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sakura taisen (c) sega co, red co. overworks

notes: Hanayashiki - subdivision of the Hanagumi. Where research & development takes place. Ohayou gozaimasu - good morning

sore ja, adios! I love Kayama!!

This fanfiction is by JillM; Summer2002

Sakura Taisen

* If We Didn't Meet *
Episode 3: "A stroll through Asakusa"

Oogami stared up at the ceiling. He lied with a futon in the middle of the small room above the restaurant. 'I can't sleep...' His futon was between Ayame and Kaede's. 'C-Could we be more moderate?!'

He carefully sat up and rubbing his eyes. It was already past midnight. He remembered pleading with Ayame, to let him sleep somewhere else. "There isn't anywhere else." she replied, with a smile as she touched his forehead. "Oh-ga-mi-kun!"

'Uwah, Ayame-san always has her way. I can never say "no" to her.'

Oogami crawled away towards the window. He peered outside; Ginza appeared the same in the evening setting, but he knew things were different now. He leaned his chin onto his knees, gazing into the flickering street light across the street. He tried to get a glimpse of the theater, but could only see the tip of the tower over the rooftops.

'So Yoneda is dead... and the Teikoku Kagekidan is no longer... Was I really that important...?'

Suddenly everything went black. "Dare da~!"

"EH!?" Oogami felt the soft hands covering his eyes. 'T-This is...??' Hearting pounding, he gently pulled the hands away and turned around. "Ayame-san!?"

"Mou, Oogami-kun..." Kaede sighed, "You've got it wrong."

"Sorry, Kaede-san... By the way, what are you doing awake?"

"I was about to ask you the same." she replied, "Is it... you can't sleep?"

"Un, I have a strange feeling staying here..."

"I see... Me too."

"Eh?" Oogami looked over at her. "Kaede-san, am I making you nervous? I'm so sorry! If I had a choice, I would stay somewhere else...!"

Kaede cut him off with her fingers moving to his lips. "Shush, you'll wake up Neesan."

"Gomen na..." he uttered quietly as she moved her hand away.

"Oogami-kun, it's all right. In fact, Neesan says this is one way I can start to trust you... Neesan seems to have a lot faith in you already..."

Oogami blushed. "Ayame-san... ore...?" He saw Kaede staring at him with a suspicious look. "Ah! B-By the way, could you tell me about what has happened to the Hanagumi?"

Kaede looked out the window, towards the place he was looking. "Three years ago, the capitol defense group was created. They had many difficulties, since they couldn't find a leader and the girls didn't get along. Yet, in their battle on Yamato, they somehow succeeded..."

"Didn't Ayame-san... I mean, she gave up the majinki... and didn't she..!?"

"Neesan did turn over to the evil side... but after defeating Satan, Neesan returned to us."

Oogami lowered his eyes. 'That's right... I was the one who shot Ayame-san... and later Ayame-san sacrificed herself to protect me... If not for me, Ayame-san would have...'

"Still, there were finance troubles and growing tension between the girls. I was sent in to help, but when Yoneda-shire was killed, everything just started to fall apart. I made some decisions I shouldn't have... and we just could not protect the capital..."

"Kaede-san, don't blame yourself." Oogami said, taking her hand. "Without fail I will help you get the Hanagumi back together! I promise you!!"



"Ara," Ayame stood over them, rubbing her eyes, "It's so late at night..."

"Neesan!" Kaede gasped, "Gomen nasai. We didn't mean to wake you."

"It's okay." Ayame replied, sitting down with them, "What were you talking about?"

Oogami turned red; he still was holding onto Kaede's hand. "Um! Uh! I-I was just...!" He threw the hand aside and scooted away from them. "Honto ni gomen!" Ayame and Kaede exchanged looks, then turned back at Oogami and laughed. "EH?"

"How funny!" Kaede giggled.

"Honto!" Ayame added, "It's so funny!"

Oogami face-faulted onto the floor. 'What's so funny...?'

* * * * * * * * *

Beginning the next day, Oogami started his new mission - to help restore the Teikoku Kagekidan and Teito back to its peaceful self. However...

"W-Why am I doing this?!" he exclaimed.

"Because," Kaede replied, adjusting the sign tied on him, "We're raising money to bring back the Teigeki. The restaurant needs more outside profit so I'm sending you and these 500 flyers to Asakusa."

"Isn't there enough restaurants in Asakusa?? And do I really have to walk around like this???"

"Are you going to follow orders or not??"

"Hai!" he sighed, dropping his head. 'I can't say "no" to Kaede-san either...'

Tsubaki walked into the room. "Ohayo gozaimasu! Kasumi-san and Yuri-san are here now. We'll be getting the restaurant ready."

"Are? Kasumi-san and Yuri-kun are here too??"

"N-N-Nani?!" Tsubaki cried, pointing at him, "What are you doing here??! Stalker!"

"Oi!! I am not a stalker!!"

"Everyone is so energetic this morning." Ayame said, coming into the room. She wore a blue suit and looked absolutely gorgeous in the morning sunlight.

"O-Ohayo, Ayame-san!" Oogami stammered, "Where are you going today, dressed up so nice??"

"That is a..." she replied, walking up to him and putting her finger on the tip of his nose. "...s-e-c-re-t."

Oogami went frozen. 'UWAH!'

Kaede grabbed him over by the necktie. "Oogami-kun! Stop fooling around! Let's keep our minds on the mission!"


The four of them went downstairs, where Kasumi and Yuri were organizing the tables. "Ah, everyone!" Yuri said, "I have today's gossip all lined up. Who wants to listen?"

Kasumi sighed, "Just go ahead and tell us already your daily report, Yuri-san."

"Un! First of all, top movie star Kanzaki Sumire-san is in town! I heard she's staying somewhere in Teito!"

"Really? Sumire-kun?" Kaede said, "I have to get a hold of her..."

"Demo ne! It's rumored that she's engaged to some unknown person!"

Oogami noted, " I heard that too, but when I met her she wasn't wearing a ring."

"EH?!?" Yuri leapt in his face. "When did you meet with the hottest star in Japan?!? And who are you?!"

"Oogami Ichirou!!!"

"Never heard of you!!!"

Ayame broke it up with a laugh. "Honto! Everyone is really energetic today. But, I have to get going. Please excuse me. I'll see you all later!" They watched Ayame leave. An uncomfortable silence followed.

Oogami blinked. "Where is Ayame-san going?"

Kaede uttered, "Even I don't know..."

"Ne! I do! I do!" Yuri cried, waving her hands, but Tsubaki put a bucket on her head. 'Hidoi... everyone is so cruel...'

Kasumi turned to the others. "We saw her speaking with Kayama-san last night... I think she's going to meet with him today."

Kaede's face went very pale. "Eh? Nani??"

"Sou sou!!" Yuri said taking the bucket off her head. "Must be a real HOT date if she didn't want to tell us about it. Kyaaa, and Kayama-san is such a cool guy! I'm so jealous...!"

"Kaede-san?" Oogami uttered as she rushed outside. He went out to check on her. She stood on the sidewalk as though look if she wanted to catch up with her sister. "I think Ayame-san has already gone."



"Hurry and go to Asakusa!"

"Haiiii!!" Oogami cried and took off running.

* * * * * * * * * * *

In Asakusa, there was a lively crowd as always. However, Oogami felt silly with the signs on him and the hat Kaede made him wear. Passing out flyers to people passing by, he stopped at the fountain he remembered where he and Iris had come to on her Birthday date.

'I wonder where Iris is now...' His eyes moved to the tower at the edge of the amusement park. 'Isn't that where the Hana-Yashiki is? I wonder if it's still there... Are??'

"Sumimasen!" said a young man in a business suit, with short brown hair, "Is this a restaurant in Ginza?"

"Aa," Oogami uttered. 'Huh? Where have I seen this guy before?'

"I would like to have dinner sometime in Ginza, but it's awfully dark nowadays..."

"Our place has live music, and the nicest staff all around!"

"Is that so?? With cute waitresses??" the young man asked slyly.

'Hentai! Sukebe!!' Oogami thought, backing away from him, 'This guy is real pervert!!'

"I'll take one flyer." he replied, "I'll try to drop by soon. Ja ne!" He turned to leave, but stopped to put up his umbrella. "Seems like it's starting to rain."

"Eh??" Oogami looked up. Some raindrops splattered on his face. 'Oh no! This isn't good! All of these flyers will get wet!! I have to find cover!!'

As he ran through the streets, he saw everyone closing up shop. He turned to corner and rammed into someone, all the flyers scattered in the air. "Gomen!" he gasped, turning to the girl he had knocked off her feet. "EH??!"

"Achoo! It's cold..." she sighed, looking very drenched.

"Sa... Sakura-kun!!"

"Are?" Sakura lifted her head. She looked like her usual self - wearing pink kimono and red bow - besides being soaked. "Do I know you?"

"It's me, Oogami!" he blurted out. He then smacked himself in the head. 'Baka! She wouldn't know you!!'

"AH?!" Sakura looked side to side. "Gomen nasai!! I made you spill all of your flyers!!"

"No, it's okay!" he said, going to stop her from picking up any. "They're all wet so I can't use them. Besides I don't want to pass them out anyways."

"Still I'm sorry..." she started to say. She looked liked she saw something that frightened her. "Ano! I have to get going...!"

"W-Wait a minute!" Oogami latched on her wrist. He saw her holding a suitcase and sword wrapped in a green cloth. "Where are you going?"

"I have to go right now! Please let go!"

"D-Demo!!" he cried, not letting go as she started to run, dragging him with her. "UWAAAAAAH!"

Sakura pulled him into an alley. "Shhh..." she said, going to cover his mouth with both hands. "Don't let him find me."

"And why not??!" said a voice. The two turned to see a panting man at the other end. "Sakura-san! You come back here!"

"Kya!! Run!!" Sakura cried, going to run in the other direction. "Hurry!!"

"W-Who is that?!" Oogami gasped as he saw the man chasing them.

"My husband!"

"What!? You're married??"

"Eh... So we better run and get out of here!"

"SAKURA-SAAAN!" yelled Sakura's husband, "Who is that man!? Is that your lover...?"

"UWAH!" Oogami gasped over his shoulder, "D-Don't misunderstand! We just met! I'm innocent!!" He looked over at Sakura. "Oi!! Why are you taking me along?!"

"Because!!" she cried, then paused for a moment, "I-I haven't the slightest clue... Ah! Let's get a ride on that!"

"What!?" he yelled as she ran into the street and leapt into the back of a truck. "Sakura-kun?!" He looked back as the husband closed in on him, yelling all types of threats. "Wah! Wait for me!" He went after the truck and caught the edge. "Sakura-kuuuun!! Help!!" he cried running along with the car.

She reached out and grabbed the sign on him, but it came off. So she grabbed the back of his vest and pulled him in. Oogami rolled over onto his head, panting. "Yokkata..." Sakura sighed, as they finally distanced themselves from their pursuer. "Ano, thank you for helping me back there... Oogami-san, is it? I'm Shinguji Sakura."

"I know..." Oogami sighed. He paused to sneeze. "We're going to get sick if we stay out in this weather. But I'm glad to see Sakura-kun again."

Sakura blinked. "Eh? What did you say??"

Oogami turned red and waved his hands. "N-Nothing! Hahaha!" He then thought, 'But is it true... She's married? I have to ask her about this!!' He shyly turned towards her. "Sakura-kun... about your husband..."

Sakura lowered her head, laughing a little. "It was an arranged marriage... I got scared so I ran away... But, I went through the ceremony, so it can't be helped..."

"Sou ka... 'It can't be helped'... Ano, Sakura-kun... What are you going to do now?"

"I don't know. I thought I could start over in Teito. I was here years before, but I was told 'I didn't belong here', so I gave up and went home... I always regretted it. I always wondered 'why wasn't I stronger', 'why couldn't I try harder'... But it's useless, right? I can't go back and change things."

"Sakura-kun..." Oogami stared at her, thinking, 'Maybe if I was here with you... Maybe... but that's right, we can't go back...'

"Ano! Why are you looking at me like that??" she stammered, her face all red.

"I-It's nothing!!" he exclaimed, "By the way... are you hungry? I know a place we can go!"

* * * * * * * *

When they arrived at the restaurant, Kasumi greeted them. "Welcome!! Ack, Oogami-kun! You're soaked! Here, you can use these clothes. Hurry up and change, before you get sick. And, your friend can use these clothes."

"H-Hai..." Sakura uttered, "Arigatou gozaimasu."

She and Oogami went to the back room where there were changing stalls. They both came out at the same time. "I should have known..." Oogami sighed, seeing that they were wearing work clothes.

"Eh? Nani??"

Kasumi appeared. "Since you two are dressed to work, why don't you help us out??"

"Eeeh?!" Sakura gasped as Kasumi dragged her into the kitchen. There was a mountain pile of dishes. "D-Demo! Oogami-san said he was going to treat me dinner..."

"Did he??" said a voice. They turned to see Kaede with her arms crossed. "Oogami-kun! Didn't I tell you to pass out flyers and promote the restaurant, NOT pick up girls?"

"Ano!!" Sakura ran up to her. "Ayame-san??!"

Kaede dropped her head. "No... I'm Kaede..." she sighed, "By the way, has anyone seen my sister? It's already late."

"Iie," Yuri replied, "She still hasn't come back yet. She must still be with Kayama-san. Ehihihi!"

Oogami felt worried for Kaede, who just left the kitchen. "W-Wait..." he said, going up to her, "I'm sure it's a misunderstanding...!"

"What is?" she asked, moving the curtain out of her view, "I'm not assuming anything... Oogami-kun, you shouldn't either."

"Demo..." He then saw someone familiar. "It's that guy from Asakusa! He came!"

"Eh? So you did get a customer??"

They stopped and watched him with Tsubaki, who was taking his order. "Iyaada! You're so bad! Ehihihi!"

"Heheh, but you're so cute!" he replied, grabbing after her apron as she tried to run away.

"He's a pervert..." Kaede and Oogami mumbled, "A real pervert."

Tsubaki skipped over to them, giggling. "Guess what! That pretty boy over there asked me out on a date! His name is Kikunojo..."

"EEEEEEH?!?!?" Oogami exclaimed, falling over onto the floor.

"Calm down. You'll scare the customers away." Kaede sighed.

"Oogami-san! Daijoubu desu ka??" Sakura cried, running up to him.

Kasumi caught her and pulled her back into the kitchen. "You're not finished yet!"

Oogami just lied there in shock. 'KIKU-CHAN... HE'S STRAIGHT?! SONNA!!"

* * * * * * * * * * *

Episode 4 Preview

Reni: So you want to enter? What do you expect to find? What do you think you will accomplish by coming here?

Oogami: Everyone... I just want...

Reni: Next time on Sakura Taisen: "The forgotten place". Taisho Sakura no Rouman Arashii...

Oogami: Reni, surely you want the same too.

Reni: I know not what you are talking about. I just want to stay like this...

onto part 4