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Episode 3: The Beginnings of Revenge Sakura Taisen is a creation of Ooji Hiroi-sensei; all rights reserved to Sega, Red Company, Bandai
This fanfic is by Jill 8/19/0; last revised 2/1

Smite the Player ~ Oogami-san, you're going down!
Episode 3: The Beginnings of Revenge

“Man, first Sakura-kun, then Kohran....I wonder who else is still mad at me....”

Oogami pondered this as he went up the stairs to his room. At the door he heard noises. “Is someone...inside my room??" He pressed his ear against the door and heard the following voices.

“Are we all done?”

“Mission complete.”

“That was fun. Boy, Onii-chan is going to be mad. Kyahahaha! Let’s go!”

“Affirmative. It is best for us to leave now before the enemy has detected us. Let us retreat.”

“Geez, Reni, speak normally please.”

Then, there was silence. Oogami wondered what they were doing there as he turned the knob. Then, he figured out. His room was completely trashed and tee-peed. As he stared at the waste dump that once was his very clean room, Kaede peeked in from behind his shoulder.

“Rough night, huh, Oogami-kun?”

* * *
Since there was no where to go to sleep or sit down, Oogami decided to change and get out of there as soon as possible. He figured once he got into work, that he would forget all his worries. Unfortunately for him, the girls in the business office were already informed.

“So, it’s true then....” Yuri was blabbing in his ear as he was sorting some files, “...that you were playing each of the Teigeki girls.”

“I-I wasn’t!!”

“Sure, but that’s what the rumor says.”

Kasumi noted, “You know, Oogami-san, that’s not very gentlemanly.”

“Oi, oi, I didn’t mean to make it look like I was doing such a thing. I like all of them.”

Kasumi and Yuri exchanged looks.

“You can’t like six girls all at the same time.” Kasumi said.

“That’s not right.” Yuri added.

Oogami let out a heavy sigh. “I know, I know.”

* * *
After finishing his work in the office, Oogami went for a walk around the Teigeki. On the second floor, he stopped by the library. He wasn’t surprised to see Maria sitting there, reading like she usually was at that time of the day.

“Aa, Maria, can I talk to you?”

She lifted her head and stared at him. “What is it, Taichou?”

“Well, since last night, I’ve been feeling terrible. So far, Sakura-kun and Kohran aren’t talking to me, while Reni and Iris are launching attacks on me. I don’t know what to do to make them forgive me.”

“...I, too, cannot forgive you.”


She closed the book and placed on the table then turned to him. “I can forgive someone if they truly are sorry for what they did. To prove that they are, they must understand how I felt.”

“How you feel?”

“Taichou, have you ever loved a person, wanted to protect them and to be by their side?”


“...Then, that person did not share those thoughts and you were completely devastated. Has your heart been ever broken by someone?”

“ can’t say that I have...”

“Then, I cannot forgive you.” Maria said, getting up from her seat, “Please excuse me.”

“Maria...” Oogami uttered as he left the library, “Perhaps, none of them will forgive me. But what Maria just understand their the heck am I suppose to do that?!”

Just then, he felt a slap on his back. “YOW! What the hell?!” He turned around, but no one was there. Thinking it was his imagination, he continued on his way.


Reni had covered Iris’ mouth as Oogami passed them. “Phew! He almost saw us. Airisu, next time don’t put too much force.”

“Gomen, gomen! But, we got in on target, yes? One try was enough.”

“Yes, let’s see the results...”

* * *
In the dining room, Orihime and Kanna were eating Kanna-sama’s special cooking. “AYAAAA!!!! MY NOSE IS ON FIRE!!!”

“Orihime, you put too much wasabi sauce.”

“Kanna-san!!! Are you trying to kill me?!?!”

“N-no, don’t be ridiculous...”

“Japanese cuisine is soooo weird.” Orihime sighed into her glass of water.

“Now, don’t say that. My cooking is the best...or that’s what Taichou always says.”

“Well, that makes that statement invalid.”

Kanna frowned sadly. “I guess he must have said something similar to each of us. No one is special in his eyes. We’re all the same to him.”

She stopped eating for a moment and was gazing off into space. Orihime lifted her eyebrow, surprised to see her so depressed.

“Ano saa...Kanna-san...I’m sure that everyone does agree your cooking is the best.”

Kanna forced a smile. “Arigatou yo.”

“However this wasabi sauce should not be allowed to be eaten by people.”

“Heheh, but it’s good really.”

Just then, Oogami walked in. “Aaah, I’m hungry! Is there enough for me, too?”

Orihime got up from her seat. “Ick, my appetite has just been spoiled. Please excuse me.”

“Hey, don’t go! We can all eat together...”

Kanna got up too. “After two servings, I’m finally full. Excuse me as well, Taichou.”

“Two servings....wait minute! You two, hold on a moment!”

The two girls going for the door turned around and stared at him. Just then, they broke out laughing.

“What’s so funny?!” Oogami asked.

“Hahahahahahaha!” Orihime and Kanna were rolling. They left, still laughing, leaving a confused Oogami.

* * *
Out on the terrace, Sumire was there, gazing out onto the city. “Sumire-san...”

Sumire turned around to see Sakura. “You startled me! Sakura-san, how rude of you!”

“Gomenasai. I didn’t mean to. You were standing out here for a long time and I was worried about you.”

“There’s nothing wrong with me. I was...just getting some fresh air.”

“Well then, I’ll go back inside.” Sakura said, going for the door.

Sumire suddenly grabbed her by the arm. “Wait, actually, I’m miserable. How could Shou’i be so inconsiderate of my feelings?!”


“He says he wants “a mature, exciting woman” I am not?! How insulting that was! I’m sure that it’s only natural for him to say it to someone as dull as you, but to me, Kanzaki Sumire, the top star of the Teigeki....ah, it broke my heart.”

“Uh, geez, thanks...” Sakura grumbled.

Sumire looked like crying. “I can’t forgive him at all...and feelings for him...”

Sakura had never seen Sumire like this before. It was strange and she didn’t like it. “Sumire-san...I’m sure that Oogami-san still thinks you’re important.”

“Thank you, Sakura-san. Those words make me feel a little bit better. And perhaps he also thinks of you, too.”

Sakura blushed. “Uh, uh, t-thanks...”

Sumire crossed her arms. “Honestly, though, with a stammering simpleton as yourself, I don’t understand why Shou’i is so indecisive still!!”

Sakura smiled. “That’s the Sumire-san I know.”

“Sakura-kun, Sumire-kun, what are you two doing here?” Oogami asked, coming out on the terrace.

“N-nothing, Oogami-san.”

“Shou’i, we were just leaving.”

“Ah, wait! Why are you leaving?”

Sumire was dragging Sakura. “We have to....go practice our lines. Right, Sakura-san?”

“Didn’t we already....Yow! Don’t tug me so hard!!”

“Let’s go Sakura-san. Best of health to you, Shou’i.”

“Right...” Oogami sighed, turning to the city. The two girls stared at him, then started laughing. “What the?! Hey, what’s the big idea?”

“I-It’s nothing, really, Oogami-san.”

“Y-yes, Shou'i, nothing at all.”

The two rushed back inside, but their laughter was still audible.



“Geez, why is everyone like that?” Oogami sighed.

* * *
Oogami went to his room and shoved everything off his bed onto the floor. When he went to lie down, he heard a crinkling noise.

“What the...?”

He sat up and reached behind his back. On it was a paper taped on him. He tore it off and read its contents. "I am a player and also a BIG idiot....?! This explains why everyone was laughing at me. Who in the world did this...?”

The handwriting looked familiar. It was a childish scribble...just like Airisu's. He crumpled up the paper.

“That’s it! No more Mr. Nice Idiot! I will do as I please from now on!”

With that, he left his room, intent on doing so. His first move was to the gift shop. Tsubaki was there, looking kawaii as ever, dusting off a shelf.

“Ahh, Oogami-san, you’re back for more bromides? Thank you for your patronage!”

“Yes, sure...” he said, “Tsubaki-chan, would you like to go on a date?”

“Eh? A date?”

“Right now.”

“But, Oogami-san, I’m working right now.”

He quickly took hold of her hand. “Tsubaki-chan...I’ve wanted to be alone with you for a long time.... since we met. You’re all I can think about.”

“Ehh?!” she exclaimed, “Oogami-san, why this all of a sudden...?!”

Just then a voice chimed, “Lie! Lie! Lie!” The two turned to see Kohran, waving her index finger in the air. “Oogami-han, you’re a big liar ya! And this will prove it!” She took out a yellow device.

He screamed, “Oh no! It’s lie detector Makoto!!!”

“Now, re-say those words to Tsubaki-han like before.” she said, placing Makoto on his head.

“N-no way.”

“That’s because you’re lying ya!!”

“NO! To say those words again with someone else in the room will defect their effectiveness. Besides they were very personal words.” he stammered.

“Onii-chan! How dare you go after Tsubaki!!” Airisu yelled from the door.

Oogami was really mad now. “I will go after whomever I want and whenever I please! I’m a grown man! I can do whatever I want!!” he yelled, throwing Makoto off his head.

“O-onii-chan...” Airisu started crying.

The yelling had drawn everyone else outside the Baiten. They all peeked in and wondered what was going on. Reni went to comfort poor Airisu.

Maria said, “Taichou, you really did it this time.”

“I don’t care! I’m sick and tired of all of this! There’s no way I’m going to apologize anymore! Because...I don’t even feel sorry!”

“Shou’i, that can’t be true!” Sumire cried.

“It is. Believe it.” he said gravely.

* * *
Later on, Maria was practicing her shooting. She aimed straight at a doll that looked like a certain spiky-haired guy.


She pulled the trigger. The bullet went through the heart.

“I will make you sorry....”


OOGAMI: Please give me anything to forget this nightmare! Pile of paperwork - okay! A visit from an old rival and tons of work at the business office helps me keep my sanity. Regret Sinks In next time on Sakura Taisen! A storm of Romance in Taishou cherry blossoms!

What? For me?
