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Sakura Taisen (c) Red Company & Sega, 1996,1998,2001
here's the long awaited sequel to "smite the player - oogami-san you're going down!" enjoy! Jill 3/22/1

Smite the Best Man... Oogami-san, you must choose!
Part 1: "Longing for Home"

It was the same type of day for Oogami Ichirou... fighting against evil and protecting the capitol from harm. Only to gain his just reward - a handful of females drooling over him. He watched with slight nervousness as the girls violently turned on each other in a free-for-all catfight.

'Some things will never change...'

"Kyaaaa!" everyone screamed as one of Coquelicot’s circus elephants broke through the entrance, squishing them against the wall. "No fair!! That's cheating!!"

Coquelicot chuckled, "Ahahaha! Now Ichirou is mine!!"

But Oogami was no where in sight. He had immediately escaped their viewing and rushed back to his apartment. Triple locking the door, he kicked off his shoes and fell over on the floor. Exhausted as he was, another day of fast-paced Paris-life was gonna kill him.

'Is it just me or am I homesick??'

Closing his eyes, he recalled sunny pinics in Ueno Park, the cherry blossoms as thick as air around him. Not far, Yoneda was already drunk... Sumire and Kanna were arguing... Maria was showing him her new gun, Airisu and Reni were laughing about something... Orihime was pretending not to be looking at him... and Sakura was pouring him more sake.

'What a nice memory...' he sighed, still lying on the floor. But where he was at, spring was over and the air was polluted. The streets were crowded and cramp. Not a single cherry tree in sight... nor any friendly faces that gave him such happiness. 'Minna... I really miss you all...'

It was then he heard a beeping. Sitting up, he gasped, "The kinematron!!" Rushing over to his desk, he opened the case and saw the screen flicker. "H-Hai? Mushi mushi!!" he cried frantically, wanting to speak with anyone from his beloved homeland, "Is there someone...?!"

Finally the reception gave way and big smile appeared on the screen. "Yo Oogami!" chuckled the man in a navy uniform, his hand in a salute.

Oogami dropped his mouth. "!"

"Aa! So you do recognize me... Yoshi, I'm so happy~!"

"Whatever." he grumbled a bit disappointed. How he wished he could talk to anyone but this guy. Since Military School, he had been a pain. One good thing about Paris was getting rid of him. But now here he was, in his kinematron. "What do you want??" he asked flatly.

"What more should I ask? We are two men, speaking miles and miles apart. Is that not interesting enough? Naa, Oogami??"

"Kayama... I really don't feel like in the mood..." he replied, reaching to disconnect him.

"CHOTTO!!" Kayama cried, now frantic. His yell startled Oogami, and even more so his serious voice, "There's news I have to tell you..."

"Hah? Nani??"

"The truth is..." he uttered, folding his hands together, "This truth is...!!"

"Tell me already!!" Oogami cried impatiently, the suspence killing him.

Kayama grinned, blushing. "Kaede-san and I are gettin' married~!"

At these words, Oogami face-faulted. 'This is the great news?!?! This is terrible news!! Kaede-san... Kaede-san is a smart, attractive woman... for her to be the wife of this simpleton... iyada! I cannot allow it!!'

Before he could say his feelings out loud, another window opened on his screen. "Oogami-kun!!" Kaede chimed, waving, "Long time no see?"

"Aa! Kaede-san!!" he gasped, feeling his face turn red. Ever time he saw her, he thought about her sister, Ayame. Already a bit of drool was sliding down his chin.

Regardless, Kaede pointed at him, her smile bright as ever, "Nee, Oogami-kun. Did Yuuichi tell you the wonderful news? Isn't it great??"

"Aa..." he uttered in a daze.

Kayame nodded his head. "Look at how excited he is! And guess what... I've decided to make you my best man!"

Oogami instantly snapped out of his trance. "Eeeeeh?!?! Demo!! I'm in Paris..!"

Kaede replied, "I've already talked with Yoneda. He's issued a release for you. You're on your way home."

"Honto?!" Oogami couldn't believe. The word 'home' echoing in his ear. "Then... as of today I am relieved from duties??"

"As soon as the replacement shows up. It will probably be an officer from the Hoshigumi in Germany. I'm sure they will make use of their experienced officer and will be fine without you, Oogami-kun."

Kayame drummed a note on his guitar, he and Kaede gazing at each other - hearts all around. "Nee, Oogami, didn't I tell you this was great news??"

Oogami couldn't help but smile, leaning his chin down on his hand and slighing nodding his head. 'At last... I'm finally... I'm finally going...' He happily let out a whisper, "Home..."


SAKURA: Minna-sama seems excited by the wedding and Oogami-san's return... but not me. After so long, you'd think I'd be happy, demo... atashi...

"Unreaching Arms" next time on Sakura Taisen. A storm of Romance in Taishou cherry blossoms!

Oogami-san, atashi...

part 2