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Sakura Taisen was created by Ooji Hiroi-sensei; all rights reserved to Sega, Red Company, & Bandai Visual
This fanfiction is by Jill

Smite the Best Man - Oogami you must choose!
Part 10: "A Fighting Heart"

'The days are passing. During this time, we've prepared for the wedding and special performance. And also for war. Our opponent appears tough, but as Hanagumi, we shall stick together!'

Maria thought this as Reni and Kanna helped her with makeup in the dressing room. It was the night of the special singing performance to earn some money to pay for expenses and also to welcome the guests coming in from all over the country. It seemed that Kayama had a rather large family and invited lots of important officials as well. The wedding was just two and a half weeks away.

"Sou, she's also showing up tonight." Kanna uttered, handing Maria her gloves. "Seems we have two performances to make."

"Already, Kouran and Orihime have started 'Act One'." Reni said, crossed her arms, wearing frilly cravat and knickers, "Maria, Airisu and I are on next, then you and Sumire, Kanna."

"Chikusoo!! How the hell I end up paired with that hag??! She's gonna mess up, I know it!!" Kanna sighed at the ceiling, dramatically waving her fists.

Maria gazed in the mirror, her green eyes narrowing coldy. 'Tonight we find out once and for all... Taichou...'

* * *
In the lobby, Oogami hurriedly helped the guests find their way through the theater. His bow tie crooked, he gasped at how many Kayamas there were. 'I just hope they don't start singing...' he thought, forcing a smile as Kayama-obaasan gave him a big hug.

"Nee, Oogami-san!" Tsubaki chimed, "I just got a call... from an Adia-san..."

"Waaah! W-what did you say?!" he exclaimed, clutching his head. Tsubaki nearly fell over from the blast of his voice. He looked in great panic at the mention of that name.

Kasumi had caught the stunned girl and continued with the message. "She said that she's already at her hotel and needs help getting here. She gave the address too."

"Oh... I suppose she wanted me to take her here... but I can't right now." he uttered, sweat running down his face, "Kasumi-san, could you call her taxi? I'm much too busy."

"I'll do that, Oogami-san!" she replied, going towards the business office. But Kouran leaned in the doorway, shining her glasses. She then patted the two on the backs and grinned. "Huh?? Kouran...?"

'Kayama's relatives are filling up the lobby... but where is that guy?' Oogami thought. He hadn't seen Kayama lately, except in meetings with Yoneda. And he was awfully quiet for a change. He wondered if Kayama had a fight with Kaede. 'Then the wedding would be cancelled?! Waah... is that good news? I can't remember anymore...'

Just then, he bumped into someone, the person falling over onto the floor. "Kyaa!" Turning around he saw that it was Sakura. "Sumimasen, Oogami-san!" she cried, bowing her head, "I-I should've watched where I was going..."

"Iya, I'm the one who knocked you over. Daijoubu kai?" he said helping her up. She was already in costume, but her face looked uneasy. "What's wrong, Sakura-kun? Did something happen??"

"Hai... it's just... we can't seem to find Kayama-san anywhere. Kaede-san asked me to look for him."

"Nani?! First Kaede-san, then Kayama! Mou, what's with this case of cold feet!?"

"I don't think its cold feet, but please help me find him, Oogami-san." she cried, grasping both of his hands. Oogami blinked. It had been a long time since Sakura spoke to him like this. And that face, how could he say 'no'.

Just as he was about to reply, he heard a shout. "Sakura~!" chimed Takeshi, entering the lobby. He had a bouquet of roses and happy grin on his face.

Oogami tore away from Sakura's grip and backed away, a hurt expression on his face. He couldn't believe that she would rub her relationship in his face just like that.

"What's his problem?" Takeshi asked, as Oogami went back to work with that drone look in his face, "Doesn't he know??"

"No, I don't think so." Sakura replied, "I should tell him... demo... what would be the point? He has someone else now..."

"Sakura, cheer up." he said, taking out a single rose and giving it to her, "And good luck on your show tonight. I'll be in the balcony, chanting your name okay?? Heheheh, wish your mom could see you."

"I know... she's never been to a show before." she replied, "Maa, I suppose the rest of those roses are for Orihime-san."

"How'd you guess? So, where is the lovely lady??"

"I'm not sure. She and Kouran left to handle some errands. Although I think it's strange because we have a show tonight. But they promised to be back in time for their act. I'm up first, but I have to find Kayama-san." she said, turning for the hallway, "If you see him, Takeshi-kun, could you tell me right away?"

He nodded and waved after her, then turned towards Oogami. 'Hm...' He walked over and tapped him on the back. "Say, do you need any help??" he asked. Oogami just ignored him. "Come on, I might've been here only a little bit, but I know parts of the theater. Try me."

"There's no need. Please just find your seat so the lobby can be cleared faster." Oogami replied, trying to stay polite, "The show will start soon."

"I know that. But I'd rather everyone gets to their seats, including you, before the show starts. So how about it? We work together?"

Oogami looked indignant. 'First he steals my girl, not he's trying to steal my job...??' Shaking his head, he stood his ground. "It's all right if I miss the first part."

"But it's Sakura who's performing first."

"S-So?" Oogami said, trying to appear not to care. "I've seen Sakura-kun perform lots of times. And the song she's singing tonight I've heard millions of times. But you... you haven't seen her perform ever. So, you mustn't miss it. Please, just go..."

Takeshi stared into his face. Something told him to give in and do as said. But he could tell there was more to the story, that perhaps not all hope was lost for these two. "I understand... but still, try not to miss her act. Sakura-kun would want you to be in the audience." He then turned and walked away.

Oogami dropped his head, his shoulders caving. He didn't know how much more he could take. Suddenly, the old lady showed up, looking for her grandson. 'Where is Kayama??'

* * *
The woman named Adia Hepburn stood outside the hotel, wearing an evening gown and shawl, black glasses and a large hat. A taxi pulled up in front of her. "Aa, what's this?? I thought for sure Ichirou would pick me up."

"Suman na, Neechan." said the driver, a mustached Kansai man in an ill-fitted suit. "Maa, make yourself comfortable in the back. The man who called told me to give ya the scenic route."

"Eeh??" Adia stammered as the engine started to revel. Suddenly the car took off at high speed, leaving a great trail of smoke behind them. "Waaaah??! How fast are you going??!"

"Ho... the limit I think, yaa!" she chuckled, flooring the pedal, "Wooohooo~! Lookie!! We're flying~!!" The car had gone up an incline and left the ground for a couple seconds. It landed back on the ground with a big thud, Adia in the back, falling over with whiplash, her legs in the air. "Having fun, naa??" the driver chimed, continuing to speed away.

* * *
Oogami rushed to the door and pushed it out. Panting he listened to the final note and the crowd bursting out with cheers. 'I missed it...' Sakura bowed and waved, watching some fans throw flowers onto the stage. She then walked away from the spotlight, going backstage. Oogami frowned a little and leaned against the door. 'She probably wouldn't have missed you. It's the same old song and dance anyways...'

In the front balcony seats, he could hear Takeshi bellowing and Yoneda yelling at him to shut up. He knew that the balcony was off limits tonight other than staff. Kaede might be up there, but she would probably be looking for Kayama, wherever that guy went.

'Hah??' Oogami looked up in the rafters and saw Kayama. 'What's he doing there?? Hm...' He went to the staircase and started to climb up. When he got midway, he saw the miserable look in Kayama's face. 'Are?? I wonder what happened...'

Backstage, Reni looked at her watch as Kanna and Sumire sang their duet on stage. "Kohran and Orihime should be back soon. Airisu, are you ready??"

"Uhn!!" Airisu said, waving some rope and Jean-Paul, who was in costume too. They were both wearing matching trench coats, also Reni, who put on some sunglasses. "Nee, Reni, Maria already went ahead. Let's go meet up with Kouran-tachi in the alley."


Suddenly they ran into Sakura. "Aa, Airisu, Reni... where are you going?" she stammered, but they just ran past her. "Mou, what is with everyone... Aaa!" She caught sight of Kayama by the spotlight, and Oogami climbing up to him. 'Oogami-san...'

"Kayama! It's me!" Oogami said, almost there. "What's going on? Why are you up here? Everyone's been looking for you."

"Oogami..." Kayama uttered, gazing down at him, then turning away, "Say it isn't so... it can't be true..."

"What isn't true??" he asked, taking a seat next to him, "Kayama, talk to me. I'm your friend."

"Are you, Oogami?" Kayama said sharply, "Iya... I can't possibly... You think I'm an annoyance... you hate my singing and you think I'm frivolous idiot... and you don't think I deserve to marry Kaede!"

"Eh?" Oogami stammered, this confession so overwhelming he almost lost his balance, "N-Nani??"

"It's true, isn't it? You're not my friend, Oogami. You never were..." Kayama uttered, fists clenched and eyes glassy, "Oogami, I don't want you to be my best man anymore."

"Kayama..." Oogami gasped, "I-I don't understand... let's talk about it..."

"There's nothing to talk about!" Kayama snapped, taking hold of his guitar and then standing. He walked to the edge, his face serious.

"K-Kayama!! Don't do it!!" Oogami cried, thinking he would jump. Which he did, he leaped and caught hold of one of the curtain ropes, swinging onto the stage. It was just as Sumire and Kanna were finishing their first song, his arrival only making more of a cheer. 'Kayama...' Oogami frowned and leaned his head down on his knees, as the show continued.

* * *
Meanwhile, Orihime was prepping the local yakuza (ie. Mafia) on their plans. "You see, in Italy, it's very common to welcome the newbies to the neighborhood, nee~??"

"W-We'll do anything for you, Orihime-sama!" cried one man, bowing on the ground, "Iya, I mean... 'Kaichou'!"

"I-I thought you were the Kaichou." replied another thug.

The man walloped him. "She's our Kaichou now! Now bow and do what she says!!"

"Hmhmhm!" Orihime giggled, flattered, but happy to see some cooperation. She quickly put the plan in motion as the car came speeding around the corner. "Places... ACTION!"

The door flew open and a dizzy Adia stumbled out. "This isn't the Imperial Theater. I thought that..."

"Gomen na!" the driver chimed, "I'm almost out of gas and must hurry to the station. The theater is just a block or so. Ho nana~!" The car then drove off, stopping at the light.

"Yoshi! Everything's on schedule!" Orihime said, climbing, before light turned 'go'. "Kouran, what do you think of my Papa's car??"

"Aa, with this new engine I added, I think I'm in looooooove~!" Kouran chimed, flooring the petal and them going towards the Teigeki in a hurry.

Adia stepped into the streetlight, fixing her hat. "What a terrible driver... I wonder why Ichirou didn't come get me. Huh??" She saw some scary looking thugs surrounding her. "E-excuse me??"

"We hear you're new to the neighborhood." replied the spokesman, "We're here to escort you. You see it's dangerous to walk around at night... especially with strange people walking around."

"You look a bit strange..." she replied, nervously backing away. Just then she heard gunshots. "Oh my gosh!! What was that?!?"

The men surrounded her. "It's an attack from the enemy! The Ginza Phantom!" they all yelled, taking out their guns, "Boys, get those bastard!" The gunshots kept getting louder and closer. Finally the men gave up and turned coward, screaming and running away. "Aaa! You're on your own, Nee-chan!!"

"Chotto!!" Adia gasped as she was left in the open and a shadow was coming towards her. "Kyaaaaa!!" she exclaimed, trashcans and rubbish all flying at her, "W-What's going on??! A ghost?!" A dark shadow was walking towards her, light surround it. Screaming, Adia just turned and ran down the street.

* * *
Meanwhile, Kouran and Orhime were back in time for Kohran to do her juggling act on stage with her robot assistants. Sakura offered to help Orihime get into costume, for she was up after Kouran.

"Ano... where is everyone going??" Sakura asked in the dressing room, "I feel like I'm being left out of something."

"Sakura-sa~n," Orihime uttered, "Daijoubu de~su. It's nothing really. We're just making preparations for the after-show party. You've been through so much; we didn't want to pressure you in working too much."

"I want to help." she retorted, "With the storm coming soon, you all got together the supplies and repaired the roof... I wish I could've done more." She then remembered. "Aa! Takeshi-kun wanted me to tell you he wanted to meet you after the show in the garden... eheh, he has something to tell you."

"It's probably if I can go to Sendai with him. But I can't." Orhime sighed in the mirror, "Sooner or later, we'll have to say 'goodbye'."

Sakura frowned and lowered her head. 'Seems it usually ends that way..." Behind them, Maria, Airisu and Reni were entering the costume room, laughing. "Haah??" Sakura stammered, totally confused.

* * *
Adia entered the lobby, exhausted. Her hair was a mess and her clothes were damp from the light drizzle outside. The winds were picking up and her hat had blown away. Panting, she stumbled to the baiten. "A-Ano... could you tell me where Oogami Ichirou is??"

Tsubaki blinked at her. 'Are?? She looks strangely familiar... maa, I must be imagining it!" she laughed to herself. "Oogami-san should be in the theater, watching the show. He might be sitting on the balcony with Yoneda-shihainin."

"Yoneda...?" Adia uttered, "Iie, I think I'll just walk around the theater and meet with him after the show. Is it all right?"

"Un! You can go to the garden and cafeteria on the first floor. Please stay away from the off-limit places, ne? The restrooms are down the hall, you can freshen up there."

Adia nodded and walked off. Kanna and Sumire watched her from around the corner. "Kono yatsu is headed for the bathroom. Plan B?" Kanna asked.

"Hai! Let's go!"

Adia stared in the mirror and fixed her hair and makeup. She then opened her bag and examined something. 'Good... nothing is damaged... Are??' She felt someone was watching her. Suddenly some kind of spray came out of the facet. Coughing she backed away. "W-What is this?? I need some fresh air..."

She left and went for the garden. Kanna and Sumire were hiding in the bushes. "(Yoshi, Shiro, do as we taught you. Sick her!!)" Sumire whispered, pointing at the woman.

"WAN WAN WAN WAN!!" Shiro backed happily leaping out and jumping her. Because she smelled like meat, he started to lick her all over, covering her with drool.

"Kyaaa!! Get off me!" she cried, rolling in the grass with the little mutt.

Kanna and Sumire high-fived. "(My special dried chicken broth works every time! Saa, it's just in time for the final act! Hayaku, Snake-woman!)"

"(Hai hai...)" Sumire muttered, going to follow. 'Hohoho, I hope this lady enjoyed her welcome. Maa, maybe she won't stay long.'

When they had gone, Adia grabbed hold of the yapping Shiro and hurled him in the air, him colliding with a tree. He whimpered and then passed out. Smiling, she dusted herself off and stood, the wind picking up around. 'They think they've won...'

* * *
Reni and Airisu just finished their song and came backstage. "Looks like it's time for the final number!" Maria chimed, seeing that Sumire and Kanna had returned. "Saa, ikimashou??"

The crowd went absolutely wild when the entire Hanagumi stepped out on the stage. "Minna-sama," Sakura said, cheerfully, "Tonight we thank you for coming to our special performance. And we wish Kayama-san and Kaede-san great happiness in the future! This last song is for you!"

But as the orchestra was about to hit the first note, the lights flickered out. Everything in pitch darkness, the crowd went in a panic. "Minna, stick together." Maria commanded, "It's dangerous to move around in the dark."

The back doors opened and the Sannin Musume entered, holding candles. "Minna-san, there's been a power outage! The storm outside is really getting wild. We advice all of you to find safe ways to get home." Kasumi announced.

"It might be dangerous to drive though. The streets are a mess." Yuri sighed. "Everyone remain calm, we'll pass out candles and refreshments until the power turns back on."

"Mou! And we were going to sing our last number! Airisu isn't happy!" the girl pouted. "Ara? Airisu has an idea!!" A radiant yellow glow surrounded her and the stage was lighted. "Nee nee! Minna! Look!!"

"Yossha! We can still sing our last song!" Kanna chimed happily. "Haa? W-Where did Sakura go??" Everyone had suddenly realized that she was gone.

* * *
Sakura stumbled through the hallway, feeling her way through the day. 'No... It's happening...' Shivers ran down her spine as a dreaded memory shook her. 'No...'

As she approached the stairs, the sound thunder she screamed and clutched her head. As she was falling, she collided with someone, the two of them rolling down the steps.

"Kyaaa!! Kaminari-sama!!!" Sakura cried, "Don't take my navel!! Kyaaaaaa!!!"

"Ulg! Get off me!!" the person exclaimed, pushing her away.

Their eyes had adjusted to the dark and they could see each other. Sakura quickly recognized her. "You're... you're..." Just then another blast of thunder happened outside. Sakura sobbed and clutched her head. "No!! Kaminari-samaa!!"

Tossing her hair aside, Adia crossed her arms and gazed down at her, chuckling. "Hmp, pitiful to be afraid of the thunder. It isn't any wonder Ichirou chose me over this country bumpkin."

"That's as far as you go!" Kaede shone the light in their faces, she and the other girls at the top of the stairs. Kaede handed the lantern over to Kouran and walked over. "You have no right to talk about Sakura-kun like that. And what are you doing snooping around the Teigeki during this state of emergency??"

"Is that how you talk to a guest... or treat one no less. I'm tired of playing your games. Ichirou has always told me how annoyingly jealous you all get. 'These children make me sick' he said, 'How I wish I could be in Paris, so far from these petty girls'..."

"S-Sonna! Onii-chan would never say... Airisu is NOT a child!!" Airisu cried, tearfully. Reni protectively put a hand on her shoulder, but couldn't do anything else.

"Sakura-kun! Minna!" Oogami called, running over with a flashlight. He skidded to a stop. "Adia-san..." She just burst into tears and ran into his arms, "W-What's happened? I heard a scream..."

"These people... they've done such horrible things to me!! And that girl over there knocked me down the stairs!"

"Masaka... have all of you been playing tricks on Adia-san?" Oogami cried, "I can't believe you all!"

Orihime angrily pointed at him, "You are such a jerk, Chuui-san! This lady is the one who just insulted us all!"

"Insulted?" Adia asked, "I've only told the truth... Ichirou's honest feelings..."

"Ore...?" Oogami stammered, "My feelings...?"

Reni hugged the sobbing Airisu. "Do you really think of us as immature?"

Kanna clenched her fists. "You think we're annoying?!"

Kohran demanded. "Do you really wish you were still Paris??"

Sumire stared him in the eye, "Away from here... from us??"

Maria leaned towards him. "Is this all true, Taichou?"

Oogami dropped his hands to his side, while Adia continued to cry into his shoulder. Sakura knelt on the ground, still very tearful. "Oogami-san...?"

All of a sudden, the thunder went off again, this time so loudly it scared both Sakura and Airisu, who emitted a blast. "AAAAAAAAA!!!" everyone cried, as everything went blank for a couple seconds.

* * *
When Oogami came to, the lights were back on. Dusting himself off, he stared around the room. "Minna... I've had enough..." he uttered, "I'm tired... of everything."

"Sonna..." Kaede exclaimed, "I won't believe this. Oogami-kun, this isn't like you!"

"You don't know anything about the real Ichirou. Not like I do." Adia said, taking his arm, "Saa, let's go, Ichirou." Oogami slowly nodded, and they started to walk away.

The others were going to stop them, but Sakura moved in the way. "No... let them go." she said, lowering her head, "Oogami-san... during that time I was scared, he didn't come to me..."

Sumire clutched her arm and closed her eyes. "Chuui-san... he sided with her. This must be his true feelings. There's nothing we can do."

"Taichou..." Reni uttered, clenching her fists, "It can't be so..."

* * * * * *

Kouran: Oogami-han and that woman have disappeared. He has already made his decision so we should let him go, but why is the Baragumi anxiously looking for this woman?

"Painful Truth" next time on Sakura Taisen. A storm of romance in Taisho Sakura!

Everything that's important to me I shall protect... what about you, Oogami-han?

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