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sakura taisen (c) sega co, red co. overworks

notes: lots more love-love dilemma. can you picture a straight Baragumi?? Ahah... sorta. Doesn't anyone else like that song "Yoru no Samba"? luv it. er, but I'm not sure about the Iris version... once again, Iris fans, sorry about last epi. Don't take it personally. It's to help the story, honest! I have nothing against the girl!

This fanfiction is by JillM; Summer2002

* * * Sakura Taisen * * *

* If We Didn't Meet *
Episode 5 "One Last Samba"

"Neesan, Oogami-kun!" Kaede ran over to greet them at the front of the restaurant. "We need some help... the dinner crowd is here! Please hurry!"

"That's right!" Ayame replied, "The Sannin Musume are going on a date tonight with the Baragumi."

"Don't remind me." Oogami sighed.

"Sou desu wa!" said the feminine man next to him, in a purple western suit and a fake mustache. "No sooner did my pretty face leave their presence, did they go chasing after the next pack of girls. Hmp! Faithless pigs...!"

Suddenly Kanna leapt up and grabbed her from behind. "Oi! How'd you get pass me without clearance! You're coming with me, you suspicious character!"

"N-Nan desutte?! I am not suspicious! Unhand me, you animal!!"

"Eh? T-That voice sounds familiar... Niichan, is this guy with you??"

"Kaede-san~!" Sakura stepped out from the kitchen in an apron. "The next order is all ready!" She stared at the man in the purple suit. "MASAKA! It's you, Sumire-san!!"

"S-Sakura-san??!" Sumire stammered, "Don't say my name so loudly! I have fans all over Ginza! And what are you doing in the capital?!? Shouldn't you be on the farm?! A-And...!" Before she could say anymore, Sakura tripped and collided with her.

"UWAH!! Not again!" Oogami's face went red as Sumire and Sakura landed in a peculiar position on the floor. "D-Doesn't anyone else see this???!"

"Sumimasen!" Sakura said, sitting up - with Sumire's fake mustache on her face now. "I was just so happy to see you again..."



Oogami frantically separated them, "Yamero!! I can't take any more of this!!"

"Anymore of what??" the two innocently asked.

All of sudden the husband showed up. "I've found you, Sakura-san!!" he exclaimed, waving one of the flyers, "Now come home with me!"

"N-No way!" Sakura cried, grabbing onto Oogami's arm, "I-I don't want to go!"

"Sakura-kun!" Oogami gasped. He lowered his eyes to the hands on his sleeve. 'We've only met recently, and already Sakura-kun has become attached to me. I suppose even in this world... Demo, she's already married. It can't be helped.' He gently pried free. "Sakura-kun, you should just go."

"Eh?? Demo, Oogami-san, atashi...!"

Kaede stepped forward. "I agree with Oogami-kun. You can't keep running away, Sakura... I mean he is you husband. And who knows - maybe he is your fated person after all."

"Kaede-san..." Oogami felt surprised by her words. 'Nan de? All of a sudden?'

Sakura looked to the floor as Kanna struggled with her wimpofahusband. "Get outside and wait for a reservation!" Kanna snarled, dragging him out the door, "You're next, Sumire! Showing your ugly face around here again!"

"N-Nan desutte, mononoke-onna!" Sumire yelled after her. She turned to Sakura. "Ara, is it true? Kanna-san's new punching bag is your...?"

"Hai..." Sakura replied, "Demo... I don't want to go!" She then took off running upstairs.

Sumire sighed and covered her face. "Ma~ah, it seems Sakura-san is still very childish, just like when we first met..."

"So-da!" said a voice. All eyes turned to the door where Kayama was. "Even as the time passes, people get used to the way things are and forget to change... But the question is - is change always good? Ne~?"

Oogami pointed at him. "B-Baka yarou!! Why are you up and walking around when you should be recovering!?"

"Oogamii!" Kayama replied, "What kind of man do you think I am? Of course a little wound like that cannot stop me! Besides... lying in bed all alone I got lonely. I missed everyone very much!"

Ayame smiled and walked up to him. "Just like you, Kayama-kun... Demo, you shouldn't push yourself so much. You'll get hurt again, and I'll be worried."

"Gomen na, Ayame-san!"

Oogami lowered his eyes. 'Yaparii, those two... I have no chance... What am I saying? Am I giving up on Ayame-san?? No, I can't! We couldn't be together in the other life, so this one must be my second chance! But how can I win against a guy like Kayama...?'

"Aa, Tsubamechan-tachi!!" Kayama said, as the Sannin Musume arrived all ready for their dates. "So, tonight you're meeting the Butai of Cool and Masculinity?"

"Sou desu ne!" Tsubaki said, "Demo, Kayama-san, aren't you supposed to be healing?"

"Daijoubu na! I feel genki genki! Besides, don't let my health get in the way of you enjoying yourselves tonight. You three deserve it, working so hard."

"Arigatou gozaimasu!" Tsubaki, Kasumi, and Yuri chimed in unison. Suddenly, the lights flicked off and three spotlights turned on the stage. "KYAA! They're here!!"

"We have come for some lovely flowers!" the three well-dressed men on the stage said. All the female customers started screaming with delight. "We, the cool and manly Butai - the Baragumi!"

Oogami face-faulted. 'W-W-What the heck is going on..?!?'

As soon as the lights turned on, girls swamped the stage. But the very-smooth Baragumi leapt up in the air and escaped their clutches, skillfully landing in front of the Sannin Musume.

"I get the tall, strong one!!" Yuri exclaimed, leaping at Yokohiko and linking to his muscular arm. "Aaah, I'm so happy!"

Kasumi walked up to Kotone who pressed a kiss on her hand. "Ara..." Her face went very red. "I-I think we'll have a good time..."

Kikunojo had his arm around Tsubaki and led her out the door. "Don't wait up! Good night, kids!"

Oogami pulled himself off the floor, feeling rage. 'T-Those players! How can all these girls like them?!' He turned to see his Sumire, Ayame, and Kaede swooning. "OI!!! What's wrong with all of you??!"

Kaede was first to snap out of it. "Sou ne! Oogami-kun is right! We have a restaurant to run...!!" She paused to drop her head. "Demo... I'm not here to run a restaurant..."

"But it's fun, Kaede-san!" Ayame replied cheerfully, "Everyone is having a good time and we've making lots of new friends..."

"But, Neesan, we're supposed to be reviving the Teikoku Kagekidan. What about protecting Teito - your cherished dream...?"

"Dreams change, just like people. Right, Kayama-kun?" Ayame looked over to the man who had become quiet all of a sudden. "Ah! I better get on stage; looks like everyone needs a song! Come sing with me!" She took hold of Kayama's arm and led him up the stage.

Kaede dropped her head. "There she goes again. Neesan is becoming more and more like Yoneda-choukan everyday... But I guess it's because she took over his position after he died."

"Honto ni?" Oogami asked, "So Ayame-san was the theater manager and commander?"

"Un, before the 'incident', she spent most of the day in the manager's office with a sake bottle. I don't believe she ever fully recovered from Yoneda-choukan's death or from being the last surviving member of the Tai Kouma Butai. I remember Neesan saying strange things, like maybe she should have died a long time ago... that she was even a curse on the Teikoku Kagekidan."


"Sou ne. Kayama-kun and I were very worried about her... But, like always, Neesan put on a bright smile and kept moving on ahead. She's really admirable... And like always, she strays off the subject and goes to sing duets with Kayama-kun."

"Honto?? That's funny because it's usually you and me who sing duets..." Oogami trailed off as Kaede gave him a confused look. "Ahaha! Just kidding! I should get into uniform and help you."

"Oogami-kun!" Kaede stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. "Ne, you want to sing with me later?" Oogami slowly nodded. "Yoshi! Then we will... after the crowd leaves that is. Work hard, Oogami-kun!"

"Un!" he said, heading to the back. He turned back to see Kaede staring at the stage with a forlorn look. 'Eh?' He also stared towards the stage, an ache in his chest. 'Even now, I still yearn for Ayame-san... Can my dream really change...?'

When Oogami came back, everyone was complaining about the food. 'What's going on?' he asked as Kaede finished calming down some customers. 'Aa! That's right! Sakura-kun left, so who is cooking now...? MASAKA!!' He bolted in kitchen and sure enough...

"Yo Niichan!" Kanna chimed, working on another fiery dish, "Hungry are ya? Come try this one."

"No, I think you should-!" But she shoved a spoonful into his mouth, which started burning. "GWAH!! HOT!!!"

"Kanna!" Kaede called, "Please stop making such spicy food. We're losing some of the customers. Try to make the recipes on the menu."

"Hai hai!" Kanna sighed, "By the way, could you check outside if that guy I tied upside down on the lamp post is still there??"

As Oogami nodded, Kaede arranged the next order on a plate. "Table two, please!" She paused. "Mou, why am I getting into this?? I'm a military officer, not a waitress!"

"D-Demo! Kaede-san is very good at this..." he said as they walked back out. They stopped to watch Kayama and Ayame lead the room in a verse of Hanasaku Otome. "They're having a good time..."

"YOSSHA!! Wait for me!!" Kanna ran to join them on stage. She and Kayama shared a mic and sang the chorus together. "Atsui~! Omoi~!"

"Everyone forgot what we came here to do." Kaede sighed, going to bring the order to its table. "Ano, would you like some more tea...?" Her face went sour. 'Yapari! I'm really turning into a common waitress!'

Oogami stared down at the tray. 'From ticket-clipper to waiter - the duty to protect Teito may come in a variety of forms. But, if all of us are together... working hard together, having fun together... and yet, I still...'

* * * * * * * * *

At the end of the day, Kanna dizzily went down from the stage and fell into a chair. "Dame da! No more! I can't, my voice... it's too painful...!"

Oogami waved his hand that he had burnt on the stove. 'Even though I didn't know how to cook well, at least the complaining reduced...'

"Oogami-kun!" Ayame sat next to him and poured him a cup of tea, "Good work today! You really helped out a lot. We were lucky it wasn't the usual large crowd today. Next time I'll do the cooking though."

"Arigatou, Ayame-san. " he replied. He watched as Kaede sat next to her sister. "Gomen na, Kaede-san. I'm so tired... I don't think I can do anything now. I'll sing with you another time."

"It's okay, Oogami-kun. I don't think I have the energy either. We really worked hard today, right Minna? Let's all just rest now!"

Kayama came to join them, but saw that the only seat available was next to Kaede. He turned away, lighting a cigarette. "I'm fine. Not tired at all."

"Ka-ya-ma-KUN!" Ayame got his attention, "Don't act so cold with my little sister. I still haven't figured out what happened to you two..."

Kaede quickly took hold of her arm. "Neesan, please don't go into this."

'I'm curious too...' Oogami looked at Kaede's fearful face. 'What's going on?'

"The harmony of the Teikoku Kagekidan depends on it." Ayame replied, "So, Kayama-kun, please work things out with Kaede-san. Tell us what happened."

Kayama put out his cigarette and paused. "So-da..." he uttered in a deep voice, "I cannot keep it a secret anymore. The reason why I cannot speak with Kaede-san is... is..."

"IS???" Oogami, Ayame, and Kanna echoed.

Kayama pointed his finger at her. "She took my guitar strings away, that unreasonable woman!!!"

"What!??" Kaede exclaimed, "That's not the reason why! A-And I did not even take your stupid guitar strings! When did this occur??!"

"It was sometime ago... Last summer... Ah, what fond memories of summer do I have~!"

"Stay on the subject!!"

Kayama chuckled. "That's right... That midsummer night we had a party after watching the fireworks display... Nothing like a glass of sake together with friends... Daga! Ayame-shihainin fell asleep in her office and the party dispersed. I was alone. Just me and the ocean... and... Kaede-san... Sou darou, I shall never forget... that incredible night we spent together!!"

Everyone gasped. Kaede collapsed face-first on the table. "What is he talking about...?"

"Sonna baka na!" Kanna cried, "Is he talking about...??"

"No way!" Oogami cried, "Are you serious?! K-Kayama, you... and Kaede-san..."

"CHIGAU!!!" Kaede cried, "It's not true!! Neesan, help me out here...!"

Ayame was giggling. "I had passed out a long time ago, so I have no idea what happened later. Please explain further, Kayama-kun."

"Hai." Kayama paced in front of them, a serious look in his face. "Like I was saying: it was just us and the ocean..."

"There was no ocean! That was a stage backdrop!" Kaede exclaimed.

He lifted an eyebrow. "So you admit you were there?" Kaede just put her head down on the table again and made a dying noise. Kayama then continued. "I was solitarily practicing my playing when I heard a noise at the end of the stage. Without a doubt there was someone by the curtain..."

"Ara, Kayama-kun... Isn't the ocean beautiful tonight?"

"Aa, it is very beautiful..."

"The sounds of the waves crashing against the shore, the cool feeling of the pacific breeze... Rapture, ne? But watching it all alone must be very lonely..."

"Yes, it is. Very lonely."

"Do you hear it in the wind? How my heart is going doki-doki all the time - an entrancing samba playing softly in the air, only for the two of us?"

Kayama lifted a hand to his head. "Un... I hear it. This seaside serenade is bringing you closer to me. Even now, my heart keeps going doki-doki too."

"Kayama-kun... let's get closer... Onegai..."

"S-STOP!!" Kaede cut in Kayama's storytelling (where he was even impersonating the voices), "This story is insane!!"

"But it did happen??" Kanna asked, "Did it?!"

"Oh my..." Ayame uttered, "Kaede-san, you never told me that you and Kayama-kun..."

"CHIGAU!!" Kaede tearfully cried, "It's all wrong! I was just playing a prank on Kayama-kun... I was pretending to be you, Neesan!"

Kayama shook his head. "Iya... From the start I knew it was Kaede-san. Without fail, I can tell which Fujieda sister I am speaking to."

"Honto ni??" Oogami uttered, "That's... impressive..."

"Besides!" Kayama noted cheerfully, "Ayame-san has a more mature and sexier voice than Kaede-san!"

"HOW DARE YOU!" Kaede cried again, "Kuuu! I have a sexy voice too, y'know!!" Everyone coughed. "W-What's that supposed to mean...??!"

"Getting back to my story," Kayama said clearing his throat and speaking in a serious tone again, "There we were... Just two lone players on the stage... Kept apart by an invisible barrier or fear... When all of a sudden..."

Kaede came out of the curtain and pushed Kayama onto the floor, moving to him. "Kayama-kun..."

Kayama nodded. "Un! Kaede-san lost all restraint and threw herself at me. I had never been so embarrassed in my young adult life...!"

Kaede protested. "I did no such thing! I tripped on those shoes!" She blushed. "They were Neesan's red high heels; I wanted to try them for once."

"Waaa!!" Kaede tripped out of the curtain and collided with Kayama. "Ah?!? K-Kayama-kun...!"

"That's what really happened!" Kaede said, "And then Kayama-kun tried to take advantage of the situation!"

"I did no such thing!" Kayama replied, "I was merely trying to escape such an uncomfortable scenario which could have gotten us both in trouble...!"

"Shut up! You tried to kiss me, you bastard!"

This made everyone gasp again. "Is this true??!"

Kayama shrugged. "I don't remember all the details. But the bottom line is that Kaede confessed her undying love, and then acted very irrationally. I mean she hit me and then took the strings off my guitar and never gave them back. Like everything was my fault..."

"It WAS your fault!!" Kaede exclaimed, "And that wasn't a confession or anything! I was acting!!"

Ayame giggled. "Ararara... Kaede-san, why are you getting all excited? Yet, you know what they say when an Ocean-man meets Ocean-woman..."

"NEESAN! I am NOT an Ocean-woman!!!"

"I never said YOU were an Ocean-woman... And are you blushing??"

Kaede stood and waved her fists in the air. "NEESAAAAN!!" Everyone stared at her in surprise. She dropped her head, trying to calm down. "At any rate, that wasn't the real reason... Was it, Kayama-kun? We were still talking then and enjoying each other's company... But now..."

"Kaede-san," Kayama replied, "You were the one who wanted it this way."

A long pause followed. Kaede looked like she wanted to cry. "Sou... ne..." she uttered, "Sorry, everyone... Please excuse me..." She then left the room.

Everyone became quiet afterwards. Ayame pushed her teacup away and stood. "I think we went too far. I'm going to find my sister and apologize."

Oogami grabbed Kayama's arm and pulled him along. "Come on! You too!"

The two trailed behind Ayame to the stairs leading upstairs to their room. Oogami held Kayama back as Ayame went up. "What is it, Oogami?? Why are you so rough with me??"

Oogami just grabbed him by the collar. "Yarou! How can it be...?? Both of them?! No, you can't have both! You have to give one up!"

"Eh? EH? EH??? What are you talking about? Give 'what' up?"

'This dumb guy doesn't even know it... both Ayame-san AND Kaede-san are in love with him!' Oogami tightened his grip. "Hey! Who do you like better, Kaede-san or Ayame-san?"

"Ore...? B-Both of them are special to me. What kind of question is this??"

"Don't you think of one of them as... you know... romantically??"

"No, I don't."

"Why not?! What's wrong with you?!?" Oogami calmed himself down. "Kayama... don't you see? Both Ayame-san and Kaede-san..." His voice trailed off as he loosened his grip. 'What am I doing? Am I really this selfish...?'

"Oogami!" Kayama pressed his finger on the tip of his nose. "A wise proverb goes like this: 'What you know you want is too far to be reached, and what you don't know you want is right in front of you.'

"Eeh??!" Oogami blinked. "Jaa, what do you mean by that? Who, I mean what is in front of me, and what is out of reach? And... why do you always talk in proverbs anyways?" He looked up to the room above them. 'Just like Ayame-san... I wonder how it's going between those two...'

* * * * * * * * * *

The two Fujieda sisters sat on the floor facing each other. Kaede hugged her knees and laughed. "What's the matter with me... acting like this? I'm really sorry, Neesan. I've been very stressful lately, trying to figure out a way to bring the Teikoku Kagekidan back..."

"Please don't worry about it, Kaede-san."

"I can't help it. Everyone is having such a good time, I have a feeling they would soon forget about it. We can't let that happen... If only I could come up with some ideas... But I'm completely blocked. Aaaan, looks like I'm going to be a waitress forever!"

Ayame just smiled. "Like I said, don't worry yourself over it. I have everything covered."

"Eh? What do you mean??"

"Actually... I managed to get the new map of interior and the access codes, together with Kayama-kun. We can now enter the Teigeki and reclaim it in time before the military squad moves in."

"N-Nan desutte?" Kaede stood up. "You... and Kayama-kun...? Neesan, why did you leave me out? Am I not competent enough for you?"

"That's not the reason... We just didn't want you to be the one who got in trouble again... like last time."

"I get it..." Kaede bowed her head. "You and Kayama-kun are getting along fine without me... Don't you like him, Neesan?"

Ayame looked up, unable to lie to her sister. "Hai... I do... I like him a lot... I feel good when I'm with Kayama-kun... I can forget about my worries and feel free... What about you, Kaede-san?"

"Un... I like him a lot too... But, it's unforgivable - what I did to him. I don't blame him if he won't speak to me again..."

Ayame stood and embraced her sister, "Don't feel sad. Just forget what happened. We'll all work it out... together."

Kaede tearfully shook her head. "Iie... There's no reason for me to be here, Neesan... Gomen nasai..."


* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kayama and Oogami looked up to see Kaede come out of the room. She had a suitcase with her as she came down the stairs, drying her eyes. "Kaede-san, daijoubu kai?" Oogami asked, "Were you crying??"

"Hai... iie, it's nothing... Well, I have to be going now. Take care, you two."

She tried to walk past them, but Kayama caught her by the arm. "So you're running away again?" Kaede stared on ahead. "Is it okay? Giving up just like that? That's not the Kaede-san I knew..."

She turned around and placed in his hand a bundle of strings. "Gomen ne, Kayama-kun..."

"No I'm the one who is sorry. Here I was acting like a jerk, when it was my fault -my fault you made that decision. You believed in me so much and I let you down..."

"Neesan believes in you now, so... somehow I feel that everything will turn out all right."

"I don't want Ayame-san only to believe in me... Kaede-san too!"

"You cannot have that." she replied, pulling away, "You just can't..." She then broke into a run and disappeared down the alley.

Kayama mumbled something and walked away in the opposite direction. Oogami looked back and forth, wondering what happened. He went upstairs to ask Ayame, but found her sitting on the floor, hugging the military uniform that Kaede left behind. "Ayame-san...?"

"Maybe... it would be better... if I wasn't here... if I was dead after all... Ne, Oogami-kun? That way... I wouldn't keep hurting the ones I love... Wouldn't that be best...?"

Oogami couldn't say anything and fell to his knees, facing her. 'I don't know what to think anymore...'

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Episode 6 Preview

Oogami: I've had enough. I'm going home.

Orihime: Nonsense desu! You're staying right here!

Oogami: N-Nan de???

Orihime: Next time on Sakura Taisen: "The Dissatisfied Japanese Man"; Taisho Sakura ni Rouman Arashi! My vision will crumble without you, Chuuisan!

Oogami: W-What vision is that??

onto epi6