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1996, 1998, 2001 (c) Red Company, Sega Company
fanfic by jill 7/11/1

Sakura Taisen
"Wonderful Scandal" - part 2

One cloudy afternoon at the Ginza Daiteikoku Kagekidan, Oogami Ichirou ran down the steps and into the street, a paper bag of money in his hands. Gazing up at the sky, he remembered the events that took place prior its conception.

"Oogami-han, what do you mean... 'you need some money & fast'???" Kouran questioned, the shine from glasses blaring in his eyes. "Naa yaa... what did you do this time??"

"N-No one!" he gasped, nervous as ever, "I-I mean, nothing!!"

"Hmmm..." Kouran gave him the suspicious slanted-eye look, then turned away, her hand reaching into the front part of her dress. Oogami turned as red as her outfit while she handed him a piece of paper. "This ought to get you some money ya!"

"Arigatou, Kouran." he said, taking a look at the paper. On it were a list of off jobs he could do, and most of them employed by her. "Jaa... what do you want me to start with?" he nervously said when that evil look appeared on her face.

Kouran instantly produced a helmet and some rope. Next thing Oogami knew, he was outside in the central garden, tied up to a tree. "Daijoube daijoube ya!" the Kansai-speaking Chinese crazy scientist chimed, holding up her new invention, "It'll just be a moment, Oogami-han~!"

Meanwhile, Maria had stepped out and walked over to her, crossing her arms. "Kouran, we've got to go work on the stage. Not to mention prepare for dress rehearsals..." She stopped, her eyes widening. "And what the hell are you doing to Taichou?!?!"

"Oh, this??" she said, "Oogami-han wants to earn some money and I just figured that if he's so desperate then he could be my test subject. Why not since no one in their right minds would do so unless they needed the cash, naa?"

"Sou ka..." Maria uttered, rubbing her head, "But why is the Taichou so intend on getting money? Isn't his usual salary enough?"

"Don't know. Demo na why waste the opportunity? Anyways, better let it run while I'm not looking. Seems 'Rope slicer-Kentarou' gets nervous if there's an audience."

"MATTE!!" Oogami screamed, but they had gone. The machine gone to work, but instead of cutting the ropes, it just dropped his pants. Screaming louder, he felt a terrible draft creeping through his smiley-faced boxers. "SOMEONE HELP ME!!" But this was a bad idea. Because the ones came to help him...

"The butai of Love and Beauty heeds your call!!" chimed two shadows appearing from an explosion of pink. "We are the Baragumi~!!" Both Kotone and Yokohiko dropped their shoulders and sighed, "It just isn't the same without Kiku-chan..."

Regardless of their sadness over a loss of their favorite dress-doll, they quickly cheered up, taking pictures of the pants-less Oogami and then finally releasing him. "Kyaaa!" Yoko cried, "Ichirou-chan, you always seem to brighten my day!"

"Ehehe... you're not going to show anyone those pictures are you??" Oogami stammered, nervously. He then had an idea. "Jaa... Yoko-san, Kotone-san... would you like to play with me...?"

Fortunately all those years of playing and losing to Kohran paid off, because he earned a great stack full of money. Unfortunately, he couldn't get the film from the camera, and the Bara-duo went off to develop them right away. Sighing, Oogami proceeded to his room to get all the money he had saved up to this point. 'Yoshi! Now, I can run into town and...'

Stopping in the hallway, he overheard Maria and Kouran talking. "Yaa, Sakura-han has been acting strange. She's been really distracted on stage and on the battlefield. You think it is what I think it is...?"

"I'll try talking to her. But I think it might be too serious for me to handle. Perhaps we should have Shihainin handle it..."

'Why not me? I am the Taichou. Sakura-kun could confide in me...' Oogami thought, 'Chotto... perhaps the reason they didn't suggest me is because... they know already...?!!' Deciding now to act fast before Yoneda got to Sakura, he sped down the stairs and out into the street.

* * *
Reni fretfully sighed as Airisu dragged her down the sidewalk, a firm grasp on her wrist. The French girl just had to stop in every single store and make a ruckus. Poor Reni blushed as a crowd started to draw. "C-Calm down, Airisu!"

Straggling behind, Sumire crossed her arms and laughed, "Ohohohohohoho! Airisu doesn't seem to want to quit, but we should really stop by for lunch! How about one more store??"

"H-Hai!" Sakura replied, carrying all the shopping bags, her arms full. 'How did I end up as her doorman? Aan, and we still haven't gone to the post office. This box of letters is getting heavier by the minute...'

"Wai wai wai!!" Airisu excitedly went through the menu as they finally stopped at a café. "Ne, Reni~! Let's share a sundae!!"

"A sundae... for lunch...? Ch-Chotto!" Reni stammered. She stared across the table to Sakura, who had her head down, obviously tired from serving Sumire. 'Somehow I've got to ask her...'

"NE! RENI!!" Airisu exclaimed, "Why are you looking at Sakura like that?! Reni, you should be listening to Airisu!!"

Sumire put down her tea and grinned. "A~ra, are we getting jealous?? As always, you're so inexperience, my young one."

"What's that suppose to mean!? Take that back, Sumiree!!" Airisu cried, getting so angry that her powers got started up.

Sakura nervously lifted her head. "J-Jaa... the post office isn't that far... I'll go drop off these letters while we wait for our meals... Sumimasen!" she cried, grabbing the box and taking off.

"I-I'll go with you!!" Reni blurted out, chasing after her.

Airisu and Sumire got into a big staring contest, both of their faces looking rather scary. This would've continued if a woman hadn't walked up to their table, catching Sumire's attention. "A... ra...??"

"Ha! Sumrie loses!!" Airisu chimed happily, "Eeh? Who's this onee-chan??"

Sumire glared at the woman, dressed in an outfit as extravagant as hers. "Anata wa... what are you doing here? You are the last person on earth I'd want to talk to! Go away! Can't you see I'm busy!"

"A~ra, is that the way to talk to an old friend??" she replied, holding up the newspaper, "I just wanted to show you this!"

"'Teigeki Star has Secret Lover'? So what? You've got nothing on me. Is that the best you can do, Utako-san?!"

"Ohohohohoho!!!" the woman named Utako chimed, "I'm working on it. But, you should be worried about your opening night and what a failure it will be! Keep practicing your lines...!"

But when Utako tried to walk away, she collided with Sakura, her falling onto a dessert cart and dress getting covered with frosting. "Oh! S-Sumimasen!" Sakura gasped, Reni standing behind her without any expression, "I-I didn't mean to..."

"You clumsy fool! Go back to the country where you belong!!" Utako cried, absolutely angry and storming off, "I'll remember this!!"

Sakura scratched her head. "That scary woman... she reminds me of Sumire-san..."

Sumire crossed her arms. "Don't associate me with that person! Demo ne, arigatou, Sakura-san, for being such a nuisance to her. It was funny to see her like that! Ohohohohoho~!" Sakura, Reni, and Airisu cringed as the evil laughter continued.

* * *
Meanwhile, Kaede had arrived back at the Teigeki. "WHAT IS THIS?!?!" she exclaimed after hearing of her demotion. "You're replacing me with... with... THAT?!" she exclaimed, pointing at the blushing Kikunojou.

Yoneda, already too drunk to properly function, just gave her a goofy smile and put his head down on the desk, "Yaa, Kaaaedee-kun! Gudta she yoo!! Fa nowon, yoo bee widaa Bawagumi... (hic)... ahaahahah!!"

"NANI?!" Kaede cried, "You're transferring me to the Baragumi!? Iya! Sir, you can't do this to me!!"

"Go on! Git yer hinny outta here!" he muttered, passing out.

Kiku shrugged and proceeded to shove the protesting Kaede out into the hall. "Gomen nasai... I have to clean the office now. Please report to Kotone-Taichou in the basement for further details."

Kaede gave him the look of death. "Don't think this is over! I fought long and hard for that job and like heck I'm gonna give it up just like that!" The door just slammed in her face, "Aa! You little...!!"

Kanna stopped in the hallway, watching her wave her fists and curse endlessly. "Hmm... rough day?" She took Kaede by the arm and started to drag her off. "Let's have a snack. You'll feel better."

* * *
Oogami skidded into the jewelry store and rushed to the counter, gawking at the many rings available. 'Which one? Which on? Hurry...!!' he yelled at himself, eyes going everywhere.

Unbeknownst to him, right next to him was Orihime. "Papa! This one looks nice! Come it, ne~!" she chimed happily. Her elbow jabbed into Oogami's face by accident and she quickly recognized her Taichou. "Aa! Chuui-san, what are you...?"

Oogami rubbed his nose. "I-I... was just looking... around..." he stammered, not sure what excuse to give.

Seiya walked over to his daughter, also recognizing him. "Aa, Oogami-san... so, you're too. Could you help me? I'm looking for a ring for Karin, Orihime's mother. Will you help us?"

Oogami barely was listening. His eye had caught a sparkling gem and instantly he felt captivated. 'Waaw! Kirei na! That one is perfect...!' Pointing at the ring, he exclaimed, "That one! That's the one!!"

Orihime and Seiya both looked. "Hmmm... Chuui-san has good taste! What do you say, Papa? Do you think Mama will like that one?"

"Aa, I think it's perfect. We'll take it!"

Oogami blinked. "EEH?!" he gasped as the clerk took the ring out and wrapped it up for the father and daughter. He dropped his head in despair. 'The perfect ring for Sakura-kun... and it's gone!!'

Just then, Orihime kissed him on the cheek. "Arigatou, Chuui-san! My mama will love this ring you chose!" she happily said, "Nee, would you like to join Papa and me for lunch?"

Oogami could only mope. "Iie... I think I'll just stick around here for a while." he sighed. The two shrugged and left him behind. Leaning against the counter, he was back to square one.

"Ano..." the clerk said, tapping him on the shoulder, "Are you looking for a ring to give to your girl??" Oogami miserably nodded. "You were looking at that one I just sold didn't you? Well, if it helps any, I think we have one more in back."

"H-Honto?!" he gasped, "Jaa, how much is it?!?"

"Well..." The clerk smiled slyly, thinking to himself, 'Sucker! Bwahahah!'

* * *
Back at the Teigeki, Sumire and the others had arrived home with their several shopping bags. Reni stopped Sakura at the entrance with a hand at the wrist. "I know." she uttered quietly, "About you and Taichou."

"Eh? M-Masaka...!" Sakura gasped, her face turning red, "H-How do you...?"

Reni released her and crossed her arms, leaning against the brick, "I saw him go into your window... and I saw him leave in the morning."

"Reni!" Sakura cried, grabbing her by the shoulders, "Please don't tell a soul! It'll get Oogami-san in lots of trouble... and atashi..." Her voice trailed off. Her punishment would be terrible as well; she didn't even what to think about it. "I love the Hanagumi... I don't want to leave or anything. I beg of you, Reni!"

Reni slowly nodded. "I understand. Just... be a bit more careful."

Sakura bowed her head. "Arigatou gozaimasu, Reni. You're so kind!"

Inside, Airisu watched from the window, fuming with jealous. "MOU!! What are they talking about?! Reni is Airisu's special friend, NOT Sakura's!!" she growled, squeezing the stuffing out of Jean-Paul.



Kasumi leaned over, preventing Airisu from exploding or something. "Sumire-san, you know that gossip columnist, Sanzaki Utako? The one who wrote this??" she asked, holding up the newspaper, with 'Tegeki Star Has Secret Lover'.

"Hai hai, I've known her since I was young and she's always been out to destroy me, that little wretch." Sumire noted, "No doubt she's trying to sabotage my career and the entire Music Group for that matter."

"And opening night is coming up soon!" Kanna noted, munching on some chicken with the moping Kaede, "Ano yatsu better think twice before spreading lies about us!"

Everyone's attention moved over to Maria. Tsubaki and Yuri were busy interviewing her as they did everyone else thus far. "For the last time, this is my lover." Maria chuckled, holding up her favorite gun, "We sleep together every night... well, he stays under my pillow. Eheh!"

"T-That's not what I meant!" Yuri gasped, throwing her hat to the floor and tugging at her own hair, "Aaan! What is with you people!? What am I gotta do to get some scandal around here!"

"Yuri-san..." Tsubaki stammered, trying to calm her friend, "Don't worry. We'll find some spicy gossip soon... aa! Look, here comes Sakura-san! Why don't you interview her?"

"Oh please!" she sighed, "Sakura-san wouldn't have any shameful secret. If we asked her about her love, she'd probably say something cheesy like the city lights turning her on. I give up!!"

Maria walked around the defeated Tegeki Ninin Musume. "Sakura, the Manager would like to talk to you in his office."


* * *
Oogami happily ran down the street, 'Yoshi! I have the ring! Sakura-kun, I'm coming~!' He stopped in front of the Teigeki, all of a sudden filled with nervousness. 'Chotto, Oogami! You just can't go in there and give her the ring out of the blue... you've got to work up to it. But, you can't wait too long or else everyone will find out and get angry...'

He took out the ring and stared at it. The clerk had totally ripped him off with some outrageous price, but after promising free tickets to the opening night he finally cut a reasonable deal. Still, even if he had the ring, he knew he couldn't just rush things.

'Sakura-kun... what should I do? I don't want to lose you, but I don't want to scare you off either... and timing is ticking...'

"Hmmm..." Someone was watching him from afar with binoculars. "Very interesting..."

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