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yooooo! here's another fic series. ^o^ this time i won't cave and make it a happy ending. to quote kayama in the next chapter to come: "People can't be happy all the time". and yes, this will be drama (or attempt to). i will also be trying to give the st3 girls more of a role too. i am almost done with chapter 2 for those in a mad hurry to read, so do not fret. see what happens when you write some giddy skits (you want to do the opposite ^_-) happy reading! jillM

sakurataisen(C) sega, red co, overworks 1996, 1998, 2001, 200

"All That Once Sparkled"

Chapter 1: the day I left

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Sakura sat in the manager's office, waiting for the vice-commander to get off the phone. As soon as she got the okay, she could begin to pack. Worry filled her mind as she thought about home and how she wanted to be there in a second. She also felt guilt at what she was leaving behind.

"Ah... hai..." Kaede uttered, finally hanging up the phone. She had a weary look as she pushed her bangs out of her face and tried to concentrate on the paper work in front of her. She then lifted her eyes to Sakura and forced a smile. "Sorry you had to wait so long. I know you are in a hurry."

"It's okay. You had important business."

"Yes, but your grandmother..."

"Hai..." Sakura replied, her hands clutching the telegram that she received that morning, "I'm very sorry... for inconveniencing everyone."

"No, not at all, Sakura. You go home and take care of your family business first - that is much more important."

"H-Hai... demo..."

"Do not worry about us. We will manage."

"Have you gotten a hold of Oogami-san yet?"

Kaede's eyes fell. "I... I will get to it." she said, her voice becoming a bit shaky. Sakura could tell she had said the wrong thing at the wrong moment. She had heard the rumors already, and couldn't be shocked anymore. Yet, she was now starting to understand why Kaede would distance herself from them when they talked about it.

"Kaede-san, I'm sure when Oogami-san comes back - everything will be okay."

Kaede nodded her head silently, still staring down at the desk. Right now, the Teigeki was without a commander, and she was the one who had to carry the burden of keeping them in function. As soon as Kanzaki pulled his funds, the other patrons started doing the same. But it wasn't only funds - the Wise Men council had suddenly turned against them. That is, as soon as Hanakoji had passed away. The Teikoku Kagekidan - what Yoneda and Hanakoji worked so hard to create - what has protected the capital for so long - was on the brink of termination.

"I will pack now." Sakura said, slowly standing. She stared one more time at Kaede and then moved to the door. "Shitsureishimasu.

When the girl had left, Kaede got up from the desk and moved to the window. She hadn't slept or eaten anything since yesterday when she heard the news of Hanakoji's death. Before she could even start mourning, all of these events started to rapidly fall into place.

Closing her eyes, she couldn't help but think back to three months ago...

"Please excuse my intrusion..." she said, going to open the door and walk into Oogami's room. "What did you need to see me for, Oogami-kun?"

He was sitting at his desk, in his usual mogiri uniform. "I was going through my stuff and found all these. So, I was wondering if we could look at my photo albums together."


He quickly got up and offered his seat. "I don't think you've seen these ones."

"No I haven't..." she replied, accepting the album as he swung around her chair and leaned against it. "Hehe, I can't believe you have this one."

"What kind of face are you making, Kaede-san??"

"You know, when I first arrived and there was a welcome party. It was the first time I saw Yoneda-shihainin drunk... I was a bit shocked."

"Yes, according to this picture - looks like you wanted leave the Teigeki even though you just came. Then again, I wanted to do the same when I first got here."

"We'd be in big trouble if you did. Whatever would we do without Oogami-kun?"

"What would we do without Kaede-san??"

Kaede quickly turned back to the album. "... Ah, well... Huh?"

"What is it?"

"You sure have lots of bromides of the girls."

"T-That's true... Only because Tsubaki-chan said if I collected them all I would get the special editions ones. T-That's why!"

"Heeeh, Oogami-kun, you even have one of Ayame-neesan."

"Yeah, but I was disappointed there was never a bromide of you."

"Oh please..."

"Seriously! There should be a Kaede-san bromide! I would buy it!" Oogami then turned for his closet. "Ah, hold on!"

"Hm?? What's this??" she asked as he handed her another album. She lifted the cover. "Waaah?!?!"

Over her shoulder, Oogami grinned. "Are you surprised??"

"T-This is an album... of me???"


"All of these pictures...!" Kaede stammered, flipping through the pages, "Are of me??"

"Right again!"

Kaede slowly turned around, blushing. "Um... I'm a little embarrassed..."

"Don't be... You have a great smile."

"Oogami-kun... Arigatou..."

The two looked into each face for a dokidoki moment, but Kaede tried to snap herself out of it. "I should go..."

"Wait, Kaede-san...!" he said, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Don't, not just yet."

"I shouldn't be here... I mean you should be packing. You're leaving tomorrow morning aren't you?"

"You know I'm only going to Paris to break it off with Glycine... This way, we can be together."

"Oogami-kun... I still feel uneasy about this..."

"Don't worry." he said softly into her hair, "Everything will work out."

But even as he said it, Kaede did not feel that it would be. To her, it was all wrong for her to be there and accepting his affections and begin to return them to him. So she kissed him goodbye that night. She knew that as soon as he arrived in Paris, he would forget about her and somehow that was exactly what happened.

"Out of sight, out of mind... ne, Oogami-kun?" Kaede said, gazing at her reflection in the window. But she had no time to feel heartbreak. She had to protect the most precious thing in the world to her - and somehow bring Oogami back to Teito in time.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

In Paris, news of Teikoku Kagekidan's situation had not been released. The Wise Men council made it so that no personnel could talk about it openly until all the details had been properly finalized. That way the media could not make a big hysteria of it. Also, use of kinematron was being monitored and the network was to be shut down for 48 hours.

But the Paris Kagekidan and all the employees of the Theatre Chattes Noires had other dilemmas of their own - such as an upcoming wedding. The Bleumer Family's future bridegroom had arrived in Paris three months ago. However, knowledge of his actual arrival didn't come until one month later, when he was found out. Apparently, he was afraid to show up - and with good reason. As soon as he was found out, Glycine made him keep the promise he had made to her six months prior. And one month later (now), he stood in the Bleumer Mansion welcoming guests to his engagement party.

"Thank you for coming..." he uttered, wearing a black tuxedo and standing next to his bride-to-be in a blue gown with her blond hair up. "Wow... so many people..."

"Yes of course." Glycine replied, her arm wrapped around his, "Not only all the patrons to the Chats Noir is here, but all of my family friends as well. Do you not like big parties?"

"Ah, I've been to a couple..." he stammered, thinking back to the ones held by Sumire and Orihime's families.

"Good. We shall have many parties when we are married. It is a family tradition you know."

"Yes of course... Um, Glycine, could you excuse me for a moment. I need to get some fresh air."

"Are you okay? You have been stressful all evening long."

"Ah, of course I'm fine." he laughed. "Well, I'll be right back." He then left the hall with a quickened step. Glycine watched with some worry, before her guests drew her attention back.

As soon as Oogami got away from the party and into the deserted area of the house, he ran into the arms of someone who was waiting for him. "Oogami-san!"


In the dark room, the two embraced each other for a while without saying a word. Hanabi lifted her face to his, blushing. "Oogami-san... Are there a lot of people?"

"Yes, I don't know if I can go through with it."

"You must... Otherwise..."

"I know. After tonight, there'd be no way I could talk Glycine out this marriage. But I... I just can't..."

"Really?" she asked, her green eyes looking up at him helplessly.

Oogami gazed back into those eyes, thinking. 'It's very ironic. I came to Paris 3 months ago to break it up with Glycine... Only I ended falling for Hanabi-kun, while still keeping my engagement... Now, I have my back against the wall. I must do something, before someone gets hurt. I can't keep this up...'

Even as he was thinking this, he was going to kiss Hanabi. Shy as ever; she started to anticipate it, when all of the lights turned on.

"What is going on here!"


Glycine walked up to them, her face full of mixed emotions as she looked at her fiancé and her friend wearing a yellow gown in each other's arms. "Hanabi... what are you doing here with him? Tell me!"

"I-I'm so sorry, Glycine!" Hanabi cried, racing out to stop her from going towards Oogami, "It's all my fault! I found out that Oogami-san was here before everyone and... and I..."

"You what...?"

Hanabi shook the hair out of her eyes to show the resolution in her face. "I stole him from you."

"I... I can't believe it..." Glycine uttered, "You... You of all people...?"

"I said I am very sorry!"

"But how could you do this, Hanabi! You have been my best friend since...!"

"I know, but it's not like I can control these feelings...!"

"You're not just betraying me... but have you already forgotten about Phillip?!"

"T-That's not fair! How dare you say that...!"

Oogami watched from the side as two best friends fought - fought over him. Hanabi was already crying, while Glycine tried as hard as she could not cry, but even she could not stop the tears that trickled down her cheeks. The knife in the heart was all too much to bear, even for a proud member of the Bleumer family who had been through worse ordeals than this.

Oogami felt sick in his stomach and quietly crept away from the room without their notice. 'What have I done... I have come here and ruined two people's friendship...' He stood outside, regretting him being there. But he also felt the same when he was in Teito. It didn't matter where he went - something always made him feel this way.

Without telling anyone, he left the party and walked to the Theatre Chattes Noires. He figured no one would be there since they were all invited at the party. He entered through the empty lobby and sat down in the audience seating.

'I want to be free of this... forever...' he thought, loosening his tie, 'But when this peace ends, they will need me again. I cannot run away, but I...'

It was then he heard his mini kinematron go off. He checked the message and saw that it had been from his own kinematron back in the Bleumer mansion where he was now staying - saying that there was an urgent call from Teito awaiting him and that he had less than 2 hours to answer it.

'What is this all about? I don't think I want to go back to that house - if Glycine and Hanabi-kun are still angry... I think I can use one of the kinematron around here and call them back.'

Oogami went into the secretarial office that had been locked, but he had a key. He sat down in Mell's desk and took her kinematron out, going to dial the Teigeki's private number. 'Come on... Pick up...' he thought, worried about what the urgent news was, 'Ah!'



Both felt relieved to see each other after 3 months, but had too many problems going on to show any enjoyment in it.

"What is the emergency, Kaede-san? Is everything okay at the Teigeki?"

"Ah, well... You just need to come home right away."

"Why? What's happened?"

"I am not allowed to discuss it with you right now. Please, just come home."

"Kaede-san...?" he uttered, sensing the distress in her voice, "You can't leave me hanging like this. If it's so important why don't you tell me...?"

"Because I can't!" she cried, "Please, just come home right now! I beg of you, Oogami-kun!"

Oogami was surprised; Kaede was not a person to beg. Whatever was happening in Teito, it was worth all this trouble indefinitely. However...

"I will try... I still have some business to take care of. I will call again later..."

"No, you can't. The kinematron system is about to be shut down. We will not be able to contact each other unless by telegram."


"I'm sorry, Oogami-kun... But you have to make this choice. You must come back to Teito right away, or else..."

"Or else...?"

Kaede's eyes saddened, as she could not say it. Without another word, she hung up. She tossed her kinematron aside and covered her face. 'Everything... Everything will be gone...'

For a long time, she sat in her chair and tried gather herself together. No doubt he had to be strong -she knew the other girls needed her to be. Going to change out of her military uniform and into casual clothes, she decided to see how the others were doing. But she was first stopped in the hallway.

"Kaede-san," Sakura said, wearing her traveling clothes and carrying her suitcase, "I am ready to go."

"Do you want me to see you off?"

"No, it is all right... You are needed most here. I... I will try to get back as soon as I can, so please...!" Sakura went up to her face and held her hand. "Please take care of everyone and hang in there! I will be back, I promise!"


Sakura smiled and took a step back. "Well, I shall be going now."

"Take care."

"You too." Kaede uttered.

The girl nodded her head and turned for the stairs. As she walked outside, she hadn't see any of her comrades. Since the bad news had started to pour in, they had all started to isolate themselves. Maria was in New York helping the new Kagekidan there, so their most rational member was missing.

Sakura took one more look back at the Teigeki, staring up at the grand entrance. She couldn't help but feel her vision blur, so much she had to wipe her eyes.

'I will come back... so please... don't disappear...'

* * * * * * * * end of chapter 1

onto chapter 2
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