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Sakura Taisen was created by Ooji Hiroi-sensei; all rights reserved to Sega, Red Company, & Bandai Visual
This fanfiction is by Jill
notes: minna-sama, big spoiler!! the majinki are the 3 talismans that sakura's dad used to put away the demons in the first demon war. And in st2, sakura had the chance to use them, but oogami didn't want her to die so he broke the talismens. (aaw, what a romantic guy!!) as you see st2 is my fave, I'm almost done with everyone's ending; so far I have sakura, orihime, sumire, and airisu... wish I had a dreamcast to play st3. more butai-lovin to come!

Smite the Best Man - Oogami you must choose
Part 7: "The Beautiful Ocean"

Oogami finally left his room. How he wished he could hear Kaede's voice and take whatever advise she had. But she was nowhere to be found. Stepping into her empty room, he gazed down at the photograph of Kayama sitting on the desk. He loosened his tie and faced the smiling picture down. Perhaps coming back to Tokyo wasn't a good idea after all.

"Ichirou-chaaaan!!" called a scary voice. He turned and saw two burly arms gathering him up. Yokohiko was his affectionate self today, especially happy to see his beloved military man again. "Oh how I've missed you~!"

"Knock... it... off..." Kikunojou stammered, behind the screens next to the closet. He had been trying on one of Kaede's dresses when Oogami had come into the room. Immediately, his face flushed red and skirt hiked up a little. "Ano.... Oogami-san... aaah, it's good to see you!!"

"Kiku-chan, Yoko-chan - behave yourselves!" Kotone chuckled, running a hand through his long brown hair. He had sitting on Kaede's bed, holding her diary in one hand. "Oogami-taichou is a very busy man when it comes to you womenfolk. If you throw yourselves at him so willingly, he'll move on without another thought. Put on a little charm, ne~?"

"Hai, Taichou!" the two replied, calming down.

Oogami didn't bother to find out why the Baragumi were in Kaede's room, but took this opportunity to run away. Not until he reached the basement did he realize they didn't follow him.

'Hmm... There seems to be something going on in the pool.' Entering the poolroom, he got hit with a great explosion. "UWAAAAAH!!" he cried, now covered with black soot, "What's going on here!?"

When able to see, he saw that Maria, Kanna, Airisu, and Reni were there playing with a beach ball. Kouran wasn't far, working on some sort of gizmo.

"Onii-chan, daijoubu??" Airisu asked looking a bit worried as Reni handed him a towel.

"We were all just hanging out here for a while." Kanna explained, "Since that snake woman has taken over the upstairs. Honestly, that person..."

"Now, Sumire-kun doesn't have a bad idea." Oogami replied, "It's better than doing nothing. And I'm sure she has her heart in the right place, putting all her effort into something she believes in."

"The only thing that Sumire believes in is what benefits her selfish self. Besides, wasn't it her just the other day who wasn't doing anything at all? Why should we listen to her now?"

"Kanna..." Maria cut in, going to move between them, "Sumire isn't exactly the most reliable person, but when it comes down to it, she's still part of the Hanagumi and she's right that we should all stick together. Even if Kaede-san doesn't come back and the wedding is cancelled, we still have to do something."

Airisu nodded. "Airisu is bored of doing nothing. Let's help Sumire."

Everyone looked towards Kanna to see what she decided. The Okinawa fighter remained hesitant. Just then, they heard the door open. "Kanna-san... just the person I was looking for."

"Sumire?" Kanna asked, wondering why.

Sumire crossed her arms and leaned against the door. "We sure could use your help. There are some extremely heavy boxes to carry that the Baragumi can't handle. There are also a couple rugs that need to be beaten."

A smile slowly slid onto her face. "Yoshi! Leave it to me, Sumire!"

Maria cheerfully joined in. "It's better to have a good time, rather than miserable. Saa, minna, let's get to work!"

"Count me out." Kouran suddenly said. Everyone turned to her, sitting on the high dive, still holding the waterproof gadget she had been working on. "I said I'd rather do this than work for some lost cause. You guys can go on ahead."

"Fine, but you'll miss out on the fun." Reni replied, following Airisu and the others out the poolroom.

Oogami frowned a little towards Kouran. He too believed it was a lost cause. What was the use of doing anything? Sumire was still standing in front of him. "Chuui, so you finally got out of your room. Does that mean you're over that country mouse??"

"Huh?" he stammered, scratching his head, "I-I just wanted to soak my feet for a bit... anyway, is there anything I can do, Sumire-kun?"

"Not really. You can help the others if you like. Orihime-san and Sakura-san will be coming with me to go looking for Kaede-san. We'll be leaving as soon as Orihime-san's done getting ready. I better go wait in the lobby."

Oogami watched her leave and moped a little. He wished she gave him an assignment. Now he didn't what to spend his time doing. "Oogami-han~!" Kouran called as she climbed down the high dive. "Could you give me a hand with my invention??"

Happy to be of assistance, Oogami nodded his head. "Sure thing, Kouran!"

* * *
Meanwhile, Orihime was still fixing her hair. Her curls didn't appear as bouncy as they usually did. Frowning, she ignored the knocking at her door. Just then, the door opened and someone walked in. She saw who it was in the mirror. "A-anata wa..."

Takeshi smiled slightly. "Orihime-san... boku..."

She turned towards him, crossing her arms. "How rude of you to enter someone's room without permission! Have you no manners at all!?" But he didn't stop walking towards her. Orihime started to get nervous. "NE! Wha~t are you doing...?!?"

He just took her hand and placed a wrapped parcel in it. Surprised she held the slim square up and then opened it. Inside was an old record. "It's collection of my favorite music." he explained.

"D-Doushite...?" she stammered, absolutely flustered, "Why are you giving this to me?"

Takeshi's eyes fell to the floor. "Dakara... I will be going back to Sendai soon... and I wanted to give you something to remember me by..."

Orihime stared at him with astonishment. "Eh? What about Sakura-san? Aren't you two...??" She slowly grimaced. "Sou de~su ka! You're trying to trick me, you evil Japanese man!"

"Iya, boku...!" he gasped, as she angrily pushed him towards the door, "Orihime-san! My feelings... boku... boku wa...!!" But she had won this struggle and closed the door in his face. Sighing, he leaned his head against the door. 'Orihime-san...'

"Aa, Takeshi-kun!" Sakura cheerfully snagged him by the arm and dragged him down the hall. "We've got to go down to the lobby. Sumire-san's waiting for us."

"Chotto, Sakura!" he cried, "Could I talk with you for a little bit..."

* * *
Takeshi brought her out on the terrace. Already late in the afternoon, soon it would be getting dark. Shuffling his feet, he let out a sigh. "Sakura, this act isn't going to work... I can't go on pretending."

"Why not? You're doing fine." Sakura replied, "I mean, you've convinced everyone we've talked to before. You'd be a great actor. Just a bit longer, okay?"

"No, I can't!" he cried, "Because... I... I love...!" He stopped suddenly to see that Oogami had just walked through the door. Oogami looked back and forth at the couple facing each other.

"Oogami-san," Sakura said, getting up and crossing her arms, "Don't you see we're in the middle of something??"

He rolled his eyes. "Oh, don't stop on my account! Heck, why don't you kiss while you're at it?? I don't care anyways!"

Sakura went red. "Aa... well... Takeshi-kun... why don't we??"

Takeshi dropped his mouth open, completely in shock. Oogami was taunting him, and Sakura was encouraging it. "Hold on a moment!!" Fortunately, Sakura and Oogami had started to argue amongst themselves, forgetting all about him.

"Of course you don't care - you were the one fooling around in Paris!"

"I was not! Where do you get off accusing me of doing things that I didn't do?!"

"I know what I saw!! Are you calling me a liar?!"

"Yeah, you must be on something! "

Takeshi nervously watched them. "Ano... S-Sakura... Oogami... Calm down you two..."

Suddenly, an explosion went off. Oogami and Sakura were covered with soot and looked a bit fried. "Hora! Knock it off you two!!" Kouran said, picking up her detonator. "You're acting like children. And Sumire-han is waiting for you downstairs, Sakura-han. Hayaku!!"

Sakura nodded, hoping Oogami wouldn't see the tears in his eyes. But he did see them, and regret them. "Sakura-kun... I'm..." She just shook her head and walked out the door, Takeshi silently following her. Oogami gazed after her, feeling terrible. 'Sakura-kun...'

Meanwhile, Kouran was busily dusting him off. "Haah, you know what, Oogami-han. The strangest thing happened. One of the Hana-Yashiki's secret warehouses had their security released."

"Eh?" he uttered, turning towards her, "What do you mean?"

"Take a look." She handed him a map with a red 'X'. "Not a lot of people know about it. Just some a few of us who work at the Hana Yashiki."

"It's by the bay... hmm..." Oogami bowed his head. "Arigatou, Kouran! This is valuable info! I'll be sure to make use of it!"

"Eheheh, no problem!" Kohran replied, "Better hurry, na?" Nodding, Oogami took the map and rushed for the door. Kohran smiled and held up her robot. "Now if only I could get this to work..." Just then, another explosion occurred. "Yaa... one more glitch..." With that, she fainted.

* * *
Sumire and the group got on the streetcar. Already, the streetlamps were turning on and the sky had dimmed. Slipping on her leather gloves, she nudged the girl next to her. "It's getting chilly, ne?"

"Un," Sakura replied, pulling at her shawl, "We'll stay out as late as we have to in order to find Kaede-san."

"Ohohoho, aren't we determined??" Sumire then eyed the quiet Takeshi and Orihime, minding their own business by the doors. "Maa, I wonder if the others would mind an evening stroll..."

"Hah?!" Orihime suddenly exclaimed, peering out the window, "Masaka! Chuui-san?!"

Everyone gazed out and saw the young man running in the street, chasing after the streetcar. "W-What is he doing??! Is he crazy??!" Takeshi gasped.

"Waaait!! Wait for me!!" Oogami cried, running even harder. He inched closer and closer. "MATTE!!"

"Oogami-san!" Sakura rushed to end of the streetcar, holding out her hand. "You can do it! Don't give up!!" Nodding, he pushed harder, reaching out his hands. His fingers brushed against her as he just barely could get any closer. But one look into her brown eyes gave him his second wind.

"Haaaa!!" he cried, leaping up and grasping her hand. Sakura pulled him the rest of the way up and let him lean against her to catch his breath. "A... arigatou..." he stammered, still panting. She silently gazed down, his hold on her hand tightening.

"A~ra! Nice of you to join us, Chuui!" Sumire said, as she and the others surrounded them.

Oogami let Sakura go and backed away abruptly, nearly falling off the streetcar. "UWAAAH!"

"OHOHOHO!! Chuui, you are so amusing!" Sumire laughed as she caught hold of him before he fell.

Orihime pointed a finger in his face. "Demo, Chuui-sa~n! What exactly are you doing here?"

"I have an idea where Kaede-san might be. Let's get dropped off in Shinjuku and walk to the pier." he said, handing Sumire the map, "This is a Hana-Yashiki warehouse and Kaede-san has access to it so... I think she's there! Trust me!"

"All right then, let's head for Shinjuku!" Sumire chimed.

* * *
After getting off their stop, they started to walk towards the bay. Sumire and Oogami trailed behind Takeshi, who walked between the two other girls. "I've been wanting to thank you, Sumire-kun." Oogami uttered, "You really slapped some sense into me earlier."

"Maa, at least I got you to stop acting like a jerk. The Oogami-chuui we all know and love would want to do what's best, ne?" she asked, crossing her arms.

"Hai." he replied. Up ahead, the others had stopped right outside the warehouse. "Minna, Kouran told me the access code to get inside. Here we go!" Oogami then went up to the lock and typed in the code. The big steel door went flying open.

"W-what a dark and scary place." Orihime stammered, as they peered inside and a mouse ran by. "Kyaa!! ...I think I should wait for you guys out here."

"I-I'll stay with Orihime-san!" Takeshi blurted out. Everyone stared at him in surprise. He pulled his cap off and started to blush. "Dakara... it's late and it wouldn't be right to leave a lady by herself outside."

Sakura patted him on the arm. "You've always been a gentlemen, Takeshi-kun. Please take care." she said softly. She then went on ahead into the dark warehouse. Oogami followed glaring at him, then Sumire with her arms folded behind her head, looking quite bored.

Orhime turned towards the silent Takeshi, but couldn't say anything. She felt ashamed of her reaction before and also suspicious of him. He and Sakura were always together; she couldn't help but think of them as a couple. Sighing, she turned away and gazed up at the sky. 'I need a sign...'

Just then, Takeshi took of his coat and put it on her. Blushing, she lifted her hands over his, which were still resting her shoulders. The two remained silent and still, just being close to each other...

* * * "Kaede-san!"

On the top floor of the warehouse, all of the machinery looked very similar to the basement of the Teigeki. They walked over to the despondent woman, sitting on the floor with a blanket on her.

"Are you all right?" Sakura asked.

Kaede shook her head and sighed. "No, I can't... I can't do this to Yuichi..."

"Nan de? I don't understand." Oogami noted, kneeling beside her and taking her hand, "Whatever it is, Kayama and all of us... we wouldn't care. We just want you back, Kaede-san!"

She patted him on the cheek. "Oogami-kun, you of all people would understand. I cannot commit to one person if my life is already devoted to my duty. The Fujieda family has always done what was best for the capitol, always sacrificed themselves wholly for its protection. Just like Neesan... Someday, I too will give up that important person and face my destiny..."


"That time, Oogami-kun, I told you that you mustn't die. I said it because I would feel sad and I didn't want to lose others who were important to me. It was a selfish request, because I cannot promise the same thing. To marry Yuichi with this fate... it would be unfair to him... I'm better off alone."

"What are you talking about?!" Sumire snapped, looking a bit angry, "Destiny... fate... only you can determine your own future! If you believe that you will die protecting Tokyo - then that might just happen. Demo... your life is your own and no one else can decide for you!"

Oogami nodded his head. "Sumire-kun is right. We're all protecting the capitol together and no one wants to sacrifice anyone, including you. Kaede-san, you're an important person to us all. We'll all be sad if you were gone, just like how we were sad when you disappeared."

Sakura then said, "Kaede-san, I know what you're feeling... you're scared of the future and you don't want to hurt anyone. I thought I was selfish to want to live my life instead of using the Majinki to save the capitol. Datte... everyone's love made me realize that no matter what I did, they will stay by me. Kaede-san, no one person can be alone. Kayama-san and everyone needs you, so please..."

"Minna..." she uttered, her face flushed, "Why does it sound like all my words are coming back to haunt me? You all really want me to come back, ne? I must've caused such a scene. I'm really ashamed by my doubts, but I'll return with you. To the place where I belong."

Oogami smiled. "Yoshi, let's go home then."

* * *
After taking the streetcar back, the group slowly made it up the stairs to the Teigeki. Kaede stopped at the doors and gazed at the ground. "I hope everyone will forgive me."

"Of course they will!" Orihime chimed, "They'll be happy to see you. I just hope that Shihainin is sober..."

"Here goes..." she uttered, opening the doors. She walked into the empty lobby and took a deep breath. "I'm home!" she called out. Just then, the other girls came rushing down the stairs. "Minna!!"

"Kaede!!" called a familiar voice. Kayama came running from the cafeteria, still wearing his navy uniform. He rushed over and hugged her, his soft voice in her ear. "I was so worried that I turned the ship around and hurried back... I'm just glad you're okay! I've been thinking of you this whole time!"

"Yuichi... gomen..." she stammered, hiding her tearful face in his shoulder, "I'm really sorry..."

Behind them, Yoneda had arrived, looking a bit, well, wired. "Yooo Kaede-kuun... where ya been? (hic) Thot ya went to da oshin... bawahahah...!"

Yuri nudged Oogami. "It was the only way we could get him to calm down and stop running around with the rifle. Maa maa, it's the least bit of scandal I have left since I promised not to utter a word about the other thing..."

"Huh? What 'other thing'??"

Tsubaki and Kasumi tackled her, covering her mouth. "Ahahah! She's talking crazy again!" Kasumi laughed, "She must've had some sake too!"

"Oogami-haan!!" Kohran called, waving him over, "We had a talk when you were all gone and thought you might like what we decided. It'll make your life a lot easier too."

"Yoshi!" Kanna chimed, "We all think that you should choose Sumire as the maid of honor!"

"NANI!?" Sumire exclaimed, her eyes becoming wide, "Chotto! I was thinking now that everything was going back to normal, I could go back to my 'doing nothing'..."

Maria crossed her arms. "I think you can learn a bit of responsibility from this experience, Sumire! I order you as your Taichou!"

Sakura nodded cheerfully. "Sumire-san has always bragged about her great leadership skills. Let's give her this chance to shine in the spotlight!"

"What do you mean 'give me'?? I deserve this chance!!" Sumire snapped at her. She then regrouped and shook her head. "What am I saying!? I'm totally against this!!"

"Well, Taichou?" Reni asked, "All of us don't want to be the maid of honor. So that only leaves Sumire..."

"What are you talking about?!? Airisu wants to be the maid of honor!!" Airisu snapped, grabbing onto Oogami's arm, "Onii-chaaan! You have to choose Airisu!!"

"Ichirou-chaaan!!" Yokohiko cried, grabbing onto his other arm, "I wanna be the maid of honor!!"

"Damee!! Onii-chan is Airisu's boyfriend!!"

"Uwaaah, Airisu calm down!!"

As the commotion in the lobby continue, Kayama and Kaede escaped outside, hand in hand. "I'm so glad you still want to marry me." Kayama uttered, "I thought for sure everything was just too good to be true, that... well, it wasn't true. But it's like they say, ' good things come to those wait ' naa? I'll wait forever for you, Kaede."

"Yuichi..." she stammered, as they gazed into each other's eyes. Suddenly she turned away, smiling into the evening sky. "Maa maa, the ocean is really beautiful nee?"

"Are? What ocean??" he laughed, "All I see before me is the woman I love..."

Inside, Airisu had exploded and everyone lay dazed on the ground. Oogami, unable to move, sighed at the ceiling, "Some things never change..."

* * * * * *

Airisu: Onii-chan or Reni-chan... waaah, Airisu cannot choose. Everyone says to be honest with your feelings, but no one is being honest with their own feelings. Airisu is so confused!

"Unsaid Words" next time on Sakura Taisen. A storm of romance in Taishou Sakura!

Airisu knows what's in other people's hearts, demo... what's in Airisu's heart... Airisu doesn't know...

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