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1996, 1998, 2001 (c) Red Company, Sega Company
[] notes: takes place before Oogami was assigned to be Taichou. A little cute story. jill 7/11/1

" One Night I Remember "

As graduation draws near... and I pack my things in the bunk I've stayed for the past couple years, I can't help but think. Memories strong in my mind, I hope nothing will be taken for granted. The guys... nights on the deck... the laughs & lessons... we've had so much fun, do I really want to go?

Wearing his formal navy uniform, Oogami Ichirou shuts his suitcase. His eyes slowly move to the bed over his. A postcard is taped on the side, a vision of a quiet evening by the sea trapped in the photograph. Smiling, Oogami closes his eyes, thinking about that time...

* * *
It was a year ago... for Christmas break. The commanding officer of our class was too stubborn (as they say) to turn back the ship for the port in Osaka, so we couldn't get to the trains in time to go home. So, instead, we ended up at a seaport town off the coast of Kyushu. I didn't mind... after all, the only family I've known were my shipmates...

"Darn it, I wanted to see Mama too..." sighed the guy next Oogami as they walked off the ship in suits and ties, "It's been months! And it's the holidays too!"

Oh, this is my roommate and training partner, Kayama Yuichi. He's good at making jokes, but sometimes I don't know when he's serious... Is he ever serious? If you ask me, I have a bit of trouble understanding this guy.

"What about you, Oogami?" Kayama said, turning to him, "Don't you have to go home to celebrate the holidays too?"

Oogami rubbed his head. "My family is all dead. I'm alone in the world."

"That's..." Kayama's eyes watered. He suddenly threw his arms around him and started crying. "That's the saddest thing I ever heard!!!"

"W-Wait a minute! Calm down!!" Oogami cried, fearfully prying away from him. The other guys were staring at them in as much surprise. He quickly noted, "I don't mind. I've been on my own for a long time."

"Still... you don't have anyone..." Kayama whimpered, taking out a handkerchief and blowing his nose.

Oogami smiled. "Not true. I have all of you guys!" The other guys just grumbled and turned away. Suddenly, two burly arms grabbed Oogami by the hair. "UWAAH! SENPAI?!!"

"What are you two sissies going on about?!" the angry Senpai exclaimed, "This is your Christmas weekend - go and hit the bars and chase women like REAL men do!"

"Hit bars... chase women...?" Kayama and Oogami uttered, totally lost.

"AAARG!!" Senpai exclaimed, fists in the air and a vein popping out of his head, "You two sissies don't know anything!! Better stay with me before you go out and embarrass our squad!! We're not the only ones here and if the commanding officers knew that I was part of a whoose-boy squad - I'll be laughed out of the academy! Now come with me, you damn sissies!"

"Y-Yes sir!!" they gasped, saluting him. He just sighed and dragged them along by the collars. Fortunately, there were many bars open this Holiday weekend and because of how south they were, the weather was pretty nice. Senpai brought them to one in particular by the beach. They could hear crowds and music inside.

"A lesson before you go in there." Senpai said, finally releasing them, "Be careful! Those females in there will take advantage of you!"

Oogami rubbed his head. "I-I think we can handle girls, right?" Kayama nodded.

"IDIOTS!!" Senpai screamed, scaring them both, "These are not the same girls you met in whatever small town you losers came from - these are 'city' girls!! They're sneaky and full of deceit! That money bonus we gave you - hold onto it for dear life and DO NOT believe a single word they say!"

"Y-Yes sir!!" Kayama and Oogami cried fretfully.

Senpai sat down at the pier, still angry. "They'll make you believe that you're the greatest and then walk all over you the next minute... they don't give a damn about your feelings because they think - oh, he's a man, so he doesn't have any. BULL! And then next thing you know, she's run away with a ramen stand owner... DAMMIT, YURIKO!!!"

"A-are you okay, Senpai??" Kayama uttered, feeling worried.

"L-Let's leave him alone with his issues..." Oogami suggests, dragging him off by the arm. "Hmmm..." He stopped in front of the door. "Should we go?"

Kayama frowned. "I've never had a girlfriend before and I never really talked to one... does Mama count??"

"We are inexperienced as Senpai says... we better stick together. Who knows what's going on in there." Oogami said, finally opening the door. They could see the lively place filled with smoke and loud music. Already their shipmates were gathered at a table, each with a lady close by. "Yo kimi-tachi!" Oogami chimed, waving.

"Great, who invited those guys..." said the leader of the group, "Oogami, Kayama - aren't you supposed to be with Senpai??"

"He has issues." Kayama explained, "A-ano... is it all right if we hang out with you?"

"Hell no!" blurted out one cadet, but the leader swatted him on the head. Oogami crossed his arms; this group was always together on the boat, since they came from the same town. Not only that, but they were rowdy and always joking around during drills. "Fine!! These goody-goodies can stay!"

Kayama and Oogami pulled up some chairs and sat at the table nearby, ordering drinks from the waitor. "Two ramunes!" Oogami chimed. He saw the faces of the group, because they didn't order any alcoholic drinks. Oogami was only seventeen. He didn't really had a chance to drink; except sake in ceremonies. 'Wah, we are losers... no girl would talk to us...'

Just then, the door opened and another group arrived. "Hah?" Kayama uttered, scratching his head, "They're women, but... they seem to be... nearly bald...?"

Leader elbowed him in the ribs. "Don't you know! We're not the only squad coming here for break! And there's a special class in the academy of all women... that must be them!"

"They s-shaved their heads like us??" Oogami stammered, "Wow... that took guts!"

"Heh, if you ask me - they're a different kind of women. Keep yer distance. I wouldn't fraternize with them. They think they're as good as us! Cheh! Well, they're so wrong! Women can't be in the military!"

Kayama and Oogami turned their heads. One girl in particular was looking directly at them. She had brown eyes and a sparkling smile. "S-She's coming this way!" Oogami gasped, as a shaking Kayama grabbed his arm, "K-Knock that off!"

"See ya guys later. We've lost our appetite." Leader grumbled, he and his group leaving.

"What's with them?" asked the girl, sitting across from them. "Oh well, more beers for us!"

"N-Nice to meet you... I'm student 50115 from class A." Oogami blurted out.

"And I'm student 50116 from class A." Kayama blurted out.

The girl just stared at them, then burst out laughing. "We're off duty, remember! Relax - I'm not going to take your money and run. I've got the same bonus too."

"(She has a point.)" Kayama whispered, as they relaxed their shoulders, "(Still, she's a female... I don't know what to do...)"

"(Me neither... Senpai didn't give us the proper training...)"

"Well for starters, you could offer me a drink." the girl said, "Better yet, let's introduce ourselves. I want to know your given names - not your formal ones though."

"Oh... ore wa... I-I'm Ichirou! 17 years old"

"And I'm Yuichi, 18 years old! Nice to meet you!"

She again laughed. "That's funny! Both of you have the 'ichi' (#1) kanji in your names. It's like it's meant to be!"

"W-What's that suppose to mean?!" Oogami cried, his face all red.

Kayama patted him on the shoulder, "She's just saying it's like a sign that we're friends... our namesakes led us to each other, so it must've been decided before we even met, or even were born. It's like they say 'Return to your roots for answers; what brings life hold great truth.'"

"My, that was impressive. Are you the top of your class, Yuichi-kun?" the girl asked.

"Aa... actually, my friend here is! He's much better at the training than I am!" Kayama laughed, "By the way, you didn't introduce yourself, Ojou-san."

"Oh right! I'm student 450991 from class AA. My name is Kaede, 19 years old!"

"Kaede-san... that's a pretty name." Oogami said, "Ano... you don't mind hanging out with us younger ones, do you?"

"Eheh, we're only a year or two different, there's no problem. It's just I'm wanted some distance from my squad right now. Graduation is this year and... well, it'll be sad to be separated."

"I see," he uttered, rubbing his chin, "Then, you're trying to make things easier for when you leave. We graduate in a year or so, so it'll be a while before we even think about leaving."

Kayama frowned. "But we've been friends since the beginning... it'll be too heartbreaking to be separated from my best friend, even if I'm transferred to somewhere cool..."

Both Kaede and Oogami stared towards him; he looked really depressed. Meanwhile, their drinks had arrived and Oogami proceeded to open their ramune bottles, popping the marble stopper out. Kaede sipped her beer quietly, thinking of something to say.

"Aa! I know!" she chimed, "Cheer up, Yuichi-kun - I mean, you never know if you'll be transferred to the same district; it happens. And who knows, maybe after graduation, you could meet up together in a place like this. And drink ramunes together!"

"I guess that could happen." Kayama said, sipping his bottle, "But since we're both at the top of our class, wouldn't it be necessary to spread out cadets of that caliber?"

"True." Oogami uttered, "But right now, the purpose is to protect Teito. Who knows, maybe they'll need an extra hand with guys like us!" He looked around at the smiles now on his comrade's faces. He slowly lowered his head. "I-I feel uneasy speaking about the future..."

"Ichirou-kun, it's okay to think about it." Kaede noted, "I sometimes wonder myself... where will I be in a couple years. Who knows what the future might bring."

"Sou ka... I wonder if I'll ever fulfill my dream of protecting Teito..."

"Nani? Your dream isn't to meet some girl and settle down??"

Oogami turned red. "Uwaaah... I've never thought about... I-I just want to fight for peace... is that bad?"

Kaede tapped him on the forehead. "There's more to life than just fighting. A man cannot go through his life without love or friendship. Someday, your spring will come... someday, Ichirou-kun!"

Smiling he nodded. But then he blinked and looked around. "Haaah?? W-Where did Kayama go?!" Oogami gasped, looking for his friend. They spotted him, standing by the stage, looking at the band that was playing. Kaede and Oogami quickly went over to him.

"Sugoi naa!" Kayama gasped, "Look at how he jives on that guitar! This music is making my heart pound!"

"Sure is!" Kaede cheerfully said, holding out her hands, "Want to dance?"

"HAAAH?!" Kayama and Oogami gasped, "W-With you?!?" She nodded, taking their hands and pulling them onto the floor. "Waaaah!! We don't know how...!!"

"Maa maa!" she laughed, "You two need to learn a thing or two if you ever want to have a relationship with someone! First things first, forget about everyone watching you and move your feet with the music!"

"Y-Yes sir!!" they exclaimed.

Sooner or later, they got the hang of it. The three of them dancing in a circle, they managed to make up some new moves. Laughing at themselves, they didn't realize that the band on the stage loved them. "Oi kimi-tachi!! You cool cats come up here!!"

"Hah? Us??" Oogami gasped as Kaede happily went up, pulling Kayama along and then him, "Waaah, on stage?!?"

Kayama was given the guitar and he handed the microphone to Oogami. "Yoshi! Let's show this place how to party!" he chimed, "How about that song you made?"

Oogami nodded, loosening his tie, while Kayama told Kaede the lyrics so she could sing along. Oogami then held up the microphone. "A one, two, three...!!" Kayama started to play the guitar as Kaede took over the drums, Oogami starting to sing.

"I'm just a lone, loner~!
I don't have any love
Months and days go by
The years fly by
And I still don't have any love~!"

Kayama and Kaede leaned in for the chorus:
"Come spring, come!
Hurry spring love!
Under the cherry tree
I'll wait for you..."

* * *
After many encores and dancing the night away, Kaede and the boys walked outside. The band had given Kayama the guitar since he was so good with it, and he held his prize as he sat on the pier, next to the still-weeping Senpai.

"Cheer up, Senpai! You don't know what the future has in store for you. You'll meet some other lady, maybe a nice one like Kaede-san."

"Kayama no yarou..." he whimpered, "Jaa... it's getting late. Aa, who cares. No one is waiting for me... I'm sooo alone in the world!!"

"So not true" Oogami chimed, "You've got us, Senpai!"

"Honto ni!" Kaede replied, crossing her arms, "This has been a fun evening. And what great night... the ocean really looks beautiful from here..."

"Doesn't it?" Kayama sighed, gazing off, "Even if men live to die... what remains was already here... while the world ends tomorrow, the ocean will never disappear..."

"Sugoi!" Kaede exclaimed, "What amazing guys! I know you two will have a great future."

"Aa, demo..." Oogami uttered, turning to her, "Kaede-san too... I hope your future will bright."

"Arigatou yo!" she replied, bowing her head. "I'll treasure our time together. But I really must be leaving. Until next time, please take care of yourselves. Sayonara!"

"S-Sayonara..." Oogami and Kayama both turned and watched her walk away, down the boardwalk.

'Somehow we knew that they would meet her again... someday. Smiles on both of our faces, we sat down with Senpai on the pier, gazing out at the ocean. We stayed there all night, singing till dawn, till we felt tired and went back...'

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Oogami smiles at the postcard before slipping it into his pocket. I wish all my memories won't fade. But the years will pass on as always, and I'll become older and wiser. Who knows what people I will meet or things will happen to me. I only wish that my heart will be able contain all of it...

Whistling, Oogami put on his cap, his jet-black hair having grown out. He then picked his suitcase and his framed picture of him and Kayama, going for the door, singing softly:

"Come spring, come!
Hurry spring love!
Under the cherry tree
I'll wait for you..."

