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Yes, this would be how the game worked. Let's see, if you won ST1 with Sumire, then ST2 with Orihime, then ST3 with Glycine, then ST4 with Hanabi... or something like that. Thank goodness I've played st3 at least twice to feel comfortable writing about the characters. Although, I didn't really pay attention to Coquelicot and Lobelia (I'm going for them in round 3!) I think there will be 1-2 more parts - this will be a very short series. Please enjoy. ~jillM sept182002

Sakura taisen (c) sega, red co., overworks 1996, 1998, 2001, 2002

"All that once sparkled"
Chapter 2: A friendly parting

Oogami's eyes slowly open. He was lying in a soft bed and sunlight was coming in from somewhere. 'Hmmm... what happened... where am I...?' He suddenly felt a leg brush against his. Slowly he turned his head and saw the brunette who was there next to him, still sleeping.

"E... ERICA-KUN?!?!?!"

"Mm??" Erica's eyes flickered open and she yawned. Sitting up in an oversized nightshirt, she rubbed her groggy brown eyes. "Is it morning already?"

"Erica-kun! What-what-what am I doing here???!"

"Ah! Oogami-san!" she said, becoming very awake and happy all of a sudden, "OHAYO GOODMORNING BONJOUR!"

Oogami had lost all color in his face. "H-Heeey! Tell me what's going on! Why am I in your room?!"

"Hm? You don't remember?"


Just then, they heard some pounding on the door. "OIIIIIII!! ERICA!!!"

"Yes, Lobelia! I'm coming~!"

"W-Wait!!" Oogami gasped as Erica got up and opened the door. Becoming covered with sweat, he saw Lobelia peer into the room. "Um... uh...!"

"If it isn't the culprit from last night??" she chuckled, walking around Erica and towards the bed. "Well, Taicho, this is where you ran off to. Everyone was looking for you after that great disaster you caused."

"Are Hanabi-kun and Glycine all right?"

"That's right!" Erica said, "Glycine-san and Hanabi-san were found fighting in the west wing. Glycine-san even went so far as to challenge Hanabi-san to a duel!"

"WHAT??!" Oogami gasped, climbing out from under the covers. He was still in the tuxedo from yesterday - minus his shoes and tie. He was glad that Erica did not try to check if he was wearing traditional Japanese underwear. "Did Hanabi-kun accept?" he finally asked.

"Aa," Lobelia uttered, "It will take place today... noon on Glycine's boat."

Oogami didn't say anything; he knew he had to stop it since he had caused it. But he also needed to leave as soon as he could. He kept thinking about Kaede's call. 'What could it be? Is it that important if she wouldn't tell me??'

"Now, what's this about corrupting the sister as well??"

"Lobelia! I didn't...!" he cried, looking from her to Erica, "I-I mean... I don't think I've done anything..."

Erica replied, "Oogami-san, don't you remember? You were sleeping in Chats Noires when I arrived back from the party. I didn't want you to catch cold so I brought you here."

"T-That's it?" he uttered, feeling relief.

Lobelia smiled. "That's not the story I'm going to tell everyone..."


"Taicho, I think you have more important things to worry about. Let's see if you can get yourself out the mess you created."

"You're right..." Oogami looked to the floor. "But I..."

Erica reached over and took his hand. "Oogami-san, I'm sure if you're honest and explain everything, they will understand."

Lobelia shrugged. "I don't know about all this honest stuff. If you really told it how it was, it would only make them angrier. I say first get back on their favorite lists and they'll soon forget it. I mean that's what you always did in the past anyways..."

"HEY!" Oogami snapped. 'Yet, it's the truth. All I have to do is win both of them back and then this all will be history...'

"By the way, Erica" Lobelia said, "I was coming to get you because Grand Mere was asking for you. It seems she wants you to go look for this lowlife player..."


"Oogami-san, we better go see her." Erica interrupted, while going over to her dresser to get her clothes, "You wait outside. I'll be ready in a minute."

"Right..." he said, he and Lobelia stepping outside the room. "Um, Lobelia... you're not really going to tell everyone that I spent the night with Erica-kun, are you??"

"Hmmm..." Lobelia rubbed her chin, a devilish look in her eyes. "I might not, if you do me this favor..."

Oogami went pale. "W-What kind of a favor...?" She just let out a low laugh. "N-No way... I'm not going to...!!!"

"Idiot," she sighed, smacking him on the back of the head, "Stop thinking nasty thoughts; it's not that kind of favor. I'm looking towards some hard cash - a healthy sum, if you know what I mean..."

"Haaa... Got it..." He then froze. "GEH?!"

"BASTARD!!" Glycine gasped, standing at the bottom of the stairs. She instantly took out her ax and raced up the stairs, swinging right at him. "Is this where you went!!"

"UWAAAH!!" Oogami cried, ducking just in time, the blade of the ax getting stuck in the wall. While Glycine worked to pull it out, Oogami circled behind Lobelia. "Aren't you going to help me out?"

"Hm? Are you speaking to me?"


"I'd be crazy to go near that freak! Just do what that nun told you to do! I can't do that for you!"

"What? B-But I...!" Oogami would've been able to argue with her, if Glycine had given up on the ax and put him in a headlock. "Uuuuugggg!!!"

"Were you not engaged to me for the last six months!? Was that not your intention?!" she snapped, tightening her hold, "Or were you just lying to my face!?!"

"G-Glycine-san!" Erica cried, coming out of her room, "Stop it please! Oogami-san can't breathe!!"

"Gly... cine..." Oogami managed to say, "Please... let me... explain..."

"So, you will be honest?" she said, finally letting him go. Oogami took a moment to recover, while she waited with her hands on her hips. "Well? Are you going to tell me why you were with Ha--- I mean, that person called Kitaooji."

"W-Well... the reason is..." He looked at her, then over at Lobelia and Erica, then back at Glycine. "Um..."

"Yes??" Glycine said, still waiting. Without any warning, Oogami bolted for the stairs. "HEY!!! YOU COME BACK HERE!!"

"Oogami-san!?" Erica cried, "Wait!!"

Lobelia sighed. "Figured the wimp would run..."

* * * * * * * *

It was evening in the Teigeki. Kanna had the night watch duty and was checking the lower level. There, she saw Kohran was with the koubu. "Aa, Kanna-han..."

"It's late, Kohran. Shouldn't you get some rest?"

"I will..." the pigtailed girl uttered, as she looked down at the plans she created. "I just keep thinking if I upgrade the koubu... maybe they will reconsider..." She let out a quiet laugh. "I'm only kidding myself, na?"

Kanna turned off the flashlight and took a seat next to Kohran on the floor, also taking a look at the blueprints. "I was doing the same earlier. I thought I should go train again in Okinawa - that if we upgraded ourselves, maybe... but it's not us or the koubu... It's politics, and I don't know anything about that stuff."

"Sou ya na... How are the others doing?"

"They're all in their rooms now. No one is talking... even though tomorrow morning, the decision could be finalized and all of us could be told to leave this place."

Kohran dropped her tools at hearing this. Fighting that urge to give up, she shook her head and reached for a wrench. "Hopefully some giant Kouma would attack Teito, and they will come running to us again..."

"Heh! That would be convenient!" Kanna chuckled sadly, "Unfortunately, we're so good - there hasn't been any attacks for a long while. And their new defense plan for any future attacks don't seem include us."

Kohran slid off her glasses. "We are... obsolete?"

"I suppose you can say that..." Kanna uttered. She then held her head in her hands, cursing. "Kusooo, if only Taicho or Maria were here! Then I wouldn't feel so... so defeated..."

"Maria-han is still in New York, and there's no way we can contact her in time. And Oogami-han is in Paris. We're on our own."

Kanna nodded, while watching Kohran continue to work on the koubu. She then started to help, for there was nothing else they could think of to do for their situation.

'After tomorrow... we might not see each other again...'

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Kaede sat at her desk, staring down at the memo she was trying to write. She couldn't, her head hurt too much. 'Maybe I should rest... I can't do anything when I'm like this...' Turning around, she saw that her curtains were flying back from a breeze. 'When did I open my window...? ...Masaka...!'

"Kayama-kun!!" she called, even before she looked outside. Sure enough, sitting on the ledge was Kayama. He was wearing his navy uniform and seemed very deep in thought. "Ne, how long have you been out there?"

"For a while now."

"Why don't you come in? It's cold and I'd like some company."

"Pardon the intrusion... TOH!" Kayama took a look into her face and shook his head. "This is not good, Kaede-san. You look exhausted. You must take better care."

"H-Hai... Its just there is so much going on; I can't stop now..."

"Oogami isn't coming, is he?"

"I don't think so."

The two fell silent. Time was running out. Even if they did convince Oogami to come - he probably wouldn't make it in time. And there was no guarantee if he did come, everything would be made any better. The minds of the council were already set.

"So, how things going for the Tsukigumi?"

"What Tsukigumi... We're done."


"Aa," he uttered, going to sit beside her on the edge of the bed, "I was notified today of our disbandment. I heard from Kasumi-san that the same happened to the Kazegumi."

"Soon the Hanagumi will follow."

"Seems that way... But I will go on. I've been promoted by the Navy and must partake in a special duty overseas."

"When do you leave?"

"Tomorrow morning."

"Kayama-kun!" she gasped, "T-That soon?!"

"That's why I'm here. There's something I've been meaning to tell you... these past 3 months..."

"What is it?" she asked as she watched him stand before her, his fists clenched at his side. "Kayama-kun...?"

"It was I who convinced Oogami to go to Paris. I knew he would go back with Glycine-san and forget you. I knew it, and yet I made it happen. And in the end I caused you a lot of sadness."

"This is what you wanted to tell me?"

"Aa, Oogami would still be here if I hadn't intervened. He could've helped fight for the Teikoku Kagekidan's survival, and we might not all be pulled apart like this. Not only that, but I've denied you perhaps your one chance at happiness." He bowed his head. "I am sorry, Kaede-san. You have every right to be angry with me. Please punish me in any way that you like - it doesn't matter, because after tomorrow we won't see each other again."

Kaede rose on her feet and lifted her hand. Instead of smacking him across the face (as he expected), she rested it gently on his check. "Kayama-kun..."


"Even if Oogami-kun didn't go, I still wouldn't have been happy. How could I knowing that there was someone else, waiting for him to keep his promise... and all the girls here he once loved watching with hurt. There's no way."

"I understand, but Oogami isn't here when we need him to be."

"That is true. But we can't rely on Oogami-kun always."

"You're right." he said, moving to her dresser and picking up a photograph of everyone. "Well, we did our best, protecting the city... protecting people's dreams. With the plays and the battles, we disillusioned everyone - including ourselves - that this was a happy world, where we could live as we liked..."

"In reality," she noted, "There are people behind the scenes controlling everything... That this world is full of people out for themselves... That dreams are nothing more than just visions of what we don't have."

"People can't be happy all the time, Kaede-san. You know that and I know that. It's just... all along I've wanted to protect your happiness..."


Kayama moved to hug her, speaking into her hair. "Promise me you'll overcome this, Kaede-san... and someday... truly become happy."

She lifted her hands to his shoulders, closing her eyes. "Hai... I will."

He held her for a while. And when that warm feeling moved away, Kaede opened her eyes to see him by the window. "Goodbye, Kaede-san."

"Goodbye, Kayama-kun." she replied. He smiled for a moment, and then climbed out the window. Kaede rushed over to see him go, but he was already gone.

'Maybe I could've been happy... If I had stopped waiting... If I had been more honest with my feelings in the beginning...'

There was a knock and her door opened. "Kaede-han..."

"Ah, hai? What is it, Kohran?"

"I know it's late, but everyone's gathered in the central garden. We were wondering if you'd like to join us."

Kaede replied, "I'll be there in a minute." Kohran nodded and shut the door. Kaede took one last look out the window, a soft breeze blowing her hair back. 'I guess we shall never know, Kayama-kun...'

* * * * * * * * *

In the crowded marketplace, Coquelicot walked up to a bench and snagged the newspaper away from the person sitting on it. "ICHIRO! Is this where you went!!?"

"Waaah! Coquelicot!"

The girl pulled him up by the arm and started dragging him down the street, while scolding him. "Grand Mere told all of us to look for you. How irresponsible of you to run away after all that you did!"

"I know, but...!"

"It's almost noon! Glycine and Hanabi will be fighting, Ichiro!"

"Right..." he uttered, while breaking out of her hold. He turned to her, his face lowered, "I am ashamed of what I've done and should be the one to fix this."

While Oogami and Coquelicot raced towards the Bleumer Mansion, the duel was about to commence. "What do you think you're doing?" Glycine asked her opponent, as they were able to climb to the top of the boat.

Hanabi had her bow and arrows with her. "I told you: I am an archer. I am unfamiliar with fighting hand-to-hand combat."

"Yes, but the rules are to fight only in that way."

"And who designed the rules? We don't have to always do things your way, you know."

"This was my idea and we are using my boat - of course we must do things this way!"

Erica quickly rushed between them. "Hey hey! Let's not argue! In fact, let's forget about dueling, sit down and talk this out in a Christianly way!"

The other two girls just glared at her. Lobelia sighed. "Idiot, no one wants to do that. Just let them duel and get it out of their systems..."

"But what if someone gets hurt??"

Lobelia moved whisper in her ear. "(Look, neither are capable of actually hurting each other - they are lifetime best friends. Friends fight from time to time; this will pass.)"

"(I know... but...!)"

"(Just let them be.)"

Erica slowly nodded, then lifted her head. Glycine and Hanabi had already climbed to the top, having tied ropes to their ankles and each with an ax in their hands.

"The first one to fall off is the loser." Glycine said, gripping her handle and pointing it at Hanabi, "Are you ready?"

"Yes!" Hanabi replied, focusing on her opponent, "Let's go, Glycine!"

Below, Oogami and Coquelicot were arriving. "Look! They've already started!" Coquelicot cried, "Ne, Ichiro..." She saw that he was already climbing to the top, "Ichiro?!"

"Oogami-san!" Erica cried, "What are you doing?!"

'I have to stop them! I can't let them fight!' He lifted his head to see that Glycine was overpowering Hanabi. 'I must hurry!'

"What's the matter, Kitaooji?!" Glycine snapped, "Are you really fighting me seriously!? Or are you trying to get sympathy?!"

"Kyaaa!" Hanabi blocked the next swing with the handle. The weight pushed her back, her legs struggling to keep balance. "Glycine, I would never want your pity! And I won't give Oogami-san up to you either!!"

"Hmp! Even after saying those confident words, you shall be defeated!"

"STOP IT!!!!" Oogami cried, grabbing Glycine from behind.

"Unhand me!!" Glycine snapped, as he dragged her all the way to the other end of the pole. She started to struggle against him, trying to break out of her hold. "You dare interrupt an important duel!!"

"Hey!!" Coquelicot called from below, "That's dangerous! Ichiro doesn't have any rope tied on him!!"

"Stupid!!!" Lobelia yelled, "Get down from there now!!"

"Oogami-saaaaan!!" Erica screamed.

Oogami finally released Glycine but lost his balance and fell, holding onto the pole. "Waah..." he uttered, staring down at the depth below him. He lifted his eyes to see Glycine standing over him with her ax. "Glycine..."

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Hanabi cried, shooting an arrow.

Glycine was holding out her hand to Oogami when the arrow got her. In slow motion, she fell - tears in her eyes as the world went black.

'I am strong enough to bear any kind of sadness, and I can admit defeat... But to have lost you... it is too much.'

* * * * * * * * end of chapter 2

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