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Part 9: Things That Cannot Change Sakura Taisen is a creation of Ooji Hiroi-sensei; all rights reserved to Sega, Red Company, Bandai
This fanfic is by Jill September 2000. Last revised August 2001.

Smite the Player - Oogami-san, you're going down!
Episode 9: Things That Cannot Change

Airisu pointed at Sakura. “You stole the typewriter!!!”

“What are you talking about?! What typewriter?!”

“This one...the one that was hidden in your closet along with the evidence!”

“Evidence??” Sakura uttered, then looked at the costume that Reni was holding, “T-that?! I was sewing it because of a tear....”

“Don’t give us these lies!!!” Airisu yelled.

By then, her yelling had attracted a crowd in the doorway of the room. Maria asked, “What’s going on here?”

“Sakura is a thief!”

“My typewriter!” Yoneda wailed happily, “I thought I’d never see it again!”

Kaede muttered, “You never used it before. You always told me to use it.”

“Sakura, what is the meaning of taking things without asking? Hm? You know stealing is bad. Borrowing is okay, but you have to ask.” Yoneda scolded.

“I don’t remember taking it.” she stammered, “W-wait....did I? Aa, sou ka! I did do so!”

“Kyaa! She admits it!” Airisu exclaimed.

Sakura replied, “I remember borrowing it to type a letter to my Mother. But...that was weeks ago. I swore I returned it.”

“Are you so sure?” Reni said, “It could have slipped your little mind.”

“I know I did!” she exclaimed.

Yoneda said, “What’s important is that I got this back. Now, Kaede-kun, you’ve got a stack full of letters to type up.”


“You better go get started if you want to go out tonight.” Yoneda chuckled. Kaede then sighed and left with a happy Shihainin.

The other girls gathered around Sakura. “What’s with you, Sakura....taking things from Shihainin's office?” Reni asked.

“I don’t know. I mean, I don’t remember.....but that old typewriter....” Sakura suddenly stopped, “Kono old typewriter!!!”

Kouran asked, “Naniya?? What are you getting excited about, Sakura-han?”

“It’s so old...the keys are faulty and the misshapend...just like....just like.....!!”

She stopped and saw Oogami standing in the doorway. It was as if he suddenly made the same realization. He quickly ran down the hall and went into his room and took the letters from his drawer. A stern look appeared on his face as he clenched his fist and stared at the type.

“Oogami-san....” Sakura uttered from the door.

He instantly blurted out, “Don’t even talk to me!”

“I-it’s not what you think!!!” she cried, “I didn’t write those letters!”

“Just leave me alone!” he yelled back.

He then got up and slammed the door in her face. Sakura tearfully ran off. Maria was watching from behind the corner, a determined look on her face.

* * *
In the Manager’s office, Yoneda sat down in his desk and poured himself a glass of sake. “Aa, if you want to go meet with Kayama no yarou, you better finish that paperwork, Kaede-kun” he chimed.

Kaede gave him an annoyed look, then put a sheet of paper to begin typing her first letter. After hitting only a few keys, she squinted at the page. “Ano ne, Shihainin....your typewriter....there seems to be something wrong with it.”

“What are you talking about? It sounded fine to me.” he replied, walking over to look over her shoulder, “Looks fine to me, too.”

“Shihainin, it just seems different. I mean, the keys don’t feel hard and the lettering looks sharper than before. It’s as if someone had fixed it.”

“Hah? It doesn’t matter at all. It’s there, it works, so use it!” he muttered, then walked back to his desk, “Mmmm, sake!”

Kaede sighed, but started typing again. Just then, Maria burst into the room and pulled Kaede’s chair away from the desk with her in it. “W-what are you doing, Maria?!”

"Gomen!" Maria said and took the paper from the typewriter, then ran out of the room. Yoneda and Kaede exchanged looks of confusion. “Taichou, open up right now!” Maria called, knocking on his door.

“What is it, Maria?” he asked, opening just a crack. She just shoved the paper to his face. “Hm? What’s that?”

“This is the type from Yoneda-shihainin’s typewriter. Look at it closely.”

“Hm....? The type is completely different!!” he gasped.

Maria nodded. “You were mistaken.”

Oogami’s hand came to his mouth. “Just then I thought that.....”

“You owe Sakura an apology.”

“H-Hai... I do.” he uttered, “Arigatou, Maria, for clearing this up. I mean, who knows what I would have done or said. I’ve already said enough to upset everyone. I hope that I can make amends. Again, I owe you.”

She shook her head. “No, you don’t owe me anything, Taichou.”


“Excuse me. I’ve got something to do.” she said, leaving.

* * *
The TeiGeki Sannin Musume were leaving, when they stopped to see someone outside the Playhouse crying. “Is that....Sakura-san?” Tsubaki gasped.

“Let’s look into this.” Yuri said.

“Demo....” Kasumi started to say, however the other two had already started to go over. “Oh, well, we might as well.”

“Sakura-san, what’s the matter?” Tsubaki asked, “Tell us.”

Sakura went on to tell her story. They listened and at the end of it, were very worked up about it, especially Yuri. “Scandalous! How dare he accuse you of such a thing! One, this typewriter appearing in your room is merely the act of someone trying to frame you! Do you have any enemies, Sakura-san? Don’t worry! I’ll uncover the true culprit!”

Kasumi sighed. “At this rate, we won’t be able to go out...”

“Go out?” Sakura asked, “Where are you going?”

Tsubaki said, “Sakura-san, we’re going dancing at this one club that plays music all night long. Would you like to come with us?”

“A-Atashi?” she stammered.

“Once in a while, one should enjoy themselves instead of worrying for others.” Kasumi said.

Yuri added, “Sou yo! I hear there’s going to be some hot guys at the club tonight! Perhaps there’ll be one for you!”

As Sakura turned red, Kasumi whacked Yuri on the back. “Don’t go saying things to embarrass her! Well, we better get going. Will you join us, Sakura-san?”

She hesitated, but then answered, “Eh, zehi!”

“Yoshi!!” Tsubaki said, “Let’s all go!”

As the four departed, Someone watched from the terrace. “Thank goodness for those three. I hope this makes up for everything. Now.....”

* * *
“Who’s idea was it?” Maria paced in front of the line of girls with an angered look on her face. She had called an urgent meeting in the attic. A chilly breeze of air ran throughout the room, and everyone was really cold and wanted to get out of there, but she wasn’t going to let them until she got some answers.

Orihime spoke up. “Those kids were getting nosy, so Kohran decided to take the frame and replace the inside with a different interior then put it back so they won’t suspect anymore.”

“Ya, it was a fun project! I’ve never built something like that before!” Kouran said.

Kanna added, “It was the heartless wretch who decided to put it in Sakura’s room.”

Maria’s eyes moved to Sumire who was crossing her arms with a self-satisfied look. “Why did you do that, Sumire? Sakura has nothing to do with this!”

“Dakara! Her attitude was making me sick. With Shou’i getting all worked up about his secret admirer, how could she keep a straight face or even talk to him?”

Kouran sighed, “Sou ya, she has been the exception. I mean, she easily forgave him in a day.”

“That’s what it seems. I know she will soon sink to this level.” Sumire said, “Now, let’s get moving on to the next attack. It shall be my turn!”

Orihime muttered, “She just joined up and now she’s acting like she’s the leader. Sheesh!”

“Enough with the childish games, I will show you....” Sumire announced, “ it’s done!”

She then took out her blade and sliced off the legs of the hanging doll. Everyone stared as she laughed heartily at the dismembered Taichou.

“HOHOHOHOHOHO! Just you wait, Shou’i!”

* * *
Oogami started his night-watch man duties. While walking around the TeiGeki, he thought, ‘I can’t believe I lost it like that...I can’t find Sakura-kun anywhere so I can’t apologize....Oogami, you screwed up again!’

He stopped at the hangar and saw Kouran working on an invention. He wanted to yell out a ‘hello’, but wasn’t sure how she’d respond. It wasn’t like it used to be.

‘Kohran, I want to talk to you, to hear your jokes again, and play Hanafuda....but....’

Suddenly, the invention started to short circuit. “Oh-no! Not again....!” she cried.

“KOURAN!” Oogami exclaimed.

He quickly leaped in the way and braced her from the oncoming blast. Lying on the floor, Kohran opened her eyes to see a bit disheveled Oogami with his arms around her.


“ okay?”

“D-Daijoubu ya!” she said, blushing, “A-Arigatou...!”

He smiled and got up. “I’m glad you’re not hurt should be more careful.”

“H-Hai!’ve got some injuries.”

“Oh, this? I’m fine! I’ve got to continue on my night watch.” he said, walking out, “See ya!”

“Oogami-han.....” Kohran uttered.

* * *
“Onii-chan!!!” Airisu called when he got up to the first floor, “You have to come to the kitchen!”

“Doushita? What’s wrong?” he asked.

She took his hand and dragged him in the direction. “It’s a surprise!”

When they got there, he saw Orihime and Reni sitting at the counter, eating from a giant ice cream sundae with hot fudge, nuts, and cherries.

“Shou’i-san....” Orihime uttered, with a slight glare in her eyes.

“Yaa, Orihime-kun. Is this some kind of late-night party?” he asked.

“Maa~, I suppose I’ll put up with you since the kid invited you also. As long as you don’t bother me or take all the vanilla...”

“I’ve always loved your spirited attitude.” he said with a smile, “Vanilla is my favorite, too.”

“You can have some, I-I guess...” she stammered.

“Wai, wai! Oishii da yo~!” Airisu cried, “Nee, what’s the matter with Reni?!”

Reni was clutching her head. “AAAAAAA! ATAMA GA ITAI!”

Oogami laughed, “Looks like she had too much ice cream and is getting a cold headache.”

“Don’t you pig out either, Shou’i-sa~n, or you’ll end up like that.” Orihime noted.

He just smiled brightly at her. “Same goes for you, Orihime-kun.” Her cheeks flashed red and she continued to eat quietly.

Just then Airisu held onto Reni. “Hora, someone help Reni!! Jean-Paul, do something! Kyahahahaah!!”

* * *
After finishing his dessert, Oogami continued with his night watch man duties. There wasn’t much to do. The doors were already locked and everything seemed pretty safe. Except...

“What the.....?!” he gasped as he hard a huge crashing noise coming from the equipment room. He quickly ran over there and saw what was the cause of it. “Oi, Kanna! What are you doing?!”

Kanna gave him a weak smile. “I was trying to get this box up there, but I fell.”

He rushed over and helped her up. “Are you hurt anywhere?”

“I’m fine....aa, ite, ite!”

“Kanna, you’re injured. Let me take care of those wounds.” he said, helping her out of there and into the infirmary, “Kanna, I miss fighting with you. I mean, training. Those times were special.”

“Taichou...!” she gasped, blushing.

“There you go.” he said, wrapping a bandage around her cuts and bruises, “Take it easy, okay?”


“I’ll be watching over you.” he said, with a smile that melted her little heart.

* * *
“What is with all of you?!” Maria asked, when the others had came to report back to the attic, “Don’t you see what he was doing?”

Kouran, Orihime, and Kanna blushed when they thought about Oogami, hearts all around. "....OH!"

“He was acting like before!” Maria exclaimed, “Leading you each on into thinking that he liked you specially!” They all blinked then turned to her.

“Hah? Shimatta, I guess we fell for it again.” Kouran sighed.

Kanna noted, “It’s kinda hard not to. It’s so easy for Taichou.”

Orihime muttered, “Once again, Shou'i-san got the better of me....”

“That’s why we’re doing this.” Maria said, firmly, “So he’ll learn not to mess with us.”

“Is she always this vengeful?” Orihime whispered to Kanna.

“Maria never forgets when someone has wronged her, but I’ve never seen her sink to such a scheming level. It’s a big occasion.”

Kouran laughed, “I think this is a great practical joke, plus the sound proof barrier I built all around this room has been fun. No one can hear us up here! We can be as loud as we want!”

“Would you please be quiet?” Sumire muttered from the corner of the room, “I can’t concentrate with your loud, chatter.”

“Are you still working on it?” Kouran asked, going over to her.

“Eeh, but I can’t finish with these distractions!”

They all went to watch Sumire for a while. It seemed as if time had stopped. Their faces went blank. Soon, Kohran and Kanna broke into a fit of giggles.

“W-what’s so funny?” Sumire cried.

“You’re so slow. My grandma goes faster than you!” Kanna chuckled.

“What did you say?!” she stammered, her face turning bright red, “I’m just taking my time! This is going to be a masterpiece!”

Kouran cut in, “Sou ya, like in a couple of hundred years! Hahahaha!”

“D-dame desu wa! So what if I’m not as quick as everyone when it comes to something like this. Just let me work, ne~?”

Maria nodded. “Aa, let’s leave Sumire to work. Minna, let's go. Taichou will get suspicious if he can’t find us downstairs.”

Orihime muttered, “If I see that Japanese guy, I swear....”

“Let’s go! See ya, Obachan!” Kanna laughed walking out with the others.

“K-Kanna-san!!” Sumire exclaimed, her wobbling fingers curling up into fists. She stopped and stared at what she had started, then buried her face in her ice-chilled hands. “Shou’i........”

* * *
“This place is wonderful isn’t it?” Kasumi said as she sipped her glass, “The live band is the best!” Yuri abruptly got up and looked as if she was scanning the room. “W-what’s this all of a sudden?!”

“Kasumi-san, looks like our ship just came in!!!” she cried happily.

The TeiGeki Sannin Musume turned to see a group in uniform enter. “KYA! NAVY MEN!” The group seemed to notice them and started in their direction. “THEY’RE COMING THIS WAY!!!”

“Konbawa, Ladies,” the leader of their group said, “Would you like to tear up the dance floor?”

Kasumi took his hand. “I surely would.”

Yuri took the hand of another officer. “You will have to listen me gab the whole time.”

“Hmmhmmhmm, you can tell me anything you want.”

“Heehee! You are a sly one!”

The remaining two guys were waiting for Tsubaki to decide who to go with. 'She’s soooo cute!' they thought.

Instead, she turned to Sakura who was sitting at the table, looking into her glass. “Sakura-san, aren’t you coming along? This is will be fun!”

“Aa... ano, I-I don’t think so.”

“Are you sure? They’re really nice guys. I bet they’re dying to dance with you.”

The navy guys were thinking, 'Her friend is also really cute. Yow, either one!!!'

Sakura shook her head. “Iie. I think I’ll just sit this one out.”

“Sakura-san.....” Tsubaki uttered, “You can’t enjoy yourself if you’re thinking too much. Especially about things that you cannot change....”

“Sumimasen!” one of the guys interrupted, “The song is half way done. Are you ladies going to dance at all?”

Tsubaki went over. “I’m afraid my friend isn’t in the mood.” They frowned in disappointment, as they knew one of them was partner-less. Tsubaki took both of their hands. “Now, hold on a moment! That doesn’t mean you two won’t have a good time. I’ll dance with both of you!”

“Really?! We’re so glad!” they said, as they took both of her arms.

Sakura watched as the TeiGeki Sannin Musume tore it up on the dance floor. ‘Things I cannot change....’ She lowered her sad face as the evening went into a blur. ‘Oogami-san.....’

* * *
“I’m afraid it was useless.” Kasumi reported the next morning.

“Is that so? She didn’t enjoy herself at all?” asked a voice.

“Iie, Sakura-san is still hooked on Oogami-san after all.” Yuri sighed.

Tsubaki said, “I really tried to get her to dance with those guys, but she wouldn’t. I’m sure she could have easily had a good time, but....”

“I see....then, perhaps we can’t do anything for her.”

“DEMO!” the TeiGeki Sannin Musume gasped.

The voice replied, “Not until Sakura comes to us.”

“Do you think that she would?” Kasumi asked.

“It’s only a matter of time....”

* * *
Sumire shivered a bit, then glanced out the small window in the attic. She had finally finished and it was the next morning already.

“At last...” she sighed, pushing the device into the hidden contraption Kouran had built into the wall, “That might have taken forever. Now, I’ll have to tell the others....” She stopped suddenly. “No, I don’t want them to see. I know! I’ll just....”

Just then Oogami walked in. “Hm? Sumire-kun?”


“Yare, yare, Sumire-kun! It’s just me. Did I surprise you that badly?”

She shook her head. “What are you doing here?”

“I was looking for you.” he said, “You didn’t return to your room to go to sleep. Have you been up here all night?”

“E-eh.” she stammered, “It’s really none of your business, Shou’i.”

“Of course it is!” he exclaimed, “I was worried about you!”

“Honto desu no, Shou’i?”

“Now, what are you doing up here? It’s so cold, you’d get sick.” he said, going to take her hands, “Your hands are freezing like ice.”

“Your hands are warm as always, Shou’i.” she said quietly. The two looked into each others eyes then blushed.



Oogami then snapped out it. “We better go down for breakfast. The others are waiting.”

“E-Eh.” she said, then stopped, “You go ahead. There’s something I need to do first.” He nodded and went on. She took out her finished work. ‘This will be the final time I will feel like that....’

* * *
After breakfast, Tsubaki came running to get Oogami. “Come quick! The post master just came by! You’ve got a new letter!”


Everyone else at the table exchanged glances. Orihime asked, “A new letter desu ka?"

Maria noted, “It seems so.”

Airisu sighed, “Mou, Onii-chan is crazy about getting mail lately! It seems to be the only way he’ll pay attention to you. I think I’ll write him a little note, don’t you think , Jean-Paul?”

Kouran added, “I’m sure the post master is getting tired of him chasing him for information about who is writing those notes.”

Yoneda replied, “It’s really ridiculous. I mean, I’d rather have a solid conversation than read a pitiful, boring letter.”

“The letter sure isn’t boring to Taichou.” Kanna said.

“But, isn’t it better to be eye to eye to someone when getting points across?” Reni asked.

“Sometimes,” Kaede said, “It’s more difficult to express one’s true intentions if they are faced with the other person. Writing is one way of getting such feelings across without the hassle of drawing back.”

“I understand now.” Reni said, “Still, it means more when one has the courage to admit those feelings out loud, in front of that person.”

Everyone fell silent at Reni’s truthful words.

* * *
Oogami went towards the Baiten, where Tsubaki said she had left the letter. He stopped in the doorway to see someone already in there.

“Sakura-kun?” he uttered, staring at her back. She turned around. In her hands was an open envelope and a piece of paper. “Sa-Sakura-kun! My read it?!”

“Hai. I wanted to see what type of things she wrote....what she wrote that made you like her so much. But what I see here....are just words!”


“Anyone could have written these words!” Sakura cried angrily, “Doushite....doushite, Oogami-san!? Can you tell me...why her!?”

“I don’t understand it myself. When I read them, I feel”

Before he could find the right words, she crumpled up the paper and threw it on the floor. As expected, he dove down and picked it, trying to straighten it out.

“It doesn’t matter who wrote those letters.” she said, “You’re just in love with the idea of her. Oogami-san, I....”



Unable to get her words out, Sakura started to cry in frustration. Oogami slowly got up and tried to go to her, but she ran out of the room. "Sa... Sakura-kun!!"

Sumire stopped him at the doorway. “Let me go after her, Shou’i. You worry about that letter.”


“Go on. Read it. I’m sure she wrote something good.” she said with a smile, then left.

Oogami looked at the wrinkled letter in his hands, which read:

“Dear Ichirou-san,

Lately I have been debating whether or not this is a good idea. Although our feelings are alike, our worlds are much different. In order for me to feel sure about your feelings, I have to be the most important thing in your life. However, you seem to have something else in higher regard than me. We can only be together if there cannot be anything else; I refuse to share you. I am sure you will decide correctly. If you do not know what I am talking about, I am sure you will figure it out someday. I want you to be happy also.

Love, your admirer.”

* * *
“Sakura-san! Will you stop!!?” Sumire yelled after her as she chased her down the street, “Mattaku, that country mouse sure runs really fast!”

Sakura finally stopped. They were now blocks away from the Playhouse. It was a rather deserted street and only a few vendors were around. The two rested against a wall until they caught their breath.

“I couldn’t say it...those words...because I knew it would be unrequited. No matter what I do, I can’t change Oogami-san’s heart.” Sakura sobbed.

Sumire uttered, “That’s true. One’s feelings can’t be controlled, no matter how much we want to.”

“Sumire-san....I wish I was more like you. You’re so brave when it comes to expressing what you feel. You don’t hold back.”

“Hohohoho!” Sumire laughed, “You say that, but you really don’t know. Sakura-san, I could never confront Shou’i face to face like you did. I may wear immodest clothing and openly say remarks as I please, but my true feelings....I won’t even utter a word to anyone.”


“Now, let’s head back. Standing out in the cold won’t do anything for our health or our situation. After all, the war isn’t over. Shou’i’s admirer hasn’t moved in completely. If you give up that easily, you might as well run all the way to your little countryside on the edge of the world.”

“Sou ka!” Sakura replied, “This woman has yet to deal with me!”

“Sumimasen.” said a voice. The two turned to see a young vender. “It is really cold and I was wondering if you two won’t mind these two shawls.”

“Ano, I seem to have left my purse at home.” Sakura noted.

“It’s all right. I don’t need the money. I’ll just give them to you.” he said.

Sumire smiled. “Then what do we owe you for your kindness?”

“That beautiful smile is enough.”

“A~ra, you don’t waste any time do you?” she said.

He grinned. “Well, I wouldn’t want you to get away so quickly without putting a little effort.”

“What is your name, kind sir, so that we can somehow repay your good deed in the future.”

“It’s Wren.” (^_^)

“Wren-san, we’ll keep in touch.”

He nodded and took Sumire’s hand, planting a kiss on the back of it. Sakura looked back and forth. “D-did I miss something?!”

“Saa, Sakura-kun, let’s go back to the TeiGeki!”

* * *
That night, Sakura sat on the roof. Shivering she kept an eye on the cubby hole. It was really late. Nobody knew that she was up there or what she was planning to do.

‘It’s so cold, but I have to wing it out if I want to do this....’

Just then, she saw a figure enter from the alley, going to the cubby hole. Immediately, she leaped over and grabbed hold of a pole, then slid down to the street. Sakura landed just as the cloaked figure realized that she was there. She took the letter and made a run for it.

“Wait! Come back here!” Sakura yelled, running after her, “Show yourself!”

Sakura slipped and fell. Her head hitting the ground really hard, she blanked out. When she opened her eyes, everything was blurry. Her vision soon focused and she realized that she was lying in a puddle. The person was standing directly over her with the letter.

“Anata wa...?!”


SAKURA: At last, the identity of the secret admirer is revealed! Confessions and heart-aches close the final chapter. Unwavering Cherry Blossoms, next time on Sakura Taisen! A storm of Romance in Taishou cherry blossoms!

Oogami-san, I will always....
