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hello sakura-ficcers! i think it's time for a disclaimer check:
all characters extracted from the game/anime series [sakura taisen] were created by Ooji Hiroi-sensei, not I. Althought this is an individual interpretation of what happened in the first demon war, whether you believe it or not depends on your own opinion. The interpretation of these characters may be altered or exagerated, but overall fitting in the images set by me - this fanfiction author JillM
Oh oh, okay that's it. please enjoy and send forth any comments, concerns, anything! posted: 12/9/01 updated 8/17/02

Taisho Love Story: Final
Chapter 10 - "A Big Deal"

"Can I ask you something?"

Yoneda and Yamazaki were sitting on the deck, looking over the snow-covered garden. The two of them were sitting there to see who would give in to the cold and go inside first. So far, both were stubborn to stay out.

"Nan da??" Yoneda asked, looking at the young man whose hands were tucked away in his coat, "Ask me anything you want, Kid."

"How in the world did a guy like you end up fighting the demons??" Yamazaki said, tilting his head to the side, "Did you wake up one day and decide 'I think I want to be a hero??"

"Iya, it's nothing like that," Yoneda chuckled, "It was for a girl... I joined the military to impress a girl I liked. They said if I was a war-hero, I'd win her heart for sure. When I came back from the war in Russia, I was a hero... But I didn't get the girl."

"Maa na," Yamazaki said, shrugging, "Why'd you stick with it then??"

"What else am I supposed to do? While we're on the subject though - how in the world did you end up with the butai??"

It was Yamazaki's turn to chuckle. "I was tricked..." he replied, leaning his chin down, "After being kicked out of that science league, I got offered a desk job by Count Hanakoji. I told him I didn't want to do anything with the demons... but after a while, I got somehow pulled into this."

"That's how it usually," Yoneda sighed, shaking his head, "Might as well forget how we ended up here and just go with the flow. That's all we could do anyways."

A long pause followed as both men contemplated their fates. Just then, Ayame came running over. "Minna~! Mail is here!"

"Oi, aren't you supposed to be resting??" Yoneda asked.

Ayame was acting as though her wounds were never there; they had healed at a startling quick rate, while he was still stuck using a cane to walk. Since the earthquakes in Ginza, they had been staying at Hanakoji's estate outside of Tokyo and the Tai Kouma Butai had been suspended.

"At least they're not going to deny us our mail..." Yoneda grumbled, accepting a pile, "Oh! Here's one from Kazuma!"

"Taisa..." Ayame's eyes fell to the floor. 'Shinguji-taisa left the day after Yamazaki-shousa returned. He woke me up early in the morning to say goodbye. He said he wasn't sure when he was coming back, if he was coming back... only if the capitol needed him. I don't know about this feeling... but I... I really miss him...'

"Ayame," Yamazaki's voice caught her off guard, "What's that package in your hands??"

"Oh!" She handed the package to him. "It's from Kaede-san, but it's addressed to you, Shousa. These letters are also for you."

"Hmm? You didn't get anything??"

"Iie..." she stammered, backing away towards the doors, "I-I'll go make you two some tea."

"Aa..." he uttered, watching her go inside. His eyes moved back to the package. 'Kaede-kun must still be upset... I wonder what's in here...' His attention first moved over to Yoneda. "What did Taisa write you??"

"Heheheh!!" Yoneda was in a fit of laughter, crumbling the letter as he tried to muffle "I really shouldn't tell you - it's kind of a mature subject... Bwahahaa!"

"Yare yare, let me see it," Yamazaki said, snagging the letter from him. 'Yoneda, you were right... coming home was the right idea. Leaving behind all this confusion and all this war has been a relieving feeling. I feel like I've been given a second chance to show my family how important they are to me. I might not ever get this chance again. There's just one problem. I think I've been gone so long, that I've forgotten... forgotten how to...'

Yamazaki's face went red as the letter slipped out from his hands. Yoneda started laughing hard as he fell over into the snow. "Told you, Yarou! It ain't for you to read!! Aahahahaah!!!"

"You're sick, all of you..." he grumbled, storming into the house.

"Oi!! I win the bet!!" Yoneda yelled after him. Yamazaki stumbled on the rug, grumbling even more to himself. "That kid... hehehe..."

* * * * * * * * *
Kazuma sat on the deck of his home in Sendai, gazing off into space. He had been home for the last week and feeling like he had never left. Wearing his favorite kimono with a tea on his lap, he turned to watch his daughter play in the snow with the neighbor's kid. They looked like they were having fun, so absent-minded of the chaos happening in the world around them.

'And why does she have to know? It doesn't concern her - I won't let it concern her. Sakura can live her life without ever worrying about these things; I'll make sure of it...'

"Master," the old servant was at his elbow, "Your mother asked me to tell you to bring Sakura-ojousama indoors before she catches cold."

"Gontaro," Kazuma replied, "I think Sakura will come inside when she finished playing. I'll make sure she doesn't catch cold." Gontaro nodded his head, turning to leave. But Kazuma stopped him at the last minute. "Tell me something... You've been with the family a long time... Do you feel like it'll ever change?"

"What will, Master??"

Kazuma couldn't explain it and found himself shaking his head. "It's nothing. Tell my mother we'll be coming inside soon." He then put on his sandals and walked over to his laughing child. "Sakura, are you tired of playing yet?"

"Iie!" she replied, her smile beaming up at him, "Otousama, why don't you play with us?"

"Iya... I don't think that's a good ide..." he started to say, when a snowball hit him in the side of the head. Turning to the side, he looked down at the little boy who hid behind his daughter.

"S-Sumimasen, Ojisan..." Takeshi stammered, "I got carried away. Heheh!" Kazuma just laughed and started to make up a load of snowballs, tossing it from the fleeing kids. "Ojisan has a good arm!"

"Of course he does!" Sakura replied, "My father is the best!"

Kazuma couldn't but smile at this. 'My father is the best... wow... she actually said...!' But as he was thinking this, he tripped and fell over into a pile of snow. Sakura and Takeshi took this chance to surround and attack. "Uwaaaah!!" he exclaimed, being plummeted with snowballs.

"Yamette kudesai!!" Wakana came running out, waving her hands at the children, "Sakura-san, Takeshi-kun - dame desu!" Kazuma sorely sat up and gazed up at his wife, who was shaking her head at him. "How could you support this, Kazuma-san? Let's all go inside. Okaasama is waiting for you."

"Hai hai..." Kazuma replied, as Sakura dusted the snow off his shoulders, "We'll be there in a minute."

"Gotta go, Sakura!" Takeshi said, turning for the gate, "See ya tomorrow!"

"Un! Matta ashita!" She then watched as her mother went inside the house, looking a bit upset over what happened. Her father scooped her up and started to carry her towards the house. "Ne, Otousama..."


"I was wondering... You were gone so long, but when you returned it's like you never left... Still, I wonder if it's really the same..." she uttered, gripping at his kimono, "Otousama, are you going to be leaving soon?"

"Iya, I'm not going anywhere..." he blurted out.

"Okaasama said that you aren't staying long. She said you'll be going back to Teito as soon as they call for you." Sakura replied.

"Your mother said that...?"

"Un... I heard her say it to Obaasama. She said that you love Teito more than me or her..."

"That's not true..." he again blurted out, "I love you more than anything, Sakura. Please believe me."

Sakura leaned over and pressed a kiss his frowning lips. "Otousama, of course I believe you. Otousama DAISUKI desu!" Chuckling, Kazuma carried his daughter into the house.

* * * * * * * * * *
Yamazaki stood in the doorway of the kitchen, watching Ayame gaze into the boiling pot of water. He cleared his throat and got her attention. "Doushita?? Are you upset that Kaede-kun didn't write you?"

"Iie, chigaimasu..." she uttered as he walked towards her, "I understand why she hasn't written me. It's my own fault. That's just how it is..."

"You're probably wondering what was in the package and what she said to me, right??" Yamazaki held up the music box in the palm of his hand. "I'm not used to having gifts sent back to me."

"Oh... that..." Ayame turned away and started arranging the cups on the tray. "I didn't want it to get damaged so I sent it with Kaede-san..."

"There was no way you could've predicted that the house would be destroyed." he replied, putting the music box on the table next to the tray. "Ayame, she told me what you did... and I can't help but wonder why..."

She shrugged his hands off and turned towards him with fiery eyes. "So you're going to take her side, aren't you??"

"Iya! I-I'm not taking any side!" he exclaimed, backing away from her. "Look, I just want things to work out between you two. You're sisters - you shouldn't be apart like this. Right now, you should think about what's really important..."

"And what is important?" she asked, stepping forward as he backed into the counter, "Yamazaki-shousa... I have a job to do. Millions of lives in Teito depend on it."

"So your duty comes before your own sister?!" he snapped. Ayame just clenched her fists and stared down at the floor. Looking at her, he realized that this wasn't exactly a decision that was easy for her. "Gomen na..." he said, touching her shoulder briefly before taking the music box off the counter and turning for the door.

"Ano!" She made him stop and turn back. "You received a letter from Hasokawa-san… I was wondering… h-how is she doing?"

"Good, I guess," he said with a shrug, "I have to see… that woman asked to meet me in Teito tomorrow afternoon for something."

"Sou desu ka… You still haven't introduced me to Hasokawa-san. I'd like to meet her."

"Iya, some other time," he replied, turning to leave, "Miroku-san said it's a `private meeting', whatever that's suppose to me. If I don't come back after tomorrow, be sure to call the police, okay?"

"Hai…" Ayame uttered, but realized that he already left the room. She lowered her head, wondering what was wrong with her and what was this strange feeling burning in her chest.

* * * * * * * * * *
The next day, Yamazaki left early for Tokyo. Ayame and Yoneda were left behind in the large house; the two of them got easily bored. "I wonder," they both grumbled at the same time. Lifting their heads, they exchanged glances.

"I was wondering what Yamazaki-shousa was doing in Teito with Hasokawa-san…"

"I was wondering what Kazuma was doing last night…"


"Aa, sumanu," the old guy said, clearing his throat, "You know it's hard for him – shifting lives like that. Over there, he can't be a soldier – he's a family man who has people counting on him… to be there and to love them. But it's all too much to take all at once, after being here for so long. You know how it is."

"I do understand…" she uttered, adding to herself, `That time in snow I felt absolute certainly for the first time – that moment alone… but when it was all over, all what was left was confusion and doubt…'

Yoneda looked over the girl, whose head was bowed and hands were gripping at the tablecloth. "Oi oi, do you want to get out of here?" he asked, trying to change the uncomfortable subject, "Hanakoji invited us to a small party in Tokyo tonight. We can go shopping for clothes beforehand."

"I'd like that, Shirei." she replied, as she got herself back together. She knew Yoneda could sense this uneasiness in her. She knew that she had to get rid of this feeling right away. `If I'm going to protect Teito, I cannot have such doubts in my heart… I have to make up my mind once and for all!'

"When do you want to leave??" Yoneda asked, still looking her over with concern, "In a hour or so? How long do you have to get ready??"

"A-Ano… Watashi… uh, um… well…" Ayame tossed aside her napkin and emerged from her chair. "How about now?? I'm ready!" she said to his astonished face, "Let's go!"


* * * * * * * * * *
Stopping in the street, Yamazaki lifted his head to the sky. `Dammmit,' he thought as it started to rain. Just then, an umbrella appeared over his head. "Miroku-san…"

Miroku smiled slightly, her dark-rimmed glasses reflecting the streetlight that blinded him for a moment. "So you came; I'm glad… Shall we get going."

"Where exactly??" he asked as she took him by the arm and dragged him along, "You still haven't told me what this meeting is about. And why here of all places?? You know I…"

"I know, I know… you hate this place. But still, I'd rather talk to you here." she said, as she waved for at taxi, "We've got someplace to go. Driver, to the East Cemetery, please."

Yamazaki crossed his arms in the back as the car took off. "Why the hell are we going there??" he snapped. But all she did was smile back and handed him a folder that was inside her briefcase. "What's this…?"

"Take a good look at it, Shinnosuke-kun." she replied, "And tell me what you think about it."

He put on his glasses and skimmed through each page, occasionally lifting his head and staring at her in astonishment. "Where did you get this??" he kept asking, but she wouldn't answer him – not until they were dropped off at their destination. "Well??"

"Let's just say I've made a new friend a couple of nights ago, who just happens to be a janitor at the Kanzaki industry plant…" she said, opening her umbrella and walking on.

He quickly caught up to her. "Don't tell me you… Miroku-san, was that really necessary?!"

"To get you to see what they're planning to do – the answer would be `yes'. Shinnosuke-kun, what do you see on those pages??"

"I see plans to make a high-powered cannon fueled by spirit energy," he replied, "The concept and several dynamics taken directly from my spirit armor plans, but the design does take a different turn in the way it is being powered. The cannon still isn't directly powered by a human, but it does contain the spirit energy needed to destroy the demons, perhaps even at a faster and efficient rate…"

"Still!" Miroku cut him off with shaking her finger in his face, "What is this cannon remind you of??" Yamazaki looked at her, still not getting it. "What is the most powerful attack you have seen thus far that extends as much distance as this cannon would??"

"… Sou da!!" he exclaimed, the thought popping into his head, "Shinguji-taisa's Haja Kensei…!! D-demo… there is a big difference! I can't believe that I haven't seen it before… Miroku-san, don't you see how big this is?! If they use this cannon, they'll be making a catastrophe!"

"I thought you'd figure it out; you're so smart." she uttered, lowering her eyes.

"Miroku-san, I wouldn't have if you hadn't brought me these… But, I have to ask, what's the matter? You don't look too happy about it."

"I had to tell you – to warn you what kind of uses your ideas are going to. And so that you might be able to prevent it, especially if the main test subject would be your girlfriend. I have to also warn you about something else…" She stepped forward, the two of the standing under the umbrella and facing each other. "Shinnosuke-kun, if you say a word, I really do fear for your life."

"Hah? Why?"

"When you told me about the presentation and how it was an accident… I did a little research of my own." she explained, "Especially with that suspicious name, Yagami, involved. Just as I suspected, it was no accident. Someone hired Yagami to sabotage you, just like that time your lab was blown up."

"Do you know who it is…?"

"I think it must be someone in the Kanzaki Industry, but surely someone with power to get it covered up so quickly. It might be someone you know. Don't trust anyone, not even your own…"

"My own what??" he asked, getting impatient as she fell into silence, "Miroku-san, tell me what you know!"

"My friend who was at the presentation working as a clean up crew claimed that he saw Shinguji-taisa talking together with Yagami in the hallway just before the explosion."

Yamazaki's eyes flickered with anger. "Are you saying that Shinguji-taisa was working with those trying to sabotage me??!"

"Iie! That's not what I'm saying… I just want you to consider that he might know something else… that he's hiding something from you. Shinnosuke-kun, be reasonable! Where was he after the accident? And did he show any resistance to you leaving at all??"

"I'm not listening to this!" he snapped, "You're a liar! All those things you just said were lies!!"

"Do you really think I would lie to someone that I love?!" Miroku blurted out. Yamazaki quickly shut up and stared at her in shock. "That's right… I'm not a cold-hearted spinster who only thinks about herself. When you showed up at my door, looking like some kind of wounded animal, I knew then that I had to do what I should've done years ago."


"I'm not going to let any of those bastards win this time! I'm not going to let them destroy another man's life all for their greed and power! Never!!"

Yamazaki slowly found himself hugging the sobbing woman, who had kept silent all these years. Somehow he felt her actions were sincere and he couldn't ignore it. `But Taisa… sonna… it can't be true…'

He looked down and saw that Miroku was now wearing a big grin. "I could get used to this," she uttered in her sexy voice. He quickly backed away, going to stand in the rain with a glare in his eyes. She just burst out laughing. "Ohohohohoho! You're such a good boy, Shinnosuke-kun! I really don't know what to do with you."

"Why don't you take me to `his' grave??" he replied. She calmed down and nodded her head, going to lead him into the cemetery.

* * * * * * * * * *
Kazuma walked down the walkway towards his den, when he saw his daughter come running at him from around the corner. "Oh, my little angel!" He sighed, scooping her up in his arms again, "Why are you still doing up??"

"Wanted to kiss you good night, Otousama," she replied, hanging on his neck and pressing a kiss on his cheek. "Good night, Otousama!"

"Oyasumi," he replied, returning the kiss.

"Are you going to kiss Okaasama goodnight too???"

"Aa… h-hai… I was about to do that…" he stammered, going to put her back down on the floor. "You go to sleep now, okay Sakura?? I mean it."

"Hai~!" Sakura chimed, waving and rushing down the hallway.

Suddenly, Gontaro appeared at his elbow. "Master, want me to pull out the best wine or set you up one of those romantic baths… you know, to set the mood???"

"Iya, that's not necessary, Gontaro…" he uttered, while blushing, "Just make sure Sakura or my mother doesn't come to that area of the house."

"You can count on me!"

Kazuma stopped in front of her door, clearing his throat. "Erhem, Gontaro, could you get out of here too??" The little man squirmed away as Kazuma lifted his hand to knock. "E-to…"

"Come in," said the voice inside. Wakana had seen his shadow on the other side and continued to finish stitching a scarf.

Kazuma stumbled into the room and closed the door behind him, looking a bit foolish. "S-Shitsureishimasu. I'm sorry to bother you at this late hour, Wakana, but there's something I…"

"There something I wanted to discuss with you too." she replied, as she put aside her work. "Please sit down, Kazuma-san."

"Hai…" He fell into the pillow on the floor next to her, staring at her side profile, "Wakana… It's been a long time… I've missed Sakura… and you… and…"

Wakana quickly cut him off, "Do you think it's okay for you to just show up here and tell Sakura it's okay to play in the snow until she gets herself sick? Last night, she had a fever and the doctor came."

"N-Nani?" he squeaked, "How come you didn't wake me??!"

"We forgot you were here," she replied, "It's hard getting used to."

"I'm here now, isn't that what matters??!" he snapped.

"And for how long?!" she snapped back and faced him, "Stop filling our daughter's head with false hope! She thinks her father is here to stay for good and he's going to take her to the spring festival… She doesn't know that when the government feels like it, they'll call you and you'll answer… You always answer them! You don't give a damn about us!"

"That's not true!" Kazuma exclaimed, grabbing her by the shoulders, "I love all of you! That's why I'm doing this!"

"You're doing `this' because your mother told you, because they told you! You're just their dog who does what they tell you to! You haven't a mind of your own, not since the day you decided to be hero for your nation…!"

"Wakana," he uttered, but she wouldn't look at him. He slowly released her and stood, turning for the door. "I thought you'd be happy to see me… I thought coming back here was the best thing to do… I missed you all so much, you don't know how badly and what I was doing because I didn't have you… Gomen nasai, I didn't mean to cause you this much pain… I won't bother you for the rest of the night. Oyasumi nasai…"

Wakana lifted her tearful face as he walked out the room and closed the door. She watched the shadow linger outside her room, the bowed head and the prolonged sigh. "Kazuma-san…"

"Hm?" He turned and saw that she had opened her door. "Wakana…" She just grabbed him by the collar and kissed him, pulling him into the room and closing the door.

"Yapadii!" Gontaro chimed, eavesdropping from around the corner, "The master really is smooth!"

"Are?" Sakura was at his elbow, "Gonji, what is Okaasama and Otousama doing??" Gontaro just cleared his throat and dragged the girl away.

* * * * * * * * *
Yoneda and Ayame arrived late from the party in Tokyo. They saw Yamazaki waiting up for them in the lobby. "What happened??" he asked, looking over to Yoneda for answers.

Yoneda was holding onto the wobbling Ayame and handed her over to him. "She had a little too much to drink… I had to get her away from the sailors, that's why we're here so early."

"Shirei…" Yamazaki said, as Yoneda fell over into the couch, "You're not so sober yourself. I'll come back for you." He then lifted Ayame up into his arms and carried her up the stairs to her room. "Sleep it off, will you?" he said, taking off her shoes and tucking her into bed.

"Mmm… I'm not sleepy…" she mumbled, "Tell me about your day, Shousa… How did things go with Hasokawa-san?"

"She told me she loved me."

"Oh, that's nice…" she said in a daze, "Are you going to meet her again soon? If so, I want to come along and meet her…"

"No, not anytime soon." he replied, brushing some hair away from her face, "Ayame, if you're still there, could you tell me something – why are you involved in this war? Tell me the truth, why I should even bother…"

"For what's important to you," she said, smiling up at him, her hands reaching for his suit, "You should fight… for what you treasure most…"

"And what do you treasure, Ayame?" he asked, taking her hands and kissing them, "Tell me…"

"Shin…" she started to say, her eyes slowly closing as her hands fell from his, "Shin… Shinguji-taisa…"

Yamazaki backed away from the bed, looking very surprised. "Ayame…?" But she had dozed off to sleep. Feeling very confused, he left the room and went downstairs.

Yoneda was lying on the couch, looking helpless. "Could you help me up, Kid?? I won the bet remember? You're supposed to do some stuff for me from now on! Besides… I seemed to have lost the feeling in my legs."

"Shirei," he uttered, going to help him up and escort him up the stairs, "Could you tell me… what went on while I was gone…?"

"Iya, nothing really happened when you were gone, nothing that you haven't already heard." Yoneda blurted out, "I mean, what do you want to know?"

"It's nothing…" Yamazaki sighed, as they passed by Ayame's room. "But you've known Taichou longer than me and I was wondering… if Taisa has always been… you know… trustworthy…"

"Of course he is! He's my best friend! W-Why would you ask such a thing??"

"He wouldn't hide something from us, would he??" he asked. Yoneda frantically shook his head. Yamazaki shrugged his shoulders and opened the door for him. "I'm just being paranoid. Please have a good rest, Shirei."

"Aa… sweet dreams, Yamazaki." Yoneda replied, stumbling into his room. The door closed behind him and he stood in the dark, his grave eyes adjusting and his mind contemplating the dilemma at hand. `Right now… all I can do is hope for the best…'

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Next chapter: "Words and Promises"

(written by ???)
I was wrong; I admit it. But all that I have done, I cannot regret. It was done and if I were to go back, I'd do it all over again. You see there's no use in denying it. These are my true feelings. And I think you knew it all along.

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