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Notes: (*o*) apologies to many! I jus started school and it had been a hellish week. Finally got time to type the rest up.

Song: "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes"; written by Jerome Kern & Otto Harbach for the 1933 musical "Roberta"

notes: for those who still are returning to this mailing list, osahiburi desu~! i hope you can remember how this fic goes (it's been so long!) now this is only half of the final chapter, because i am unable to finish it right now. actually i should be going to sleep very soon if i want to even try to get up. (normally i'd stay up till 2 and finish it, haha). but this is good! i can get feedback before i finalize it. i have an idea how it will end, but it's a matter of going thru with it.

well, here's the first half and then we'll have an intermission. (^_-) ~jillM

sakura taisen (C) sega, red co, overworks 1996, 1998, 2001, 2002

- All That Once Sparkled -
Final (1st half) "If you could remember"

* * * * * * * * * * * *
The sky was full of stars that night. Kaede stepped into the garden and found that the remaining girls were admiring the star-filled sky, while sitting in front of a small bonfire. Somehow in their faces were not sadness, but looks of warmth from being around people they cared about. She didn't want to disrupt it, so she quietly moved towards them. But it wasn't long until they had noticed her.

"Kaede-oneechan!" Iris chimed, her arms wrapped around Jean-Paul (who wore a cute matching scarf and hat). "Hurry and join us!"

"Everyone..." she uttered, seeing that they had a lot of food with them. "You're not going to sleep if you eat all of this..."

"Who wants to sleep," Orihime replied, munching on some candy, "You know when we wake up tomorrow, who knows what will happen. Let's just stay like this for a while."

"Besides," Kanna said, with a large drumstick, "I'm hungry!! I couldn't enjoy my meals today because everyone wasn't talking and who knows what they're going to do with all this stuff if we leave... Kaede-san, you didn't eat either so you better dig in!"

"H-Hai..." she stammered, finally going to take a seat next to Kohran, "But tomorrow, the decision will be made..."

"Whatever it is, we'll be ready for it." Kohran noted, "So you don't have to worry about us, Kaede-han."

"That's right... But I... I'm sorry, everyone."

"Eh??" No one was really sure what she was sorry of and stared at her with concern as she lowered her head. "???"

"I should've been able to protect the Teikoku Kagekidan..."

While everyone fell silent, Reni stood up and walked over to Kaede. "You know," she uttered, staring at the bowed head, "It doesn't matter."


"After tomorrow, we will be free to do as we please, right? All this stuff won't matter anymore."

"Eh??" Kaede was astounded. "H-How could you say that...?"

"It's true. For the first time in my life, I don't have to think about fighting. I can just be an ordinary person."


"Sou desu!" Orihime exclaimed, "Tomorrow 'protecting Teito' is off my agenda! I'm going to see Papa off to Italy where he is finally going to propose to Mama... and then I have my musical career...!"

Kohran nodded. "And I'll see Orihime-han off to Italy, before going to England where I'm going to meet up with some of my old colleagues..."

"But," Kaede gasped, "The decision has not been finalized yet. What if I could convince them tomorrow...?"

"Kaede-san," Kanna said, "Even if you could, it would be of great difficulty for you. For all that you have already done for us, it would be too much to ask. We talked it out, and we decided to let things fall into place."

"You're right. We've served our purpose - Teito is at peace, finally. But I..." she started around at all of them, "This type of ending... I..."

"Kaede-oneechan?" Iris stammered, worried for her.

'Dame yo,' Kaede thought, clenching her fists. 'I must be strong for the girls. Surely Oogami-kun could... If only he... Yoneda-shihainin, or Hanakoji-hakushaku... I have to keep it together... for everyone else...'

"Kaede-san..." Kanna swung a strong arm around her shoulders, "You can feel sad. You can feel anything you want."

"Because...?" she asking, on the brink of tears.

"Because you can."

Those words were enough to ease her, as she started to understand what the others. Without the need to fight or follow orders, they were going to be on their own. But even if they were apart, it was okay...

"Everyone, you're right. It's the end to the Teikoku Kagekidan... But it's not the end to everything."

"Right!" Orihime said, with an encouraging smile, "So cheer up! It's not like we're never going to see each other again."


Kaede watched as they started passing around more food and chatting with each other. 'Everyone is so strong already... Somehow... I too... for my own sake...'

"Kaede-san," Orihime was standing next to her, "You contacted Chuui-san, did you? Did he say anything about coming back soon?"

"Aa, well..."

"Sou... I guess I cannot say good-bye." Orihime sighed, "I wanted to say it to his face, not that it would matter to him. He stopped thinking of me right when he left Paris for the first time..."

'That's right!' Kaede thought, staring at the melancholy Italian-Japanese girl. 'Orihime was Oogami-kun's girlfriend at the time he first got transferred to the Paris Kagekidan... Wait, but I heard from the rumors that there was Sumire-kun beforehand... I suppose it would be best if Oogami-kun didn't come back. There are just too many hurting for him here. Maybe he could start over somewhere...' She then said in a little voice. "Hopefully..."

"Hm?? Kaede-san??"

"It's nothing. Shall we go over there now?" As they went to join the others, Kaede said to herself, 'Let's not meet again, Oogami-kun...'

* * * * * * * * * * *

In Paris, Oogami sneezed. It was extremely chilly in his fiance's room. Glycine was lying in the king-sized bed, her wounds taken care of by the family doctor. He sat in an uncomfortable chair, by the window. However no sunlight came in - it was absolutely gray out. Leaning his chin down on his hand, he stared at her sleeping face - half with relief and guilt.

'It's a good thing that Glycine is all right, but... now what am I supposed to do? Hanabi-kun and Glycine hate each other because of me. And they are awaiting my decision...'

He suddenly noticed that she had started to stir. His hand that had been holding hers moved away and he could see the injury in her eyes as she stared at him.

"Why... Why did you...?" Glycine asked as she tried to raise herself. She did this as a need for dignity. She hated feeling weak or low, her pride could never be defeated.

"Don't move." he said, quickly going to stop her from getting up. He gently made her lie back down, and turned for the door. "I'll bring the doctor..."

"No." she said, grabbing his wrist. "Don't leave me. I want to hear from you your reasons..."


"Please, Taicho. This is more painful than anything else. To finally hear it from you may ease it... I am tired of lies."

Oogami knelt at the bedside and looked into her hurt face. 'What should I say then... if she doesn't want lies, and the truth will only hurt her more... What more can I...?'

She took this silence as a sort of answer. "If you do not tell me, then I already know your cowardice. I cannot marry a man like that."


"Even if it were against my feelings, it would be a shame to the Bleumer name to marry such a weak-willed man as you. It has only made myself weak. I cannot bear it any longer. Be out of my sight!"

Just then, the doors burst open. "That is enough!" Hanabi had been eavesdropping, since Glycine had awakened right when she was going to enter the room. She looked angrily at her ex-friend as she approached the bed. "I... I am truly sorry for the injury I have caused you, but I cannot allow you to insult Oogami-san like this!"

"He is an insect... a mere parasite that feeds off the feelings of naive girls!"

"Are you that proud, that arrogant, Glycine, as to not admit your own hurt feelings?! Allow him to explain first!"

"Why should I give him a chance to explain if he haven't the guts to do so?!"

"WAIT!" Oogami quickly intervened before the argument got even heated. He could tell that Glcyine was suffering even more as she spoke, and Hanabi started to realize it as well. He moved between them, speaking softly. "I am so sorry, Glcyine, Hanabi-kun. I will make an explanation now."

"Please do." Hanabi replied, "We only want the truth."

"T-The truth..." he stammered, now feeling nervous. "It's... I... I..." He turned to the window and saw a flower petal flutter by. He suddenly thought about a night in Ueno Park when the Teikoku Kagekidan was celebrating one of their victories. He was sitting with his commander and vice-commander as the girls were chatting amongst themselves. He reached for the bottle of the sake at the same time of another. Their fingers touching, he lifted his eyes to Kaede.

"Ne, Oogami-kun..."


"Do you want me to pour for you?"

"Iya... I'm fine. But you go ahead."

"No, you..."

Yoneda had been listening to them and became a bit annoyed. "Nandayo~!? You two stop being so formal and drink! Which reminds me, we're running out. Kaede-kun! Go and get some more, will you!! Oogami, go with her to help carry so she could buy more!"

"H-Haai!!" they cried, still in military mode. They received the money and rushed off to perform their duty.

As they were walking back, Oogami noticed that Kaede had stopped. "What's the matter?" he asked, turning towards her. She had been facing the view of Teito. "Kaede-san...?"

"Just now, Teito seemed so peaceful. It's thanks to Oogami-kun..."

"S-Sonna..." he gasped, turning all red, "It's thanks to all the efforts of everyone. Not just me..."

"No, that's not what I believe. Oogami-kun, you really have a power over us. You make us want to do as much as we can and so many incredible things have happened..."

"Incredible things have happened to me too..."

"Such as?" she asked, giving his a curious look. He just gazed out to where she had been staring, "Ne, tell me already."

"I've met so many people who care for me... Who will support and believe in me... I feel so fortunate... I couldn't trade this for anything else in the world."

"I'm glad you feel the same way... But I... I always thought that it would be nice for Oogami-kun to settle down someday."


"Someday, when you're tired of fighting... When you want to return to a single person..."

"That would be nice... But who do you have in mind?"

"Someone of you choosing of course."

"Heeh?? What if I said it would be you, Kaede-san??"

"N-Nan desette?! Ch-Chotto, Oogami-kun...!"

"Hahaha, just kidding; don't worry about it. Let's head back now; Shihainin is waiting for us..." Oogami started to go back, but she remained there, her expression serious. "Kaede-san?"

"Oogami-kun... when that someday comes... when you finally decide on a single person... please, tell me who."

He put down the case of sake and faced her. "I would rather tell you now that the person I adore is..."

Kaede hushed him with a finger to his lips. Standing there, she read his eyes and knew what he wished would happen. She too... partially. Already she had been given enough warning from her sister of what Oogami was capable of and her position was also was at stake. But despite all of that, she couldn't help falling...

"Kaede-sa..." Though she had removed her hand, before he could say a complete word, she moved to kiss Oogami. All that her worries and all she had been wished before faded away in that instant. If the others were in the same park as them, she would have pursued this feeling. But she allowed it to go as quickly as it came and drew away from him. "M-Matte!" he gasped, while she picked up her case of sake and started to walk back. "Kaede-san! Wait a minute!!"

"I am your vicecommander," she replied, "I shouldn't be doing this."

"Is that what worries you?!"

"No, other things..."

"Whatever they are, I will make them go away!"

"Even if you can't... you will always be so dear to me. Right now, I can see that you aren't ready. I will wait for you to make that decision, when you can truthfully love only one person."

'Kaede-san...' He watched as she picked up the case of sake and started to go back. She turned to him and motioned him to follow. They walked back silently, but he was disappointed in himself.

'Is it too obvious? Am I really that inconstant? Why didn't I make that decision when I had the chance? Why must I keep making these mistakes??'

"The truth is..." he uttered, "I only came to Paris to break off my engagement with Glycine."

"I knew it!" Hanabi blurted out.

Oogami continued, "But I never intended a romance with Hanabi-kun. I never intended to go through with the engagement either. All I ever wanted... was..." He stared in their faces and could see the anger rise. 'It's time to be truthful.' He told himself, preparing the onslaught that should follow his confession. "I just wanted to be with Kaede-san."

"T-The Vice commander??!" Hanabi cried, "B-But how?!"

"That woman?!" Glycine exclaimed, "I was suspicious of her first when I stayed in her room! Why else would her room be next to yours?!"

"A-Ah, actually it's always been like that...!" he stammered, as it looked like the patient would leap at him any moment, "A-And why is this so surprising?!"

Hanabi replied, "I just figured that Fujieda-san had better taste. You and her just don't go so well together."

"HEY! What's that supposed to mean?!"

"You are lower than an insect, you are dirt!" Glycine hissed, "You only told lies from the beginning! Your promises have no validation at all!!"

"I feel bad for Fujieda-san," Hanabi noted, "Because you are such scum, she will be truly unhappy..."

"HEEEY!!" Oogami cried, "I intend to make Kaede-san VERY happy! J-Just as soon as I settled the business here!"

"So we are matters of business?" Hanabi asked, "Are we only here for your amusement? Why do you treat people like this?!" Unable to continue, she burst into tears.

"Hanabi-kun..." he said, watching her cover her face with her hands. "I am truly sorry. I never meant to hurt anyone..."

"If that is the case, then hurt me no longer. Please leave my sight forever."

"If that is what you want..." he uttered, backing away towards the door. He looked to Glycine, who just gave him a deadly glare. Without another word, he stepped out and closed the door behind him.


"Do not say anymore... It's more than enough to bear... I too shall be gone from your sight... I'll pack my things right away..."


Hanabi removed her hands from the tear-stained face. "I must. It's something I must do... For my betrayal of your trust and kindness... You may forgive me, but I cannot, will not ever forgive myself. Please honor my decision."

Glycine looked to her resolute expression and felt defeat. Her pain was as great as hers, and she knew not how to heal it. Before she thought she could do this so easily, but the words she had said and the feelings just would not go away.

"If this is what you want... then we will break ties."

Hanabi nodded and went to the door. She looked over her shoulder and mouthed the words 'Thank you for everything' before walking out. Glycine closed her eyes and heard the door close. Lying back down she cried, her heartbreaking.

'Goodbye, Hanabi...'

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Oogami walked into the lobby where Erica, Lobelia, and Coquelicot were waiting. He lifted his lowered head and saw their concern. "It's over." he told them, "My engagement."

"No way..." Erica gasped, "Then Glycine-san is...?!"

"She is mourning the lost of her best friend." he replied, "I take full responsibility for all of it, but I must leave now."

"Wait a minute!" Lobelia stopped him with a hand to his arm, "What do you think you're doing! Aren't you going to fix all of this, you bastard?!"


"Ichiro!! What are you saying?" Coquelicot exclaimed, "You must take responsibility for your actions!"

"No," he replied, continually to walk for the door. Outside it had started to rain and he had no jacket. He looked from outside back to them with a sad smile. "I am truly sorry. No matter how many times I say it, it would do any good. I would try to do my best to win you all back, but I cannot."

"Oogami-san...?" Erica asked.

"There is someone waiting for me."

With that, he stepped outside and left the Bleumer grounds. Now his objectives were clear; he had to return to the single person he chose a long time ago, the one he had forgotten.

'Wait for me... I'm coming home... Kaede-san...'

Before he even got away a block, his portable kinematron started ringing. "Hm?? A call from the embassy...?" His eyes widened at the information that ran across the screen. "WHAT?!"

to be continued... (*o*)