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Sakura Taisen was created by Ooji Hiroi; all rights reserved to Sega co., RED co., Bandai Visual; 1996-today
This fanfiction was created by JillM; original posting: October, 2001
Notes: graphic violence in this one. also, i'm placing Sakura's 'secret memory' from the first game in this time period. i think it's about right. sorry about the underdevelopment of Yoneda. he wasn't a main focus for me, other than someone to add distraction, but I'll keep incorporating him more and more.

Taishou Love Story: The first battle
Chapter 5 - "A night in Sendai"

Ayame gazed out the window and watched the scenes pass before her eyes. 'It's early Saturday morning... watashi-tachi are on a train heading north. Hanakoji-hakushaku thought it best that we got away from Teito for a while to sharpen up our skills. He also told us to take this time to get closer together...'

Her thoughts went on hold as Yoneda nodded off to sleep and leaned his head onto her shoulder. He then turned inward, his face in her chest and arm wrapping around her. Ayame tearfully stared up at the ceiling.

'I'm already close enough to Yoneda-shirei- more than I want to... so, I'm hoping this weekend, perhaps I could possibly...' She looked across towards Kazuma on the aisle from the corner of her eye, her cheeks flushing. '...get closer to Shinguji-taisa...'

"Hmhmhm," Yamazaki sat across from her, muffling his laughter. "Are you enjoying yourself, Ayame-kun?"

Ayame's eyes burned. 'And this person I wish I could get miles away from! If only we could drop him off somewhere!' she pouted, breaking free from the snoring Yoneda. She then crossed her arms and glared out the window. "Don't talk to me."

"You two starting so early in the morning?" Kazuma chuckled, cheerfully pouring himself a cup of tea. "I hope you'll make up during this weekend. The Tai Kouma Butai will have problems if we're not all on good terms."

"Taisa, I absolutely agree." Yamazaki replied, looking innocent, "I've been trying my best to be friends with Ayame-kun... but, she won't even talk to me."

Ayame glared at him, her fists shaking. "Why should I talk to you?? You're always making fun of me... and saying nasty things about me... all of which are not true!"

"I'm simply telling it how I see it," he replied, "I've always been honest in my ways with people. I don't hold back and keep things from others."

Ayame lowered her eyes. She was holding back her real feelings and keeping it from him, to the point that she would even lie about it. She didn't feel comfortable making such dishonest actions, but to tell the truth would just be as painful. 'He's married. He'll never love you back. Why can't you give him up then?' she thought, feeling so ashamed, 'I'm such a...'

"... a fool! The biggest fool I've ever known." Yamazaki was still talking. "You claim to be so modest and here you are allowing old men to have their ways with you... in public no less."

"D-Datte! I'm not allowing it!" she argued, giving Yoneda another push to distance him even more. "Here you go again - telling things with a false and perverse interpretation. I wonder what really goes through your mind, Shousa!"

Yamazaki appeared a bit miffed for a moment. Before he could counter attack, Kazuma held out his hand. "Maa maa! Please calm down!" he said, though sounding amused, "At first I was worried that you two would be too shy to even talk to each other - but I'm glad that you were able to become so comfortable to talk about anything."

'Oh!' Ayame blinked and made this realization. 'It's true. Normally I wouldn't be in such a conversation - especially with people I haven't known for a long time. But lately, it feels very natural to speak out loud... I don't know what has come over me... But it's kind of a good feeling...'

"Taisa," Yamazaki quickly used this long pause to stray from the subject, "Where exactly are we going?"

"There's a military base at the foot of the mountains." Kazuma explained, "It's been a long time since I last went there..."

* * * * * *
"Fuuuuuaaaa!" Yoneda stretched his arms as he walked from the train station. "Why didn't anyone wake me up right away??" he mumbled, scratching his head, "Where is Ayame-kun?"

"She and Taisa went on ahead..." Yamazaki replied, as the two of them stopped on the street counter and waited for a bus to come by, Taisa wanted to go by foot. And you know why Ayame-kun went."

Yoneda sighed. "Poor girl... it must be hard experiencing the first pangs of love. I remember my first crush, which happened to be my first heartache. It never was easy being young and in love..."

"Trivial..." Yamazaki noted, "Those types of feeling are only good for temporary relief."

"Come on! What's the use of living if you can't have find pleasure in it!" Yoneda snapped, whacking him on the shoulder, "Enjoy being young, Yamazaki! It ain't gonna last forever!"

While everyone in the town stared towards them, Yamazaki sighed and covered his face. "Hai hai..."

* * * * * *
Ayame trailed behind a step behind Kazuma as they walked towards the base. "A-Ano..." she uttered, though not knowing where to continue from there. He turned towards her attentively, but her will had failed her. "It's nothing..."

"Ayame-kun, do you realize?" he said, stopping and smiling at her, "We're not too far from the city Sendai. That's my hometown, you see."

"Aa, I see." she uttered, "You must really miss your family, Taisa." As he nodded, she noticed the brief look of sadness pass through his face. 'Surely he misses them... and his wife...'

"The more I think about, you and I are very alike." he suddenly said, resting his hand on her shoulder as he turned to the view of the sun setting, "We both don't want our loved ones to get hurt, so we distant them from us. I sometimes ask myself: what good does that do... If we're so afraid of hurting others, we might not ever get close to others the way we want to..."

"S-Shinguji-taisa..." she stammered, as they stared into each other's eyes, "Wa... Watashi wa..."

Just then, the bus passed them on the road. Yoneda was in the window, making a face. Ayame instantly broke into a fit of giggles and forgot what she was going to say. "At this rate, they're going to beat us to the base." Kazuma said, starting to walk, "Saa, ikou?"


* * * * * *
Lodgings at the base were lenient. Ayame felt little comfort in the small bunker. Even more so, she had to share a bunk bed with Yoneda. Being half awake the entire night, she stared down at the compartment below her. Yoneda was having a nightmare of some sort, perhaps flashbacks of the Japan-Russo war.

"Shirei..." she uttered, worriedly peering down at him, "D-Daijoubu desu ka?"

He could only toss and turn in the sheets, sweat lining his face. "Kkkk! DAMN YOU BASTARDS...!!" He then started sobbing and shaking, "... damn you..."

Ayame, absolutely frightened by this sight, didn't know what to do. She covered her head her pillow and clenched her eyes close, hoping it would stop soon. And then it suddenly did. Peering down from under the blanket, she saw Yoneda sitting up in bed, gulping down a bottle of sake. 'Yoneda-shirei...' she worriedly thought as he got up and left the room.

In the other bunker, Yamazaki rubbed his eyes. Without his reading glass that mysteriously disappeared one day, he had difficulties working on his designs. Giving up for the night, he reached for the lamp. "Taisa," he called, peering up the bunk, "You still awake?"

"Aa," Kazuma sighed, resting his head back while gazing into a photograph, "Go ahead and shut off the lights. I don't mind, Yamazaki."

"Hai," Yamazaki uttered, recognizing the unusual melancholy tone in his voice. Realizing he wasn't in any position to impose on anyone's private matters, he blew out the light. "Oyasumi nasai, Taisa."

"Aa..." Kazuma said, resting the photo on his heart and closing his eyes. "Oyasumi..."

* * * * * *
In the morning, Ayame sleepily gazed at a disgusting heap of mush in front of her. "This is breakfast...?" she sighed, poking at it with a wooden spoon, "Sonna..."

"Not bad at all!" Yoneda said, munching away, "Umai!! Mmm mm!"

Ayame and Yamazaki exchanged looks and then made groans. "Taisa, I protest!" Yamazaki cried, "This food doesn't look edible for NORMAL human consumption!"

"It's military food." Kazuma replied, helping himself to another serving, "You two aren't used to it, but after a while it'll taste very good."

But after their first bites, Ayame and Yamazaki felt sick and couldn't eat any of it. So, with empty stomachs, they went outside for the start of their special training. Wearing matching gray warm-ups, they lined up and prepared to follow orders.

"You are the Tai Kouma Butai - the special army that protects Teito and the rest Japan from any attacks by the evil world of demons." Yoneda said, pacing in front of them, "The enemy could advance at anytime. You must risk everything, including your lives, to stop them."


And so the training began. After some good stretches, they took off in a line to run down the trail into the forest. "Heh! Is that the best you can do?" Yoneda asked, running past Yamazaki, "You're not even half my age, Boy!"

"U-Urusai..." he panted, trying to keep in pace, "I'm not used to this kind of workout..."

"It's not that bad." Ayame said, running up next to him. She seemed a bit concerned that he was having difficulties. "Yamazaki-shousa, daijoubu desu ka?" He wouldn't answer her, concentrating on the back of Yoneda's head. "...Hah?"

"I'll catch up to you, you old man!!" Yamazaki snapped, pushing himself ever harder. Yoneda just laughed and sped off the trail and into the forest. "JIJI!!" Yamazaki yelled, chasing after him.

"Haah?!" Ayame stopped and blinked in confusion. The two of them had disappeared into the woods. "W-What are we going to do about this? We've split up..."

Kazuma crossed his arms, shrugging. "Let them work it out. I'm sure they'll come back when they get it out of their systems."

"Saa..." Ayame uttered, not sure if that was a good idea. Yoneda and Yamazaki were both pretty persistent, and for all she knew they could be running in that forest all day. "What shall we do then, Taisa?"

Before he could answer, Kazuma suddenly had a painful attack of some sort and grasped at his head. "N-Nan da...?!" he cried, "This feeling...?!"

"T-Taisa!" Ayame helped support him, "What's going on? Talk to me! Shinguji-taisaa!"

"Let's hurry back to the base!" he replied, breaking away from her, "Something tells me there's trouble!"

* * * * * *
Just as he suspected, something was going on at the military base. Crowds of soldiers panicked at the wave of demons that had ambushed the area. The small, but quick, little beasts leapt up on some and gnawed at human flesh, while others squirted out a green liquid that burned like acid. Ayame went pale at the sight as the screams became loud in her ear.

"Ayame-kun!" Kazuma broke her out of the trance with a forceful voice. "Leave this to me and go hide someplace until it's safe!"

"D-Demo...! Perhaps I can help...!" she started. But she didn't really know how she could help. Not only had she forgotten her sword, she had also never really been in battle before. Before she knew it, she had become the target of the demons and they came rushing at her. "IYAAA! DAMEE!!"

"AYAME-KUN!" Kazuma pushed her down and covered her, the demons latching on his back. After biting in pain from the claws and teeth, he threw his arm back and struck them. He then stood, rage in his face. "Teme..." he uttered, holding out his hand. Out of nowhere, his glowing sword came flying into his grasp. Readying his stance, his spirit fired up and a gush of wind lifted around him. "DAMN YOU!!"

Ayame watched the following slaughter of every demon in sight. She also caught a glimpse of his special power - the Haja Kenru. A soaring bright light swept across the base, demons evaporating instantly. But, it wasn't going to end there. While Kazuma rested his sword and caught his breath, a large blade appeared suddenly and slashed down his side. "TAISA!!" Ayame cried, running toward him.

Kazuma held out his hand to stop her from coming any closer. "Who's there?" he asked, glaring around at him. He immediately blocked the blade with his sword from a further attack, the user finally becoming visible. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!"

"My master sent me." said the Nymph-like youth as he smiled over the large blade in his hand. The weapons grinded at each other generating sparks, but neither could overcome the other. "We just want you to know - no matter where you go, we will be there too. Teito is the least of our concerns right now, not when we have 'you' to get rid of."

"Who...?" Ayame stammered, her entire body shaking with fear, "Who are you? Who sent you?"

"That I will never tell you, but you will soon find out on your own. If you live long enough, that is!" he laughed, "But if you wish to preserve your own lives, I suggest you give up your silly quest. There's no way you can beat us. Shinguji Kazuma... soshite, Fujieda Ayame."

"SHUT UP!!!" Kazuma broke through his blade and sliced off his head. He then repeated slashed away at the Nymph until he lay in a bloody pile on the ground. Ayame watched with shock and fell to her knees. Breathing hard and covered with blood, Kazuma dropped his sword. He then grasped at his head, yelling, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGGG!!"

"Shinguji... taisa...!" Ayame cried, as he started to walk towards her. He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her along. Frighten out of her wits, she tried to break free from him, but his hold to too great. "Y-Yamette! You're hurting me!" He just threw her into the back of a jeep. "Iyaaa!"

Kazuma didn't say a word, but went up front and started up the engine. He then sped out of the base. Lying in the back, Ayame sorely lifted her head and gazed towards the front. In the rear view mirror, she saw his blood-covered face and the red eyes to match for it. Still shaking and confused, she covered her face and sobbed, the images repeating in her mind.

* * * * * * *
"UWAAAAAH!!" Yamazaki tripped and fell on his face. He and Yoneda had ran quite a distance and forgot about their friends and the base. Pounding his fist in the dirt, Yamazaki admitted defeat. "Shimatta... I lost to an old geezer..."

"Hehehe!" Yoneda turned back and stood in front of him, holding out his hand, "Losing ain't that bad sometimes, so don't feel terrible. You just didn't have it in you. Next time, give it all you got."

Yamazaki ignored the helping hand and pulled himself up. "I've lost enough in a lifetime and I don't wish to be lectured about it by a man I have little respect for."

"Oi oi! You barely even know me - how can you judge me simply on my outer personality. Respect is something that takes time and needs to be earned. We've only known each other for about a year and haven't really talked. If you knew the life that I have lived..."

"I don't wish to know anymore than I have to right now. People don't have to go around sharing stories. It's a waste of time in my opinion."

"BAH! You speak like you're already an bitter old man!" Yoneda snapped, slapping him on the back, "You haven't even begun to live, Boy!"

Yamazaki stared towards him, affected. "If you wish to live another day, old man, I suggest you stop slapping me about." Yoneda just laughed and put his hands in the air. "By the way... have you any idea where we are now?"


"Or how to get back?"


Silence fell on them as they realized their misfortune. After a long pause, Yamazaki covered his head and yelled, "WE'RE LOST!!!"

* * * * * *
"Hah?" Ayame felt that the car stopped. Lifting her tear-stained face, she saw Kazuma get out and then open the back door. "Taisa...?"

He didn't say anything but walked away from the car. Coming outside, she saw that there was a large house and the town in the distance. 'Masaka... we're in Sendai?' she thought, limping away from the vehicle after him. 'Why...?'

Up ahead, there was a scream. Ayame peered behind the post to see Kazuma facing a woman and an elderly man. The woman looked very aghast. "Anata! What is the meaning of this?!"

"Wakana..." he uttered, stepping forward, "I have to see her... I'm going mad... if I don't see her... I..." He stopped to see a small elderly woman enter, "Okaasama..."

"Kazuma," the old woman said, "You know better than to come to this place in this manner. After what we spoke about, you know you cannot bring the danger here. You promised."

"I know, but...!" he cried, clutching at his head, "It's getting worse! If I don't see her... if I don't see my precious angel... ore... ore wa...!"

The three exchanged looks. Finally, the old woman nodded her head. "Master," the elderly man said, "You may see Ojousama, but please clean up yourself first. It would be terrible if she saw you like this. I will warm up the water for you bath."

"Arigatou, Gontaro." he replied, going to follow him. He bowed his head towards the women and then left.

It was then that they noticed the fear-stricken Ayame. "I'm sorry... to intrude... I'm from the Tai Kouma Butai... Taisa... he..." She couldn't say anymore, but burst into tears again.

Wakana walked up to her and led her inside by the hand. "Daijoubu desu. You need not worry about a thing." she said soothingly as she had her sit in a room and gave her some tea to drink and a cloak on her shoulders. She then got a bowl of warm water and started to wash her face that was covered with blood and tears. "You must be Ayame-san."

"H-Hai..." she stammered, staring at her. 'What a beautiful and calm woman... this is the woman that Shinguji-taisa is married to...'

"Forgive my husband. He is still getting used to the overwhelming power inside him. Sometimes it's hard to believe, but even a man like Kazuma can falter in his strength. In time, I know it won't be something to worry about. I can't help but worry about him."

Ayame nodded her head quietly. 'Taisa... that power inside you... what is it? How could it turn you into a...' She clenched her eyes closed, not wanting to think about it.

"Ayame-san." Wakana said, putting her hand on her shoulder, "Do not worry. We'll make up a room for you to rest and not think about these matters. Please sleep soundly and forget all that you have seen tonight."


* * * * * *
During this time, night had fallen. For the others, they had given up wandering around the darkened forest. Yoneda built a fire and the two of them sat around, gazing into the sky. "Do you think they're worried?" Yamazaki asked, leaning against a tree, "Nah, I doubt it."

"Do you always answer your questions?" Yoneda replied, trying in another log. He smiled down at the responding glare. "Maa maa, nothing wrong with it. But, you act offended at almost anything someone says to you - I wonder why is that. Could you answer that question?"

"Answer it yourself," Yamazaki sighed, turning away, "I grow tired of your games. It's late and I just want to rest. Besides, it was your fault we got lost in the first place."

Yoneda chuckled, "My fault? Sure it was. To make up for it, could I offer you some sake?"

"Iya, I don't drink."

"Hmm??" Yoneda eyed him over as he opened the bottle that was hid away in his coat. "I suppose you're going to tell me you've never been in love before."

"So what if that's true?" Yamazaki asked, lifting an eyebrow, "I don't want to and I don't plan to."

"You are most certainly the saddest boy I've ever know!" Yoneda chimed. Yamazaki just sighed and rubbed his head as Yoneda took his first sip. Swallowing it down, he uttered, "I've been in love before... I've loved many women..."

"Good for you!" Yamazaki exclaimed, "Although I find it hard to believe that any sane female would dote on someone like you!" He soon found that this insult had no affect on Yoneda, whose gaze had fallen on the full moon in the sky. "Hah...?"

"Time is precious... You'll soon find this out. Though I don't intend to bore you with my life stories, I want you to at least realize this..." Yoneda said, "Every event in my life means something. I scarcely have any regrets, because I gave living all I got. If you're not careful, Yamazaki, it might just pass you by."

"What might...?" he uttered, slightly startled by the serious tone in his voice - the same melancholy tone Kazuma used the night before. "Shirei..."

Yoneda smiled slightly. "Live, Yamazaki - truly live." The two exchanged solemn looks and Yamazaki reluctantly held out his hand. Yoneda happily handed him the bottle and watched him take a sip. He gagged and handed it back, the two of the bursting into laughter.

* * * * * *
Ayame had slept for about two hours when she was waken by the haunting images. 'Taisa...' Clutching the blanket, she could only see red and horror. She spent the rest of the night, shaking and trying to blot it out of her mind. Close to morning, she saw a shadow pass her room. Getting up, she peered out and saw Kazuma going into another room. 'Hah?'

Going to spy through the door, she saw him kneel down in front of a sleeping child. She was tossing a bit in her sleep, but when he put his hand her back the shaking stopped. Slowly her brown eyes opened. "O... Otousama!"

"Shhh!" he said, as she sleepily sat up, "Don't want to wake everyone up."

"It's really you... Otousama..." she gasped, as he ran a hand through her short black hair. She suddenly started to cry and buried her face into his chest, "Otousama...!"

"D-Doushita?" he asked, trying to soothe her, "What's happened?"

"It's all my fault... Takeshi-kun got hurt... because of me...!" she sobbed.

"Sakura..." Kazuma uttered, holding her tighter, "It's not your fault..."

"It is! Obaasama said not to... demo... I wouldn't listen... and now Takeshi-kun probably doesn't want to play with me every again..."

"Didn't you say that Takeshi-kun is your 'special friend'?" Kazuma reasoned, "If that is so, then he really cares about you and will forgive you. Demo, you have to forgive yourself, Sakura. Some things are beyond your control. You have to realize that."


"Even I..." He stopped and pressed a kiss on the top of his head, "Sakura, my little angel, will you forgive me...?"

"For anything, Otousama!" she gasped, pulling herself up and returning the kiss, "I've missed you so much, Otousama!"

"Arigatou, Sakura..." he sighed, as they held onto each other, "You always make me forget all these terrible things... my precious angel..."


Ayame backed away from the door, clutching her robe. Gazing up at the full moon, she thought about different he was as a soldier and now as a gentle father. 'This Haja blood...'

"Ano," said a voice next to her. She turned and saw Wakana. "Ayame-san, I am sorry to say you cannot stay here long. As soon as you can, please leave with Kazuma-san."

"Hai." she replied. She and Wakana both looked into the room at the embracing father and daughter. It would be morning soon.

* * * * * *
On the train back to Teito, Ayame rested. The weekend that was meant for training had been unsuccessful. But as she stared across from her, she wondered if they met the other objective. Yoneda and Yamazaki, both asleep, leaned their heads together and snored away. Earlier, Yamazaki complained of headaches from a hangover. Ayame couldn't help but giggle at her comrades and their fortune of getting lost in the woods, which has somehow brought them closer.

"Ayame-kun," Kazuma's gruff voice caught her attention. She slowly turned towards him as he sat next to her on the aisle. "I'm sorry about... about before..."

She looked into his face and saw that his eyes were back to normal - a warm brown color. All the malice and anger was gone for his face and replaced by a kind and gentle look. She knew he had come back.

"Iie," she replied, "It's already forgotten about."

But that wasn't true. The images were still fresh in her conscious and perhaps will remain there always. She didn't want to lie, but she couldn't help it. Her feelings were him were now even greater, though she now feared him at the same time. 'I care too much about him to not forgive him... but I...'

Gazing out the window, she watched the cherry blossoms waft in the distance. She wondered if someday he could forgive her for this deceit.

* * * * * * * * * * * *
Next Episode: "A small discovery"
(Yamazaki's letter to Ayame)

I think there is something you have to explain to me... I could care less at all about this, but for some reason it bothers me to not know. Is it obsession or a joke? Tell me the truth... your honest feelings.

Please, Ayame-kun.

onto ch. 6
back to ch.4