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Episode 8 - Explosions & Confessions of Love Sakura Taisen is a creation of Ooji Hiroi-sensei; all rights reserved to Sega, Red Company, Bandai
This fanfic is by Jill Mangaliman September 2000. Last revised February 2001.

Smite the Player ~ Oogami-san, you're going down!
Episode 8 - Explosions & Confessions of Love

“Nan de!? You figured out who she was?!”

Oogami stared in shock at the self-assured Sumire in the salon. It was the next day already. Sumire took out her notes and went into explanation.

“The box Kaede-san was sitting in was Box 6. The Count Masato also uses that box, too, and has season passes. His niece, Midori, usually accompanies him and is very known in the society.”

“So, my secret admirer is....HER??”

“I’m not done yet!” Sumire says, taking out a picture, “I went to the same finishing school as her and the same parties. She is a buck-toothed, snotty nose geek!”

“Whaaaat!?” Oogami shrieked looking at the picture.

Sakura was surprised also. “Is this really true?!”

“I have the facts here! I’m not lying!” Sumire elbowed Oogami. “So, what do you think of your dream girl now? Hmmm?” His face went blank. “Hohohohoho!! Let’s go, Sakura-san and leave him with this question to think about.”

Outside, Sakura stopped Sumire and asked, “Why did you do that? You just crushed his dream!!”

“It’s better to be awake then dreaming forever. Perhaps now he shall go after what he could see.... and touch.”


“Hohoho! Don’t give me that innocent girl getup, you’re doing the same thing, Sakura-san. You think that Shou-i will suddenly realize that he’s really in love with you - Bah! That’s a hopeless dream!”

“That’s not what I was doing!!” Sakura yelled, now angry, “I want Oogami-san to find love!”

“But what’s in it for you, may I ask?”

“Sometimes, Sumire-san, it isn’t about what you get or ‘what’s in it for you’. Just being near Oogami-san makes me happy. That’s all I ask for.”

Sumire shrugged. “Strong words....but how long will that last. When will you crack, Sakura-san, and admit that you will not stand to see the one you love to be thinking of someone else?”

The two got into a big glaring contest, but then they heard something strange. It was Oogami’s voice. They peeked into the room and saw him on the phone.

“H-Hello...is Midori-san there?”

Sumire twitched. “I can’t believe it....even after seeing her picture.”

“Oogami-san doesn’t care what she looks like. It’s the feelings that matter, not the appearances.” Sakura noted.

“Huh?” Oogami noted, “You mean...she’s out of town? Since last month? When is she coming back? Oh, then....no, it’s okay. It wasn’t anything really. Thank you. Bye.”

He then turned to the girls who were equally confused. Sakura asked, “If she’s been gone since then...then who was it that was there last night??”

Oogami had a determined face. “That’s what we’ve got to find out!”

“Yoshi, Oogami-san! Let’s go!”

Sumire sighed, “I still can’t believe it....”

* * *
In the business office, the three got more information from the gossip queen, Yuri, who told them, “Midori-san is spending a vacation at her parent’s house. That young lady who was with the count is none other than his best friend’s daughter.”

“Then....is it...her?” Sakura asked.

“Actually, Nanase-san is just visiting from her home in Kyoto as of last week. This is her first time in Tokyo and that was her first time to the Playhouse.”

“So, it isn’t her either.” Oogami noted.

“Oogami-san, Nanase-san does seem to show some interest in you....” Sakura started to say.

“I’ve got to find the writer of those letters.”

“But what if you never find her?”

“I WILL find her.” he replied with a determined face.

“Oogami-san....” Sakura sighed.

Sumire trailed behind. “Shou’i is persistent indeed. I’ll have to put this into my own hands.”

“Tsubaki-chan, is there any mail for me?” Oogami asked when he got to the gift shop.

“Yes, it just arrived this morning. I took it with the new bromides so Yuri-san wouldn’t get her grubby hands on it first. Here ya go!” she said handing him the envelope.

“Quick!” Sumire said, “Open it, read it, and respond, so we can stake-out tonight.”

Oogami gasped, “S-Sumire-kun....isn’t that a bit too....”

“You want to find out who she is, don’t you?”

Sakura protested, “If this girl doesn’t want Oogami-san to know who she is, she must have some good reason!”

“Sakura-san, I thought you wanted to help Shou’i find her. What’s this all of a sudden?”

“It seems wrong.”

Sumire grinned, “Then in that case, you don’t have to stay up with us. We’ll watch for this mystery girl. There’s a perfect view from my room, Shou’i.”

“Really? Okay, but....what about Sakura-kun?” he asked.

“No....I’d probably just get in the way.” Sakura muttered, “Please excuse me.”

“Sakura-kun.....” Oogami uttered as she turned and left.

Tsubaki slapped him on the back, breaking him out of his trance. “Why don’t you open it and read it already? I bet it’s good this time!”

The letter read: “Dear Ichirou-san, today is a special day. I felt so energetic when I thought of you. You are that effective over me. I don’t know about you, but Life is much happier when you’re in love. Love gives you strength, and I feel ten times stronger because of you. Thank you so much. Love, your secret admirer.”

Oogami quickly closed the letter after he noticed that Tsubaki and Sumire had climbed up on the counter and were trying to peek over his shoulder. “Hey, it’s personal!!”

“Oh, all right!” they sighed in unison.

* * *

Kaede turned at that familiar voice and saw Kayama sitting at her window. “Come in.”

“Thank you. It’s really cold out here. Anyway, ohayo! Sorry for the intrusion.”

“It’s okay. So, what brings you here so early?”

Kayama said, “I saw something strange last night. There has been reports of loud music coming from the playhouse at night, but for some reason the noise isn’t heard inside. It seems that there’s like some sound barrier.”

“Probably a project of Kohran’s. Just leave it alone.”

“But, I saw lights in the attic. That must be....”

“I said, “LEAVE IT ALONE!” Kaede said firmly.


“Kayama, this is something you don’t have to worry about. I will handle it myself.”

He asked, “Do you know something?”

She turned away. “I cannot tell you.”

“Kaede-san....what’s this all of a sudden. Of course you can tell me.”

“I can’t. I’m sorry, Kayama.”

He bowed his head sadly. “I see....you can’t trust me. I’m sorry for taking your time. Please excuse me....” he said, climbing out the window and leaving.

Kaede went to the window and shut it close, then uttered, “Oogami-kun.....”

* * *
Kayama sadly wandered around the Teigeki. He suddenly became happy when he saw Oogami in the night-watch man room. He ran up to him and gave him a biiiiig hug.

“Oogami! I’m so glad I found you. I’ve got a problem that maybe you can help me with....”

He pried free. “I don’t have time for you, Kayama. I’ve got to make preparations. So if you don’t mind.....” he said, gathering items such as a fashlight and binoculars.

“But, Oogami, you know Kaede-san well, don’t you?”

Oogami turned to him with a quizzical look. “What does that suppose to mean?”

“Well, I...I seem to have a problem with her...”

“If that’s the case, then you should talk it out with her. It’s not my problem if you don’t get along with Kaede-san. I mean, what’s the matter with you for disliking her.”

“I-I don’t dislike Kaede-san!”

Oogami squinted at him. “Kayama, you’re so strange. Look, this is wasting my time. Go bother someone else, okay?”


“I’m got enough on my mind as is....” Oogami sighed, leaving.

Kayama frowned sadly. “O-Oogami....I was going to tell him about the weird stuff going on in the attic....but he won’t listen to me....” he sighed.

* * *
Oogami finished writing his letter to his secret admirer. In it, he wrote: “Please, tell me who you are. I want to meet you.”

After that he put in the cubby hole outside, then came back inside the Teigeki. Looking at his watch, he decided he should go to Sumire’s room as planned. Although, it seemed a bit too suspicious to be in a girl’s room that late, but he had a good reason. Hopefully, no bad rumors will be made and he made sure not to tell Yuri anything about it.

“Welcome, Shou’i. I’ve been waiting.” Sumire said, opening the door. She shut the door rather abruptly and walked around him. “I just want to help you.”

“U-uh, Sumire-kun....is that a new outfit??”

She smiled and struck a pose. “Ah, yes! Do you like it, Shou’i?”

Oogami’s eyes went up and down as he examined the silk, lavender kimono, that ended above the knee. A giant sweat bead trickled down his face.

“Y-yes, but, isn’t it a bit too, um....” he stammered as she gave him a inquisitive look, “Uh, it’s really, WONDERFUL! But, I don’t know if you should wear that a lot outside, since it’s cold.”

“Oh, Shou’i, I won’t wear this outside. I’ll only wear this for you.”

“Ah, I see....uh, what do you mean....just for me??”

Sumire sighed. “Shou’i, you’re so dense. This is a special outfit for a special occassion, such as this. It isn’t every day when you come to my room.”

“Okay! But, if you say things like that, I get embarrassed....heheh!” he stammered, blushing.

“That face is amusing. Let’s have some tea while waiting for this mystery girl to show.”

He nodded and went to go sit by the window. Sumire grinned and picked up the tray.

‘This will be the last straw, Shou’i. It’s either me or her....’

* * *
Yoneda came out of his office and decided to go to the kitchen for a snack. Turning a corner, he collided with someone. “Ah, Kaede-kun, are you okay?” he asked helping her off the floor.

“Y-yes. I’m sorry, I was in a rush and wasn’t watching of where I was going.” she said, then fell silent. Her face reflected sadness.

“Kaede-kun....?” Yoneda uttered, with a concerned, “Are you sure you’re okay? You don’t look well.”

“I....I’m fine. E-excuse me!” she said, then ran off in an opposite direction.

Yoneda was gong to go after her, but he was stopped by Iris and Reni, who wanted to talk to him. “So, have you found the typewriter yet?” he asked.

“Not yet.” Reni replied.

“Dammit! Don’t tell me we have to use some of the budget to go purchase another one!?”

Iris said, “Yoneda-oji-chan, it was really old and wasn’t working properly. Isn’t it about time to get a new one anyways?”

“I’ve had that typewriter since I came back from the Japanese-Russo War. That ancient piece of crap is a big part of my life! I don’t want another one! Will you please find it!?”

Reni noted, “Affirmative. We shall find it.”

“Also, we’ve found a clue to where it could be.” Iris said.

“A clue?” Yoneda asked.

“Yes, it seems that the one who took the typewriter snagged their clothes on the cabinet in the business office when they took the ribbon.” she explained, showing the see-through bag which contained the threads, “We’ve already checked out Tsubaki, Kasumi, and Yuri....this belongs to someone else’s clothes.”

Reni added, “We are thinking that it must have been from one of the costumes from the props room. We’ve checked out the room, but couldn’t find the costume that would have this kind of material. The person is probably hiding their evidence somewhere along with the typewriter.”

“So....” Yoneda was finally catching on, “Someone in the Teigeki stole my typewriter....why? They could have just asked me.”

“That is a good question, Manager. They must have a good reason.”

“Reni, we better search all the rooms. Perhaps we’ll find it.” Iris said, “And then Yoneda-ojichan will make Onii-chan into my boyfriend!”

“W-whaaat?!” Yoneda gasped, “I’m going to....what?!”

She pointed at him. “You promised! Don’t you want your typewriter back or what?!”

“Oh, okay....” he sighed, “Find it quickly and I’ll tell Oogami to take you two out for some ice cream or something.”

“OKAY!” Iris said, running along.

Reni eyed the flustered Yoneda. “See what happens when you drink too much.”

He laughed, “I guess I should cut down.” He then thought about Kaede, “I wonder what could be wrong. Could it be....?”

* * *
Sakura was walking out in the central garden. A melancholy look was on her face as she stopped to gaze at the clear night sky.
“Oogami-san....right now you are waiting for that person.....”

Just then, someone leapt out of a tree, making her scream. Kayama quickly covered her mouth and apologized excessively. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you.” he said, “I’m looking for Kaede-san. Have you seen her?”

“N-no. I haven’t.” she replied.

“We had a little argument.” he uttered sadly. He then went on to tell her everything that had happened between him and Kaede, her sudden coldness and secretiveness.

“That doesn’t sound like Kaede-san at all.” she said, “And what’s all this strange stuff going on in the attic?”

“I’m not sure. She sounded like she knew but didn’t want to tell me. I don’t know if I should look into it. It might anger her. I wanted to talk to Oogami about it, but it seems like he didn’t care.” Kayama whimpered, “He’s my best friend since military academy....but now...”

“Kayama-san,” Sakura coaxed, patting him on the back, “I’m sure he probably has lots of things on his mind, so that’s why he was like that. Oogami-san and Kaede-san care a lot about you.”

“True. Unless...there’s something going on between them! My best friend and my girlfriend... how could they?!” he wailed, “I am at a loss!!! Waaaaan!”

“Kayama-san! Relax! I’m sure that’s not the case!” Sakura cried, trying to calm him down, “I know this because....because Oogami-san is in love with someone else!”


“This girl....who’s writing him letters....who won’t tell him who she is....” she uttered.


* * *
Orihime and Kanna saw Reni and Iris running from the equipment room. They went and peeked inside. The place was completely trashed.

“What the hell are those two doing?!” Kanna exclaimed, “They making a big mess everywhere! Looks fun though....”

“It seems that they’re looking for the missing typewriter.” Orihime explained, “And I think they have a hunch how to find it.”

“Do you think they’re going to find it?”

“Yes, eventually. Come on, let’s go help them.”

They caught up with the two detectives who were searching through the locker room. Basically, they were opening all the lockers and throwing the stuff on the floor.

“You want to help us?” Reni asked.

“I don’t know about this.” Iris said, “If you two help us find the typewriter, then Onii-chan is going to have to take you two along on the date. I already have to put up with bringing Reni along.”

“Relax,” Orihime said, “I have no intention on moving in on you and your woosey boyfriend. I just want to help out Manager Yoneda.”

Kanna winked at them. “Yeah, and I thought it would be fun to throw stuff everywhere.”

“Okay, you two can help us.” Reni said, “Tonight we’ll check all the places that are unlocked, then tomorrow we can use the keys to get into the rooms that are locked. Let’s go!”

* * *
Yawning, Sumire glanced at her watch. “I wonder when this girl’s gonna show. I’m getting tired.”

“Hm, I can see the letter perfectly from this spot.” Oogami said, looking out the window with the binoculars, “I’ll be able to see anything that comes by.”

‘Shou’i’s attention is out of my reach.’ she sighed, gazing at the occupied Oogami.

Just then, the door opened. “Good, it’s not locked. We have the right to search this room!” Iris chimed, with Orihime, Kanna, and Reni behind her.

“Search? My room? What for?” Sumire asked.

“For the stolen typewriter.” Reni said, “We’ve searched Kohran, Orihime, Kanna, and Maria’s room. Taichou, Kaede and Sakura’s rooms are locked. So, this one is our next destination.”

“Ack! Sumire, what the hell kind of outfit is that?! You look like a geisha!!” Kanna gasped.

“What did you say, you giant ignoramus!” Sumire exclaimed, “You’re the one who looks like she’s broken a million mirrors!”

Orihime sighed, “No, I agree with Kanna-san. For you to dress like that infront of the Shou’i, such a shameless gesture, even for you.”

“K-! It’s none of your business!” Sumire yelled at her.

“We don’t even want to know.” Orihime replied.

Kanna added, “Yeah, and there’s kids here, okay.”

Sumire crossed her arms. “For your information, we are in the middle of a special investigation regarding the secret letter-writing girl. Right, Shou’i?”

Oogami wasn’t paying attention at all and continued to look outside. Sumire put on an annoyed look. It wasn’t any use. Nobody could pry him away from his post if there was a huge explosion.

“I see....” Orihime said, “That’s what you’re up to.”

Kanna turned to Reni and Iris who were throwing stuff around, “Let’s go look somewhere else. I doubt that geisha took the typewriter.”

“What did you say?!” Sumire yelled, “Get out before I throw you all out!” She started throwing pillows at them. The four rushed out of the room as quickly as they could.

* * *
“Kaede-kun!” Yoneda said, going after her. She was about to go outside into the central garden, “Kaede-kun, please tell me what’s troubling you. Is it because of....a man?”

Kaede face-faulted. “ACK! What kind of a question.....!?”

Yoneda put on a grave face. “If some fellow is causing you pain....I swear....I’ll get my shotgun and my katana sword and beat the living crap out of him!!!” He threw his arms around her and cried, “You are like a daughter to me! *Sniff, sniff! I couldn’t save poor Ayame-kun from that cruel boyfriend of hers, Yamazaki, but I will do my best to protect you and the rest of my daughters! Waaan! Waaaan!”

Kaede pried free. “Uh....thanks....I appreciate the thought, but....this is something I have to handle... I’m sorry!” She then ran off into the garden, where she saw two people chatting in the moonlight. “Kayama-san!”

Kayama turned from Sakura to her. “Kaede-san!” he cried.

“I have something to tell you....” Kaede uttered with tears in her eyes.

“What is it?” Kayama asked.

“I....I....I love you, Kayama-san! I don’t care who hears it! I want everyone to know!”

“Really?! The same with me!” he said, “I love you, Kaede-san! Let’s tell everyone!”

Sakura smiled as she watched them hurry to each other. “Finally...they were able to admit their feelings....only....the feeling is mutual.....” she uttered.

Yoneda popped up behind her. “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!!!!!!!” He then started chasing Kayama with his cane, “YOU BASTARD! GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY DAUGHTER!!!!”

Kaede gasped, “Shouldn’t we stop him?”

Sakura replied, “Actually, I’ve got something to do. Excuse me....”

“Huh? Sakura-kun?” she asked as Sakura walked away, “Yoneda! Please don’t hurt him!!!”

“WAAAAAH! Kaede-san, save me!!!!!!”

* * *
Sumire was half falling asleep. Suddenly, Oogami tapped her on the shoulder. “I just wanted to thank you before I forgot to.”

“Thank me?” she asked.

“For agreeing to help me find this girl. I thought you were still angry about....you know.”

“Oh, you mean, the incident the other night? Already forgotten!” she said, “Yes, let’s leave the past in the past and start over on a clean slate!”

Just then, there was an explosion. Blasts were coming out from one of the trees in the central garden. Inside, everyone was alarmed.

“What in the world was that?!” Oogami cried, as he and Sumire rushed out into the hallway.

“I don’t know, but it sure is loud!!!” she yelled.

Everyone hurried over outside. Kaede, Yoneda, and Kayama were running for cover as the blasts continued.

Kohran rushed towards the tree with her tools. “I don’t get how it went off!!!” she exclaimed, turning off the machine which was hidden in the tree, “Someone might have triggered it. It’s completely harmless, but I built this as scare tactic to make those birds stop eating my crops. I guess with you guys running around, it might have gone off by accident.”

“For someone who used smoke bombs last time, this sounds pretty normal.” Oogami sighed.

“Hmp, you’re cruel, Oogami-han!”

“Anyway, let’s all go back inside.” Maria said, “It’s really cold out here.”

Yoneda pointed at Sumire. “What on earth are you wearing!?”

She turned red, “Stop looking at me like that, you perverted old man!” she yelled.

“Well, we’ll be going now.” Kayama said, putting his coat on Kaede’s shoulders.

“Wait just a moment.” Yoneda snapped, “You two....in my office NOW!!”

* * *
“Never in my life have I been embarrassed!” Sumire sighed, once in her room, “Time to change.“

Oogami then walked in. “Back to the stake out!” he said, returning to his post.

“Shou’i, aren’t you going to call it a quits yet? It’s late....”

“WHAT!?” he exclaimed.

“I said ‘its late.’” she replied, walking over.

“NO! Look!” he cried, handing her the binoculars.

“The letter....is gone?!” she cried.

* * *
The next day, Sakura met up with Sumire in the salon. “So, you didn’t catch the girl?”

“No, we missed her.” she sighed into her tea, “It was really worthless after all.”

“Maybe you would have caught her if you weren’t too busy trying to seduce Oogami-san.”

“Why you little nosy country mouse!!!” Sumire yelled, finally losing her temper, “Look, I’ve had enough of Shou’i and his sappy love letters! I thought that if I could get his mind off it, then I could get him back, but I was wrong....It’s impossible to get someone so absorbed to notice such beauty even if its right in front of him! I’m tired of being ignored and thrown aside!”


“Sakura-san....as far as I’m concerned, that girl and Shou’i are made for each other....but I swear....I will make sure they never meet!” she exclaimed, “Because....I won’t forgive him....”

Sakura sighed as the girl rushed out of there in a fit, “It does seem impossible, doesn’t it?”

Outside, Sumire collided with someone. She looked at them and uttered, “So....it was you....”

* * *
“Ooooo! What does it say!? What does it say?!” the three girls from the Teigeki cried as Oogami held onto his newest letter.

“Hold on a moment...” he said, opening it, “.......Huh?”

“Well?! It can’t be as shocking as the whole Kaede and Kayama scenario,” Yuri said, “Which I have already started to circulate around the Ginza area.”

“I hear Yoneda was really ticked. He said that if he saw Kayama come any where near the Teigeki, he’ll have his head on a platter.” Kasumi noted.

Tsubaki cried, “Enough with that story! I want to know what the girl wrote!!!”

Oogami uttered, “She said....she said.... ‘Why were you watching for me?’”

“Huh?” the girls uttered.

“She knew I was watcing from the window. Perhaps she was waiting for me to turn away so that she could get the letter, but how....” Oogami utters, then read on, “If you continue to do so, I won’t write anymore. We mustn’t meet just yet.”

“Why?!” Tsubaki cried.

“I don’t care why.” he said, “I won’t watch for her anymore. If I want her to keep writing, I must do as she asks. I can’t afford to lose her...”

“AWWWW! HOW SWEET!” the girls cried.

* * *
“Oogami-san.....” Sakura mumbled into her pillow.

She had decided to take a nap and was having a happy dream. In it, a glamourous Sakura came out of the Teigeki and was surrounded by reporters, who were bombarding her with questions.

“Sakura-san....is it true that you are leaving the Theater?”

“Yes, after I get married, I intend to move back to the country and raise a family.”

“I’m sure you’ll be a wonderful housewife, but the public will definitely miss you.”

“I’ll miss everyone and the theater....” she replied, “But, this has always been my dream.”

They continued to ask her questions until someone walked onto the scene. “It’s her fiance, Oogami Ichirou! Let’s go ask him questions!!!”

He turned to Sakura. First there was a warm smile on his face....but then it turned into a look of malice. “Sakura-kun.....how could you?”

“Huh?” she gasped, “What are you talking about?!”

“It was you, wasn’t it?! It was you!!!”

Oogami’s voice changed into Iris’. “IT WAS YOU ALL ALONG!!!”

Sakura opened her eyes to see Iris and Reni at her closet. Reni was holding a costume from one of the plays and Iris was holding an old looking typewriter. The place was a complete mess.

“You were the one who stole the typewriter!!!!” Iris yelled, pointing at her.

“W-whaaaat?!!” she cried.


YURI: Scandal! Scandal! Could it be....Sakura-san stole the typewriter?!

YONEDA: She could have at least asked me!

KASUMI: The search for the truth continues and the TeiGeki Sannin Musume go out for a night on the town.

TSUBAKI: Things That Cannot Change, next time on Sakura Taisen! A storm romance in Taishou cherry blossoms!

TEIGEKI SANNIN MUSUME: Kya! Navy Men in uniform!!!
