Episode 1 - Stood Up
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The story & characters of Sakura Taisen/Sakura Wars are a creation of Ooji Hiroi-sensei; all rights reserved to Sega, Red Company, Bandai
This fanfic is by Jill Mangaliman Original posting: September 2000. Last revised: August 2001.
notes: Minna-sama, yokuso! for those familiar to the 'smite' series, this is where it all began, my very first stfic! please do not take w/out permission & email comments to yuri_cd99@yahoo.com. special thanks to Kurisu-chan & all those who supported me! (^o^)

Smite the Player!
Oogami-san, you're going down!
Episode 1 - Stood up

Everything seemed fine at the Teigeki that evening. Manager Yoneda was passed out drunk in his office. Kaede was attempting to clean her room. There weren't any demons running around in the city. Yeah, it was all right. No, wait...there seems to be something going on at the entrance...

A chorus of screams surrounded the poor ticketboy Oogami as another big fight had erupted in the main lobby. A drenched Sakura was one of the voices.

"I waited for TWO hours!!"

Outside there was a big rainstorm. Her waiting was only halted by the chances of thunder. Fear of freaking out in public, she retreated back home, only to find that Oogami had been there the whole time, fooling around as usual.

"Honestly, Sakura-san!" Sumire exclaimed, "You think that you can make plans to secretly meet with Shou'i! He knows better!"

"Your mouth is as big as ever..."

"What was that?!"

Airisu climbed onto the ticket stand to out-height her voice competitors. "Onii-chan is mine, Sumire!"

"Hohohoho! But, you're just a child!"

"Airisu is not a child!!!!!"

Holding up a fist, Kanna snapped, "Yo Sumire! Don't go picking on little kids!"

"Airisu is not a little kid!!!"

"Who invited Ape Woman to join this argument."

"The Taichou can see whoever he wants to."

Sumire nodded. "Aa, now that I remember, while Sakura-san was waiting in front of the picture house in the pouring rain, Shou'i was in the dining room, feasting with the Blackhole Woman."

"EEH?!" Sakura exclaims, looking over to the blushing Kanna.

"You have such a big mouth, Snake Woman!"

"Hmp! Why is everyone saying that?!"

Kanna turned to Sakura. "Don't believe that evil Serpent Witch! Taichou was in Kohran's room the whole time!!!"

"NANI?! In her room?! Doing what?!"

Kohran defended herself. "Iyaya, it wasn't anything really. We were just having a little fun..."

"FUN!? What KIND of fun?!"

"Ya, it's nothing at all..."


"Calm down, will ya, Sakura-han? He was also in the music room with Orihime-han..."

Orihime cut in. "Hmp, that's only because Ensign-san followed me. I didn't ask him to come and he wouldn't go away. I don't see what's the big deal anyway. He's just a Japanese guy."

* * *
Meanwhile, Oogami was trying to sneak away. But, he was caught by an irate Maria. "Taichou, could you please say something?" she said, "Make them all shut up."


"Yes, Taichou, what do you have to say to this?" Reni said.

Airisu exclaimed, "Tell them that what they're saying is nonsense because Onii-chan is Airisu's boyfriend!"

"This will be interesting." Orihime noted.

Oogami blushed slightly. "J-Jaa, I'm terribly sorry for causing such a problem. I didn't mean to. I mean, I did tell Sakura-kun that I would meet her at the picture house, but I lost track of the time." He bowed his head. "Please forgive me!"

Everyone stood around, looking unaffected.

"You are incredible, Oogami-san!" Sakura exclaimed, "You think that's what it's going to take?" Imitating his voice, she said, "'Please forgive me!'....Not this time, pal!"


"You've been leading us on for too long!"

Kohran nodded. "Sakura-han's got a point. You're such a player. I don't think I've ever met a guy who chased so many girls at a time. Didn't it ever occur to you that someone could get hurt?"

Kanna agreed, "Man, that's so disrespectful!"

Orihime said, "What do you expect from a Japanese guy?"

"Hmp, Shou'i seems to go for anything female." Sumire muttered, "He's addicted to women."

"Hey, hey that's not true!" Oogami waved his hands frantically, "I'm a one-woman guy!"

"Aa, who's guy?" Maria asked.

A sweat bead trickled down his face as glaring looks hovered over him. 'Man...this is what they mean by never date in the workplace...'


KAEDE: The situation looks bleak for Oogami-kun! He has really succeeded in upsetting the entire Hanagumi. Will he be able to get it all together before he does something he regrets? Or will he become like Yoneda, a drunken old man?


KAEDE: For Love or Sake, next time on Sakura Taisen! A storm of Romance of Taishou cherry blossoms.

Hang in there, Oogami-kun!
