"wonderful scandal" part 4
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1996, 1998, 2001 (c) Red Company, Sega Company
notes: Kaede refers to Kikunojou as 'sono hito', or 'this person', because she doesn't want to say his name. Ayame often warned Oogami not to 'chase more than one rabbit'. jill 7/25/1

"Wonderful Scandal"
Part 4

One bright morning at the Ginza Daiteikoku Gekijou, Oogami Ichirou marched into the Shihainin's office. He stopped in the doorway to stare down his target. "Ohayou gozaimasu, Oogami-san!" Kikunojou chimed cheerfully, watering some plants by the windowsill.

A line of sweat ran down Oogami's face as he thought about the night prior and the nightmarish meeting he had in the basement with a certain butai of love and beauty...

"M-Masaka..." Reni uttered, sweat running down her face, "You want Taichou to do - that -?!"

Oogami could only stare in shock as Ayame stood in front of him, back from the dead, asking him for a single deed - with Kotone and Yokohiko in drag, chanting: "DO IT~! DO IT~!"

"That's right." Ayame said, her finder sliding around his temple and down the side of his face until it met his chin. She teasingly leaned in closed, her smile ever so bright. "I want you to seduce Kikunojou."

"D-Demo!!" Oogami gasped, finally able to talk, "Kiku-kun is a... a man! I-I cannot do that!!"

Kotone shook his head. "Kiku-chan doesn't know that. As far as Kiku-chan is concerned, he's the most shiteki na onna there is!"

"Ooh! I'm envious of Kiku-chan too!!" Yoko sighed heavily.

"THEY'RE FAKE!" Ayame, er, Kaede instantly blurted out, "Besides, I look much better in that sexy military uniform! Who made it sexy in the first place! Me, that's who!"

"A-Ayame... san...?" Oogami stammered, tilted his head to the side, "Are you feeling all right??"

Reni grabbed him by the arm, shaking him, "Taichou! That's not Ayame! That's Vice-Commander Kaede! Don't you see?!"

"Ara, he's already trapped in my spell." Kaede replied, crossing her arms, "There's nothing you can do about it."

Reni turned back to Oogami, who just stared into space, uttering, "I must do what Ayame-san says..."

"TAICHOU! What about...!?!"

"Ayame-san... my only love..."
(end of flashback)

"Yo, Oogami!" Yoneda waved him over to his desk, "Taihen taihen! This news is as bad as yesterday. Look at this!" He held up the newspaper. "Teigeki Star received ring from Lover."

'Eeeh?!' Oogami gasped, staring up and down at the article, 'How in the world did they know?!?'

Yoneda sighed, "It says that probably they were going to elope or some nonsense like that. I cannot believe this is happening to our good reputation, na Oogami!"

"I'm sorry, Sir... but I..." he started to say, but saw Kikunojou at his side, peering at the newspaper in his hands. Instantly he went into his trance mode, thinking, 'Most do as Ayame-san says... my beloved Ayame-san...' He turned towards Kiku and gave him a bright smile. "Maa, Ohayou, Kiku-kun! You look so pretty this morning!"

"H-Honto desu ka??" Kiku stammered, blushing. He folded his hands together and straggled his feet on the floor, "A-Arigatou gozaimasu, Oogami-san... your words make me so happy!"

"Hoh??" Yoneda eyed them over from across the desk, 'Am my ears deceiving me?? I could've sworn that Oogami was flirting with Kiku-kun over there. I only had a drink. Hm...maybe the sake's gone bad.' he thought, looking into his glass and taking a sniff. "Tonikaku! Oogami, you've got to stop this scandal right away!"

"Y-Yes Sir!" Oogami said, saluting him, "But... how am I supposed to do that?!"

"First of all, we've got to prove that this accusation is false! You must interview all the girls and get the truth out of them! Whatever it must take, and if you do find the one who's behind this scandal, be sure to take matters into your own hands!"

"H-Hai!" he said, turning for the door. He suddenly skidded to a stop and turned back, winking at Kiku. "Catch up with you later!"

"O-Oogami-san!" Kiku gasped, "Aaa!" He then fainted onto the floor, hearts in the air.

Yoneda took another look at the situation, and then gulped down the entire glass of sake. "Aa... mush bedda... *hic!"

* * *
On the stage, the Hanagumi was having an early practice. Just then, the Teigeki Musume came charging down the aisle. "Minna-san!! You won't believe it!!" Tsubaki cried, waving the newspaper.

"Now it's a ring! This Sanzaki-san has struck again!" Kasumi sighed.

"Ara~!" Sumire said, skimming through the article, "Utako-san has a lot of nerve making up lies like this!"

"Oi oi, how do you know if it's lies??" Kanna snapped, poking her in the face, "We know you sleazy broad has losers throwing themselves at your feet always."

"Kanna-san!! Don't talk about Oogami-Chuui like that!"


As those three argued, Orihime sighed and shrugged her shoulders, "Aaan! We're not going to get any practice done if all these rumors keep popping up!"

Sakura stood behind her and her eye had caught the ring she was wearing. 'A-Are wa... the same ring Oogami-san... d-doushite???' She timidly tapped Orhime on the arm. "Ano... Orihime-san..."

"Ha~i? Nan de~su ka?" she uttered, turning towards her. She stopped to spot someone by the curtain. "Aa! Chuui-san!!"

"Yaa minna!" Oogami stammered, rubbing his head, "Sorry to interrupt your practice, but I have a special assignment. I've been asked to talk to all of you about the rumors..."

"OH NO!!" Kouran snapped, pointing at him, "You're not going to ask us nasty, personal questions like Yuri-kun, ya??!" Kasumi paused to glare at the nervous Yuri, who tried to escape.

Oogami blushed. "I'll try to keep the conversation where it belongs. Demo, it's something Yoneda asked me, so I have to. Who wants to go first?"

"Airisuu!!! Airisu!!!" Airisu chimed, waving her hands. Oogami decided to go with Maria. "MOU!! ONII-CHAN, YOU JERK!"

Reni walked up to Sakura and uttered quietly, "Taichou is playing along and so should you. Don't say a word."

"H-Hai. I understand."

Airisu popped up between them, blowing them up with an explosion. "MOU!! DAME YO!! RENI IS AIRUSU'S SPECIAL FRIEND!!"

* * *
In the Baragumi basement, Kaede filed some paperwork. It seemed like an ordinary morning as Kotone actually gave her some official assignments. All that changed when Yokohiko arrived.

"... w-where did you find that??!" Kaede cried, standing up with wide eyes, "Sono outfit yo...!"

Yoko chimed, "I got it from the archives. We keep almost anything that the enemy leaves behind and keep it for special occasions."

"Demo, this??!" Kaede exclaimed. It was the masochistic costume that Fujieda Ayame wore as a minion to Aoi Satan; the leather string bikini and bat wings, with the knee-high boots. "It's... It's so perfect!!"

Yoko grinned. "I'm glad you'd like the idea! You can wear this in our next taunting. Ichirou-chan won't be able to resist!"

Kotone shrugged. "But I still don't understand your motive, Kaede-chan. Why are you making Oogami-Taichou seduce Kiku-chan??"

Kaede crossed her arms and turned serious as a spotlight went on her. "Because... ano hito has taken my beloved job! It took me hard work to get where I am, after I promised my Nee-san I would continue her dream... Tonikaku, if Yoneda-shihainin sees Oogami-kun and sono hito together, then he will put an end to it before there's a scandal."

"Sou ka!" Yoko exclaimed, "And after all that's said and done, Yoneda-ojichan will send Kiku-chan back to us and you to your job, then Ichirou-chan will take us all on a date!"

Kaede nodded. "That will be our final request. But first... I think I want to try this on. I'll be in the locker room if anything comes up." she said, leaving with the masochistic outfit. 'Hee hee... but before I ask the final request, I'm going to have my own bit of fun...'

* * *
"Kouran said she'd bring me the next girl... " Oogami uttered, sitting back in Yoneda's seat. Yoneda and Kiku had left to attend some meeting, so he was able to use the office. Putting his feet up on the desk, he poured himself some sake. "It must be good to be the shihainin..."

"A-Ano..." The door opened and there was Sakura. She closed it behind her and locked it. Oogami just stared at her, now pouring the sake into his lap. "Oogami-san... atashi..."

"Ore..." he gasped, standing and climbing over the desk to get to her. After a pause, they embraced and started kissing. They eventually fell over on the floor, "Iteee, itee..." Oogami gagged, Sakura's sheathed sword having jabbed him in the stomach. "Daijoubu!!"

"Is it okay, Oogami-san?" she asked tearfully, "After what I've done... can I still be with you?"

"What are you talking about?? Sakura-kun, tell me... what's wrong..."

Sakura sat up, closing her eyes as he continued to gaze up at her. She then said, "I've engaged in some impulsive behavior... It's beyond my control... I can't stop it... it's like it's an addiction..."


"It began in Sendai; I was always scolded for it... but I can't help it when I hear the water running... and when I came to Teito, everything became worse... and I continued these shameful actions..."

Oogami got up, putting his hand on her shoulders. "Sakura-kun, whatever it is, I won't hold you against it. My feelings cannot change, no matter what you did..."

Sakura just opened her tearful eyes. "I can't stopping looking into the bath! Last week, Yoneda-shihainin and his friends were in the onsen... and I just couldn't stop... what is wrong with me, Oogami-san??!"

He could only make a face. "Eeeeewwwww!!"

* * *
The girls were on stage when Oogami came running out, "All right! Who wants to be next!!" he said.

"Onii-chan, yagi!" Airisu gasped, pointing at his stained pants, "Did you go bathroom??"

"Eeep?!" Oogami cried, remembering and becoming greatly embarrassed, "Jaa... I'll be sure to continue the next interview after I go change."

Kouran turned to the depressed looking Sakura. "What did you say to him, Sakura-han? Oogami-han looks disoriented."

"I-I told him about 'that'..."

"You didn't! Sonna ya!!"

Maria popped up. "Shhh... keep it down. The others don't know about Sakura's dark secret and if it gets around, it could be a scandal."

At the utterance of 'scandal', Yuri came running over. "What scandal?!? Where?!?" she cried, waving her notebook, "Onegai!! I need something quickly!!" The three just turned away whistling.

Suddenly Orihime walked in. "Minna-san, I just got the strangest phone call! My Papa cancelled our lunch together because there is a bunch of reporters surrounding his house and he can't get out."

"Heeeh??" Airisu uttered, "Airisu didn't know Orihime no Papa is famous!"

"Of course he is! He's a world class artist!!" she exclaimed, "We've got to save my Papa! Saa, ikima~su!!"

She and the other Hanagumi rushed out the door, but Sumire stayed behind, crossing her arms. "I wonder why Orihime's father is a target by the paparazzi... masaka... Utako-san, baka na..."

"Hah? What are you talking about, Sumire-san?" Tsubaki asked, still trying to avoid Kasumi who was trying to get her and Yuri back into the office, "What does Orihime's father have to do with the journalist??"

"OHOHOHOHOHOHO!! But it's all a bunch of crap! Kasumi-san, be sure to call a press conference right away! I, Kanzaki Sumire, the TOP STAR of Teito will sort out this misunderstanding!"

* * *
Meanwhile, Oogami entered the locker room in the basement. He had left his favorite slacks in his locker and wanted to change into them before someone misinterpreted what the stains were from.

'Hmmm...' he thought, turning his head towards the onsen. 'Who knew Sakura-kun was into that kinky stuff... maybe I overreacted... it's not like I don't peek in the bath... still, if it gets out that she's a peeping tom, then the reputation of the Hanagumi is at state...'

Going to remove his stained pants and putting them on the bench, he shook the folded ones that had been in his locker for a while. He couldn't help but feel uneasy, like someone was watching him.

'I wonder... has Sakura-kun ever peeked on me...' His face turned bright red at this possibility, 'Aa, Sakura-kun, you're so bad...!'

The sound of a whip made him snap out of this fantasy and drop the pants he was holding. Slowly turning around, wearing his heart covered boxers, he saw someone step out of the shadows.

"A... Ayame...san??!" he gasped, bowing on the floor, "I-I know you want me to go after Kiku-kun... but I keep chasing other rabbits... gomen! Please forgive me!! I won't think about another girl ever again!!"

"Hmhmhmhm!" the evil Ayame grinned, resting her whip on her bare shoulder, "What a kawaii boy. But I have to teach you a lesson..."

the shitekii conclusion!