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It's Opening Night Sakura Taisen is a creation of Ooji Hiroi-sensei; all rights reserved to Sega, Red Company, Bandai
This fanfic is by Jill September 2000. Last revised Feburary 2001.

Smite the Player ~ Oogami-san, you're going down!
Episode Six: It's Opening Night

On the stage, the girls were getting hostile with each other. Kanna and Sumire had broke into another fight.

“Shut up, you damn old hag!”

“Oh, up yours, you brainless oaf!”

“Shouldn’t we do something?” Sakura cried.

“Why do you always insist on interfering with other people’s business? You are a nosy person!” Orihime sighed.

“I am not! You’re always saying mean things! What’s your problem?”

“My problem?! You want to make something out of this, Cherry-san?”

“Yeah! Let’s step outside!”

Iris turned to Jean-Paul. “Do something before they kill each other!”

Reni squinted at her. “What’s wrong with you? It’s just a freaking bear!”

“Waaan! Reni, that’s harsh! How can you say that! Jean-Paul is my special friend!”

Maria called, “Everyone! Stop it!”

Sumire snapped, “Can’t you see we’re in the middle of something!”

Kohran said, “Maria-han is right. We can’t do anything if we’re all at each other’s necks. The one who we’re angry at isn’t here....”

Orihime crossed her arms. “Hmp! To think how pathetic Cherry-san has been since Shou’i-san rejected her....”

Sakura lifted her eyebrow. “W-whaaat?”

“You heard me. Since that day he yelled at us, you’ve been making lots of mistakes in the script. I don’t think there’s been a practice that you’ve gone through without doing so.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. It’s all his fault. But, it serves you right for loving a Japanese guy. Which proves my theory completely......”

Sakura rolled her eyes. “Bla, bla, bla....”

“ARE YOU INSULTING ME?!” Orihime screamed.

Maria cut in, “That’s enough! Now, let’s start again from the beginning!”

“Actually, could we please take a break?”


“All this yelling has made my head hurt. Please excuse me....”

The girls watched as she walked off the stage and disappear out in the hallway. They then turned to each other.

Maria shrugged. “Well, then let’s come back here in fifteen minutes.”

Kanna patted her stomach. “I could sure use a snack.”

“Yes, stuff your face....” Sumire muttered.


“YOU TWO!” Maria yelled, “Continue in fifteen minutes!!!”

They glared at each other, then calmed down. “Right....”

* * *
In the music room, Orihime sat at the piano. She opened the cover and stared at the keys. After much hesitation, she started to play.

‘I don’t understand....’ she thought as she kept hitting wrong notes left and right. ‘This is a piece I know by heart. Why am I making such mistakes? Is it because....?’

Angered by her weakness, she slammed the piano shut and got up. She stopped to see Kohran in the door way.

“What do you want?”

“Ah, Orihime-han, I was going to ask you if you could help me with something.”


* * *
In the cafeteria, the rest of the girls were eating. Kanna had brought out a bunch of snacks and they were all enjoying themselves.

“Mm, Kanna, where’d you get these daifuku?” Iris asked as she and Reni chomped through seconds, “They’re delicious!”

“I got them from a fan. Taichou.....” she stopped and said instead, “I’m glad you like them!”

“Yes, but what is this sticky stuff? And the brown stuff in the middle?” Reni asked.

Iris laughed, “That’s the rice flour! In the middle is the mung bean! That’s the best part!”

“Everyone....” Sakura said, “I’m really sorry I haven’t been concentrating. I know opening night is tomorrow. I’ll do my best to perfect my lines by then!”

Maria smiled. “It’s all right. We’ve all got to work hard, too.”

“Actually come to think of it...” Sumire noted, “Maria-san, you’ve been doing great at rehearsals for the past few days. I don’t think you’ll be making any mistakes like Sakura-san.”

“HEEEEY!!” Sakura protested.

“Perhaps you could give her some tips before she embarrasses us on our opening night.”

Maria shrugged. “Well, there’s isn’t much I can say. Except....whatever it is that is in your way, either ignore it or remove it.”

“Huh?” Sakura was confused.

“Idiot!” Sumire replied, “In lay men’s terms: either you do something to fix your problem or just leave it there, which will not change anything!”

“I-I see....I’ll try....I mean, I will overcome this!” Sakura exclaimed, leaping up on the table with her fist in the air.

“Wow, she looks determined.” Iris noted.

“Er-hem, Sakura-san, would you get your foot off my hand?!” Sumire cried.

“Oops, I got a little bit excited. Sorry, Sumire-san.”

Maria smiled and turned to Kohran and Orhime who were at the door. They winked at her.

* * *
“God, opening night is tomorrow....” Yoneda muttered on his way to his office, “Here we go again. This place is going to be swamped. I won’t have any time to relax and drink my sake in peace....”

He stopped to see Kaede coming out of his office.

“Ah, Kaede-kun! I wanted you to type up this memo for me.”

“Actually, Sir, you’re going to have to have someone in the business office do it.”


“Your typewriter is missing.”

“Huh? How can that be?”

“I don’t know. It’s not where it used to be. I....I was in your office looking for it just now.” she said uneasily.

“Missing typewriters? Hmm...there goes another pay-cut. Well, then, could you deliver this for me? I think I’m just going sit down and rest my head.”

Kaede grabbed onto his arm. “Actually, Sir, wait...!”

“What is it, Kaede-kun?”

“You can’t COME INTO THE OFFICE RIGHT NOW.” she said rather loudly.

“Huuuh? Kaede-kun, did you get into my stash or something? I’m just going to go rest. Excuse me.” he said, walking in.

He switched on the light and sat at his desk. He then looked around, everything was in place except the missing type writer. He even checked his stash. It was all there.

“What was that all of about?” he sighed, “Oh, well....”

* * *
“She’s going to be at the opening night performance...” Oogami uttered, staring at the letter and taking a wiff, “Ah...what a wonderful scent...perhaps I could find her. Perhaps....”

Just then, he heard a knock at his door. He went to answer it.


“Oogami-san, I I come in?”

“Sure.” he said, looking surprised, “I thought you wouldn’t talk to me after what happened.”

She walked in a little bit and closed the door, then said, “I thought so, too. But....opening night is tomorrow and I can’t concentrate at all.”

“It’s because what happened, isn’t it?”

“Y-yes. Usually when I have a problem like this, I’d talk to you, Oogami-san. But this time.... it’s you that is causing it. I...I don’t know what I should do....”

“Sakura-kun....I’m sorry.” he said, making her lift her head, “I’m sorry to have caused you this burden. I know I don’t understand your feelings at all, but I mean to make amends to you and everyone else.”


“I have decided to choose one girl to love. I will no longer go after all of you.”

“H-have you made your decision yet?”

“Yes, I have.”

Sakura turned red. “O-Oogami-san, before you say anything, please listen to me. This makes me really happy, but I can’t bear to upset anyone else. Please....choose someone else.”

“Uh, Sakura-kun....actually it isn’t you.”

“Eh? Who then?!” she exclaimed, making Oogami fall over, “Not that I care! Actually I’m relieved! Yeah....that’s it!”

He sat up and calmed down the hysterical Sakura. “Look, the truth is she’s.....”

Just then, Sakura screamed. Oogami turned around to see what she was screaming at and saw a figure in the window. He too screamed.

“Whoa, calm down!” Kayama said, climbing in, “Geez, I must have been out there on the ledge for an hour....”

“What in the hell were you doing there?!” Oogami exclaimed, as Sakura caught her breath, “You’re so strange!”

“Oogami, those are biting words. Although I’ll forgive you, unlike the majority of the Teigeki.” Kayama said, “I see you’ve come to a conclusion. Nice choice! I wish all the happiness in the world.”

“Actually....” Sakura replied, “Oogami-san has chosen another.”

“Eh? Who?”

Oogami nervously looked from Sakura to Kayama and stammered, “Well, that is....”

Just then, there was an explosion outside. They all ran out to the window to see what it was.

* * *
“Oops, too much gunpowder.” Kohran noted with a blackened face.

“You said you knew what you were doing, you crazy Kansai girl!” Orihime cried, with the same face.

“Sorry, I got carried away.” she said, laughing it off.

Maria walked over to them. They were in the center garden, testing some new equipment for their special operation.

“Everything looked all right. I’m glad you two have came to work with me. I don’t think I would get this far on my own.”

“Don’t worry, Maria!” Orihime said, “With me here, you won’t have anything but success!”

Kohran added, “And with me, I’ll make sure everything keeps working and fix any problems we have!”

“Yes. Victory will be ours!” Maria chimed, “Orhime, go ahead. It’s your turn.”

Orihime grinned and turned to the Oogami doll hanging on the tree by the neck. She rolled up her sleeves went towards it.

“This is for all the women everywhere who’s suffered from a Japanese’s guy’s treachery! YAH!”

With than, she threw a dagger at it. It stuck right at the, er-hem....(PING!) Maria and Kohran stared, in shock, sweat beads dripping down their faces.

“Wow, Orihime-han must be really pissed.”

“Yes, this will be an interesting turn-out....”

* * *
Faster than a blink of an eye, it was opening night. Oogami stared at the crowds of people lining up outside. “There’s so many....and she’s somewhere out there....”

“Oogami-saaaan!” Kasumi called, “It’s time for you to do your job.”

“Right! Here goes!” he said going to his stand and whipping out his hasami, while Kasumi opened the doors.

The people started to flood in. There were so many, but Oogami did his best to try and look at their faces, or even sniff them.


He stopped to pick up the same scent from the letter. Holding onto the ticket longer, he took a longer wiff.

“It’s you!” he cried, grabbing onto the person’s hand.

But then he looked and saw that it was an elderly woman.

“Unhand me, you pervert!” she cried, whacking him with her purse.

“Oogami-san, what got into you?” Kasumi asked as she helped him off the floor.

“Oops, I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.” he replied and got back to work.

The masses passed, but he couldn’t point out anyone in peticular who was the secret admirer. He had no description of what she looked like or even a name.

“She’s out there....I can feel it...”

* * *
Backstage, the final preparations were being made. The girls could hear the orchestra tuning up. Already in costume and makeup, they gathered together for a last meeting.

“Everyone remember your lines?” Maria asked.

“Yes!” they replied.

“But....where’s Sakura?”

They looked around each other and suddenly realized that she was missing. Curtain call was in fifteen minutes.

Kohran noted, “Sakura-han said she had to take care of something quickly and she’d be back before the start of the play.”

Sumire sighed, “Great, if she messes this opening night up, I swear I won’t forgive her!”

“What could she had possibly needed to do?” Iris asked.

“Who knows. We all better prepare a back-up plan just in case she doesn’t make it in time.” Orihime said.

“Right. Who knows Sakura’s lines?” Maria asked.

“I do...” Reni said.

Everyone stared at her. Sakura was playing a giddy hostess in a skimpy pink dress. Just the thought of Reni in this role made them all start gagging.

“If Sakura-san doesn’t get back here in time, we’re all doomed!” Sumire cried, “What in the world is she doing?! My career is on the line!!!!”

* * *
Meanwhile, Sakura was out on the roof. “I can do this....yes, I can....” she uttered, gazing out at the city lights, “Oh! The time!!”

She started running towards the door leading to the stairs, but stopped to notice a couple also standing on the other side of the roof. Sakura couldn’t help herself and went to go peek.

“.....OH! YOU!!” she cried.

The two turned to her in surprise. She turned extra red.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to....I didn’t see anything! E-excuse me!” Sakura cried and ran for the door.

“You don’t suppose she’ll tell anyone, do you?” the man said.

The woman looked to him then towards Sakura. “I-I don’t know. I’ll go stop her!” she said, running after her, “Sakura-kun, wait!”

“Um, um, I’m sorry, Kaede-san.”

“It’s okay.” Kaede said, “I guess the roof isn’t such a secretive place after all.”

“Uh, why, may I ask, are you hiding?”

“I guess I’m not ready to let another people know about us. I don’t know what Yoneda or the others will say. Yuri-kun has such a big mouth that everyone in Ginza will be talking about it.”

“You shouldn’t be embarrassed. If you care about someone that much, wouldn’t you want to shout it out to the world and let everyone know? You shouldn’t hide such feelings, Kaede-san.”

Kaede grinned. “My, Sakura-kun, when did you become so experienced?”

“Uh, uh, well, that is...I, uh....”

“Nevermind. Could you keep what you have just learned a secret. Please, until we’re ready to tell everyone, that is.”

“Y-yes! You have my word!”

“Thanks....uh, shouldn’t you be on stage by now?”

“Oh! Excuse me!” Sakura cried, running down the stairs.

* * *
Luckily, Sakura made it back in time and Reni didn’t have to dress up in a pink, skimpy outfit. The opening night was a success except for the fact that....

“Man....” Oogami muttered, staring at the closed doors to the theater, “She’s somewhere in there and I can’t do anything because I don’t even know who she is or what she looks like....”

Just then, there was clapping and he knew that the show was over. Soon, the crowds were going to burst from the theater and flood into the lobby. Tsubaki was prepared in the gift shop, while Yuri and Kasumi were also ready to help push the people out of the theater. Just then, the doors flew open and the people came pouring out.

“Owah! I’m going to faint - there’s so many people!” Oogami wailed.

“Everyone, please move towards the exits!” Kasumi called.

“Would you like to buy a bromide?” Tsubaki chimed.

“Anyone looking for a lost child?” Yuri cried.

Oogami moved out of the way before he was trampled over by the masses. Catching his breath, he watched the crowds quietly from his hiding spot.

“Which one are you....?“

* * *
Afterwards, Oogami helped clean up the lobby. There were programs everywhere and dirt carried in from outside. As he was sweeping, Kaede came over to him.

“Hanging in there, Oogami-kun?”

“Hm? What do you mean?”

“Well, aren’t you the sly one?” she teased, pointing her finger on his forehead.

He was getting impatient. “What are you talking about?!”

“As if you don’t know. When the show was going on, there was this young woman in my box who asked about you.”

“Huh? A young woman?”

“She wanted to know your name. She was very sweet.”

Oogami’s mouth dropped. “Could it be....?” he uttered. He dropped his broom and grabbed Kaede by the shoulders and started shaking her, “What did she look like?! Did you get a name?!”

“N-no! C-calm d-down!”

He let her go and she fell over. Oogami didn’t notice and stared up at the ceiling, happily over-whelmed by the news.

“So, she was here!” he cried.

“Geez, Oogami-kun, what the heck was that about?!” Kaede sighed.


KOHRAN: It seems Oogami-han is very determined to find his secret admirer. But who will be willing to help him? And will they suceed in figuring out who she is?

KANNA: A Top Secret Operation, next time on Sakura Taisen! A storm of Romance in Taishou cherry blossoms!

KOHRAN: Yosha! Going undercover sounds fun!

KANNA: Count me in!
