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Sakura Taisen was created by Ooji Hiroi; all rights reserved to Sega co., RED co., Bandai Visual; 1996-today
This fanfiction was created by JillM; original posting: October, 2001 updated august 17 2002

Taisho Love Story: The first battle
Chapter 6: "A small discovery"

"Yamazaki-shousa~!" Ayame called, sliding his door open. "Ohayou gozaimasu~!" She stepped around a pile of books on the floor to get to the snoozing mound under the futon, "Ne, get up, sleepy!"

"Fuuaaa!" Yamazaki yawned, rubbing his eyes, "What do you want??"

"Shinguji-taisa said we have to go pick up something at the Ueno base. We have to be there roughly around 900 hours. Please hurry up and get ready."

"Hai hai..." he sighed, pulling himself up and going push her out the door, "Give me a moment. Just wait out there." Ayame nodded and watched as the door slid close. Yamazaki then climbed back into his futon and went back to sleep.

"SHOUSA!" Ayame cried, bursting into the room, "HAYAKU!"

"...It's going to be one of those days." he mumbled as she pulled the blanket off him and yanked him up by the arm. "ALL RIGHT!! I'M MOVING!!"

Downstairs, Yoneda and Kazuma were having breakfast, listening to the ruckus above them. "Mainichi..." Yoneda chuckled into his sake, "Oh, Kazuma, what do you have there?"

"A letter from home," he replied, handing over a photo, "This is the most recent picture Wakana took of my little angel."

"Sou ka... what a kawaii musume." Yoneda commented, examining the picture, "Heeeh? Who's the boy she's with?? Sakura no koibito??"

Kazuma laughed a bit, but stopped to see the door open. "Taisa, Shirei," Ayame said, putting on her coat, "We're going now to do the errand you assigned. Is there anything else we can do?"

"Hmmm... not that I can think of." Yoneda replied.

Kazuma added cheerfully, "Take your time. There's no rush at all."

"Hai! Ittekimasu!" Ayame said, bowing and leaving the room. She then went to the entrance where Yamazaki was waiting. "It's cold outside; you better bundle up, Yamazaki-san!"

"Why do I have to come?" he complained as she buttoned up his coat and tied the scarf around his neck, then put a hat on his head, "Ayame-kun, is this really necessary??"

"Shirei said so." she simply replied, dragging him out the door, "Once it's an order, we must follow it..."

Yoneda and Kazuma both peered out the door to make sure that they were gone. "Yoshi! Let's get started on planning a surprise party for Ayame-kun." Yoneda chimed, as they hurried up the stairs. "Oh, Kazuma, we need to get the number of Kaede-chan's school."

"It should be in Ayame-kun's room." Kazuma replied. They stopped right in front of her room. "I suppose it would be all right to enter without permission, since this is for a good cause."

"Who cares! Let's just go in!" Yoneda chimed, barging into the room.

Everything was put away and her futon had been folded in the corner. On her desk were a picture of her sister and a blank sheet of paper. On the chair, there was her favorite coat and also a book that had many bookmarks in it.

"Waa, what a clean room! Didn't I tell you - Ayame-kun is really a wonderful girl... she'll be a great wife someday!" Yoneda chimed, "It's hard to believe she's only turning fourteen years old. When I was fourteen, my mama was still kicking me around to grow up. Heh, those were the days..."

"Chuujou..." Kazuma uttered, looking around, "Don't you realize something?"

"Hmm? Nan da?"

Kazuma picked up the book and rested his hand on the chair. "I think... we might have a problem."

* * * * * * *
"Some assignment," Yamazaki grumbled, carrying two heavy bags of meat buns, "The Ueno base just wanted to treat us with snacks."

"It's very nice of them." Ayame commented. They just arrived outside their headquarters, but she suddenly stopped. "Ano, who was that man you were ran into, Shousa? It seemed like you knew each other."

"I don't really know him." he replied, "That man was the person who took my place in the Teito league of scientists. He's currently working on a similar project as I am."

"You mean for Teito's defense?"

"Hai... but, I'm sure he's using a lot of the research I've already published."

"Aa! I've read a bit of your work." Ayame said, "I found a few volumes and it's very interesting thus far - using steam and spirit energy to power machines, soshite making vaccines and special kinds of armor immune to the demon venom... I really hope you continue your research."

Yamazaki went pass her through the door, "I'm surprised. I figured it would've been too difficult for you to understand."

"Iie! I understood it perfectly fine!" she snapped. She relaxed as she saw Kazuma up ahead, "Tadaima! We did as you asked. Look at all the snacks the Ueno base gave us."

"Smells good." Kazuma replied, "... Actually, Ayame-kun, could I see you for a moment?"

"Un!" she said cheerfully following him down the hall. She turned back at the last minute, "Yamazaki-shousa, bring those to the upstairs sitting room. We'll eat them together with Yoneda-shirei."

"Hai hai..." Yamazaki sighed, walking off.

"What did you need to talk to me about, Taisa?" Ayame asked as she sat across from Kazuma into another room. He looked unusually serious. 'Masaka... did he find out about...?'

"Ayame-kun," he uttered, his voice very grave, "You've been here for over two months, and you've done a lot of great work. But, I'm a little bit worried about you... that your feelings of love will affect your performance."

"HAH?!" Ayame turned red. 'HE KNOWS?!' Clutching her face, she tried to stay calm but her heart was pounding. 'Who told him?! Shirei... iie, he promised to keep silent about it. And he's my friend - he wouldn't do such a thing. No doubt it was that jerk, Yamazaki-shousa! Oh, I hate that guy!!'

"Ayame-kun," Kazuma put his hands on her shoulders, "Please understand, I don't condemn such relationships in the workplace. But, if it starts to get out of hand, then it will become a problem. I just want everything to work out for the team."

"H-Hai, Taisa..."

"Therefore, if you wish to pursue any feelings with Yamazaki..."

Ayame's face went pale. "NAN DESETTE??!?!!?"

* * * * * *
Yoneda and Yamazaki both covered their ears. They were dividing up the meat buns when a high pitch scream filled the mansion. "Maa maa," Yoneda chuckled into his sake, "Mainichi..."

Yamazaki immediately replaced the sake with a teacup. "It's good for your stomach." he noted, "An old guy like you should watch your heath."

"Arigatou... I think." Yoneda replied. He paused to eye the boy over. "Jaa... Yamazaki, are you hiding anything from me? I mean, is there something you want to tell me... about... you know..."

Yamazaki stared at him, affected. "I haven't a clue what you're talking about. I have nothing to hide."

"Sou sou, you're the type to wear your personality on yer sleeve!" Yoneda laughed. He then sipped his tea. "Gaah?! It's bitter!"

"Shirei, is there something you want to tell me??"

Yoneda rubbed his chin, thinking that he should just play along. "Didn't you know? Ayame-kun's birthday is coming up. We're going to throw her a party tomorrow and while you two were gone, we got most of preparations set up. So, what are you going to get her?"

"I haven't really thought about it." Yamazaki replied, "I haven't exactly been to many birthday celebrations. What would Ayame-kun like?"

"Oh, I don't know..." Yoneda uttered, looking innocent, "Perhaps a kiss from her loved one..."

Yamazaki spat out his tea. "Don't tell me you're supporting this!" he gasped, wiping his chin as he leaned over to the amused lieutenant general, "I thought we all decided it was wrong and it'll get in the way of the harmony of the butai...!"

"Heh, but certain feelings can't be helped. Sometimes, you gotta think about your own happiness." Yoneda said, patting him on the back, "Way to go! You've made Ayame-kun forget all about Kazuma!"

"Hah...? Ore...??"

"Sou yo! She's in love with you now!"


* * * * *
Kazuma and Ayame paused to hear the ear-piercing holler that shook the house. "W-What the heck was that...?" Kazuma gasped.

"Taisa..." Ayame had recovered during this time and pleadingly grabbed his hand. "You've got it all wrong... I'm not interested in Yamazaki-shousa at all!"

"But we saw in your room," he uttered, "You've created a shrine of him. Not only do you have his jacket, but his glasses, his books, and an article of him in the paper. Ayame-kun, I have to say you have either an obsession problem or that you're in love."

"Iie, it's not true! Watashi... watashi wa...!!" she cried, gazing into his face that was oblivious as always. But she couldn't continue. As much as she wanted to say the words, her voice failed her. Something was holding her back. "Taisa... gomen nasai..."

He smiled and put a hand on the side of her cheek. "You don't have to apologize for anything, Ayame. Certain feelings can't be helped." Before she could protest further, he got up and turned for the door. "I'm okay with it as long as it doesn't affect your work. But, I'm very happy for you, Ayame-kun."

After he left, Ayame crumbled to the floor. 'Iyaa... he's got it all wrong...! What am I supposed to do...!?'

* * * * * *
Meanwhile, Yamazaki had gone into a state of shock. He just sat there, gazing into space while Yoneda tried to recover him. "Oi oi! You don't have to act so traumatized! Just because some girl likes you, it doesn't mean you're dying!" he argued, waving his hands in his face.

Yamazaki finally blinked and snapped out of it. "KI-SAMA..." he hissed, grabbing him over by the collar, "Quit messing with me!! I'm not in the mood for your pranks!"

"It isn't a joke! Ayame-kun seriously has a thing for you!" Yoneda gasped, "Haven't you noticed the change in her attitude recently? I mean, she insists on getting along with you without argument."

"That's because Shinguji-taisa told her so. I'm sure she'd walk off a cliff for him."

"That's not the point! Ayame-kun has also been reading your boring science journals and been collecting articles about you. Not only that, but she has two of your jackets..." Yoneda then rummaged in his pockets, "We also found this in her room."

"These are my glasses." he gasped, "I've been looking for them for weeks. Why does Ayame-kun have them...?"

"Dakara!! She's in love with you, baka yarou!"

Yamazaki gazed down at the glasses in his hand. "S-Sonna..." He got up and backed away towards the door, "SONNA!!!" He then ran out of the room.

Yoneda blinked at the gush of wind knocked him down onto the floor. "Cheh, he acts like it's gonna kill him..." he grumbled, drinking some more tea, "Hey not bad..."

* * * * * *
Ayame stepped into her room, still in shock from her conversation with Kazuma. 'Sonna... he thinks I like that... that jerk...!' She quickly opened her closet and took out the dinner jacket she had kept and held it together with the jacket her little sister used to the train station. 'Iyayo!! I don't care at all about him!!'

She then opened the door to throw them out, but stopped to see Yamazaki. "A... Ayame-kun..." he stammered, somewhat pale in the face, "E-to..."

She held out the jackets. "Please don't leave your laundry in my room."

"Aa... sumimasen." he said, taking them from her, "Jaa... I was wondering..."

"The answer is 'no'!!" she exclaimed, frantically.

Yamazaki wiped the sweat off his face. "Iya... I wanted to know what you wanted for your birthday. You see, it's tomorrow and I didn't know... demo, I still want to get you something."

"Oh..." she uttered, shuffling her feet. She strangely felt uncomfortable. 'Doushite?? Why all of a sudden??' After a moment of calming down, she lifted her head, "You don't have to get me anything, Yamazaki-shousa."

"Sou ka..." he replied, backing away, "Jaa... I won't bother you then..."

"Un." Ayame nodded and then slammed the door close in his face.

Dropping his head, he let out a sigh of relief. 'Of course! It must've been a misunderstanding... right?? Ahahahaha, I'm worried over nothing!'

But he slowly lifted his eyes to stare at the paper screen in front of him, the shadow on the other side moving around. His heart started to pound so hard that he had to get out there quickly. Reaching the balcony, he took deep breaths of air.

'What if she does have some kind of obsession? She could be acting without thinking... This is a medical condition that needs taking care of! Or perhaps she and the commander could just be playing a joke on me... but, even Shinguji-taisa is involved...'

Holding onto the bars, he gazed down at the street. Foreign emotions filled his mind as he couldn't even think straight and define what he was feeling. He felt hot, so he threw aside his sweater and leaned his soaked forehead down onto the cool steel railing.

'Am I getting sick... I'm feverish... Well, it was cold today... I'm burning up now... this is all Ayame-kun's fault! First she dragged me out so early today and now she's making me go crazy!!'

Closing his eyes, he whispered against the soft breeze, "She loves him... she hates me... I know that... then... why... why do I...?"

* * * * * *
That evening, it was a little bit quiet during dinner. Kazuma lifted his head. "Aa, where's Yamazaki?" he asked.

Ayame put down her chopsticks and anxiously looked around. Yoneda then replied, "The kid said he didn't feel well."

"Ayame-kun," Kazuma said, turning towards her, "Could you bring him up some dinner?"

Ayame went red. But as she opened her mouth to refuse, no words came out. 'I can't... I can't tell him no... and know look what's to come of it.' Sighing, she served dishes of rice and soup and then got a tray, slowly leaving the room.

Yoneda and Kazuma exchanged looks. "It's no mistake." Kazuma uttered, "Ayame-kun is really in love."

In the hallway, Ayame heard this and nearly tripped. 'They've got it all wrong! I should just tell them the truth... but why can't I?' Going up the stairs, she grumbled to herself, "This is all Yamazaki-shousa's fault!"

When she entered his room, she saw that there was an even greater mess than this morning. Yamazaki was in his futon, the blanket over his head. "Go away." He replied, having heard the door, "I'm not hungry. Just leave me alone."

"Even if you're not feeling well, you've got to have something. I'll leave this here if you feel hungry later." she said, placing the tray on the floor next to him. She then stopped and knelt at his side, "Shousa..." He didn't answer her. She pulled the blanket away and put her hand on his forehead. "You're burning up! Perhaps you should take something or see a doctor...?"

"DAIJOUBU DESU!" he snapped, sitting up and fearfully backing away into the corner. Breathing hard, he clutched at his chest, "Don't worry about me. Just go about with your own business..."

"H-Hai!" she replied, standing and clenching her fist, "Demo! I'm not worried!"

"I don't care! Get out!!"

"HMP!" Ayame stormed out and slammed the door close. Yamazaki was about to relax when she came back in, "Please get lots of rest! If this doesn't go away in the morning, I'll have to call a doctor!"

"Hai hai!!" he exclaimed. She then finally left. 'Why is she so concerned with you anyways... unless it is all true...' he thought, slowly going to the tray of food, 'I have to know...'

* * * * * *
The next day, Ayame woke up with a start. Yoneda was in her room, flashing a lantern in her face. "Ayame-kun! Get up!" he called, "It's an emergency!"

Sitting up, she rubbed her eyes and gazed out the window. The sun hadn't even risen yet. She could also hear some sort of bells in the distance. "Masaka... an attack on the city?!"

"Aa," he said, as she got up out of bed and tightened her robe, "Hurry up and get dressed. We're going to have to rush out there as soon as we can. We'll be waiting downstairs."

"H-Hai, Shirei!"

After he left, Ayame scrambled to change into her military uniform. Leaving her room in a total mess, she stumbled out into the hallway. She then stopped to see Yamazaki waiting for her.

"Ayame-kun," he uttered, still in his robe, "Shirei said I have to stay behind... my fever has gotten worse."

"Sou desu ka..." she uttered, feeling very concerned about him suddenly, "I hope you feel better. Don't worry about a thing. We'll take care of it without fail."

"Aa..." he said, stepping forward, "Sore kara... otanjoubi omedetou."

She slowly smiled. "Arigatou gozaimasu."

"Kore..." He took her hand and placed an envelope in it, "That's my gift to you. Please open it before you go to battle."

Ayame gazed down into her hand and then at him. "Yamazaki-shousa..."

"Better go now. I'm just going to lie down and drink some fluids." he said, turning away for the door, "Please take care of yourself, Ayame-kun."

She nodded her head and then rushed down the stairs without looking back. 'Doushite... this feeling...?'

* * * * * *
Kazuma and Yoneda were waiting outside in a jeep. Ayame climbed in the back and Yoneda stepped on the petal. "The military has men already on the sight." Kazuma explained, "Yet, normal attacks do not work on these demons."

Ayame gazed down at the sword in her hands. She remembered how Kazuma defeated the horde of demons back at the Northern base, and then killed the evil minion without a thought.

"Daijoubu da!" Yoneda insisted as he steered down the emptied streets, "All the people were evacuated and we've already barricaded the city so the enemy can't advance. We've got them trapped!"

"I can't help but feel there's more to it..." Kazuma uttered, "If it was done so quickly and without much resistance... there must be another agenda..."

Ayame was partially listening to their conversation. Opening the envelope she found two tickets to the play. 'Hah?' There was a note attached:

'Taisa often says how he likes the theater and this play sounds very interesting. The colleague I ran into today gave them to me, but you can have them. It's the least I can do for your birthday. You don't have to take me though... in fact I'd rather you take someone you want to go with.'

Ayame then noticed there was writing on the back and flipped it over.

'When you come back, we need to talk about what Shirei has mentioned to me. I think there is something you have to explain to me. I could care less at all about this, but for some reason it bothers me to not know. Is it obsession or a joke? Tell me the truth... your honest feelings. Please, Ayame-kun... this mystery is killing me. I will wait for your return and your answer.'

"Oi, Ayame-kun!" Yoneda called from over his shoulder, "This is it! Are you ready?"

Ayame slowly put the letter away in her pocket. "H-Hai!"

The jeep skidded to a stop. Up ahead, the street was covered with a mass army of demons.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Next episode: "The answer"

How do you tell someone you don't love them? How do you do this when you don't ever want someone to do the same to you? I can't bear to go along with a lie... demo, for some reason, I don't want to hurt him. The laughter I've become so accustomed to, that smile... I don't want it to disappear. Battles on the field and in the heart are no different. A simple decision can change the entire outcome.

onto ch7
back to ch5