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Sakura Taisen was created by Ooji Hiroi; all rights reserved to Sega & Red Company
This fanfiction is by JillM; posted 12/9/01; updated august 8 2002

Taisho Love Story: Final
Chapter 12: Four Empty Glasses

Yoneda sat in his chair, watching the windows. He had left Sendai just an hour ago and the sun had just begun to rise over the mountains. Pouring his sake, he stared into his reflection - the strained look in his eyes as he thought about their last conversation.

"Yoneda..." In his memory, his best friend sat across from him, holding onto the sleeping girl. "Tell them... I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to stay here with my family, as I promised Sakura. This time I'm going to do what I want."

Yoneda couldn't say anything. As his friend spoke, he could see the old woman in the corner; she looked all-knowing of the situation - as if she had seen it before. She knew her own son couldn't possibly defy the forces that were at work. Somehow, even Yoneda felt the uneasy grip in Kazuma's trembling voice as he confessed his longing to stay with what he treasured most.

"They'll have to drag me out of here," Kazuma said, his fingers running through Sakura's soft hair, her head resting on his lap. "Even if Teito is burning down, if people die, if the world is ending... I... I just want...!"

"Kazuma-san...!" Wakana stood in the doorway, her face tearful. Yoneda couldn't tell if she was upset or happy that he had finally chosen his family over duty. She looked emotional and ready to leap at her husband - if the old woman hadn't stopped her.

Kazuma stared at his mother, ready to counter. But the battle had been lost long before then. Yoneda knew there was nothing to defeat this old woman; Kazuma would always give in to her without a fight.

'Baka yarou...' he thought, the scenes becoming fuzzy as he drank some more on his train ride back home. 'It's your life, Kazuma... only you can...'

* * * * * * * * * *
By the time he arrived in Tokyo, he had slept off his hangover and cheered himself up. 'Don't want to let the kids know about this trouble... not just yet.' He thought, carrying his suitcase and walking down the platform. He could see them waiting for him - Ayame happily waving, while Yamazaki pretending not to care. He smiled, going down to meet them, his hand in his pocket touching the letter from Kazuma. 'Not just yet...'

"Did you have a nice time?" Ayame asked while they walked outside the station, "Is Shinguji-taisa doing all right? How's Sakura-chan??"

"Everyone's fine," Yoneda replied. He noticed that Ayame had a bandage on her leg and snagged Yamazaki over by the arm. "Hey," he whispered, "What happened??"

"She had accident from one of the Kanzaki testings," Yamazaki said as he loaded the suitcase into the truck, "I tried to stop her, but she won't listen to me."

"Ohh?? What did you do now??"

"I didn't do anything!"

"A-Ano!" Ayame peered back, wondering what the two were discussing. "It's already past lunchtime. Aren't you hungry? Let's go back to the inn."

Yamazaki responded by slamming the truck close then rushing into the driver's seat. Ayame and Yoneda filed in the back, sensing the grumpy vibes up front. "What's with him??" Yoneda asked. Ayame didn't say anything, but crossed her arms and gazed out the window. Yoneda shrugged and got comfortable, as the car drove off.

* * * * * * * * * *
On the ride back, Ayame filled Yoneda in on the current situation for what was left of the Tai Kouma Butai. The military had made it clear that they had no interest in recalling their assistance in battle, and without Hanakoji to support them they had no chance of fighting this. Hanakoji had been forced to enter a hospital for his poor health conditions. It was only a matter of time, according to the doctors.

"We're staying at an inn that's only a block away from the hospital," Ayame explained, "Shousa visits almost everyday. He's very worried about Hanakoji-hakushaku. When he's not visiting Hakushaku, he's working on his project. He has a presentation not too far from today."

"I see... Has the idiot been neglecting you?"

She solemnly shook her head. "It's been the opposite. He fusses over me as much I used to fuss over him. I guess I sort of deserve it..."

"It's only natural," Yoneda replied, smiling over at her, "For humans to care about each other... It separates us from the demons, this need for other people."

"You're making me ill," Yamazaki grumbled up front, "Did the country mellow you out, Jiji??"

"Shush!" Ayame replied gruffly. She turned away, pouting in her seat. Now, Yoneda wasn't sure if she had asked him or Yamazaki to shut up. He sat there helplessly as the rest of the ride want silent.

* * * * * * * * * *
Yoneda and Yamazaki sat in the parlor of the inn later that day. Ayame had left them alone in order to take a bath. The two of them had tried to talk about other things, but their conversations would trail off. Yoneda didn't have the heart to give him the letter, and Yamazaki couldn't find in himself to ask about Kazuma.

"Your presentation is in three days?" Yoneda asked, preparing the sake.

"Aa," Yamazaki halted the pouring before it happened. "I'll be drinking tea. You should too..."

"Yada yada... I know it's not healthy, but it's all I got to keep my sanity." Yoneda poured his own glass. "I wonder when you'll finally drink with me. Someday you'll understand - we just got to make do with what we got."

"Did Ayame discuss with you about my presentation??"

"She did. So you think you have an edge? Do you think you've got a shot at taking down Kanzaki's best? Nomura does have a lot of support from the military. They don't want us anymore anyways - why get involved?"

"Because of Ayame... She's involved, so I am too. Do you have a problem with it??" Yamazaki said, his blue eyes very cold as he glared across the table. Yoneda grinned back, as if to laughingly to ask for more information. "Because, I don't trust that Nomura... And Ayame has been suffering from these tests and I've got to make them stop."

"Do you know why Ayame-kun's doing this?"

"For Teito... and Taisa..."

Yoneda watched the young man slumped down into his chair as though a rock had fallen on him. He knew that giving the letter and telling what he knew would surely crush the boy. 'I know I shouldn't protect him like this... but I don't want to be responsible for a person's emotional death.'

"Still..." Yamazaki's muffled voice uttered as he lifted his arm from his face, "Hakushaku told me from his sick bed that he wasn't going to give up and I shouldn't either... 'No matter what they do to you, don't ever give in.' he told me. No matter what, we're both going to fight until the end."

"Are you going to fight - him - ?"

"How can I fight someone I admire...?" he sighed, getting up from his seat, "It's not my concern what Ayame thinks of me. But Taisa... I cannot offend him; he's the one who believed in me when I didn't. I owe him a lot."

"Do you owe him anything...?" Yoneda asked, "And if you do, is it enough to give up Ayame over? Kazuma is a man too... but unlike you, he has a family - a wife and child who love him very much. And he loves them as much. They're not here, Ayame is. All people need comfort from somewhere."

Yamazaki clenched his fists, staring at the reflection in his teacup. "Comfort... from somewhere..."

The feeling in the room had turned too serious for Yoneda to handle. But he didn't have to do anything, because Yamazaki got up and asked to be excused. He then left in a hurry and locked himself in his room. Yoneda poured more sake, waiting for someone else to come join him... if sleep didn't find him first.

* * * * * * * * * *
The sounds of claws and hunger woke Ayame. Sweating and tossing in the sheets, she opened her eyes to see the shadows surrounding. 'Ah?! They're here...!' She quickly scrambled out of bed and grabbed her sword, preparing for battle. 'There's over ten in here...!' she thought, watching the shadows come closer. She unsheathed the blade and attempted to slice through one, but the sword went through. 'Eeeh?!' The beasts kept moving closer, one of them knocking the sword from her hands. Ayame didn't know what else to do but run.

"SOMEONE, HELP!!" she cried, running into the hallway the demons right on her tail. She went up to Yamazaki's door and tried to open it, but it was locked. "Shousa!! Please let me in...!!"

She pounded on the door, but there wasn't any answer. The demons were right there, hovering over her as she pressed her back against the door and slid to the floor. Eyes wide with fear, she watched one of the claws came right at her head and struck her down.

"HEY!!" Yoneda came out of his room, rubbing his eyes. "What are you doing at this late hour, making a ruckus??"

All of the demons vanished before her eyes, but she couldn't move... her bleeding head continued throbbed in pain. "Shirei..."

"AYAME-KUN!!" he cried, kneeling down to her, "W-What happened??!" She wouldn't answer, but kept on trembling and crying into her hands. Yoneda helped her to the bathroom, where they washed and dressed her wound. "Daijoubu?"

"Y-Yes, I think..."

"You're no longer a child. I've known this all along, but I've always wanted to deny it," he replied, "You've dealt with the problems of adults... and their war... This is the result of it..."

"Shirei, you're right, I haven't been a child - not since before my parents have died. But I'm already so wrapped up in this, there isn't any turning back, is there?"

"This has been a battle we could never seem to win... If you hold onto what you believe in - what's truly in your heart... I think... we might have a chance," he said, putting his arm around her, "Ayame-kun."

She slowly nodded her head, but couldn't respond. The figures that haunted her in her dreams were getting closer and more real... And her confusion was growing. She didn't know what to believe anymore. 'And why didn't Yamazaki-shousa answer me...?'

In his room, Yamazaki was asleep on a desk - his head next to the radio and his tools at his hands. He had been repairing something that had been broken...

* * * * * * * * * *
The day of the presentation came. Ayame and Yoneda arrived at the rented hall, courtesy of Hanakoji who still was in his sickbed. "If only he could here," Ayame sighed, the two of them taking their seats at their reserved table, "Yamazaki-shousa would have wanted Hanakoji-hakushaku here."

"Speaking of which," Yoneda said, stopping his pouring of the sake and looking around, "Where is the guy??"

"Shousa left earlier than we did," she replied, "He should already be here..."

"But I don't see him anywhere..."

"Maybe he chickened out," said a voice. They turned around and saw Nomura standing there with a champagne glass. "The kid has been known for cowering and running from trouble. Maybe he couldn't take the pressure."

"He wouldn't..." Ayame started to say. But she had to admit, he wasn't the type who handled stress lightly. Not on his own, that is. 'Where was I when he needed support? He didn't ask me, but I know he needed it... Just as I needed...'

"He'll show!" Yoneda snapped, grabbing the portly man by the collar, "Yamazaki might be a pain sometimes, but he's one of us - I won't let you belittle him! He'll show up and humiliate your measly laser anytime!"

"Remove your hands from me, you drunken old man!" Nomura snapped back, pushing Yoneda away, "We'll see who's humiliated by the night is through!" He then walked away.

"Cheh," Yoneda glared after him, "Look who's running... Besides, I didn't even have a drop yet."

"But..." Ayame uttered, looking around, "I have a bad feeling, Shirei... about tonight..."

And the feeling was right. The crowd waited and waited for him to show, but nothing happened. Kanzaki, sitting at his table, stared towards the door. 'Where is he...? How could he throw away this opportunity?'

'Yamazaki-shousa...' Ayame thought, also looking at the door. 'No way... You didn't run, did you...?'

Nomura stepped up to the microphone. "I am sorry to have wasted your time, but it's obvious that he isn't going to show. We might as well leave..."

But then he was cut off. "Sumimasen!" chimed the woman who pushed him away from the podium, "Out of my way, Big Boy!"

"Hasokawa-san...??" Ayame gasped as she and Yoneda gawked in surprise.

Miroko's glasses sparkled. "Sorry I'm late; I got stuck in traffic and the weather is just terrible... Let me set up and we'll get started right away."

"W-Who are you?!? Where is Yamazaki?!" Nomura snapped as she started to unpack the equipment.

"You tell me," she replied coldly. She then put on a lab coat and turned to the microphone, now cheerful. "Minna-san, I'm Yamazaki Shinnosuke-kun's assistant - Hasokawa Miroku. He asked me to cover for him tonight."

'Why...?' Ayame thought as the presentation went on with Miroku as the lead, 'Yamazaki-shousa... what happened to you? Where could you be...?'

* * * * * * * * * * *
Later that night, Yoneda and Ayame arrived back to the inn. Still, Yamazaki wasn't there. "I'm getting worried," Ayame noted, "I'm going to call the police!" She turned to run down the hallway to get to the nearest telephone, but stopped in her tracks. "S-SHOUSA!"

He was climbing up the stairs with great difficulty, as he clutched a wound on his side. Once he reached the top, he dropped to the floor inches away from her feet.

"Who the hell did this?!" Yoneda exclaimed, as he and Ayame helped Yamazaki into his room. There was no time for answers, because he was losing a lot of blood. "Ayame-kun, call a doctor!"

"NO!!" Yamazaki blurted out, snatching her by the wrist. He cringed from the quick movement and loosened the hold, speaking more softly. "Don't do it... I... I'm fine..."

"You're not!" Ayame cried, grasping at his hand, "Shousa, let us help you!"

"No... just leave me alone... I just want to be left alone!!" he cried, tearing away from her.

But Yoneda and Ayame wouldn't leave him alone. They took off his shirt and started cleaning and dressing his cuts. After a while, Yamazaki recovered from the shock and stopped the resistance. He just sat there and helplessly watched as Ayame tended to his bloody nose.

"Who did this to you? Did you see who they was?"

"All I know was that they were really strong and there were about four of them. They were all wearing masks so I didn't see their faces." he replied, "It happened right when I arrived at the place. They dragged me into an alley and beat the stuffing out of me... Made me miss the presentation..."

"Don't worry!" Yoneda said from the other side of the room, where he was drinking, "That lady friend of yours... She came and saved the day for you."

"I knew I could count on Miroku-san." Yamazaki uttered, sighing with relief, "Even when I was lying in that alley and thinking I was going to die... One of her friends - a large monk guy -came and scared those thugs off. I don't know what I'd do without her..."

Ayame's chest ached for some reason. She then stared into his face - the swollen lip and the bruised eyes. 'I'll never forgive who did this!!' she swore to herself, as she found herself reaching to touch his face.

Before her fingers could make contact, a familiar sound was heard. "Masaka!" Yoneda gasped, spitting out his drink and wiping his mouth with his sleeve. "The bells! The demons are finally attacking!"

She and Yoneda rushed to the window, watching the crowds and the military jeeps filling the streets. "I can't stand it anymore!" Ayame cried, grabbing her sword and going for the door, "I don't care if I'm relieved of duty! I've got to do something!"

"Ayame-kun, matte!!" Yoneda started to go after her, but turned back to Yamazaki, "You going to be all right by yourself??"

"I will, Shirei. Take care of Ayame and yourself." Yamazaki replied.

Yoneda nodded and rushed out the door. 'What separates us from the demons... and yet...'

* * * * * * * *
"Ayame-kun!! Wait for me!!" Yoneda snapped, chasing after the girl as they traveled in the opposite direction of the traffic, "We're going to get I lots of trouble here! The military aren't going to let us into this restricted area!"

"Who cares about orders?! You know they can't stop those bastards! Only we can do it!" Ayame gazed up a building to where one of the minions was standing. "It's me who they want any ways..." she uttered, watching him leapt down in front of them with demons all around.

"Our deserving rivals… nice to see you after all this time," chuckled the samurai, "You've defeated all of my underlings, so I thought I would start things off on my own. My name is Raiko."

"We'll defeat you too if you don't get the hell out of here!" Yoneda replied, drawing his sword, "That's my last warning!"

"Ehehehe! What a show of bravery! And that girl with you - you're the one that they're all talking about… And I feel this overwhelming power from where I'm standing. Indeed, you are a prize to be won!" Raiko replied, power generating his hands as the demons all leapt forward, "ATTACK!!"

"HAAAAAA!!!" Yoneda and Ayame slashed through the barricade of demons, but saw the oncoming thunder blast from Raiko's hands. Dodging for cover, the attack swept down the street and exploded a couple of park cars. More screams were made as the two recovered from the attack.

"He's stronger than those other nymph-things. We've got to be careful." Ayame noted, "Shirei, we've got to distract him somehow… Aa! I got it! I could lure him and you attack from behind."

"It might work, but sounds dangerous. I'm not as quick as you… How do you know I'll hit my mark in time?" He slowly smiled. "But if a cute girl like you thinks so, maybe an old guy like me can still move after all! Let's do it!"

During this huddle, Raiko had called more demons over. "Time is ticking! What are you going to do?? We'll have this area fortified soon! Ahahaha!!"

Ayame leapt over the wall of demons and landing on top of one of them, killing it in one stroke. She now stood in front of him, power surging around her. "You'll have to get through me first!"

"GET HER!!" Raiko commanded the demons. She took the rest out with a single blast that emitted from her. `She's as strong as they said she was… But it's only because of those spirits…' he thought with a grin, `In time, she'll be one of us…'

"Prepare yourself!!" Ayame said, lunging at him with her sword.

Raiko started to gather up more energy for another electric attack. His attack deflected Ayame's sword out of her hands, leaving her vulnerable, but at the same time, Yoneda leapt down at him from the garbage dump. The sword lodged into his back and set off an electrical explosion – the two men flying.

"SHIREIIII!!" Ayame cried, running over to him and trying to help him off the ground. Both of them lifted their heads as they saw Raiko struggle to his feet, despite his wounds. "SONNA…!!"

"AHAHAHA!! If I'm going to die, you're coming with me!!!" Raiko yelled, releasing the blast. But the blast never reached them. "NANI?!?!"

Wearing his blood-soaked shirt, Yamazaki stood in between them. He held out the sword, which had emitted a blast of ice that deflected the attack. Panting, he fell to his knees and smiled over his shoulder to his friends. "Arigatou…" Ayame replied, returning the smile.

"I WON'T LOSE!!!" Raiko yelled, more power building up around him, "DIE!!"

"Not so fast!" Ayame swiftly grabbed her sword and rushed at the samurai, her power visibly building onto the blade. Before he could release the electric attack, the sword emitted a white light that sliced through him. Raiko let out an agonizing cry as his body collapsed to the ground.

"W-What are you doing here??!" hollered some soldiers as they came onto the scene. But they realized that the evil minion and the demons were all defeated. "A-Arigatou…!"

'Dammit…' thought someone who was watching from a jeep, `Damn you, Tai Kouma Butai…'

* * * * * * * *
Back at the inn, Ayame tended to Yoneda's wounds. He grumbled and reached for his sake but she snatched that away too. "You're on medication!!"

"Oi! This IS my medication!!"

Ayame sighed and carried the bottle away, going to hide it somewhere. She then decided to check on Yamazaki. "No need to worry," he replied, as he was lying on the sofa, "My health should be the least of your concerns."

"NO! I-I am very concerned... I know it hasn't been this way for days, but I really do care for you..."

"Ayame…" He sat up and looked her in the eye. "If you really care about me, promise me that you'll stop these testing. You listened to the presentation and know that your health is at risk. You know the main reason I'm against this laser is for your well-being. I can take another beating if you like, but I just want you to be all right..."


"We'll defeat the demons in our own way... We don't need some laser or the majinki! We just got to stick together! It'll take a bit longer, but at least we'll get back at those bastards for destroying out home... We'll show those guys who didn't believe in us... And when it's all over, we'll all drink sake together in Ueno Park like that time before... and then..."

"And then what?"

"And then..." he said softly, going to take her hand, "You and I… we could finally…"

Yoneda popped up. "Yo! Telephone, Yamazaki!!"

Letting out sigh, Yamazaki accepted the phone call. "Who is calling at this hour??" Ayame asked, leaning over to Yoneda.

"It's Hanakoji… His health is no longer in danger."

"Honto desu ka?!" she gasped as Yamazaki hung up the phone. "What did Hakushaku say?"

Yamazaki slowly smiled. "He said that Kanzaki was moved by the presentation, even though I wasn't there. He's suspended the spirit laser project and has asked Nomura and his scientists to work out the problems without his facilities. And because of today's battle, the two of them have also made an appeal to the military to reinstate the Tai Kouma Butai."

"REALLY!?!" Yoneda and Ayame exclaimed.

"There's only one condition," Yamazaki replied, "They want Shinguji-taisa to return to Teito."

While Ayame and Yamazaki found themselves hugging to celebrate the news, Yoneda stood with a grief-stricken face. `I see what's going on. They really don't want us, but they want Kazuma and I know why. Kazuma isn't going to want to come… But what he wants, no one seems to care. Kazuma will be coming back to Teito… This time, for good.'

* * * * * * * *
It was a sunny day in Sendai, perhaps the first day of spring. Kazuma and his family had just decided to have a family portrait taken by a professional photographer.

"This will be the first. The Shinguji family has never had photographs taken before." Gontaru noted, while he cleared up the pathway with the old bamboo broom.

"Why??" Sakura asked as she skipped over to him, "Why not? It sounds like a good idea, like Okaasama says!"

"Your grandmother is very superstitious of the device called the `camera'… People of her time often are."

"I see… But, she'll like the photograph when it's developed, right??"

"Of course she will!" Gontaru replied, with a smile, "Because Sakura-ojousama is so kawaii!"

"Eheheh!" Sakura happily bowed her head. "Arigatou gozaimasu, Gonji!"

Wakana watched the two chatting in the yard, but realized that her husband was nowhere to be seen. She then spotted him by the gate, talking with two military officials. "What's going on here??" she asked, running over, "Kazuma-san, who are they??"

"This is business, Ojousan." replied one of the men, "Shinguji, please have this woman leave. She won't understand a word we're saying."

"No," Kazuma said gruffly, "She is my wife; She could hear whatever she likes."

The other officer stepped forward. "We're done anyways. Let's go. We'll be hearing from you soon, Shinguji-taisen." They then left.

"Kazuma-san…" Wakana uttered, as she stared into his serious face, "What did they want?"

He just clenched his fist for a moment, closing his eyes. After this pause, he turned towards his wife and held her close. "Wakana… I'm going to take Sakura out to the woods and show her the family's main technique…"


"Because…" he uttered as he released her and looked into her bewildered face. But he couldn't say anything as he reached for her again, this time kissing her softly.

`This will be the only chance I have…'

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Next Chapter: "Photograph"

Sakura, I know it's too much to ask for your forgiveness time and time again. But the promise that I made to you has the truth in my heart. There are forces in this world that keeping us from holding onto what we want, to what we love most. No matter what happens to me, one thing won't ever change and that's my love for you and your mother. You must remember to be strong, Sakura – don't let anyone take what you love away. Don't let anyone decide your life for you. Don't become just like me.

Someday you will understand all of this.

onto ch.13
back to ch.11