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Sakura Taisen was created by Ooji Hiroi-sensei; all rights reserved to Sega, Red Company, & Bandai Visual
This fanfiction is by Jill Mangaliman original posting: June 10 2001; updated November 2001

Smite the Best Man - Oogami you must choose
"A Waltz for Two" : Part 4

Oogami was having a nice dream about him and Sakura on a picnic. Arms around his pillow, he murmured something about raising a family in the country. The Teigeki Sannin Musume exchanged glances as this awkward scene continued. "Mm... Sakura-kun... ore wa... ore wa..."

"O- GA - MI - SAAAN!!" the three exclaimed.

"UWAAAA!!" he cried, sitting up in his bed, "W-what are you all doing here??!"

Yuri grinned slyly, "And what were you dreaming about? Hm?? You know if this gets out, I could become the coolest gossip queen ever!"

"Maa maa, Yuri-kun... please don't say anything. It's kind of embarrassing."

Kasumi nodded. "Daijoubu. We won't utter a word... especially to Sakura-san. At any rate, Oogami-san, please hurry and come downstairs!"

"Huh? What for??" he asked blinking. It was very early in the morning. His alarm clock hadn't even gone off yet. "What's going on??"

Tsubaki explained, "We've just received news that there's going to be an engagement party tonight at the Teigeki. A lot of important people are going to show up, so we need your help in preparation! Hayaku, Oogami-san!!"

"Nani?! A party tonight?!!" he gasped. He slowly grimaced. "It must have been Shihainin's or Kayama's crazy idea. I guess I have no choice but to do this, since I am the best man."

"That's the way to think, Oogami-san!" Kasumi chimed, "Please get dressed. We'll all be working hard. Even the girls are up and doing their part. For now, Sakura-san has volunteered to make everyone breakfast. So after an hour's work, we can all sit down and have a break."

'Sakura-kun...' Oogami sighed to himself, thinking about the girl who rejected him. Slowly he cheered up and nodded. "Aa! Let's do our best!!"

* * *
Rolling up his sleeves, Oogami walked out to see that there was already much work down. Below, all the tables were being carried down to the storeroom, so the open floor could be used as a dance floor. Reni, Kanna, and Maria were all doing the lifting. He decided to go help them.

On his way down the stairs, he stumbled upon a half-awake Sumire. "E-to, Sumire-kun, maybe you need some coffee to wake up. You didn't have a lot of sleep last night?" he asked, holding her still before she fell over.

"Chuui! W-what are you talking about? Of course I had plenty of sleep... I wasn't like this silly people spying on you and Maria-san last night. OH ho ho...ho... h...o..." She again dozed off. Oogami put her down on the floor, her back leaning against the way. He then made his escape.

"Yo Taichou!" Kanna chimed, "Came to help us, didn't ya? Yoshi! This way, we can get all this done in no time! Although, I am a little hungry!!"

"Understood." Reni uttered, "Demo, Sakura seems to be making something that smells good. I can't wait to eat either."

Maria nodded. "Just a bit longer, then we can all relax for a bit. Oh, by the way, Taichou - Kouran, and Airisu are making decorations. Orihime and Kaede-san are readying the music that will be played tonight. Kanna and I plan on helping Sakura with the cooking. It's really up to you where you want to help out."

"Aa... demo, what exactly is Sumire doing??"

"I heard she needed to find something to wear... anyways, let's finish this up, okay?"

Oogami nodded, but stopped to notice someone in the lobby. He looked strangely familiar. After helping Reni carry one table over to the stairs where Kanna was, he walked over to the stranger. "Do you need any help?"

"H-Hai!" the man stammered, taking off his cap, "I-I was looking for... is... is Sakura here??"

Oogami blinked, recognizing him. 'This guy is Sakura's childhood friend who got struck by lightning!!'

"Takeshi-kun!!" chimed Sakura from behind. She happily ran over, even still in her apron, "It's so good to see you!!"

Takeshi smiled, nodding his head. He looked back to Oogami. "I remember you now... you're that military man Sakura brought home for New Years once. Didn't you go to Paris or something?"

"Aa, I did... but I came back." Oogami stammered. He felt awkward. 'Why is this guy here all of a sudden?? Is he Sakura's...?!'

Sakura looked back and forth and felt a bit awkward too. "Gomen, I have some things to finish. Oogami-san, please look after Takeshi-kun until I get back..." She then ran off, her face flushed.

Oogami sighed after her and then turned to Takeshi, who was a little bit taller than him. His brown hair was a bit longer than he last saw him and it was now falling into his face. Smiling slightly, Oogami tried to act as police and calm as he could.

"What brings you to Tokyo... ?"

"Sakura asked me to come."

"Sou ka," he uttered, staring now at the floor, "Jaa, there's a party tonight. I don't suppose you have anything to wear to it. You can borrow one of my tuxedos if you like."

"Arigatou," Takeshi replied, "You are as kind as Sakura says you, Oogami. I'll be happy to help out where I can."

* * *
And so they acquired another hand to help out in their rushed preparations. Over breakfast, Kayama discussed what truly needed to be done. "Sore waaaa~!" he sang at the table, holding up a clipboard, "We've got to pick up this cake and set up the piano over there~! After all, we'll have live music and lots of dancing! This is gonna be a great party, naa Oogamii~?!"

Oogami shrugged. He wasn't in the mood for dancing. He was busy watching Sakura and Takeshi in the corner of his eye. 'It's natural they're sitting together... Takeshi doesn't know anyone else. I should've invited him over to sit with me... at least I could be near...'

"Oogami-kun," Kaede noted, "Will you help in lifting the piano? It's awfully heavy."

"Daijoubu da yo!! Leave it to Airisu!" Airisu chimed, concentrating her power. Within seconds, the piano appeared in the middle of the room. "Ehihihihi!! Sugoi ne??"

Kanna glared at her. "OI! Why didn't you help us earlier with the tables??"

"Datte!! Airisu wanted to decorate! Look at the cute streamers Airisu made!!"

Reni chuckled. "Airisu is working hard, so we should all do the same. Although..." She eyed the snoozing Sumire, bent over her chilled breakfast. "We still have lots to do unfortunately."

With that, everyone started to get up and go to their duties. Orihime paused at the piano and fingered at the keys. Smiling a little, she laughed, "Demo ne! We've still got to move this out of the center. It's strange - totemo hen de~su!"

Sakura was heading towards the kitchen, but Takeshi stopped. "I think I'll hang out here." he told her and she cheerfully nodded and walked off. He then walked towards the piano, listening to the sweet sound coming from it. "E-to..."

"Ara, another Japanese man." Orihime noted, still playing as she spoke, "Where did you come from?"

"Sendai," he explained, "I'm a friend of Sakura's... currently I'm studying to be a doctor..."

"Sou desu ka." she replied, smiling, "Yoroshiku onegaishi~masu!"

"Aa, yoroshiku..." he stammered, now looking at the floor, "I-I've never heard such lovely music before... other than on records... could you play something else for me?"

"Hmm..." Orihime uttered, staring at him for a second. "All right. Demo, I better get comfortable."

She pulled over a chair and sat down. After cracking her knuckles for a bit, she broke into a concerto. Takeshi fell silent and watched her closely. The song lasted for barely a minute, but it was like time had stopped.

"Nee~? How was it?" she asked, when she had finished. Lifting her head, she realized that he was gone. "Hm? What a strange Japanese man..."

* * *
Everyone working hard, they still weren't done with food preparations by the time the guests started arriving. Kayama and the Sannin Musume were greeting, while everyone else was in the kitchen finishing up the cooking.

"Aaan! I cannot believe this!!" Sumire sighed, "Watakushi, Kanzaki Sumire - the Top star of Teito - is being forced into doing this manual labor!! And my hair isn't done yet!!"

"Everyone, don't worry! We'll enjoy this party as soon as we're done!" Kaede called, as she passed her finished dish to the output table.

Airisu was in a frilly, French maid outfit. "Ehihihi! Airisu could be a kawaii waitress!! Yaay! Can Airisu serve the drinks tonight??"

Maria shook her head. "We're not letting you or Sumire near the alcohol. Leave the bartending to me, all right??"

"Yoshi! Great work, everyone!!" Oogami said, fixing his tie as all the dishes were being brought out, "Let's enjoy the party!"

"OH!!" they chimed, rushing to go get ready.

* * *
The night went on. Reni and Airisu were dancing together. 'Even though Airisu loves Oniichan... Airisu also loves Reni-chan... Airisu feels torn!' Airisu thought, blushing, 'Even if Reni is really a girl...'

Meanwhile, Reni thought, 'Oh well. It's very popular in Europe anyways... and it's starting in Japan too! I mean, look at the Baragumi!!'

Oogami stood off to the side in a white tuxedo, sipping his champagne - listening to Orihime play along side the hired orchestra. Humming along to the lovely music, he noticed Sakura. She stood by the bar, talking with Maria. Yoneda was there, already drunk and flirting with under-aged girls. Slowly, he tried to walk towards her, but his arm was caught. "EH?!"

Sumire smiled a wide smile. "Chuui... how about a dance?? We haven't danced for the longest time, hohoho!"

"S-Sumire-kun?! Are you drunk?!?"

"OHOHOHOHO!!" she laughed, red-faced. She then signaled to the band. "Now, we ... TANGO!!!" Grabbing a rose, she pulled Oogami onto the dancefloor; an awkward scene taking place.

"UWAAAAAH!!" Oogami cried, being thrown here and there, "Sumire-kun! Calm down!!! AAAAAAAH!!"

"That's it, Oogami!!" Kayama called, dancing with Kaede, "We ocean men really know how to PA-TEEH~!"

'This guy isn't helping at all!' Oogami sighed, getting dizzy. The room continued spinning and spinning.

Afterwards, Oogami went out into the central garden to get some fresh air. Leaning back on the bench, he rubbed his head and sighed. 'I'm home... but it doesn't feel the same...'

Shiro showed up and started nipping at his pant leg. "Wan wan wan!!" the little mutt chimed, getting overly excited to see his master again. "Wan wan!!"

Oogami chuckled and sat up, going to pet his head. It was then he felt a shadow over him. Turning around, he saw her. "Oh...!"

* * *
Inside, Orihime, Kouran, and Kanna sat atop the stairs, resting from their efforts. "I cannot play anymore. I'm tired~!" the Italian girl muttered, stretching her arms, "Besides! All the band wants to play is mambo and tango... hmp!"

Kanna grumbled, "I think the snake woman has taken over the music department. Gomen na, Orihime! I'll be sure to go beat them up later! I say we go for some boogie woogie! Ehehehe!!"

Kouran snapped her fingers. "Aa! I've got an even better idea!! Let's have fireworks!"

"Sou yo!" Kanna chimed, "We can have them outside! And it is summer! Yossha!! Let's go!!"

As those two headed off to Kouran's room where she stored her stack of illegal fireworks, Orihime crossed her arms, feeling quite bored. She heard a noise behind her. "Hah?? It's you..."

Wearing an ill-fitted tuxedo, Takeshi smiled slightly. "Konbawa..." Just then, a waltz started to play below. He shyly held out his hand. "Would you like to dance, Orihime-san?"

"...Hai." she stammered, not knowing why she had answered so. She accepted his hand and they started dancing in the space provided for them.

"You're a great dancer..." he noted, as they kept moving closer.

"Arigatou... gozarima~su..." she stammered, feeling strangely flustered. 'I've danced with many men before. Why is it different this time? What is this feeling...?'

Cheek to cheek, Takeshi softly whispered into her ear, "You're the most incredible person I've ever met..."

And that was all he said. As soon as the song ended, he released her and rushed down the stairs, disappearing from sight. A blushing Orihime gazed off in a daze, her heart pounding in her chest.

'He's just a Japanese guy... demo...'

* * *
Back in the garden, Oogami had gotten up on his feet, completely speechless as he stared at Sakura. She smiled over towards the white dog, who kept sniffing his master's leg. "Did you miss Shiro-kun?"

"Ha... hai..." he managed to say, still dumbstruck by her presence.

"Honto ni! Shiro-kun really enjoyed staying indoors when you were gone. He had an accident once in your room..."

Oogami tried to listen to her talk about the dog, but kept hearing soft music in the background. He wanted so much to dance with her, but had to restrain himself; he needed to know something once and for all.

"Sakura-kun... tell me... is Takeshi... you're..."

Sakura's face fell. "So what if he is? It's over between us, Oogami-san."

"Why?!" he exclaimed, "Please tell me why! I have to know what caused your change in heart since I've been gone!!"

"Because...!" she cried, with tears in her eyes, "I-I saw you... you and another woman! I know all about it!!"

'EH?!' Oogami gasped, very surprised. 'What is she talking about?!'

"I'm sorry, Oogami-san! I know I said I'd wait for you... demo...I-I can't forgive you! You have no idea how much you've hurt me!" She then turned to leave, but he grabbed hold of her arm. "Let me go!!"

"No!! Sakura-kun, there's got to be a misunderstanding!!" he exclaimed, "Sakura-kun, I...!"

A loud noise cut him off. Above them, fireworks exploded in the evening sky. While they stared up at the display, Oogami's hold loosened. Sakura found this opportunity to escape. Sighing, Oogami turned to his side and realized he was alone.

"Wow!!" Kouran chimed, she, Kanna, Reni and Airisu sitting on the roof. "I'll save the rest for the wedding, but check out the colors!!!"

"Aa," Reni uttered, the waltzing music still in the background, "It's a beautiful night..."

* * * * *


Yuri: After a girl's night of binging, the secret is out!! What was Oogami-san doing in Paris! It's so scandalous that I can't wait to tell everyone!!

Kasumi: But aren't we supposed to be working? There are still lots to do before the wedding! And where has the bride gone?!

Tsubaki: "If You Only Knew" Next time on Sakura Taisen!

Teigeki Sannin Musume: A storm of Romance in Taishou sakura!

Tsubaki: Wounds in the heart reopen... that time waiting in the rain

onto part 5
back to part 3