries."

Dropping his head, he looked at his watch. It was five hours until daybreak. 'I might not make it in time - and preparations for the opening night must be made. Oogami, it's up to you!'

* * * * * * * * * *

"OOGAMI!!!" a ticked off Yoneda called, storming down the hall on the second floor, "Where is that irresponsible guy? With Kayama gone, who else is going to do the night watch?! The front door was still open and the lights in the back weren't on! I'm gonna...!"

He stopped at the door and knocked three times. A pause. The door opened. "Hai?"

Yoneda blinked. "W-Wakana... what are you doing in there... at this hour?"


"Oi! Don't play innocent! Where's Oogami?!"

"Oh, you mean that handsome man I found lying in the hall with no one around? I brought him here. He told me this was his room. I've tended to his wounds and he's been resting."

"Heh? What happened to him?"

Wakana shrugged. "I don't know, but my heart goes 'doki-doki' whenever I am around him." she said, her face all red, "Ah, I feel like a girl again!"

Yoneda made a face. 'Why do they always fall for him? What about me??' He then paused. 'Wait a minute... with Kayama gone... MASAKA!!'

While Yoneda turned to leave, he heard Oogami's voice in the background. "Could I have more sake??"

"WHY YOU!!" Yoneda barged in to see Oogami lying in bed waving his glass. "How dare you take advantage of Sakura's mother!!"

"Who is Sakura?" Wakana asked.

"See? It's okay, Shihainin. She doesn't even remember you-know-who." Oogami said, smiling. But he felt something strange. He clutched his head, looking overwhelmed. "Uwaaah!"

"Daijoubu desu ka?!" Wakana cried, rushing to his side.

"Daijoubu desu... Kaede-san."

"NANI!?" Wakana slapped him and ran out of there.

'She sure hits like Sakura...' Yoneda noted, "But! It's starting! I got to stop this!'

* * * * * * * * * *

In the cafeteria, Kaede sat at a table, looking at the battered scoreboard. "Yoshi! If I make sure that all the slots are only me, I won't have any rival."

Covering the table were bromides of everyone with some kind of doodle on their face. The scoreboard was now only with pictures of her.

"Heheheh! My love points with Kayama-kun are going to increase tenfold! Hurry home, Darling!"

"Ara, 'Darling' is a very unusual word for you to use, Kaede-kun. I's good to be young..."

'Eh?! That voice!' Kaede sat up; she felt someone looking over her shoulder. 'Neesan?!!' She quickly turned around, but no one was there. 'I must be imagining it...'

She smelled something burning, so Kaede went in the kitchen where Tsubomi was panicking over a pot full of flames. "KYA! KYA! KYAAAA!!"

"Aah!? That is...!!"


* * * * * * * * *

On stage... Maria, Kanna and Orihime continued to rehearse. However, with some problems.

"How can we rehearse if our main character isn't here??" Orihime pouted, "Where is Sumire- sa~n??"

"I don't know," Maria replied, "She had a tantrum and ran off somewhere."

"Let's hunt her down!" Kanna said, readying fists, "I'm getting bored!" She then stopped. "Ah??!"

"What are you doing~?!" Orihime said, backing away as Kanna started sniffing the air, "Nee~!"

"I smell burnt fish!" Kanna chimed, "I'm starving! Let's go!" She grabbed Orihime and Maria both by the arms and dragged them out.

They passed the exhausted Sannin Musume in the lobby as they went in the cafeteria. "Is it morning yet?" Yuri murmured, "Let's get this play over with..."

"There can't be a play without our lead actress!" Maria argued, "We're definitely not ready with our lines! So, please cancel opening night or I'm going to go totally hostile!!" She took out her gun and shot a couple times into the ceilings, waking up the Sannin Musume.

"Ne!! You're so loud!!" Tsubaki sighed, rubbing her eyes as they came to the cafeteria, "We finally got all the work done and had a chance to rest, when..." Her mouth suddenly dropped open. "AH?! WHAT IS GOING ON??!"

She and Yuri quickly rushed behind Kasumi, who took a defense stance. "Girls, we have a problem! We need to get Kayama-san here right away!"

"But that Japanese guy hasn't come back yet!" Orihime exclaimed, "W-What are we going to do?!?"

* * * * * * * * * *

Sakura limped through the streets after running a couple of miles. "I want to go back..." she sighed, "Tomorrow is opening night and I have to learn my lines or Sumire-san will yell at me..."

She thought about her family. "Sakura-san! You must come back to Sendai with us!"

"Iyada! I don't want to go!" She stopped in the empty street and looked up at the sky, her eyes sparkling. "I want to stay in Teito! I want to shine and stand proudly - protect this city and everyone!"

"Oh how cheesy!" said a voice. Sakura looked around, but didn't see anyone at first. She heard the voice again. "Sakura - you can hear us?"

"Ano..." she uttered, looking around frantically, 'Where are the voices coming from? Ah, but sure sounds familiar.'

"Sa-ku-raa!" said the two voices, "It's us, Mel and Ci! We are sending you a frequency from Paris. It's an urgent message we have for you!"

"W-What is it? Is Paris under attack??!"

"Non!" Mel replied, "It's about the series…"

"NANI DESUTTE!??" Sakura exclaimed when they told her the news. "Sumire-san is going to take over as the lead girl if I don't do something about it?!"

Ci replied, "That's why you must confront her… in you know, one of those duels to the death!"

A dramatic pause followed. Mel and Ci also tried to retain their evil laughter. `If Mademoiselles Sumire & Sakura kill each other off, then they'll have no choice but to make the lead girl Erica and the series will come back to stay in Paris… Mwahahaha!'

Sakura looked at her options. "I have to defend my title as Lead girl, but Sumire-san is my friend. How can I…?"

She suddenly got hit by a bunch of dialogues with Sumire. "You uncivil, country girl… Amateur! Clutz! I am Teito's top star – you second rate actress… Chuui is mine! The Series is mine! Oh ho ho ho ho!!!"

Sakura let out a low laugh. "I have to kill her."

"EH?!" Mel and Ci exclaimed at the same time as the decision was made so willingly. `She seems scary…'

It wasn't long before a glowing sword went surging down the deserted street. Sakura caught with one hand and smiled. "Harataka, let's find that snot-nosed aristocrat."

She held the sword out in front of her and concentrated. "Otousama… I need your help… Please help me keep my honor! Please guide my sword… Lead me to this destined battle!!"

"Uumm… Sakura…" Mel and Ci uttered, looking very terrified. But Sakura felt a spark and started speeding down the street, moving out of their frequency area. `What have we done…' the two thought. `Oh well.'

* * * * * * * * * *

Sumire blinked. She was in such a crowded room with elderly men. `Why me… I am Teito's top star… Why must I be treated with such demeaning conditions??'

"Minna!" Jiru called, "Soup is ready! Let's eat!"

"Ano, Jiru-san…"

"Hai, Sumire-kun??"

Sumire squeezed out of the group and moved to her, whispering, "How in the world is this your headquarters of rebels, and just what exactly are you planning to do to Teito?"

"Nn?" Jiru looked innocent. "If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret, ne?"

"Sou desu wa… But who am I going to tell? Remember, I've got AWOL too!"

"Sumire-kun, even so! I cannot tell you about our diabolical plan to take over the nation's waters and fish supply…" Jiru paused. "Oh, I shouldn't have told you that either." She turned to Kurisu. "Should we kill her now?"

Kurisu shook his head frantically. "We can't possibly!! Sumire-san is… Sumire-san is…!" Sumire looked towards him and he went bright red.

"Ne," Jiru uttered, "I wonder how the Teigeki is feeling since I sent them a little present."

"Present?" Sumire asked. Before she could get into it, she felt a cold chill. "N-Nan desu no?" she said, rubbing her arms, "This feeling…?"

"AH!" Kurisu cried, "Sumire-san are you cold? Are you cold??!" He started running back and forth, looking for something to give her. "Aaah! Blanket?! Blanket??! Jacket?!"

Jiru caught him by the suspenders. "Stop running around! Don't you sense it too…"

All of the old men in the room lifted their head and said at the same time, "A malevolence presence."

Suddenly the wall fell down. After the dust cleared, they saw Sakura, catching her breath. She had been running for 5 miles straight.

"Ara, Sakura-san," Sumire uttered, looking towards her panting comrade, "What's going on?"

Sakura finally got a whole of herself and pointed her sword at Sumire. "It's time to settle this, Kanzaki Sumire!"


* * * * * * * * * INTERMISSION * * * * * * * * *

"S-Sonna!" the Teigeki Sannin Musume exclaimed, standing in the entrance of the cafeteria. Even Kasumi was in complete shock and utter fright. "SONNAAA!!!"

"Kaede-san!!" Maria called, as the woman walked towards the flaming kitchen, "Dame yo! Don't do it!!!"

"Ka~ede-sa~n!!!" Orihime hollered, "Are you cra~zy!? You are cra~zy!! You Japanese people are all cra~zy!"

"Oi! Orihime!" Kanna snapped, "You're half Japanese too!"

"Shaddap desu!!"

"Futari-tomo!" Maria said, "Knock it off!! We have to stop Kaede-san!!"

"Maybe she's really stressed about the play and work." Tsubaki replied.

"Maybe she really wanted Kayama-san to come back for you-know-what." Yuri noted.

Kasumi shrugged. "Maybe she wants to end her sorry life." They stared at her. "You never know. Maybe she's sworn off love and men, and just wants to die!"

"Ano..." Tsubaki and Yuri uttered, "You must be talking about yourself."

"Tonikaku!" Maria cut in, "We have to stop her!!"

"But how~?!" Orihime exclaimed frantically, "She's walking straight into the fire!! Kyaa~! It's going to spread all over the Gekijou! Minna-sa~an, do something~!"

While Orihime went off, Maria and Kanna tackled Kaede. "M-Mrph!!" Kaede said, her face in the rug, "Mrph! Mrph! Mrph!"

"Ah? Gomen." Maria said, letting her lift her head, "What were you trying to say? What's wrong?"

"The fish!!" Kaede gasped, rug burn all over her face.

"Fish??" everyone asked.

Tsubomi threw herself onto the floor, bowing before all of them. "Gomen nasai!! It's just this big case of fish arrived and I thought it would be nice if I made a late night snack for everyone to share!! But then, the fish started talking to me and I got really scared!! Then, the food started burning and getting out of hand, a-and...!"

"A-Ah, okay..." they uttered, "Did you say t-talking fish??!"

"I'm sooooo sorry!!" Tsubomi exclaimed, "Punish me please! Just don't send me back to that living hell, Otome Gakuen! Pleeeease!!!!"

They all ignored her and turned to the flaming kitchen, wondering what to do. The sounds of snapping fingers caught their attention. "Sore ga Dandee~!" sang Boss Dandy as he and his gang strolled into the cafeteria. "Ah, Kaede-san! Long time no see!"

"Dandy-san!" Kaede exclaimed, "Would you please do something?! The Gekijou is going to burn down!"

Dandy took one look at the fire and then stopped his snapping. "Sono..." He let out a little squeak. "FIRE!!!" He tried running, away but his henchmen held him back. "W-W-What can I do?!"

"Boss! Get a hold of yourself!" Takeda said, "It's your chance to be manly in front of Kaede-san!!"

"Forget it." Nishimura replied, "Boss is a chicken when it comes to a blaze like that!"

"Shut up!!" Dandy wailed, "Let me go!!!"

"Now what?" Yuri asked.

Tsubaki wiped away a tear. "Sayonara, Subarashii gekijou!"

"Did someone say 'subarashii'??" There were three shadows against the wall. Everyone turned as the pink spotlight landed on the three members of the Baragumi. "You called for us??" Kotone asked, fluttering his fan.

"We certainly did not!!" Kasumi snapped, "But while you're here, you won't mind putting out this fire before it burns our workplace?"

"Work, work, work..." Kotone sighed, with his hands on his hips, "Kasumi-chan, you need to lighten up. There's more to life than paperwork and dead lines. You've got to put on a hot pink dress and dance around from time to time!"

"Oh? Like you?"


Maria rubbed her head. "You two... please, now is not the time for this. The fire is going to spread..."

"Hmm?" Kikunojou looked enlightened. "I have an idea! Would a fire hose work?!"

Nishimura grumbled. "Neechan, if we had a fire hose, we wouldn't be in this mess..."

"I have one!" Kiku replied. He reached into his skirt and pulled out a 10-foot fire hose. Everyone stared in shock, their mouths open. "A-Ano... Minna-san, is something wrong??"

"W-W-W-Why???!?!!" they all exclaimed.

Kikunojou shrugged. "Taichou said we should carry certain items in case of emergencies." Everyone face-faulted onto the floor. "A-Ano...?"

* * * * * * *


"Sakura-san!" Sumire yelled out, "What is the meaning of this! Breaking down the wall of Jiru-san's secret headquarters...!"

"AH!?" Jiru ran to Sumire in frantic fury, "Y-You're not supposed to say that!!"

"Ara? Like who is that Dimwit going to tell anyways??" Sumire said, with a shrug. All the while, Sakura was gripping her sword and charging up her KI. "Sakura-san, would you calm down?"

"No way!" Sakura replied, pointing the sword again at her, "I'm here to challenge you to a duel to the death!"

Kurisu sweat-beaded as the negative feeling swept across the room. "E-to, Sumire-san... She seems serious. Did you do something wrong??"

"Saa..." Sumire thought about it. She remembered putting some bad thoughts into the girl's head, then drawing on her face to expel her from the Girl-ranking system. "Still! It's nothing to kill someone over!"

"Still... STILL!!" Sakura exclaimed, waving her sword angrily, "Mel-san & Ci-san said you wanted to take the series!!"

Sumire blinked. "Oh, that's right..." She lifted an amused face and fluttered her fan. "As Teito's TOP STAR, of course I deserve the role of 'main girl of the series'! Ohohohohohoho!!!!"


Kurisu and Jiru dropped their heads. "You shouldn't have said that..."

"HAAAAA!!" Sakura broke into a run, "Prepare yourself, Sumire-san!"

"Eh? EH? EEEEEEH?!" Sumire gasped, surprised that Sakura was going to attack, "Stupid! Stop it now, or else you'll hurt!"

"Ano!" Jiru uttered, waving her hands, "You're the one without a weapon!"

Sumire stood still as Sakura made a mad rush at her. At the last minute, Sumire dove out of the way to avoid the blast emitted from Harataka. She landed on the floor while Sakura crashed into the wall. Sumire walked over and whacked her on the head with her fan.

"Sakura-san no baka! What are you doing!?"

Sakura slowly regrouped, rubbing her sore forehead. "You want to take the series away from me... I cannot allow that!"

"Your great persistence is admirable, but your stupidity is even greater! Besides, there is no way you can defeat me!"

"I get it." Sakura said, with a nod. She turned and started to walk away.

"Good, that imbecile finally got the message. Let her run along home now. Ohohohoho." Sumire chuckled. Sakura suddenly stopped and turned around. "Ara?"

"HYAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Sakura swung her sword and released a great pink ball of power that came surging directly at Sumire.

"T-T-T-That's not Haja Kensei!!!!" Sumire wailed, "Sakura-san!! You crazy nutcase!! Are you trying to kill me!!?"

"Ya-Huh!!!" Sakura yelled back.

"KIIIIIIIII!!" Sumire cried, "I'm too beautiful and talented to die!!!!"

"SUMIRE-SAN!" Kurisu ran in the way, holding out his arms, "I'll protect you!!!"

After a huge explosion, Kurisu, Sumire, and Jiru recovered - lying on the ground covered with black soot. "Itai..."

Jiru uttered, "That wasn't a blast to kill us..."

"What was that for?" Sumire asked. She looked up to see Sakura coming down from the sky, her blade directed at her. "KYAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Sumire tried to scoot out of the way, but could not get out of range. "HELP!!!"

"Sumire-san!!" Kurisu cried, "Catch!!!"

He threw her a staff with a blade at the end. "Hah?!" Sumire countered Sakura's attack in midair. While Sakura leapt off to the side, Sumire got up and stared at the staff. "But how did you get my staff? It should be at the Teigeki..."

"It's a replica." Jiru explained, "Kurisu-chan has the most extensive collection of Sumire-san memorabilia in all of Teito."

"Heeeh??" Sumire turned towards the shy boy, who turned red and hid behind a post. She looked over at Sakura. "Now you are in trouble!!"

"Who is in trouble? While you were blabbing just now, I recharged up my power meter! You have to defend now!"

"Says who?! You brainless country hick!!!

"Shameless stage-hog!!"



Sumire turned red. "AH!? H-How did you know...?!?!" Furious, she started an attack. "I am tired of your shenanigans! Take this! HAAAAAAAAA!"

Sakura blocked the attack with her sword and tripped Sumire with her sheath. Sumire stumbled forward, but managed to nudge Sakura with the end of her staff. Sakura lost her footing and in that moment, Sumire swung around and grazed Sakura's clothing with the blade.

"N-Nani!? Who is trying to trying to kill who?!?!"

"Well! You mention -that-!! And you did start this, so...!!"

"HYA!" Sakura struck the wood of Sumire's blade - inches from her fingers. The wood broke and Sumire fell back. Sakura then aimed for Sumire but missed instead. "EH?!"

"Ah! Sou da!!" Jiru said, "Kurisu-chan is in protect mode so he is protecting Sumire-san!"

Sakura looked over to where Kurisu had brought Sumire to safety. "Heeey! That's not fair! This is a battle between us! Don't interfere!!"

She sent a blast at Kurisu, who went flying out of the building. "UWAAAAAAAAAH!!"

Sumire watched with a sweat bead. "That guy... what was he doing protecting me??" She turned to Sakura. "Sakura-san! You've gone too far! Let's end it now!"

Sumire ran over and grabbed the piece of the staff with blade on it. With two hands, she managed to charge up her power as she rushed towards Sakura. Both power meters filling up, they exchanged hits that were both blocked. Blade against blade, the debris on the ground started lifting from the tension of their spiritual energy.

"Give up!" Sumire yelled.

"Never!" Sakura yelled back.

Jiru nervously watched from afar. Already people evacuated the site out of sheer fear. She started to back off. 'Eheh, it's a good chance to escape.' Before she could make to it to exit, Kurisu suddenly showed. "KYA!!"

"Jiru-saaan!!" he cried, "We've got to stop them! Sumire-san might get hurt!!"

"Yapari..." Jiru sighed as Kurisu dragged her back to the fight scene.

"Give up!!" Sakura was yelling.

"Never!!" Sumire yelled back.

"This could go on forever," Jiru sighed, "Do you have any ideas??"

"I have one!" said a voice from above. Everyone looked up, including the two girls fighting. In the sky was a giant screen with Erica's face in it. "Everyone! Please stop fighting! It's so unchristian!!"

"E-Erica-san??" Sumire and Sakura stammered, as sweat ran down their faces.

"Hai~!" Erica chimed - happy to see her two dear friends again. "What is it?"

"H-How did you..." Sakura uttered, "... get one of those things?! Only villains use that ultra-giant screen that take up the entire night sky!"

"This? The creator lent it to me, so I can stop you from killing each other!"

"The creator?!" Sumire gasped, "USOU DESU WA!"

Erica paused. She pulled out her Japanese-French dictionary and looked up those words. "Hmmm... Non, I'm not lying, Sumire-sama. That would be sinful. Look, I think we shouldn't risk our friendship or lives over something so silly as a series. Please, listen carefully to my words!"

Sakura and Sumire started to lower their weapons, but they caught Mel and Ci in the background (behind the oblivious Erica) holding up signs. Mel's sign read: "Erica is the next runner up to be the main girl" and Ci's sign read: "This little nun is lying! The series will go to Paris!"

Erica smiled innocently. "So, we are going to be friends again??"

Sakura and Sumire raised their weapons, power surging around them. "HAJA KENSEI... / KANZAKI FUJIN RYU..."

Erica blinked. "Um?? What are you doing...??!" At the same time, Mel and Ci were scrambling to get out."Ah, Sakura-sama, Sumire-sama...?!"


"WAAAAAAAH!!!!" Erica gasped, as the combo attack came straight at her. "OH MY GOD...!!!!"

The screen exploded, the debris falling down on them. "KYAAAA!!!!" Sakura and Sumire wailed, holding onto each other as a massive piece fell on them.

Jiru snapped her fingers. "Shimatta! I wanted to ask Erica-san if I could borrow that screen sometime..." Just then, a blinding white light appeared before them. "Heeeh??"

"Hello," said a sweet voice coming from a winged person with a flowing white gown, "Do not fear. I have come to revive your friends."

"Eh? I don't get it." Kurisu uttered, "Who are you?"

"The angel Michael."

Jiru blinked. "But you seem like Ayame-san..."

"Let's not get into that right now," Michael replied, walking to where the girls fell. Lifting a hand, Michael raised the debris. Their bodies floated up and were washed with a dazzling light. "A maiden's life is much too short to begin with. That's why you two must live. Live, and fight each other no more..."

Slowly their eyes opened and found themselves suspended in air. "Eh? Kaede-san!" Sumire uttered, "It was Sakura-san's fault! She started it...!"

"That's not Kaede-san, Baka." Sakura replied, "Kaede-san has short hair remember. This must be... Ah! Ayame-san?!!"

"Who are you calling 'baka'?!" Sumire snapped, "This can't possibly be Ayame-san!"

"I-I knew that, you bed-wetter!!"

"WHY YOU...!!!"

The angel sighed. "Well, it was worth a shot..." Michael noticed something. "Eh? This presence... I should have known! There is evil among us!"

"Evil?" Sumire and Sakura said. Then the two fell to the ground. "Ow..."

Jiru grinned and put on a headdress of shells. "That's right! I'm glad someone finally noticed! Now, my minions! GO!"

From the storeroom came an attack of flying fish. They leapt at the angel, who could do nothing but retreat. Sumire and Sakura watched in shock as an army of fish surrounded them.

"A-Ano! Jiru-san!" Sakura gasped, "By any chance, are you an enemy??"

"S-Soshite!" Sumire gasped, "Are you conspiring to take over the fish supply??!"

Jiru replied, "Yes, I am taking over the fish supply. No, I am not an enemy! I shall be a friend to the Teikoku Kagekidan - for now. However, I shall be returning these fish back to the ocean where they belong! Come, let us return to the ocean!"

Sakura and Sumire exclaimed, "We don't want to return to the ocean!! We just want to be part of the series again!!"

"Okay, okay. I won't take you guys with me this time. But someday, my kingdom will take over Teito. I shall keep a close eye on it, for now. But you cannot remember this."

She then hypnotized them to forget all that they had learned about her plots. Their surroundings reverted into an empty lot.

"What happened?" Sakura muttered, rubbing her head. "Last thing I knew, we were talking to Erica-san about something... but how? Isn't she in Paris??"

"Sou desu wa! And how did we end up in this open field?" Sumire muttered. She picked up a bromide of herself. "Ara? This is from my swimsuit album."

"Jiru-san?" Sakura asked, "What are we doing here?"

"Nnn?" Jiru replied, "I don't know."

"Are you all right?" Kurisu asked, helping Sumire up.

"What's going on?" she asked, "Why do I feel like thanking you?"

"Oh! I-it's nothing! Ahaha!" he nervously laughed.

Shaking off the strange feeling, Sakura and Sumire saw the sun rising. "Saa..." they uttered, "Let's go back to the Teigeki!"

* * * * * * *

Back at the theater, the Baragumi stopped the fire thanks to Kikunojou's hose. While the Baragumi and Sannin Musume cleaned up, the others looked after Kaede.

"What's the matter with you!? What were you thinking?! Why were you walking into the fire?!?! Are you crazy!?! You crazy! Kaede-san, you crazy woman! Cra~zy!!!"

"O-Orihime-kun! Calm down!!" Kaede exclaimed. Orihime took out a handkerchief and chewed on it, to refrain from blurting out. Kaede saw Kanna gnawing on some burnt fish and turned away. "It's just I'm cursed. Thanks to those fish, all I can think of is Oogami- kun."

Kanna stopped eating and threw the fish. "Is this true, Kaede-san??! Bleh, bleh!!"


"Hush, Orihime..." Maria sighed, "Kaede-san, you should know that Taichou, iya, Oogami-chuui isn't really in love with you. If he has any feelings, it's probably all for Ayame-san."

"That's true, but..."

"Soshite!" Kanna said, holding up the scoreboard, "You're already Kayama's number one girl and... A-Are?"

"What is it, Kanna??" Maria asked. Kanna pulled her over and they huddled around the board. "EEEEEEEEH?!? NANIIIII!?!?"

"Nani desu ka~?" Orihime moved over to see. "USOU DE~SU!!!!!"

In the number one slot had moved Sakura's mother, Shinguji Wakana. "D-DOUSHITE??!" they cried, "I-Is Kayama having an affair??!!"

Kaede looked heartbroken. "S-Sonna! Then, there is no one really for me, is there Neesan?"

"T-That cannot be!" Dandy cried, "Kaede-san is intelligent, beautiful, and dedicated... Not to mention, damn sexy in a military uniform!"

"Sou yo!" Nishimura and Takeda chimed in agreement, "Very sexy!!"

"A-Arigatou..." Kaede stammered, feeling a bit flattered, "But still..."

"Also, Kaede-san!" Kanna cut in, "You're a great singer and actress. Maybe if that Snake woman doesn't come back, you can learn her lines??"

"Actually..." Kaede replied, blushing, "As the director, I-I did take a peak at the script and know all of the lines already."

A long pause followed. Orihime broke it up with a loud: "YEEEESSSS!!! WE ARE SAVED~!!!"

"You can do it?" Maria asked, "Please, Kaede-san, cheer up. We need you."

Kaede lowered her head. "D-Demo..." She looked up and saw Oogami on the second floor. "I don't understand why this feeling...!" Her feet started to move towards the stairs - her pace quickening with each step. "Oogami-kun... Watashi..."

Suddenly, she got weak. She tried to get up the stairs, her strength failing her. 'What's happening?' she thought as she collapsed on the steps.

"Kaede-san?!" Oogami had been looking for her all over. He saw her lying on the stairs and rushed to her side. "Daijoubu kai?! Kaede-san!"

In Kanna's hands was the scoreboard. The picture of Shinguji Wakana dropped onto the floor, followed by the rest of the slots.

'What does this mean...?!' Oogami looked at the bromides of Kaede fluttering around the room. He turned to the woman lying at his feet. 'Kaede-san... are you my number one girl after all?'

The front doors opened, the lobby filling with sunlight from the windows - so at first those walking in weren't seen. Oogami adjusted his eyes and saw who it was. "Sonna!"

"Yo Oogami~!" Kayama said, being helped inside by Gonji and Shinguji-obaasama. "Look who I ran into! They invited me to come to Sendai with them~!"

"Only if you marry Sakura-ojousama." Gonji replied.

"EH?" Kayama went pale. "D-Demo... I can't do that! Oogami, help me out here!"

The old lady turned to Oogami. "Leave that perverted player out of this! He does not deserve to even be considered when discussing my granddaughter's future!"

"Whoa." Oogami noted, "I actually heard her this time..."

"Baka Yarou!" Yoneda had come, yelling at Kayama, "Where have you been?! You're supposed to be the Taichou of the Hanagumi now! Because you weren't here, I had to give the job back to Oogami!"

"Oh? Then I'm glad! There's no one I trust more in the world!" Kayama chimed, "Ah? Is that my darling, Kaede-chan? Isn't she so cute when she sleeps??"

"Kayama..." Oogami uttered. He looked back and forth at him, to the blank scoreboard, and then to the unconscious Kaede. "No! Not this time!!!" Oogami lifted her up and rushed up the stairs. "No one follow me!!!"

"Eh??" everyone said, looking confused.

Oogami was running down the hall with Kaede in his arms, but was stopped by a yellow light. Reni and Iris had teleported home from Paris. "Ah, the only way to fly..." Reni noted.

Iris blinked, while squeezing JeanPaul to death. "Are??! Oniichan! You traitor!"

"Uwah!!!" Oogami rushed into the closest room to him - Sakura's room - putting Kaede down on the rug and moving furniture in front of the door. 'I can't let them come between us! Never again!!'

The window opened. Oogami looked over his shoulder to see Sakura and Sumire climbing in. "Here's the plan! We were practicing lines all night in here and you fell asleep, got it?"

"Maa, Sakura-san, it's so simple that it might work."

"Now we really have to practice our lines or else we'll ruin the play. It's opening ni..." Sakura trailed as she saw Oogami. "W-What's going on here??"

"Ah! Sakura-kun! I can explain!!" he gasped, waving his hands.

The door fell, a pissed Iris appeared. "ONIICHAAAAAN!!! YOU ARE FLOATING!!!"

"Chuui, I want to hear an explanation." Sumire remarked.

"Ya, sono..." Oogami stammered. His option time ran out, but Kaede woke up. "Kaede-san!"

"Mmmm, what happened?" Kaede uttered. She looked up and saw Oogami. "I still don't understand. Why, Oogami-kun... How did this begin? Why was I so...?"


Kaede jolted up. "AH! Now I remember!!! You came to my apartment and peeked at me! You pervert!!!" (Double down-chime!)

"That?!?" Oogami cried, "That was an accident!! I didn't want to!!" (50 points added to his 'soft' meter)

"What do you mean?! Am I not pretty enough for you?!" Kaede snapped. (Triple down-chime).

"Noooooo! That's not what I meant!! What I meant was... Yes, Kaede-san is very pretty! I-It's just...!" ('Soft' meter completely full)

"Oogami-kun..." Kaede got up, hands fisted. "Are you not a military officer!? This is not a place to run around with women as you please! This is work!!"

"H-Hai!" Oogami gasped, backing away from her. He rushed to the one girl he figured wasn't angry with him. "Sakura-kun! Please, help me out!"

"Ano, Oogami-san..." Sakura uttered, "I'm still confused about before. Why did you only rescue Kiku-san? And what were you doing in my room with Kaede-san? And..." She paused to pick up a bromide of herself with a mustache. "What is the meaning of this?!?"

"Sakura-han!" Kohran came running in, "Good! You're here! I'm trying to help your mother!"

"What's wrong with my mother? Is she upset that I have turned down her marriage offer?? That guy was a pervert who liked transvestites anyways!"

"Ah, well, that's not it. She's suffering from memory lost. She's also upset because Oogami-han hit on her and called her by a different woman's name."

"EH?!?!" Sakura gasped. She turned to Oogami who was covered with sweat. "IS THIS TRUE?!?!?"

"I-I can explain... Actually, I can't, but...!" he stammered. Sakura's jealousy meter went full as she pinched Oogami on the arm. (Being on the Soft side) Oogami stumbled to his knees, tears running down his cheeks. "UWAAAAH!"

Iris sighed, "Oniichan is a woose."

Everyone moved as Oogami went flying across the hall. Sakura came after him with her sword, Kaede close behind. "Look! I didn't mean to cause so much trouble! It's all a misunderstanding!"

"Don't give me that," Kaede said, drilling her finger into his forehead, "That spell from those evil fish has finally worn off! I can think clearly now, and I have decided not to forgive you so easily, Oogami-kun!"

"B-But!!" Oogami cried, his back against the wall. He saw the scoreboard on the floor. "Hey! It's not my fault! Ayame-san created this stupid system!!"

"Don't you shift the blame to my sister!" Kaede gasped, "She surely had good intentions - Twisted, yes - Still, good intentions she always had!"

"Don't you see? This is a game! I'm supposed to fall in love with one of you and the girl who has the most love points with me will be my number one girl. And, we have a happy ending together!"

"Oogami-san!" Sakura replied, "Stop saying nonsense! That wouldn't happen in real life! Life and love cannot be a game!"

"Eh? I-I know that, but...!"

Sakura lifted an eyebrow. "By the way, Oogami-san, which type do you prefer - Kaede-san or my type??"


Oogami heard the ticking of the clock and the options displayed before him. 'Opinion 1: Sakura-kun... Opinion 2: Kaede-san... But which one?! If time runs out and I don't answer, they'll both be angry... Ah, umm...!!!"

Steam blew out of the LIPs option machine as time ran out and two down-chimes filled the air. "Gomen, Sakura-kun, Kaede-san! I could not answer that!!" he cried, bowing on the floor. "Honto ni gomen nasaii!!!"

"It's okay, Oogami-san... I understand..." Sakura sighed, "My destiny lies in an arranged marriage anyways..."

"Don't worry about it." Kaede sighed, "I have Kayama-KUN after all."

Down the hallway, they heard Kayama holler, "Kyaa~!!!"

"What about my type?!" Sumire asked slyly, "Surely you like my type better than these two!"


"Why are you hesitating?!" Sumire snapped, "How dare you, Chuui!! Kohran! Bring it here!!"

"Ryokai," Kohran said, bringing one of her inventions. Everyone moved aside while she aimed. "Oogami-han! I think you need to cool off your love feelings and start over!"

"EH?" Oogami saw it was a steam cannon. "W-Wait, Kohran! D-Don't!!" The cannon released a pillow, with its speed and Oogami catching it, sent Oogami crashing through the wall and landing outside into the fountain of the garden.

"He-He's not dead is he??" Sakura asked, peering out the hole in the wall, "That would bad for the series."

"Speaking of the series," Sumire said, "Sakura-san, maybe you should stay as the main girl. I mean the job description calls for an imperfect, immature, naïve simpleton... I think you fit the role after all."

"Ah...!" Sakura's face drained of color as the words 'TRUTH' hit her in the head.

"Saa! Minna-san, let's go learn our lines. It is opening night after all!" Sumire said.

"Chotto, Hibi no onna!" Kanna called, "We already decided Kaede-san would be the star."

"Eh??!" Sumire turned to Kaede. "Is this true!?"

Kaede frantically tried to deny it, but Maria noted, "Kaede-san knows all the lines and she has the potential to become Teito's top star."

"I am Teito's Top star!!" Sumire exclaimed, "That's it! You have to fight me, Kaede-san!!!" Kaede quickly turned heel and started to run with Sumire close behind. "Come back here!!!"

"Chotto matta!!" Kayama limped onto the scene, moving in front of Kaede. "I won't let you harm my dear Kaede!!!"

"Yu- Yuuichi..." Kaede stammered as he managed to lift her up in his arms, "W-What are you doing? You're injured!"

"Daijoubu na!" he replied, carrying her down the hall, "Being close to Kaede-chan, I feel immense strength! I can do anything!"

"Yuuichi..." Kaede uttered. (triple happy chime)

"Heeeeh? Anything ya??" Kohran had a certain 'list'. She and the other girls were looking over it with red faces.

"AAAH!?" a blushing Kaede frantically waved her hands. "DON'T READ THAT!! GO LEARN YOUR LINES!!!! IT'S OPENING NIGHT AFTER ALL!!!!"

* * * * * *

Below in the garden...

Oogami opened his eyes. 'Ah?' There was someone hovering over him, but sunlight blurred his vision. 'Who is it...?'

A stray fish in the fountain spoke in his ear. "She's your number one girl."

"Honto ni?!" Oogami gasped, 'Er, why is a fish talking to me??' He looked up at the person standing before him. 'A green military suit?!'

The person came closer, looking as though trying to come to Oogami's aid. Instead...

"Kyaa!" The person tripped and fell forward.

Oogami caught the person, who landed on top of him. 'Uwaah!' he thought, feeling his cheeks burn as something soft press against his chest. 'M-Mune ga...!'

"Oogami-san!" uttered Kikunojou, recovering from his fall, "A-Ano!" His face turned bright red; he was being held by Oogami and could barely speak, but managed somehow. "Kya! It'll be one of those romantic endings where we get married and live happily ever after, and...!"

"C-Chotto!!" Oogami cried, trying get up, "Wait a second!! I-I...!!"

"ICHIROU-CHAAAN!!!" Yokohiko called, running over, "Oh! You're soaked! Better take off these wet things!"

"KYAAAA!!" Oogami screamed while Kikunojou and Yokohiko were ridding him of his clothes. "YAMERO!!"

"Fufufufu~, Ichirou-chan is so shy..."

"DAME DESU!!!!" Yuri and Tsubaki exclaimed, "Oogami-san is ours!! Let him go!!"

"A-Ano!" Kasumi was going to stop her coworkers, instead coming to a halt and sighing. "Futari-tomo..." she said with a little laugh.

Kotone moved to her side, giving her a sincere smile. "Gomen ne, Kasumi-chan."

"Kotone-san..." Kasumi uttered, turning towards him. "Iie, I'm ok now. I think I've expelled enough energy scaring people to come to the point where I am finally over you."

"Yokkata." he sighed with relief. "Ah, demo, Kasumi-chan... I hope that you find happiness with a handsome man who deserves you and treats you right."

"May you find the same too, Kotone-san."

The two looked into each other's face, Kasumi returning the smile. After that, they went to join their comrades in the fight over Oogami and his clothes.


In the sky, a giant screen appeared with Erica in it. "Everyone! I'm so happy that we've finally resolved this dilemma and that warm and fuzzy peace has returned to the wonderful Teikoku Kagekidan! I look forward to working with all of you in Sakura Taisen 5! God bless us, everyone!"

Orihime stuck her head out a window and bluntly hollered, "SHADDAP DESU!!!"

* * * * ROLL THE CREDITS * * * * * * * *

end theme "L-O-V-E" (Milt Gabler, Bert Kaempfert)
Performed by Boss Dandy ^o^

L is for the way you look at me,
O is for the only one I see.
V is very, very extra-ordinary,
E is even more than anyone that you adore can...

Love is all that I can give to you,
Love is more than just a game for two.
Two in love can make it,
Take my heart and please don't break it,
Love was made for me and you.

// interlude - ^o^//
The lovely cast comes take a bow:

Erica Fontaine & Mel Raisen & Ci Caprice

Takeda & Nishimura & Grand Mere (!)

Gonji & Shinguji-obaasama & Shinguji Wakana

Kotone & Kikunojou, & Yokohiko

Kasumi & Yuri & Tsubaki

Tsubomi & Kurisu & Jiru (^_-)

Yoneda & Kayama

Fujieda Kaede & Oogami Ichirou

Soletta Orihime & Reni Milchstrasse

Ri Kohran & Iris Chateaubriand

Kirishima Kanna & Tachibana Maria

Kanzaki Sumire & Shinguji Sakura


L is for the way you look at me,
O is for the only one I see.
V is very, very extra-ordinary,
E is even more than anyone that you adore can...

And love is all that I can give to you,
Love is more than just a game for two.
Two in love can make it,
Take my heart and please don't break it,

Love was made for me and you...
Love was made for me and you...
Love was made for me and you!

FIN - thank you for reading ^___^
