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> Sakura taisen (c) red co. sega co. overworks 1996, 1998, 2001, 2002
Fanfiction by JillM Summer2002

Notes: yatta, this was a fun chapter. (ok, it wasn't but it was interesting to write.) I hope you all won't be depressed with it. remember this is a 'what if' situation. I just always wanted to try this. Ahahaha! I'm evil. after this is one more episode. Please enjoy the rest of the series! (*) 10/26/02 - HTML fixed thanks to Nameless Chibi! GOMEN NE!

*Sakura Taisen*

If we didn't meet

Episode 7 "What I wanted"

Ayame rolled out the plans on how they were going to reclaim the Teigeki. "It's going to be difficult with all those traps and built-in defense. But with this map and the access codes..."

"Do we really have all of them?" Sumire asked, "I heard there was over 20 codes now. You couldn't possibly...!"

"I was able to get the 3 main ones." Kayama replied, "The other codes were to switch off the traps. However, even I don't know where I could get them."

"Kohran would." Kanna replied, "She was the one who helped install them. I'm sure if we found her, she could shed some light on it. You don't have to say another wore, I'm on it!!" She started marching out the door, pulling Sumire along.

"N-Nan desu no?! Why am I coming too??!"

"Kohran has become sort of a street person... She will target any rich looking dupe to get some cash off her."

"W-What is that supposed to mean??!"

Suddenly, Yuri barged into the room. "Minna-san! Taihen yo!" she cried, panting. She had been running the whole way here. She collapsed into a chair as they got her a glass of water. Drinking it down, she finally was able to speak. "It's Reni! We went down there to get some supplies, when we saw her... Kasumi-san and Tsubaki-chan are with her now, but it's already too late..."

"Watashi ikima~su!" Orihime exclaimed, "Reni is still a proud member of the Hanagumi. For her to be like this... I cannot allow. You're coming with me, Chuuisan!"

"Eh??" Oogami looked over to Ayame who sat with Kayama. "But I..." He then thought about Reni, and how he had seen her. "Orihime-kun is right! We all should go to her!" He grabbed both Kayama and Ayame's hands and pulled them up. "Come on!"

"Let's all go together!" Sakura said, holding onto a first aid kit, "Maybe we can help her!"

"Yoshi!! Minna, ikou!"

* * * * * * * * * * *
So, the group headed back to Asakusa. But in the streets, they saw Kanna and Sumire. "Any luck yet?" Sakura asked.

"Not at all! Kohran hasn't shown her face, that elusive little...!" Suddenly something was blasted in their direction and Sumire's clothes caught on fire. "Kiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!" Sakura quickly splashed her with a bucket of water. "S-Sakura-san!!!!!" Sumire angrily grabbed her by the collar and shook her, "How dare you...!"

"It came from the Hanayashiki." Kayama replied, "She should be hiding out in the tower. Let's go."

He led the way inside, where Tsubaki approached them. "Minna-san! Hayaku!!" She brought them where Kasumi and Reni were, the storage room on the 3rd floor. "I don't know if we can do anything..."

"Reni~!" Orihime rushed to her old comrade from the Hoshigumi, the two of them sharing a brief smile. Reni was lying on the floor, using Kasumi's coat as a blanket. When Orihime pulled it away, she saw that blood was all over her clothes. "Reni..."

"Don't be sad..." Reni replied, a line of red dripping from her mouth, "Boku wa shiawase..."

"D-Doushite? Why are you happy?"

"Because for a long time... I was alone. I thought it was better that way. Now, everyone is here... Somehow, I'm happy."

"Reni..." Orihime's green eyes filled with tears. "You didn't have to be alone."

"Because... Iris is alone now. Iris is crying. You don't have to anymore, Iris... I'm coming to join you..."

"Reni!" Ayame blurted out, "Don't...!" But Reni's blue eyes went empty as she glazed past them. Ayame dropped the outreached hand that never made it to Reni. Everyone fell silent.

'Reni...' Oogami stared at that still face, while Kayama knelt down and closed her eyes. "What was the cause of her death?"

"The concentration of dark energy in this area can literally eat a person's soul." Kayama replied, "For her to have stayed in such a long time, it was in due to happen."

"She insisted." Ayame replied, "Because this was where Iris died. She wanted to be as close to Iris' spirit as she could..."

"Now, she can be use to us," said a voice. They turned to see Kohran holding an invention with a nuzzle, "Her spirit energy would better some weaponry for sure. Let's stole quickly before all of it seeps into the air and is destroy."

"N-Nan da to?!?" Oogami gasped, "You aren't serious, are you Kohran!? This is your old comrade! How could you treat her dead body like this?!"

"My job is to improve our spiritual weaponry! I am not going to put little details like this in the way of my genius! Saa!"

"HYAA!!" Kanna crushed the spirit-sucking machine with her foot, and turned to Kohran. "Who cares about improvement? What happened to being part of a team! Let me remind you by punching your lights out!!!"

Sumire quickly reprimanded her by wrapping her arms around Kanna's single arm, raising herself off the floor. "Ara! Kanna-san!! Get a hold of yourself!!!"

"Kohran, do you really think this is the way to deal with everything?" Ayame asked, "Forgetting your friends, your duty as a member of the Hanagumi?"

"Friends, what are those? I've been living on the streets since that disaster in Ginza. I've been doing all I can to survive - even making spirit weaponry for the black market. I don't care who I sell to, as long as I get through another day. Don't tell me what to do, when following orders got me into this mess in the first place!"


"Aaaaarg! I can't take anymore!" Kanna shook Sumire off and sent a light-out punch directly into Kohran's face. Her glass broken, Kohran fell backwards onto the floor. Kanna dropped to her knees in remorse. "Gomen na, Kohran... Violence is the only way I can deal with it..."

Oogami looked back and forth at those in the room. He really didn't know what to do next. He then turned to Sakura, who gripped at the first aid kit and helplessly stared at the dead body. "Sakura-kun, help Kohran okay? We'll move Reni's body... and get out of here. It's too dangerous to stay."


He and Kayama went to lift her, him gazing into her face again. 'If I had somehow prevented this... Gomen, Reni... Please take care of Iris.'

* * * * * * * * * * * *
After handling things back in Asakuse, they returned to the restaurant in Ginza. They did not open for that night. The crowd outside was turned away. "Sumimasen," Kasumi said at the door, "We are mourning the lost of one of my dear comrades. Please find your dinner elsewhere. We are terribly sorry."

"Now what are we going to do?" Orihime sighed, "After losing Reni, I'm starting to lose my will."

"I talked with Kohran-san," Sumire replied, "She gave me the majority of the trap codes. But we're still missing some. She is still very troubled over what happened. Sakura-san is with her now upstairs."

Ayame went over the map. "We could enter through the waterways underneath, but it will be tricky once we come 15 meters within the premise. The traps in the basement are the ones we cannot turn off. We'll have to enter through the ground level and manually turn off the traps upstairs in the core panel, here on the stage."

"Aa, I see." Kayama replied, "But that code - I heard they just changed it recently. The military sent a robot to do it last week. The plan is for them to send in a group of soldiers next week to reclaim the Teigeki for the military."

"So we have to do it first." Kanna noted, "But what exactly is in the basement? What is Maria guarding?"

"We'll have to find out..." Oogami's voice trailed off as he saw Kasumi and the Baragumi at the door. "What do you guys want??"

"Thank you for letting us in, Kasumi-chan." Yokihiko said, making her blush. He turned to the others. "It's about Kaede-san..."


At the docks, Kaede looked out at the departing ships. She wore a hat and long coat, her suitcase in hand. 'Mou... for all the tickets to be sold out is so inconvenient. I want to be out of Teito today! Maybe someone will be scalping tickets in that bar... Maybe someone will buy me a drink...'

"I see," Oogami uttered after the Baragumi relayed the story of how they met up with Kaede and found out that she intended to leave Teito for good. "Why didn't you try to stop her."

"We thought it would be a perfect opportunity for Kayama-kun." Kotone replied.

"What's that supposed to mean??" Kayama asked, lifting a sword to his neck, "I thought you guys were into saving damsels in distress??"

"H-Hey! Aren't you glad we didn't try anything??" he nervously gasped, "You know our reputation with women! For Kaede-san to become a fan-girl of ours would be too bad for you!"

Kayama sighed and dropped into a chair. "Doesn't matter anyhow. If she went to the pier to get a ship out of here two hours ago, she must be already gone by now..."

"Chigau yo!" Oogami exclaimed, "You can't give up just like that! You have to try at least! You never know... maybe she's still there, waiting for you to come get her!"

"Kaede-san wouldn't do something like that." everyone replied.

Oogami became impatient. "OI! You're going and that's final!!" he snapped, grabbing Kayama by the arm and dragging him out the door.

Ayame looked up from her plans to the door, her gaze a bit sad. 'I am the reason, aren't I, Kaede-san...?'

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Meanwhile at the bar, Kaede found herself surrounded by men. 'Minna...' she nervously looked back and forth, 'They all think I'm Neesan...'

"So, Ayame-san..." said a young sailor, "Heard you wanted a boat. We got ours just over there. Want to come aboard??"

An older man in a suit cut in. "Cheh, get lost kid. Fujieda-kun doesn't like your lowly type. Come sit with me, Fujieda-kun. I'll buy you a real drink."

'Ha ha ha...' Kaede thought, following this guy to his table, 'Everyone is fighting over me... Er, I mean Neesan. I'll get a couple more free drinks before I tell them the truth... Wait a minute. Isn't this guy the General in charge of that squad enlisted to reclaim the Teigeki... Surely...'

"Fujieda-kun, you probably heard about my mission. I'm really sorry about the Kakekidan. You really tried hard and did well... for a woman."

"W-What's that supposed to mean?" Kaede asked, trying not to lift her voice. 'Neesan would remain calm... But...'

"Well, what can you say about an army of female soldiers? We all thought that Yoneda and Hanakoji were in over their heads - it's no wonder they both were assassinated. But you had better sense. You put an end to this nonsense before anyone else got hurt."

"S-Sou dakedo..." she uttered, staring into glass.

"And the way you put up with that incompetent fool Kayama, you deserve a medal. You know that it was all his fault Ginza - iya, Teito is completely messed up."

"Chigaimasu! It was my fault!" Kaede blurted out. Everyone in the room stared at her. She lowered her head. "Excuse me..."

"Hey, are you okay??" the general asked, patting her on the shoulder, "Sorry to insult that guy. I know of the rumors of you and him being together, but now I guess they might be true..."

Kaede slapped his hand away and stood up. "T-Those rumors are false! Neesan, I mean, I would never...!"

"S-Sorry again! I didn't mean to make you on edge. Please sit down and enjoy your drink, Fujieda-kun." Kaede slowly nodded and went back to sit. "By the way, I heard you're trying to get a cruise ticket. Do you want one? I was thinking about having a trip of my own before the mission... I have an extra one if you're interested..."

"How much??" she asked. He rested his hand on her leg and her mouth fell open. "A-Ano!!" she stammered, her face all red. Suddenly a fist came at his face and knocked him out, glass breaking everywhere. All those in the room glared at the culprit. Kaede just stared in surprise. "Ka... Kayama-kun... How did you find me??!"

"Do not say another word, Ayame-san!" he replied, placing a finger to her lips, "I won't let anyone come between us!"

Kaede dropped her head and sighed. 'Yapari...'

By now, officers who knew the general were angry and surrounding Kayama. But Oogami rushed into the room and bashed two ensigns together. "Oi! Let's do it!"

"Yoshi!" Kayama said, rolling up his sleeves. He then turned towards Kaede. "Wish me luck, Ayame-san." he said, pulling her into a kiss.

'N-N-Naniiiii?!?!?!?' Kaede thought.

"Oi, oi!!" Oogami called, feeling embarrassed as he watched this, "Are we going to fight or what??"

"Hai~!" Kayama chimed, releasing the shocked Fujieda and rushing to help out Oogami.

'Kya! The rumors are true!!' Kaede thought, her face all red. 'Neesan, how could you?! That singing imbecile!! That sweet, charming, idiot??! Why... Why does it hurt?' She moved backwards from the fight scene, when she stared down at the unconscious general. Searching his coat, she found a slip and a paper, and...

"Take that!!" both Kayama and Oogami sent everyone crashing either outside or into a big pile on the floor. They both grabbed Kaede by the arms and pulled her outside.

"W-What do you think you two are doing?? Can't I enjoy a drink??" she snapped, breaking away from them both.

Kayama sighed. "Mattaku... Aren't you going to bother thanking us, Kaede-san??"

"AH?!?" Kaede pointed at him, "Y-You know it's me?!!?"

"Of course I do! I was just playing along! You're the cruel one; tricking men into thinking you're your sexy sister so that you can get free alcoholic drinks. Shame on you, Kaede-chan!"

"Mou! I am sexy too! I don't have to pretend!"

"I know, I know... And you didn't have to pretend to be concerned about my reputation. I know it was my mistake - I can't let you continue to take the credit for it anymore."

"Eh?" she uttered as he took her hands in his. "Kayama-kun...?"

"Kaede-san was the one who told me to take my job seriously otherwise people would get killed. I should have been less cocky and listened. Thanks to Kaede-san's voice I made it out of there. Thanks to Kaede-san, I lived. Therefore, I will always know which one is Kaede-san."

"Kaya..." He cut her off with another kiss, this time Kaede wrapping her arms around his neck - Oogami falling over in the background. "Chigau..." she uttered, pulling away, "It wasn't enough... I'm not that special... I couldn't save everyone..."

"Shh, the more we blame ourselves, the more apart we'll become. I don't want to be apart from Kaede-san again." he replied, releasing her, "Now let me get your bags and we'll go home."

Oogami watched as Kayama walked back into the bar. He let out a sigh. 'Now I want to kiss someone...' He turned to see Kaede. "Eh??"

She handed him the slip of paper. "Give that to Neesan." He slowly nodded. She then looked at the ticket in her hand. "I don't have much time."


"Tell Kayama-kun and Neesan... I'm sorry."

"What!" Oogami gasped. She just pushed him down and then took off running. "OI!! KAEDE-SAN!! KAEDE-SAN!!!" He got up on his feet and tried to go after her but already lost her in a crowd. "KAEDE-SAAAAN!!!"

Walking back to the bar, he found Kayama looking so cheerfully clueless. While he explained what happened, a steam whistle blew in the distant. And it started to rain.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
'That night, I had to explain to everyone that we couldn't stop Kaede-san from leaving. Ayame-san didn't say much, but I could tell in her face that she was sad beyond words. When I gave her the paper, she threw herself into a tough concentration - working out the details of her plan. Kayama... he went home with a broken heart.'

Oogami stood in the empty restaurant, thinking of all that happened on that day. He thought about things he could have done, and things that he had no control over. While he pondered this, he heard noise from the alley and went to check it out.

"Oi! Let me come with you, Ayame-san!" Kanna said, holding onto the woman's arm, "Maria is there! I want to talk to her! And it's too dangerous for you to go alone!"

"Kanna, this is something I have to do by myself. I'm sorry..." She karate chopped Kanna on the neck and knocked her out. Ayame rushed down the alley alone.

'Sonna! Ayame-san is going by herself?! I have to stop her!' Oogami thought, rushing outside. He ran into someone who saw what he saw and was thinking the same thing. "S-Sakura-kun?!"

"Oogami-san! We have to stop her!"


* * * * * * * * * * *
The two of them were soaked by the time they reached the Teigeki. The rainfall continued since that afternoon and it was getting worse. "Daijoubu kai, Sakura-kun?"

"Un..." she uttered, "There's Ayame-san. She's entering through the boarded window of the business office. She could turn off the traps in the lobby by inserting the codes in the office. Then in the lobby..."

"Go to the stage." Oogami replied, "But the stage's traps are highly dangerous, because that's the main switch for the traps. Let's follow her!"

In the dark, they fumbled through the business office. They could see that Ayame had already turned off the traps in the lobby. "Careful now. The traps in this area are still on. Kohran-san said that the traps here are 'sound' triggered. Any loud noise will set them off."

"Hai..." Oogami turned to see a flash in the window. 'Dammit! Thunder and lightning... Will Sakura-kun be okay??'

The crashing noise came and all of the traps went off. A screaming Sakura was helpless, but Oogami dove and knocked her down before any of the raining bullets could get them. "Kaminira-sama...!"

"Calm down!!" he cried, holding her still, "I'll protect you, so...!" But then the bullets all stopped. "Eh?! Did Ayame-san turn them off??!"

"I think the paper that Kaede-san gave her was the access code... OH!" An embarrassed Sakura broke away from him. "S-Sumimasen!"

"Daijoubu yo!" he replied, "Even if it seemed hopeless, thanks to Sakura-kun I decided to try something. I won't be satisfied with this type of life!"

"Oogami-san... hearing this makes me really happy... dakara... Since I met Oogami-san... atashi... atashi wa..."

Just then, all of the traps turned back on and a machinegun popped out of the wall - bullets raining though the air. "SAKURA-KUN!!!" Oogami watched as her body took the multiple rounds and fell to floor, a pool of blood surrounding her. "SAKURA-KUN!!! SONNA!!" Oogami cried, falling to his knees and cradling her head in his hands, "SONNA!!!!!!"

"Aa... ata...shi..."

"Sakura-kun..." he sniffed, watching as the life left her. He moved the hair from her face and leaned down to press a gentle kiss on her bloody lips. 'I'm sorry I couldn't protect you...'

After a moment of tears, Oogami tried to get himself together. 'Sakura-kun wouldn't want me to stop here. I must keep going.' He looked around. 'The traps stopped again. Could it be Ayame-san is struggling to keep them off? While they are off is my chance to make it to the stage!'

Oogami ran through the dark hall, holding Sakura's red ribbon in his hand. He knew they could turn on at any moment and then he would most likely dead. But he could see a light up ahead where the stage was. 'I'm coming, Ayame-san! Hold on!!'

When he got to the stage, he saw that someone had the spotlight on. He also say a podium lifted in the middle of the stage with light on it - where the code was to be punched in. He also saw blood.

"AYAME-SAN?!" he cried, rushing to her.

"Daijoubu desu." She replied, clutching the wound on her shoulder. A bullet ran in the air, grazing Oogami's arm. "Oogami-kun! Get back!!"

"Eh? Where did that come from??!" he uttered, turning to the shooter on the other side of the curtain. "Maria!"

"It's you again..." Maria uttered, loading her gun with new bullets, "Didn't I tell you not to return. Leave this place or you will be killed."

He held up the blood red ribbon. "Like Sakura-kun? Yes, she is dead. How many lives will be lost? Can't we all team up together instead of surging ahead alone?!"

"I am not surging. I am following my orders. If we had done that in the first place, we wouldn't be in such a predicament." Maria said, aiming for his head. "You are not one of us, so you wouldn't understand."

"I understand plenty!" he replied, "I finally understand... How important my position was. How much I truly belonged with the Hanagumi. How much you all needed me as much as I needed you all!"

"Shut up." Maria said, moving her aim lower and shooting him in the ankle. Oogami fell, feeling great pain. "We are all alone. In battle, in life. Nothing will ever change that. Not even a man like you!"

Ayame quickly moved in the way before Maria could pull the trigger. The two made eye contact and Maria's hand began to shake. "Will you shoot me? Will it make it better, Maria?" Ayame asked, "I admit... It should have been different. And I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, Ayame-san..."

"Is it? Maybe I should have died a long time ago. Maybe you all were better off."

"Chigau!!" Maria gasped, "We needed you Ayame-san!" Her green eyes filled with tears. "I needed you... Why did you abandon me here...?" Her gun fell to the floor. "Why...?"

"Maria... I'm sorry." she uttered. But all of the lights on the podium started going haywire. "EH!? The traps have reactivated!! Minna, run for cover!"

But the floor underneath them collapsed and the three of them fell through to the next floor. "MARIA!!" Oogami gasped, seeing her lying in a pile of debris, a board of wood impaled in her abdomen. "M-Maria...!"

She was crying, but smiling too. "Arigatou... Ayame-san, for coming for me..."

Ayame wiped her eyes. "Gomen nasai, Maria..." There was no answer as Maria's spirit drifted away. Ayame slowly turned away, crying. Oogami went to her and held her close, trying to comfort her. "Oogami-kun, I'm sorry..."

"Iya... I finally see now... This life shouldn't have been... We shouldn't met like this... but... You... I can't leave you now..."

"Oogami-kun, you have to go, before more unnecessary sorrow enters your heart. I cannot allow it." She touched his lips gently and smiled. "I will always be with you. Please, take care of everyone back home... and give my love to Kaede-san."

"Hai..." He looked into that lovely face he had yearned for, the eyes sparkling back into his. He then looked past her at the mirror that awaited him. With her help, he stood still facing her - as she remained between him and mirror. "Ayame-san... I..."

"I know," she whispered, pressing a kiss on his lips, then on his forehead. She walked around and stood behind him. "Please be on your way, Oogami-kun." She gave him a gentle push on the shoulders and Oogami found himself falling forward towards the mirror.

'I'm going home.' he thought as he fell through the glass, turning around to see Ayame looking down at him. Her tears splattered on his face as he fell deeper and deeper.

And then ---

* * * * * * * * * * * * to the final episode...