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sakura taisen (c) sega co, red co. overworks

notes: everyone enjoying? Iris fans?? ;_; don't cry so much. Ah, twisted love triangles... iina!

This fanfiction is by JillM; Summer2002

* * * Sakura Taisen * * *

* If We Didn't Meet *
Episode 4 "The Forgotten Place"

Oogami curled up to sleep. He was in the restaurant, sleeping on a mat. He didn't have a blanket because it felt warm that night. Nonetheless, he tried to keep his stomach covered and fend off the mosquitoes.

"D-Datte!" Sakura protested before, "I-I can't sleep in the same room as a man!"

"That's what I said, but Neesan insisted." Kaede noted, "Since she isn't here, I'm going to overrule. Oogami-kun, stay downstairs!"

'That's right. Ayame-san still hasn't come back. What could she be doing with Kayama...? Hm??' The front doors opened and a little light shined in the restaurant. 'Eeh?! It's them!!'

Ayame started to go up the stairs but turned around to face Kayama. "Ne, maybe we should keep this to ourselves and not say a word to Kaede-san."

"Heh? I wouldn't say anything to her anyways..."

"Maa maa, don't be like that, Kayama-kun!" she replied, cupping his face with both hands.

'UWAH!!' Oogami's face went red. 'T-T-Those two are...?!?!?'

Kayama said nothing at first. After the pause, he lifted his hands to hers and gently pried them away. "I decided to do what you asked..."

"Then, please be careful, Kayama-kun..."

"Daijoubu na! It's like they say: 'With care, the crashing waves are in favor of the earnest warrior'."

"But, they also say: 'In the end, the earnest ones die first - his comrades cannot find his remains after the tides comes in'."

"Sou sou! But it's also said that: 'The man who wants to live thinks nothing of death, even when the ends have washed away'."

Oogami sighed to himself, 'What is with these two? None of these sayings make sense...' He cringed as he watched Kayama lean over and kiss Ayame on the cheek. 'NANI?!? THOSE TWO...!?'

"Sweet dreams, Ayame-san." Kayama said, turning to go out the door. Ayame watched him leave, and then crept up the stairs. Oogami just gazed into space, still in much shock.

* * * * * * * * *

Oogami was still in shock the next day. He went to rinse his face in the water basin outside, the scene repeating in his mind. 'This isn't good! Kayama and Ayame-san... NO! It can't be good!!'

"Oogami-kun..." Kaede arrived, wearing a green tank top and white skirt. She let out a big yawn. "Please let me know when you're done."

"Kaede-san, you look very sleepy... Did you stay up late last night?"

"Un, I waited up for Neesan. Demo, I couldn't stay awake. Did you see her come in?"

"Ah... iya... I didn't..." Oogami blurted out. 'Why...?' he asked himself, 'Why am I lying to Kaede-san??'

The two went inside where the others were having breakfast. "What are you doing here??!" Kaede and Oogami exclaimed, pointing frantically.

Kikunojou smiled. "Tsubaki-chan invited me." He turned to Sakura who was serving him. "This one is awfully cute too!"

"Back off!" Oogami snapped, "Sakura-kun is married!"

"So??" Kikunojou sent his smile over to Kasumi and Yuri. "By the way, Taicho was wondering if I could make it a 'triple' date. Hope you two don't mind."

"No! Not at all!!" Yuri replied, grabbing onto Kasumi, "How lucky! The Baragumi are the most hottest group of guys in the army!!"

Oogami's mouth dropped open. "Naniiiii??!"

Kaede sighed. "Now isn't the time for this. We need to think about how to get the Teigeki back... And isn't it unsafe for us to have Sakura with us? The last thing we need is some powerful family thinking we've ransomed their daughter..."

"Shikashi," Ayame noted, "Sakura-kun is a good cook. We could use her on our staff. I think she would be a great help."

"A-Arigatou gozaimasu!" Sakura said, giving her another serving. "Ah, Kaede-san, do you want another serving too?"

Before she could answer, Kanna barged into the room. "Minna! Taihen darou!! Taihen!! It's Kayama... He's been stabbed!"

Everyone in the room gasped in shock. Oogami rushed over. "What happened!? Where is he??! Kanna, tell me!!"

"I'm not sure what happened, but he was just found this morning. Kareda-sensei is looking after him right now..."

Kaede jumped up and exclaimed, "Kaneda-sensei is NOT a doctor! He's a writer!!"

Ayame got up too. "We better go to him now - come on, Kaede-san!" But her little sister just stood there, looking to the floor. Ayame slowly nodded. "Yoshi, Oogami-kun! You're coming with me!"

"Eh?!" Oogami stammered as she pulled him along with him. "C-Chotto matte, Ayame-san...!!"

Kanna took their place at the table. "All this running around and panicking has made me hungry. Could I have a serving of rice?"

"Ano!" Sakura scrambled over with the dish, "Aren't you concerned that your friend has been hurt??"

"Naah. Kayama won't die so easily," Kanna replied, rice flying everywhere as she cleaned up her dishes, "Hehehehe! I just wanted to make a ruckus this morning!"

"Demo... That wound must have hurt a lot... And who knows how long he suffered before someone found him..." Sakura paused to look over at Kaede's worried face. "Ah! Gomen nasai! I didn't mean to say such things out loud!!"

"It's okay..." Kaede replied, going to sit back down, with her dish at hand. "Neesan is going to be there so... He should be all right."

* * * * * * * * * * *

They arrived at the writer's apartment a few blocks away. Kayama was lying in a futon by the window, looking exhausted. "Daijoubu kai??" Oogami asked as he knelt by his side, "Kayama! Kayama!!"

His eyes flickered open. "Maa... Are you an angel?"

"NO I AM NOT!!!"

"Oogami-kun, dame desu yo." Ayame said, moving him aside, "Kayama-kun has been through a lot." She stopped as Kayama lifted up a folded piece of paper. "I see you got it... Arigatou, Kayama-kun. Please get better soon, ne?" She leaned over and kissed him on the forehead.

"YAMEROOO!" Oogami cried, pulling Ayame away. "T-That's TWICE already!! I can't take it anymore! You must stop it now!!!"

"Oogami-kun, what do you mean??"

"Sou sou, stop 'what', Oogamii~?"

Before he even decided what to say, Ayame took his arm and led him towards the door. "Let Kayama-kun rest for now. We've got to get going."

"Ayame-san, Oogamii! Adios!"

Oogami looked to his friend then at the woman leading him out of the room. 'Why am I so worked up? Is it because I'm jealous...? So what if I am! I have every reason to be... But, like Kaede-san said... now really isn't the time for this!'

The two walked down the sidewalk, not speaking at first. Finally Oogami brought up enough to courage to ask her - but a car drove up next to them, the door, opened, and he was pulled inside - the door slamming shut. "UWAH! SUMIRE-KUN?!"

"What is wrong with you!?" Sumire yelled, holding onto his collar, "Did I not give you the best minutes of your life??! Have you already forgotten me??!"

"Eh?? W-What are you talking about??"

"I am the TOP star in Tokyo, iya, the world! How dare you shrug aside being a loyal fan to me by walking around town with HER! T-That bar singer! What's she got that I don't have!"

The other door opened and in came Ayame. "Ara, Sumire-kun! Long time no see!"

Sumire threw Oogami aside and scooted over to her. "Maa~! Ayame-san~! Why I am almost didn't recognize you! Did you lose weight?"

"Hehehe, arigatou, Sumire-kun... You seem like you haven't changed. But it's awfully nice of you to offer us a ride."

"Eh? Watakushi... oh, sure... why not help the little people every once in a while..."

Oogami wearily sat up. "That reminds me. Where exactly are we going?"

Ayame winked at him. "The Hanayashiki."

* * * * * * * * * * * *

'I'm back in Asakusa...' Oogami thought as the car brought them to the amusement park and he saw the tower. He and Ayame got out of the car. Sumire remained inside, the window rolled down a little while she put on sunglasses. "Arigatou, Sumire-kun. Are you coming with us?"

"Iie! I have a busy schedule. Besides, why would I want to go to such a filthy, boring place? Good day to both of you!"

"A-a..." Oogami uttered as Ayame led him away. 'It would be good if Sumire-kun joined us again... But that's asking too much.' They passed by the fountain, which had been turned off. "Ano... about Iris and the others..."

"Oogami-kun, we better hurry. I have to be back at the restaurant before it gets busy."


They made it to the Hanayashiki headquarters, Ayame applying the code on the lock of the door. They went right in. "It seems deserted..." Oogami said as they walked through the dark hallways, "No one is here anymore?"

"Sou ne. There hasn't been any need for this place anymore... just like the Teigeki." She replied using a lighter as their light source. "We're looking key card to get into the Hanagumi basement. It's in storage somewhere in here..."

Oogami looked at the abandoned projects left by the researchers, all covered with dust. 'Even Kohran no longer comes here. Kohran who I saw living somewhere on the streets in Ginza. I have to find her again, and everyone else... we have to get back together... Oh??'

He saw a door with the sign: 'Storage'. Breaking the lock to the door, he turned the knob and found a room with a high ceiling; there were tall shelves of boxes and other items. But in there center there was a wooden chair, and someone sitting in it.

"EH?! R-RENI!?"

Reni didn't respond. She just sat there, with her arms to her side. Oogami noticed the wreath of dried flowers in her hand. He went up to her to check if she breathing, but her free hand lifted to grip at his tie. "What are you doing here? LEAVE."

"R-Reni... It's me, Oogami... I-I mean, are you okay? How long have you been I here?"


"Reni!" Ayame had come into the room, "So... You're still here after all..."

"Ayame-san, what's happened to Reni? Why is she like this??" Oogami asked, as she walked over to them, "Tell me what's going on!"

"It's because what happened to the Hanagumi... I suppose Reni suffered the most out of everyone. She hasn't quite recovered..." Ayame's eyes moved to the wreath. "Because, Iris was killed."

"N-Nani?! W-What did you say??!" Oogami cried. In his mind flashed memories of the blond French girl who couldn't wait to become an adult. "Iris... sonna...!"

Reni clenched her eyes closed at the mention of those words. "That's why you should leave! Get out now!! Please leave me alone!!!"

"Reni, wait a minute!" Oogami gasped, as the girl found strength to stand and face him with fury in her blue eyes, "It's understandable to feel such emotion when you had lost someone you cared about but... it doesn't mean you stop fighting, that you stop living!!"

"I don't want to fight anymore! I don't want to live anymore! I want to be left alone! Reni snapped, "Do you think I look at myself and at what I've become and feel happy about it??! GET OUT NOW!!"

She lifted her hands and sent a force directly at them. Oogami moved in front to brace Ayame from danger, but the attack never reached them. Standing between them was Sumire with her staff, as she had blocked the attack.

"Reni!" Sumire called, "Do you think Iris is happy? Watching you waste your life like this?! Do you think any of us are happy?? We failed... We gave up... All of us have amounted to nothing! Even so, I cannot think that it's going to end like this! I've moving forth, each day - thinking of what I can do differently!"

"Sumire-kun..." Oogami gasped, "Ano, when did you get here??"

"I have the access code too..." she replied, turning to point her staff at him, "And how dare you interrupt me? I'm making a fine speech here! Don't say another word!"


"Even so..." Reni cut in, her head lowered, "No matter what I do, I can't redo the things I did... I can't do things I should have done... I can't bring Iris back. Maybe I would be fine if I didn't have a heart, if I didn't have feeling... But that can't be... Once that warm feeling of sunlight enters, it's hard to shut the door in that place in my chest... All I can do now is learn to forget..."

Oogami watched as Reni fell back into the chair, her face looking ready to cry - but not a tear fell. Ayame took his arm. "I found the card. Let's go." She led him outside, Sumire following. Oogami turned and looked back, but Ayame's grip on his arm tightened to get his attention. "That place in your chest... is the only way to heal is to forget?"


"Forget and find a new love?"

"That is..." Oogami's voice trailed off. In his mind, he fought with thoughts of jealousy. 'Because for you it's Kayama, isn't it?'

"Demo, Oogami-kun, I don't think it's possible... to forget your first love and your first loss. There's nothing you can do with that wound." she said softly in his ear. She then released him and went on ahead.

Oogami watched her back, sighing to himself. 'Then, I can't do anything? Since you were my first love, Ayame-san...'

* * * * * * * * * * *
Episode 5 Preview

Kaede: Everyone, I don't think I'm qualified anymore for this job. All of my efforts have been for nothing...

Oogami: Kaede-san, don't say such things!! I -- I mean, we need you!

Kaede: Next time on Sakura Taisen: "One last samba" Taisho Sakura ni Rouman Arashi! Maybe I don't belong here after all...

Oogami: No, Kaede-san, I...!

Kaede: Daijoubu... Neesan is here, so...

onto epi5