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1996, 1998, 2001 (c) Red Company, Sega Company
fanfic by jill
notes: this has no connection w/ my 'smite' series, but has similar style plot, well it is by me. anyways, it's inspired by yuri-sama's "teigeki uwasa" segment in st2 & also a movie clip I saw from [] "scandal wa dame yo!" from the live action show, 'arabia no bara'. some naughty concepts & cussing. no chapter titles or previews. lots of butai-loving fun!

Sakura Taisen
"Wonderful Scandal" - part 1 -

One stormy night at the Ginza Daiteikoku kagekidan, Oogami Ichirou walked up and down the hallways for his night watch. While on the second floor, the sound of thunder caught him off guard and he dropped his flashlight. 'Aa! That was loud...' he gasped, picking it up while bent on one knee, 'Surely Sakura-kun heard that... I better check on her...'

Rushing to her room, he gently knocked on her door. "E-to... Sakura-kun, daijoubu kai??"

"O...Oogami-san...?" uttered the shaky voice on the other side. "Iie, I'm not all right. I know I shouldn't still be scared of the thunder... demo... atashi..." Suddenly there was another crashing in the sky. Sakuka let out a scream. "Kyaaaa!!"

"S-Sakura-kun!!" Oogami gasped, frantically reaching for the doorknob, "I'm coming...!!"

"N-No, Oogami-san, you mustn't!!" she exclaimed, forgetting about the thunder for a moment, "You can't come into my room at this hour... someone will see you... and think the wrong thing..."

Oogami went red. "OH!" But he looked around the corner and saw no one coming. And he wanted to desperately to ease her fears. 'I'm the Taichou... it should be all right, right?? No, she's correct. If someone saw me, it'll be embarrassing...' He leaned in and whispered, "Sakura-kun, I'll be right back."

"Eh?" she asked, peering out into the hallway. But he had left. Sighing she was about to tell him that she felt a little better after talking with him, but then another blast of thunder made her start shaking again. "K-Kaminari-sama...!!"

* * *
Reni sat in her room with the lights dimmed. She didn't seem to be doing anything in particular, but sitting in her chair and gazing into her wooden box that had all her clothes in it. 'Maybe I should go shopping with Sumire and Airisu tomorrow...'

Sighing, she really didn't want to do that. Her fair locks falling into her blue eyes, she leaned her chin down on her arm and tried to think of an excuse to give them in the morning. '...Hmm?'

She thought she saw something pass her window. Getting up, she squinted into the dark night. 'A person?? ...Taichou?!' she thought, seeing him clinging to the ledge, 'What is he doing? The winds are like 25MPH.'

He stopped at the window next-door and started banging on it. After a while, the light turned on and the window opened, him climbing in. Reni watched with little expression. 'Oh well.' she thought, going back to sit in her chair.

* * *
"T-Toh!" Oogami yelped, tripping into the room. Luckily Sakura caught him before he crashed into the floor. "H-How does Kayama do that??" Sakura just let go of him and allowed him to fall over. "Uff!!"

"O...Oogami-san! What are you doing here?" she gasped, clutching her robe as he sat at the edge of the bed, "It's terrible outside; why did you do something dangerous like that?"

"I-I wanted to make sure you're all right... I felt worried...Sakura-kun, I couldn't sleep if I knew you were troubled during this storm."

"Oh, Oogami-san!" she stammered, blushing, "Your actions make me happy...demo, you shouldn't have done it. It's going to get us in a lot of trouble. I'm sure Shihanin is still roaming around. And the other girls... if they found out..."

Oogami took hold of her hands, smiling. "It's worth the risk. I just want to stay with you until you don't have anything to fear."

Sakura timidly looked him in the eye, "The storm might last all night...are you sure about this, Oogami-san?"

"I'm sure," he said softly, embracing her, "Now, let me cover your navel so Kaminari-sama can't take it away..." He suddenly stopped, thinking, 'Waah! That really sounded dirty! I better rephrase myself!!' Nervously he turned to Sakura, "Aa, w-what I meant was..."

Sakura cut him off with a kiss and instantly he forgot what he was going to say. The two went for the bed, instantly forgetting about the storm and everything else for that matter.

* * *
The next morning, Oogami tiptoed down the hall with his shoes off. Turning around the corner, he bumped into someone. "Eh?!" he cried, standing upright and saluting, "S-Sir!!"

An unusually sober Yoneda eyed him over. His hair was very messy and shirt untucked. "Oogami, what are you doing so early in the morning??"

"Aa... I... was...just... walking around. Eheheheh!" he stammered, rubbing his head. "What about you, Sir? Is there something you need to see me about??"

"Iya, I don't want to see you right now Oogami." he grumbled, "I want to see Kaede-kun, but she's at the damn Hana-Yashiki supervising the new construction. It's absolutely miserable in my office. I need a pretty face and short skirt right away..."

Oogami laughed, not sure if he was serious. "Sir, if you want, you can ask Kasumi-tachi to help you. I'm sure the business office isn't too busy today."

"It's not the same without the sexy military uniform." Yoneda sighed.

"Sir, I don't have a sexy military uniform, but I can still help out if you truly need an extra hand in the office." Oogami offered.

Yoneda suspiciously gave him another look. "What's going on, Oogami? You playing with me?? Did you do something??"

"NO! I-I didn't do anyone!!" he cried, his face lined with sweat, "I-I mean, 'anything'... ahahahah!!"

"Hmmm..." Yoneda leaned in and examined him one last time before turning away, "I'm going to Kaede-kun's room... maybe she's got some lingerie I can look at. Keep up the good work, Oogami!"

"H-Hai!!" he gasped, relieved that Yoneda had left him alone. All of a sudden one of the doors flew open. It made his heart pound so hard he clutched his chest in shock. "R-Reni?!" The girl just took one look at him and then closed her door. Oogami could only blink in confusion. "Haah??"

* * *
Sakura's eyes flickered open. Reaching out her hand, she smoothed out the bedspread. The spot next to her was empty, but still warm. Alone in the room, it seemed like she had woke from a great dream.

'Oogami-san...' she thought, while blushing. She took her pillow and squeezed it tightly, 'I can still feel your kisses...'

Just then her door went flying open. "Sakura!" Maria stood in her doorway, looking a little stunned. "W-What are you doing??"

Sakura was in the middle of smooching her pillow, her eyes wide as Maria's. "Mmm? M-Maria...san...?!"

"Oh nevermind." the Russian girl sighed, "Look, today I need you to go with Sumire and bring these boxes of letters to the post office."

"D-Demo! Sumire-san is going shopping with Airisu and Reni... she isn't going to want to do errands..."

"That's why you have to go along and make sure it happens." Maria explained, "Kanna and the rest of us are preparing the stage for opening night. So, it's up to you Sakura. I'm counting on you."


* * *
In the cafeteria, Kanna was enjoying the great breakfast she made in front of her. Yuri came running by with a newspaper. "Can you believe it?!" she said, holding it up to her face, "Look at what the headlines says!!"

"Hmm? Mmm?? Mmm??" Kanna couln't talk, her mouth was full.

"This is an outrage!! 'Teigeki Star has secret lover?!'" Yuri snapped, grabbing Kanna by the shoulders and shaking her, despite the sounds of choking following, "How could they print that! What nerve!!"

"Gaah!! You're killing me!!" Kanna cried, pushing her away and gulping down her water. After calming down, she asked, "So, what were you saying before?"

Tsubaki popped up on the other side. "Yuri-san's just upset because she wasn't the one who found out this gossip."

"Hmp! It's nothing serious unless you have evidence, not to mention names!" Yuri announced, climbing on the table, "I am the scandal master and no matter what happens, nothing will escape my grasp!! Bwahahah!!"

Tsubaki tilted her head to the side, "Yuri-san's intent on finding out which person of the Teigeki has a secret lover before the paper could print it. Isn't that a bit too..."

Yuri cut her off, "Let's start with you, Kanna-san! Who's your love??" Kanna blinked at her in confusion. "You know what I'm talking about! Tell the truth!"

Kanna cheerfully held up her plate. "Food, of course."

Tsubaki grimaced. "Is 'gluttony' scandalous enough for you??"

Just then, Maria appeared above them at the railing, "Kanna! Hayaku yo! We've got to get to work!!"

"Oiii! I'm eating here!! Give me a minute alone with my breakfast!" Kanna hollered back.

Yuri rubbed her chin thinking for a moment. After Kanna cleared the table, Maria walked over and dragged her away by the headband. Yuri nodded her head. "Yup yup! They're definitely in love."

"What the heck are you talking about?!?" Tsubaki cried. But Yuri didn't listen to her and scribbled in her notebook before rushing off. "Chotto!!" Tsubaki sighed and chased after her.

* * *
"Ohayou gozaimasu, Oogami-san!" a cheerful Kikunojou greeted him once he stepped into Yoneda's office. She, I mean, he then turned heel and went to file some papers in the corner.

"It's the closest thing I could find." Yoneda replied, leaning back in his desk, his sake already poured. "Heheheheh..."

Oogami rubbed his head. "You do know 'those' are fake."

"Don't ruin my morning! Not when this showed up!" the old man cried, throwing down the newspaper, "'Teigeki Star has secret lover!' Cheh!! Now we're damned to hell - this is gonna get us in so much trouble!!"

"Eeh? Eeeh??" Oogami cried, turning pale and staring at the newspaper, 'How did they?! And so fast too...!'

Yoneda now turned serious, "Oogami, we've got a problem. Already, I have the government, the military, the Kanzaki conglomerate and the Shinguji family breathing down my neck to clear up this misunderstanding."

"W-Why does the Shinguji family... er, everyone have a problem with it??" Oogami stammered, gulping down the sake, "I-I mean... the girls can have boyfriends right??"

"Actually..." Yoneda replied, "The Kanzaki and Shinguji families have expressed their wishes to 'choose' partners for their daughters. And the government doesn't really want the high profile scandal to get around."

"S-Scandal??" Oogami squeaked, "But... what if they truly find someone... I mean the girls... what if...?"

"Oogami, I told you and everyone - don't mix work with pleasure. We're here to protect Teito, not to fool around." the old man grumbled, "Besides, if someone was fooling around with one of my girls... I SWEAR!! I'LL KILL HIM!!!"

Oogami backed away from the scary-looking man, while Kiku quickly rushed over with his sword and rifle. "Ready to go, Sir?"

"Haah?" Yoneda blinked, at first confused. "Ahahahaha!! Oh, I got carried away there. Must be already getting drunk. And so early in the morning too! Aahahaha!!"

Oogami didn't find any of this funny. 'What if the guy was serious... how would he prove he was serious without creating such a scene... what if...' An idea suddenly popped in his head. "Aa!! That's it!!" he exclaimed, running out of the room.

From his speed a big gust of wind blew through the room. Kiku screamed as his skirt lifted. Yoneda gagged on his sake and spat it out as Kiku blushed. "Those were the cutest pink panties I've ever seen!!" Yoneda exclaimed, "Forget Kaede-kun - you've got a new promotion!!"

"HONTO?!!" Kikunojou cried, clutching his face, "I-I don't what to say! Except, ' do you want more sake?? '" Yoneda tearfully nodded, happy that something good had come out of his morning.

* * *
Oogami went rushing towards the lobby. He skidded to a stop to see Reni snooping around. Sweat ran down his face as he hid behind a vase. 'Somehow I have to buy this without anyone seeing me. And Reni seems to know something. Waaah, this isn't good at all!!'

"Let's get going." Sumire said, walking down the stairs, elegantly dressed in a summery suit with a large flower hat. She instantly spotted Oogami hiding. "A~ra, Chuui, what on earth are you doing??"

"Aa! Ore...!" he gasped, as Reni's cold eyes caught him, "I-I was just... just cleaning the plant... ehehe... have a nice day shopping, okay?"

"Sure will!" Airisu chimed, coming down the stairs with Jean-Paul and Sakura, "Wish Onii-chan could come!! Wai wai! That'll be soo fun!"

Oogami and Sakura made eye contact and warmly smiled at each other... before she tripped and fell down the stairs. Sumire grabbed her by arm, shaking her head. "Honesty! And I have to go out in public with her... let's move along!"

"Matte ne, Oogami-san!" Sakura chimed, carrying the box of letters. He nodded quietly, blushing as Sumire blew him a kiss and Airisu snapping at Sumire for doing that. Luckily Reni kept walking out, without another word.

Calming down, Oogami revisited his great idea. Leaning against the wall, he furrowed his brow and thought hard. 'Now, somehow I have to buy a ring...'

To be continued

onto part 2