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Sakura Taisen (c) Red Company & Sega, 1996,1998,2001
here's the long awaited sequel to "smite the player - oogami-san you're going down!" enjoy! Jill 4/11/1

Smite the Best Man... Oogami-san, you must choose!
Part 2: "Unreaching Arms"

“Masaka…” Sakura gasped. She was standing in the manager’s office, having been pulled out of practice for this meeting. Still, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing, “Oogami-san wa…”

”Eeh,” Kaede said, wearing her army uniform, “He’s coming back for my wedding. And since Col. Yoneda and I will be out at a convention the day he returns, we’re sending you to pick him up.”

Sakura clenched her fists, “Atashi?? Doushite?”

Yoneda scratched his head, a bit baffled. “We decided on you, Sakura, because we thought you’d be happy to see your ol’ sweetheart again… daga, by the look on your face says otherwise. Maa, it’s too late though, we’ve already made it an ‘order’ and you must follow it.”

”Hai!” she replied, bowing and then turning for the door, which seemed to slam as she left.

Kaede frowned a little. “Wasn’t that strange. Of all people, Sakura-kun would be happy to be the first to greet Oogami-kun.”

”Sou,” Yoneda uttered, “It’s been a year since they met. Maybe things have changed since… or maybe she’s nervous. You know how giddy these girls get around Oogami. I don’t think it’s a problem.”

”I hope you’re right.” Kaede sighed. She then lifted up some papers, “Now, back to business… who is going to give me away??”

”Me of course.” Yondea chuckled, pouring sake, “And Kayama said he’s already picked his grooms, some old buddies from the Navy. And we’re going to have it in the central garden naa?? Better to have sunlight on your auspicious day!”

Kaede smiled a bit, “All what’s left are my bridesmaids and the maid of honor…”

* * *
Back in Paris, Oogami ran from the Teigeki cheering. He had finally got the ‘okay’ to go home. Skipping down the street, he paused to pick up some bread to eat up in his apartment while he packed. The girls of the French Hanagumi were sad to see him go. ‘I’m such a heart-breaker.’ He sighed, triple locking his door. He was sure someone would come and try to talk him into staying or coming back after the wedding.

He then gazed over on his dresser; the framed pictures of his family back home. Smiling, he walked over and held them to his face, examining each face with great detail. ‘I can’t wait to see everyone! Being so faraway… it’s only made me cherish them even more. I wonder if they miss me as much. If she misses me…’

* * *
It took a couple of days for the boat to reach Japan. Being on a boat, Oogami felt at ease – reminiscing of his days in the navy. Taking in the salt air, he gazed from the deck to the approaching pier. ‘Eh??’ He could see a familiar form standing solitarily in view. The familiar pink kimono flowing in the wind. Standing, he waved his hands and called out, “SAKURA-KUN!”

”Oogami-san…” she uttered, clutching her bag.

She didn’t move to meet him as he disembarked, though with pleasure he ran up to her, suitcase in hand, smile shining, “Sakura-kun!” he panted, catching his breath, “Taidama!”

”Eh, okaeri nasai.” she replied, her face lacking the same emotion as his. He stopped and stared at this face, wondering what was wrong. She quickly bowed her head, “Gomen nasai. Manager Yoneda and Kaede-san had business and could not meet you. So they sent me instead.”

”Aa, daijoubu da yo.” He said touching her shoulder, “You were the one I wanted to see first. Sakura-kun…”

She shrugged his hand off and turned for the street, “Let’s catch the next street car and hurry back to the Teigeki.”

”Hah? What’s the rush?? Let’s take a walk down to Ueno Park and…”

”What for?” she cut him off, still walking on.

Oogami blinked, ever so confused by her coldness. Still, he felt so overwhelmed to see her again, he didn’t let that strange behavior both him. Rushing after her, he sighed happily to himself, ‘Good to be back…’

* * *
At the Teigeki the other had a party prepared for him in the dressing room. Sitting at the low round table, he got a handful of hugs and smiles. “Minna, I’m so glad to see you all!” he said, lifting his glass, “Lady Luck has really shined on me again.”

“Mou,” Airisu pouted, “Luck-oneechan better know that Oogami is Airisu’s boyfriend.”

”Eheheh, sure…”

Orihime crossed her arm, nodding her head, “Hon - to! It isn’t the same without Chuui-san… and the wedding, and I’m sure it wouldn’t be fun either. You really came in time!”

”Aa, arigatou, Orihime-kun.” He said, but was snagged over by Sumire, “Waah, Sumire-kun…??”

”Ara, Chuui… I’m so glad you’re home.” she purred in his ear, “Let’s get together later and...”

”OI!!” Kanna cut in, grabbing onto his other arm, “Quit hogging Oogami-taichou! You’ll make him sick from your wicked ways! You nasty snake woman!”


Oogami got pulled back and forth, frantic that they might start throwing things. “Maa maa, please calm down!” he stammered. He suddenly realilzed something. “Aa? Where did Sakura-kun go??”

Maria paused from cutting the cake. “She told me she didn’t feel well and went up to her room. She apologizes for not attending your party, Taichou.” She said, waving the knife.

“Oh… then, I’ll bring her up a slice of cake.” he replied, now free from Kanna and Sumire who had turned on each other. Eventually Airisu came in and blew them up. He then picked up a plate of cake. “I’ll be right back ok?”

”Hai!” Kouran said, still balancing dishing on sticks, “Hayaku! My next performance includes you, Oogami-han!”

Reni was sitting on the floor, looking up nervously. “H-How in the world…?!”

”I won’t miss it for the world!” he said cheerfully walking out the door.

* * *
But as he made it up the stairs to Sakura’s room and knocked on the door, he realized that she wasn’t there. “Hm? Where did she go??” he sighed, going bad the other stairs, to the front lobby. He stopped dead in his tracks. ‘Sakura-kun…?’

She was standing outside the Teigeki, looking quite sad. He quickly rushed out to her side, peering down at her worriedly. “What’s wrong, Sakura-kun? You don’t seem cheerful at all.”

She shook her head, “Eeh, I don’t feel very cheerful.”

”Doushita? You can tell me.” he said, putting the cake aside to hold onto her hands, “It’s been a year hasn’t it? Demo, I’m finally home again… to be with you, Sakura-kun.”

Sakura closed her eyes for a moment, then gazed up at him, “Oogami-san… the truth is I’ve found someone else. And I don’t feel the same way about you anymore.”


* * *
When Yoneda and Kaede came back, they called for Oogami into their office. He looked somewhat depressed and slouched in his chair, his heart broken. “Oogami-kun, what happened?? Didn’t you enjoy the surprise party.”

”Aa, Kouran launched me across the theater in her new rocket steam cannon…”

“Sounds like fun!” Yoneda chimed, pouring his sake, “Tonikaku, you’re probably tired… from the boat ride and then the party. We’ll make this a quick meeting so you can go rest in your room.”

Kaede nodded. “Sou ne. Oogami-kun, I need you to help coordinate the wedding … including to choose my maid of honor.” He blinked and stared at her in shock. But she explained, “To choose between the girls would be difficult for me…”

”What about me?! This is even more difficult!!”

”Iie. I think you won’t have any trouble at all choosing.”

”That’s what you think.” he sighed, “The one I would choose… she has turned me down.”

Yoneda leaned in, “What’s this?? You’ve a move already?! So soon!! You work fast, my boy – ah, it’s good to be young… jotto – she turned you down??!”

Oogami nodded sadly. Kaede simply put her hand on his shoulder. “Still, I trust you be the right one for the job, while I have much work to finish. Hang in there, Oogami-kun!”

Outside the room, the rest of the girls were eavesdropping. “(Did you hear that!!)” they whispered amongst themselves, “(Ehehehe, of course it will be me!! NO WAY, ME!!)”

Reni sighed, “And so, the competition begins. I hope no one gets killed.”

* * *


Maria: Really, it’s a war zone. Everyone is trying to ‘score points’ with Oogami-chuui. But will he survive the continual attacks of affection? And will he like the surprise I have for him…

“That Old Feeling” next time on Sakura Taisen, A storm of Romance in Taishou Sakura!

Such warm memories, ne?

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