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sakura taisen (c) sega co, red co. overworks

notes: orihime-fans wait no longer! She's here. One more chapter to go after this (I think). Pardon the slight yuri-ism throughout the fic. And some drunkenness in this one. Ahaha! Harmless! Hope you've enjoyed it thus far. Thanks!

This fanfiction is by JillM; Summer2002

* * * Sakura Taisen * * *

* If We Didn't Meet *
Episode 6 "The Dissatisfied Japanese Man"

"You just can't..." Kaede's tearful came into view, but turned away as she went down the alley alone. The footsteps became more and more distant...

Oogami's eyes flickered open. "Ah?!" Staring up at the ceiling, he realized he had been dreaming. 'But this must be the real dream... Both Kaede-san and Ayame-san are in love with that Ocean-idiot... iya, the real dream is that Ayame-san is alive and the Teigeki has been torn apart... Or is the real dream...?'

He touched the futon with his fingertips, his heart beating quickly. 'Ore... Ore wa...' Oogami shyly turned his head. 'I-I'm sleeping in the same room together with Ayame-san?! Uwah!' But for some reason she was not in bed. Oogami slowly sat up and looked towards the window, where a bright light from the moon was coming. Ayame was there watching it contently, but she wasn't alone...

"The moon..." Ayame uttered, "It's really pretty tonight." She wore her night robe with her hair down. She was so gorgeous Oogami's breathing nearly stopped. But he watched with heartache as she and Kayama locked their gaze on the full moon outside.

"Aa, it's a lovely sight..." Kayama replied, playing a chord on his guitar, "I can watch it with you, Ayame-san, forever..."

"Kayama-kun... About..."

"Do not worry. I know Kaede-san will come home. Somehow I know her heart hasn't given up. Kaede-san is strong, so without fail...!"

"Kayame-kun," Ayame said softly as she leaned her head onto his shoulder, "I'm glad you here with me. I don't know what I'd do without you... Arigatou..."

"Iya. I should be thanking you, Ayame-san..."

"For what?"

"Because, with Ayame-san, I feel like I can do anything..."


Oogami had left the room as quietly as he could. He couldn't take anymore. 'Even if Ayame-san is back... Even if I am no longer an officer under her command and do not have to worry about taking care of the feelings of others... I still... I still cannot...'

There he sat in the dark restaurant, contemplating his situation. He was trapped in an alternative life for the last 3 days and he had no idea how to return. He hadn't even considered returning home until now. 'I have to, sooner or later. Besides, I have nothing to stay for...'

His eyes moved to the kitchen. 'Soeba... where did Sakura-kun go? She ran away just as dinner started. I wonder if she's okay... Maybe I should have supported her... But what can I do... She's...'

He stopped and turned around. At the front doors, he saw her face pressed against the door. "S-Sakura-kun???" He rushed over and opened it, her falling in. He caught her with one arm, but then saw Sumire also falling in. He caught her with his other arm. "S-Sumire-kun??? O-Oi, you two! Wake up!"

"Are??" Sakura's eyes opened, but she looked very dazed. "Where am I...? Such a strange feeling... Ahahahahah!!!"

"Sa... Sakura-kun...???"

"A~Ara!" Sumire pulled him over by necktie. "Do you have any more sake, Waitor?? Sakura-san and I need some more! Hurry up and get it!"

"Iya, I don't think so." he replied, prying away. He looked back and forth. 'These two are totally smashed... What should I do??'

"Hayakuu!" Sumire mumbled, falling over onto the floor. He watched as Sakura's hands moved up to grip at his vest, her face hiding in his shoulder. "Ano... Sakura-kun... Daijoubu kai?"

"Doushimashou?" she uttered, "I'm married... Soshite... I feel really sick!"

"S-Sakura-kun???!" Oogami cried as she threw up a mess on the floor, him moving out of the way in time. "Uwaaaah! W-Watch where you put that!!"

"Sumimasen, Oogami-san... I just don't know what to do. Sumire-san said she would come up with a solution, but she only brought me sightseeing and then gave me this strange drink to make it better. Now, I feel sort of funny..."

"Ehehe, you know you shouldn't believe everything Sumire-kun says..."

Sumire walloped him with her bag. "What is that supposed to mean, Waitor?? Get us more alcohol!"

Oogami rubbed the bump on his head. "I'm not really a waitor... Oi! You two, coming here like this is pretty disgraceful! If your respectable families heard about this...!"

"I know..." Sakura replied, "Demo... Atashi..."


She got on her knees and bowed in front of him. "Please help me, Oogami-san! I've gotten so low, I can only beg pitifully like this... Onegaishimasu!"

"Sakura-kun..." He knelt down and patted her on the shoulder. "You don't need to. All you have to do is ask me and... And..." He stopped. 'What am I saying? I can't fight this... It's already...'

"Oogami-san, I don't want to be married... I just want..."

'...too late...'

"... to be here." Sakura took his hand and held it to her face. "I had been in Sendai almost all my life. But when I came here before, there was an indescribable feeling in my chest. I didn't understand it until I became far away. I didn't want to lose it again. This is the place I belong - I feel it with all my heart. I'm determined to stay."


"If I hadn't been such a coward, I wouldn't be in this mess. But thinking about it, I realize that there is so much I want to do with my life - that I can't do if I stay this way. I want to change. I want to become stronger."

"Besides..." Sumire uttered, "How can you be married if you've never fallen in love before."

Sakura dropped her head and sighed. "Sou desu ne. I've never... soshite... Never..." She lifted her eyes to Oogami. "Kiss..."

"Eh? EH???" He stopped her face with his hand. "Oi! Sakura-kun! Get a hold of yourself!" As Sakura fell over from the backlash, Oogami wondered what was wrong with himself. 'Even in this life, Sakura-kun... but I can't. It's different! It can't be helped this time!'

Sumire stood and caught Sakura by the shoulders. "Fine! I'll do it then!"

"IYAAA! YAMERO!!" Oogami rushed between them in time, but the lips made contact with his cheeks. "UWAAAAH!!" he cried, blushing. Just then water splashed in his face. "EH?"

Blinking, he shook the water out of his eyes and adjusted his vision. Standing in front of him was an Italian-Japanese girl in a red dress with an empty glass and another glass full of water. "What do you thinking are you doing???"

"EH? ORIHIME-KUN!!" he gasped, "When did you get here??"

"BA-KA! You were the one who left the door wide open! And how do you think these two drunkards got here in the first place?? Honestly! I leave the country for a good couple of months and everyone is falling apart! I cannot believe it!" She handed the full glass of water to Sakura. "Drink this, Cherry-san."


Orihime watched her gulp it down, then turned to Oogami. "Ara... That uniform..." Oogami stood still as she looked him over. "Masaka... You didn't happen to go into the theater and survive?? Sugoi de~su!"

"Orihime-kun, you wouldn't happen to tell me what exactly is the deal with the Gekijou. I mean, why is it so dangerous?"

"I never introduced myself and I have no idea who you are!" she snapped. "Demo... Sumire-san and Cherry-san seem to know you so...I suppose I could tell you..."

"Arigatou, Orihime-kun."

There four of them went to sit down at table to talk. While Sakura and Sumire sobered up, Orihime explained the situation. "For almost a year, the theater has been closed off after the Teikoku Kagekidan was dismantled. However, Maria-sa~n was left to guard something in the basement. No one really knows what it is, but can't ever get close enough to find out. There are tons of traps on the way there and new secret passages with codes. It would be impossible to go through that place, military officials or even looters..."

"Unless you had a map and the codes, right?"

"I suppose... But who would have such a thing??"

"Aa, I don't know... By the way, could you tell me how the Teikoku Kagekidan was dismantled?"

"NANI DESU KA?! Is this 20-questions??!?"


Orihime's expression changed, and so did Sumire's. The two of them lowered their eyes to the table. "It's almost a year, isn't it?" Sumire sighed, "I thought I would forget it by now, but it's still strong in my memory."

"Last autumn... When the leaves went red. So did Teito." Orihime uttered, "The enemy had a surprise attack on the capital. We went to answer it... But they launched a secondary attack in the row house district. The Tsukigumi arrived at that scene. As we finished our battle with the Boss, we tried to go and help the civilians. But the place was already in ruins and there was only one member of the Tsukigumi left. We received warnings not to enter the area, but we wanted desperately to save Kayama-san and see if there were any other survivors..."

"Soshite," Sumire cut in, "The Shougeimaru received an order to fire spirit bombs on the area because it had been implanted with a dark energy field that was going to spread. But, Kaede-fukushirei could not pull the switch. Even with Kayama-san pleading over the radio, even as a dark cloud covered over Teito..."

"Kaede-san..." Oogami uttered. 'For Kayama's sake...?'

"We had already lost Yoneda-shihainin... and Iris-chan..." Sumire noted, "I guess Kaede-san didn't want to lose anyone else."

"Demo," Orihime said, "When we entered space, our koubu were malfunctioned. We could not find any survivors. We barely got out alive... barely in time for the Shougeimaru to stop the negative field from completely covering the capital. Today, it's still very thick in the air - this blackness no one can quite explain. I have no idea what the military is going to do about it, but as I know all research has been halted."

"If the capital has given up..." Oogami uttered, "What are we supposed to do about it?" They all looked to him. "I finally understand... This is a dream! This cannot be real!"

"Y-Yume ka? What are you talking about?" Sakura asked, as he stood up from the table. "Oogami-san??"

"Of course! It's a dream! Why else would everything be so messed up! Hurry and wake up, Oogami! Get out of this nightmare!!" Sumire smacked him across the face. "GAH!?"

"Does that feel like a dream to you??? Waiter, get us more water!"

"H-Hai!!!!" he cried, running into the kitchen. 'But this can't be so... Teito... Minna... Ayame-san... I don't know how many more I can take...!'

"Oogami-san," Sakura had come after him and was readying a tray to bring the glasses on. "There's something I want to ask you."

"Eh? Nan dai, Sakura-kun??"

"W-When we first met... You said you were glad to see me. I know it sounds funny, but... I felt the same. Somehow meeting Oogami-kun has brought a lot of good things in my life. Demo... you seem like aren't very happy with your life. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"Iya... there is not." he replied, putting his hands on her shoulders, "Sakura-kun, everything that is happening... I'm not really part of. I don't really belong here. I'm just watching it. It cannot be helped."

"'It cannot be helped'... So, you are the type to give up without a fight... Me too, but... I want to change! Meeting you, somehow I felt... it could happen."


"I-It's nothing!" Her face blushing, she took the full glass onto her tray and rushed outside. "Hurry! Everyone is waiting!"

"Hai!" Oogami went after her, back to their friends at the table. Sumire had a deck of cards and Orihime wanted to talk about her travels in Europe. 'We talked and played for a long time... Up until the sun rose.'

Oogami looked around, the three girls leaning their heads onto the table. Next to him, Sakura had made a paper boat out of one of the restaurant flyers. He picked it up and held in the palm of his hand.

'It wasn't the same... Not everyone is here... There is grief in my heart... We just cannot be all together... It just cannot be... And now, I just want...'

He got up and walked up the stairs to the room above. He slowly opened the door and peered inside, fearful that he would see something terrible. But he saw that the room was empty, with the exception of Ayame sleeping in her futon.

"Ayame-san..." he said, kneeling down next to her.

"Oogami-kun?" she sleepily replied, "You're awake so early."

"I've been doing some thinking... I want to go home."

"Go home?"

"Aa... all of this, it's just too much to keep watching. If it's not a dream, then all I can feel sadness. I cannot take any more. Please... let me go home."

"Oogami-kun... I'm not the one who brought you here." She said, sitting up and pointing her finger at his forehead. "It was your wish."

"Ore?" he asked, "S-Sonna... Why would I wish such a thing to happen??!"

"I don't know... But you did not create this place. It was created without you. And there is no way I can bring you home."

"Sonna!! Ayame-san, are you telling me that I am stuck here forever??! I can't! I can't stay here anymore! I don't belong here!!"

"Where do you belong, Oogami-kun?" she replied, taking his hand - it's warmth calming him down, "Would people be happy if you returned? Would it be better that way? You don't know until you walk away from it, do you see..."

"Ayame-san... I think I know the reason why I wanted to come here. It was because of you. I wanted to see you. To tell you... I... I...!"

"Shhh," She placed her fingertips on his lips. "I know, Oogami-kun. I've always known. Ever since we met on the stage... Your feelings were clear to me."

"Then... why... Why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you return them? Naze, Ayame-san?!"

She just smiled. "Oogami-kun, have you already forgotten your promise to my sister?"

"My promise... to Kaede-san...?"

"Un, to restore the Teikoku Kagekidan... or were those just words? Kaede-san... she has been hurt by a man before. I don't think she took your words seriously, but it would still hurt her if the Teigeki could never return..."

"Kaede-san..." Oogami remembered that time in her room when she tried comforting him. 'You tried your best, didn't you? Why didn't I do the same for you? Your feelings, your hardships...'

"If you help her get the Teigeki back," Ayame said, putting her hand on the side of his cheek, "I think somehow you can find a way to go back home. The answer lies inside the theater. So if you really want to go back, you have to help us."

Oogami pulled away. "Ayame-san... I don't know... I just don't know. What are your feelings about this? Do you want the Teigeki to return? Do you want me to stay? And... Kayama..."

Ayame blinked. "Kayama-kun... Oh, you saw when he was here? Hehehe, don't worry about it. Kayama-kun and I are just really close friends! I mean he didn't stay very long and it's not like he has any romantic intentions."

"But I saw...! The two of you might not know it, but you look like a good couple... But I... I don't want to see anyone get hurt..."

"Oo-ga-mi-KUN!" She moved very close to him, her face right at his. "You were worried about me, weren't you? Arigatou... You really know how to make a woman feel special."

"H-Hai...!" he stammered, his face all red and heart beating.

"That's the Oogami-kun I like."

"Ayame-san... I like you too..."

"Oogami-kun..." She put her hands on his shoulder and leaned her forehead against his. But she didn't say anything afterwards. She just stayed there, closing her eyes. Slowly Oogami lifted his arms and held her tightly.

'In that moment... I had never felt so happy... To finally hold Ayame-san...'

* * * * * * * * * * * *

In the restaurant, the other girls were having breakfast. "Ararara... my head is spinning." Sumire sighed, putting on some sunglasses, "If somebody sees me like this, I'm ruined."


"Shhhhhh!!" Sumire cried, covering her mouth, "Say it loud enough and I'll be covered with scandals!"

"Scandals are good!!"

"No they are not!!!!!"

"By the way," Sakura cut in, moving to refill Sumire's cup of coffee, "How did your dates with the Baragumi go??" The Sannin Musume let out a sigh and collapsed in their chairs. "It... didn't go well...?"

Kasumi replied, "Everything was going well, but then... those three saw Kaede-san and chased after her, yelling 'woman in distress'. After that, we had to pay our own cab fare and go home."

"Mou!" Tsubaki muttered, "Those players...!"

"Ano, what is Kaede-san doing with those guys?" Sakura asked, "I hope she's okay."

"Daijoubu na!" Kanna replied, "Kaede-san has a lot of common sense. She won't do anything stupid... especially with those types of guys. Ah, but just in case, we better tell Kayama to go and get her back."

"Why Kayama-san..."

"Oh that. The reason is..." Kanna's eyes moved to the door where Oogami and Ayame were coming in. "Yo! I cooked a good one! Help yourselves! By the way, Niichan - are going to keep on working with us? We sure could use an extra hand. You make a good waiter..."

"He is not a waiter!" Orihime replied, "Don't you see his clothes?? He is a ticket clipping boy!"

Oogami dropped his head and sighed. "Actually I'm really a lieutenant..."

"Sou yo ne!" Ayame said, "Oogami-kun is a very respectable military officer. Please treat him kindly, minna!"

"Demo!" Orihime pointed at him. "I like him as a ticket-clipping boy..."

"EH?!?!?" everyone gasped. Orihime had openly admitted she liked a Japanese guy.

"No, I'm not admitting to liking a Japanese guy! I hate Japanese guys!" Orihime protested. "Demo... the reason I came back because I envisioned the Gekijou returning, and all of us together on stage... We need a ticket-clipping boy, right?"

"C-Can I also be onstage?" Sakura asked.

"Out of the question," Sumire replied, "You're so clumsy, you'll ruin the show, Sakura-san!"

"NO I WON'T!!!"

As those two glared at each other, Oogami turned towards Ayame, who had a bright smile from watching the girls act so energetically this morning. 'Looks like I have no choice... when you look at me that way... But I still... I still...'

"Oogami-san!" Sakura said, holding up a dish, "Please join us at the table!" He slowly nodded, but then stopped to see her looking at the doors. "Sonna! He's back!!"

The door fell down. "SAKURA-SAAAAAAAAN!!!"

"Anata..." Orihime uttered, staring at the panting guy who had entered the restaurant in such a loud way. "Dare de~su ka?"

Ayame replied, "That's Sakura-kun's husband. He's been chasing her from Sendai."


"Iyaaaa!" Sakura yelled as he grabbed her arm and started to drag her towards the door. "I don't want to go with you! Please let me free!!"

"I don't care what you say! You're coming with me! You're my wife and you have to do what I say!"

"H-How barbaric!!" the Sannin Musume exclaimed in unison.

'It can't be helped.' Oogami thought as Sakura looked to him for help. 'And yet, I still...'


'I still can't be satisfied with this...'

"UWAAAAAAAH!!!" Oogami's fist made contact with her husband's face and he went crashing into the wall. "T-Teme!!!"

Oogami stood over him. "Kisama! Sakura-kun cannot be married to someone like you! It's just not right!"

"What do you know what is right?! Are you saying that I can't have the woman I married??!"

"Sou desu!"

"TEME! You can't decide for us! Even if you are her lover, I won't let you get in our way!"

Sumire cleared her throat. "Ara, then you'll have get past me too! I won't let you have Sakura-san either!"

"Watashi mo!" Orihime said, throwing her arms around both Sumire and Sakura.

"Atashi-tachi mo!!" the Sannin Musume chimed, getting into fighting stance.

"Watashi mo!" Ayame cheerfully replied, lifting up a chair.

The husband sweat-beaded. 'If it's against a man, I might have a chance, but against all these women...? Masaka, she's a...????' He pointed at Sakura. "Ano, Sakura-san... these people... who exactly are they to you??"

Sakura replied happily, "My precious friends! And I don't intend leaving them any time soon!"

Kanna tapped him on the shoulder. "Atai mo!" She then punched him and sent him flying out of the restaurant. "Are you satisfied? Don't come back unless you want more!!"

"Sou yo!!" Yuri called after him, "And if you utter a word of this to anyone, I'll be sure to ruin your reputation just by opening my mouth!"

Oogami grinned as the guy ran away scared. He had no doubt they wouldn't be seeing him anymore. He slowly looked to Sakura. "Aa... ano..." His face went pale. "C-Could you stop that already???" Orihime was busy hugging them and pressing kisses on their cheeks. "OIII!!!

"Minna-san! Arigatou gozaimashita!!!" Sakura cried, bowing her head, "I'm going to keep trying my best!! If we work together, I'm sure - we can get the Teigeki back!!"

While everyone cheered, feeling good about the situation - Oogami watched from aside. 'This feeling... everyone working together... towards a common goal... Can it last? Can it stay in my heart forever...?'

"Oogami-kun!" Ayame turned towards him. "Shikari shinasai!"

"Aa, hai!!" he replied, going to join them again.

'...Or like everything else, fade away when I reach out to touch it...'

* * * * * * * * * * *
Episode 7 Preview

Oogami: Our mission is to enter and reclaim the Teikoku Gekijou... However, we need the three new access codes... But how?

Ayame: Reni, Kohran... Maria... hearts that are sleeping. Please remember... that warm feeling again!

Oogami: Next time on Sakura Taisen: "What I wanted". Taisho Sakura no Rouman Arashi! I won't fail you, Ayame-san, minna!

Ayame: Oogami-kun, I'm glad you were with me...

onto epi7