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Sakura Taisen was created by Ooji Hiroi; all rights reserved to Sega co., RED co., Bandai Visual; 1996-today
This fanfiction was created by JillM; original posting: October 15, 2001; updated august 18 2002

note: Sensitive scene in this one. but nothing really happens - jus trauma. (ok, i'm spoiling it, but at least i'm warning you.) oh yes, and the 'b' word to offend other people. Gomen gomen.

Taisho Love Story: The final battle
Chapter 4: "A Night in Yokohama"

Ayame leaned her chin onto her hand, watching the scenery pass. ‘We left Teito at eleven o’clock sharp; our destination is the city of Yokohama. As for the reason…’ She glanced from the corner of her eye towards the well-dressed man sitting on the aisle. ‘Shuichirou-san insisted that we accompany him.’

Yagami noticed her looking at him and flashed a smile towards her. Ayame quickly looked away, back out the window.

‘He insists I call him Shuichirou-san not Yagami-san, which I feel is a bit informal. Still, after all that he’s done for Yamazaki-shousa, I will do all I can to not offend him. Thanks to Shuichirou-san, we have had two weeks worth of work finished funded by him. To think that he doesn’t want any of the credit - I can’t help but feel some admiration for him.’

She now stared across from herself to where Yamazaki sat, concentrating hard on some plans in front of him.

‘Yamazaki-shousa and I had an argument a few days ago. We haven’t spoken to each other since. I want to make up, but I wonder if he feels any remorse as I do…’

Ayame thought back to the day when the argument occurred. They were home, finishing up the prototype that Yamazaki had designed months before - that had been destroyed before it had been tested. Now that he had a chance to test it, it didn’t work.

”DAMMIT!!” Yamazaki exclaimed, very frustrated as he stormed around the room, “Why can’t I make it work! This piece of crap!!”

As he rampaged about, his assistants also shared their disappointment in this setback. “It didn’t make a difference after all,” Tanaka sighed, “Sensei’s ideas just seemed too good to be true.”

“I knew it wouldn’t work,” Rika grumbled, crossing her arms, “But no one would listen to me.”

Ayame approached him calmly. “Shousa, let’s keep trying. Don’t give up.” she said, taking hold of his arm. “Hang in there. I’m sure it’ll work if you give it one more try.”

Yamazaki dropped his head. “I’d like to, but I don’t have enough power. I thought my level was high enough, but I was wrong. I need someone else stronger… but who?” They leaned in together, trying to think about it. “Maybe Taisa… no, I can’t do that to him. It’s a bit dangerous and he does have a daughter…”

”What about me?” Ayame asked. He lifted his head and stared at her. “Why are you looking at me that way? I’m serious… I want to try.”

”Sensei,” Tanaka said, walking with a device, “Maybe Ayame-san would do a little better. Let’s see what her level is on the gauge.”

Ayame blinked at the contraption. “Aa! That’s the invention you were working on the night we…” Her face went red, as his did as well. Everyone else in the room stared towards them. “No! It's nothing!”

Before anyone could ask questions, Yamazaki hooked the tester onto Ayame’s arm to read her level. There were a couple of sparks and the arrow went all the way to the other end, causing some malfunction.

“Phew, I think we have a winner!” Rika said, “Figures women always do better than men.”

”W-What’s that supposed to mean?!” Tanaka argued, “Anyways, Sensei, let’s get started on the tests.”

Yamazaki didn’t seem so supportive about this idea. “Wait, I don’t think Ayame should be our test subject. Let’s find someone else or I’ll try again…”

”But I can do it,” Ayame insisted, “Shousa, please let me.”

”Iya, it’s too dangerous!” he snapped, “It’s all right if it’s myself… but if you or someone else, I don’t think I could forgive myself…”

”Nothing wrong is going to happen – I trust you with my life.” she said, looking him into the eye, “Yamazaki-shousa, I believe in you. I’m willing to do anything you tell me to.”

He still looked hesitant, but couldn’t seem to deny her anything. Finally he let her try the prototype, and without any trouble at all she made the arm move when he asked her to. “YESSS!!” Yamazaki exclaimed, after what was only a few seconds of movement. He tore the wires off Ayame’s arm and lifted her up in his arms, swinging her around the room, “You’re wonderful!! Oh, I love you!!”

”Shousa!” Ayame gasped, happy to see this reaction (although she wasn’t too sure what she did). “I love you too,” she said softly, as he gave her a big hug.

“Yare yare!” Yoneda chuckled, he and Kazuma watching from the doorway, “Aitsu… He gets so emotional over nothing. I didn’t see much happened.”

”Still it’s a major breakthrough,” Kazuma replied, “Remote control robots don’t transmit the spiritual waves within a person – but if a person is controlling the machinery by their own will.”

”Sou ka…” The two military men suddenly noticed that Yagami was standing by them. “Ayame-san is going to be the test-subject for presentation?” he uttered thoughtfully. He then started walking over to celebrating couple. “Omedetou!”

“Arigatou,” Yamazaki replied, bowing his head, “I couldn’t have done this without your help, Yagami. I think we’ll be ready to have a presentation in a week.”

”Speaking of which,” Yagami replied, reaching into his coat, “I’m heading to Yokohama for a special engagement. It’s a big party and rumor has it that Kanzaki Tadayoshi would be there. Maybe I can talk with him in coming to see your presentation.”

”Sonna…” Yamazaki stammered, “Kanzaki… No… that’s too much…”

Ayame smiled brightly. “It’ll be wonderful if Kanzaki-san saw your work. I’m sure he’ll endorse you right away – you’re such a genius!” Yamazaki blushed and went speechless.

“So, you’re coming to Yokohama with me??” Yagami said, “I can cover whatever expenses – as many tickets you like and housing.”

Tanaka let out a sigh. “Looks like Rika-san and I can’t make it. My family is coming to town, so we can’t go anywhere.” Rika let out a scowl and clobbered him. “Hey! You’re the one who invited them!!” The two then went into another big argument.

”Oh, let me know the details soon. I’ve got to get going. I have another business meeting.” Yagami said, going for the door. Ayame went with him to see him off. While Yagami put on his shoes, he gave her debonair smile. “I’m sure you’ll look lovely in a ballroom gown.”

”Sonna…” she replied, “Demo, arigatou gozaimasu... for all that you’ve done. Not just Yamazaki-shousa, but I also appreciate it very much.”

”The pleasure was mine,” he replied. He waved his hand and walked off.

When Ayame returned, Rika snagged her and let out a big sigh. “Oooh~! Isn’t he wonderful?! He’s like a prince charming!! And rich too!!”

Tanaka crossed his arms and pouted. “Hey Ugly, aren’t you engaged?? Besides, it’s clear Prince Charming likes Ayame-san more than you.”

”SONNA!!!” Ayame gasped, trying to make them shut up. She quickly turned towards Yamazaki, “It’s not true!”

He simply shrugged his shoulders. “Lots of guys like you… I don’t see what’s new.”

”W-What’s that supposed to mean?!?” she snapped, as the others let out a snicker.

“I’m just saying what’s true. There are obviously other guys who find you attractive and I don’t blame them. And you don’t do a very good job discouraging them either,” he reasoned nonchalantly, “I was very surprised on how long we’ve kept this up, but fickle minds will wander and eventually…”

”NAN DESETTE?!” Ayame exclaimed. She knew he was just playing with her – with that sarcastic tone she had gotten used to by now - but he had crossed the line by questioning her faithfulness. Smacking him across the face, she turned and stormed out of the room.

‘I haven’t spoken with him since…’ Ayame sadly thought with her hands folded in the lap of her heather-colored skirt. ‘How could he say such a thing? Those words really hurt me… I’ll forgive him only if he really means it. But I don’t know how much longer I can stay angry with him…’

She suddenly jolted when a snoring head leaned onto her shoulder. Sitting next to her was Yoneda, who was asleep – drunk from his early intake of sake. The old guy was attracting lots of attention in the train cart and Ayame felt very embarrassed. She felt a little grief as Yamazaki paid no attention to her at all.

‘Yoneda-shirei agreed to come with us, demo at the last minute Shinguji-taisa changed his mind and decided to stay behind in Teito. I can’t help but keep thinking it had something to do with last night…’

Ayame thought back to the night prior, when she had woke up in bed from a bad dream. Wiping the sweat off her face, she climbed out of the futon and stumbled out of her room. She hurried to the balcony to get some air, only to run into someone. “Taisa…” she uttered weakly.

“What’s the matter, Ayame-kun?” Kazuma asked, looking worried.

“I had that dream again…” she sighed, leaning against the railing, “About those red men with the masks… I’m not sure what it means, but when I wake up I can’t stop trembling…”

Kazuma tucked his hands away in his long sleeves. “I… I have similar dreams…” She turned towards him, very surprised. “I’m worried they might take over me… of forgetting what’s important to me… I’m scared of them too, Ayame-kun.”

”However,” she uttered, smiling slightly, “They’re not real, right? They’re just in our dreams…”

He slowly nodded. “Right… Only in dreams…”

The memory faded. Ayame recalled that melancholy look in his face. She couldn’t help but wonder about it. And now, the usher was announcing that they were just fifteen minutes away from their destination. Ayame ignored his calls and earnestly gazed across to the concentrating man in front of her. ‘Yamazaki-shousa… please look at me…’

* * * * * * *
Back in Teito, Kazuma had arrived at the Ueno Base. Walking past personnel, he went down a narrow hallway in the basement. He then stopped in front of a guarded room. “Shinguji-taisa,” uttered one of the cadets, “Go right in. The general said he was expecting you.”

Shinguji bowed his head and entered the sealed room. He noticed that a different safe had been created on the sidewall from the last time he visited. “They decided to boost up the security,” said a voice, “Can’t let these fall into the hands of the enemy, can we??”

”Takamura,” he uttered as the sergeant walked out from the shadows, “Any new information about the enemy come up?”

”My men out on the field said there’s intense activity about fifty meters from the last attack. It might go this week or even sooner. We’re keeping high surveillance on the area.”

“I see…” Kazuma faced the safe. “Could I have a look at them?”

”You always ask that when you visit.” Takamura sighed, scratching his mustache, “All right, since you’re my friend and all. But I’m starting to think you ought to take them with you since you like them so much.”

”That’s not the case,” Kazuma replied as he watched Takamura open up the safe, “I just really need to see them every once in a while… to see what I must face…” He stopped to see the three talismans released from the chamber. Instantly, they started to respond to him – glowing with a white light.

“They really like you, huh?” Takamura chuckled, “Don’t think too much about it. We’re going to do our best in not using these babies. I’m sure it could be done if we all work together… even if history says otherwise, we got to stay optimistic.”

”Sou…” Kazuma said, bowing his head. “I should get going. Maybe next we can meet when you’re off duty and have a drink.”

”I’d like that, Shinguji. We can show off pictures of our daughters and drink like there’s no tomorrow. Anyways, I better get back to work.” Takamura replied.

Kazuma nodded and left the base. Taking the streetcar back, he gazed up into the sky. ‘If we all work together… This mission, I decided I would do it alone… But, what if…’

Still deep in thought, he walked up to the gate of their house. He almost passed right by the girl sitting outside. “Aa!! Shinguji-san!”

”Eh?” Blinking, Kazuma finally noticed her and stopped. “K-Kaede-kun??”

The girl took off her blue baret and nodded, running up to him. “I thought no one was ever going to come. Where's Neesan?”

”A-Actually…” he stammered, going to tell her the truth.

“EEEEEEEH!?!?” Kaede’s exclaimation echoed through the neighborhood. She fell down onto the step, hugging her knees – her face in despair. “That was today? Then, I went through all this trouble to see her for nothing??”

“Don't worry,” Kazuma replied, patting her on the shoulder and going to pick up her bags, “They will be back by tomorrow. You can stay here and wait for her to come.”

”Arigatou!” Kaede said, cheering up as they went inside the house, “Um, if anyone from my school calls, I’m not here okay?” Kazuma paused, looking a little bit alarmed. “Because, the only way they’d let me go if my relative was in the hospital. So, I’ll be at the hospital.”

Kazuma slowly smiled, cheering up from his gloomy day thus far. “Hai hai…”

* * * * * * *
From the train station, Yagami hired a cab to bring the trio to the inn that they were going to stay. “I actually have a residency here, but I’m afraid we all couldn’t stay there. Besides, there’s a better view here for you all.” he explained, picking up the tab at the front desk, “Why don’t you all shop for some clothes. I’ve got some business to attend to.”

”He sure doesn’t have any trouble dishing out money,” Yoneda uttered, looking down at the stack of spending dough he left them, “I wonder if this guy has a motive…” He and Yamazaki found themselves staring at Ayame.

“N-Nan desette?!” Ayame gasped, turning red, “Don’t even suggest it. Shuichirou-san has shown us lots of kindness and generosity. Let’s not insult him by thinking little of his good deeds.”

”Speaking of good deeds,” Yamazaki muttered, snagging the stack of cash and starting to walk for the exit, “Let’s buy you some clothes to look good for Yagami tonight.”

”Dame desu!” she cried, chasing after him, “I’m not interested in Shuichirou-san! There’s nothing going on between us!”

Yoneda was also in pursuit. “Oi oi! Could I have just a little bit of that… you know, for a sake break??”

”No way, Shirei!” Yamazaki and Ayame both snapped. Yoneda cursed under his breath as they left the inn, Yamazaki and Ayame still not talking with each other.

* * * * * * * * *
Kaede crept into her sister’s room. It looked so clean and well organized. She unbuttoned her uniform red sweated and rested it on a chair then turned to the framed photographs on the desk. ‘Neesan…’ she thought, smiling at the pictures of them together, ‘I can’t believe you have this one… gaah, how embarrassing!’ The smile saddened when she came across one of their entire family. ‘I don’t have this photo… I can’t seem to look at it without crying.’

Facing that frame down, she paced around the room and examined other things. She noticed that Ayame still made journals the size of textbooks and folded her clothes the same way - the way that their mother had taught them. She also noticed a pink, porcelain box at her bed-stand that played music when she opened the lid. ‘Sore wa…’ There was a small photograph of Ayame and Yamazaki sitting inside.

“Yamazaki gave that to Ayame-kun for her birthday,” Kazuma said from the door, “He said it played their song. I’m not quite sure what the song is – I haven’t heard it before.”

Kaede cradled the music box in her hands. “I haven’t either, but it’s so romantic. I’m glad Nee-san has found her ‘special person’. I just hope she doesn’t forget about me.”

”I doubt that’ll ever happen. You are Ayame-kun’s sister – nothing will ever change the bond between you.”

”That's true… but…” Kaede let out a sigh, closing the lid. “I wish I could spend more time with her; I miss her. At least I know she isn’t unhappy. As long as Shinnosuke-niisan keeps her smiling, I will smile too.”

”Kaede-kun…?” Kazuma watched as she put aside the music box and turned towards him, going to bow on the floor. “N-Nan dai?”

”Shinguji-san, if possible could I join the Tai Kouma Butai too? I want to stay here and help… I want to protect Teito and Neesan… Please, I beg of you!”

Kazuma knelt down to her. “I can’t do something like that. I cannot put two sisters from the same family in the same squad, let alone the same danger. Ayame-kun has even requested against it. Please try to understand…”

”Neesan only requested it because she thinks I’ll get hurt, but I can fight the demons as well!” Kaede exclaimed, “I’m not a child anymore! I can handle it! I can!”


The girl just pressed her face into her knees, sobbing at her helplessness. “Onegaishimasu! Please let me stay with Neesan!”

Kazuma didn’t reply. He just patted her on the head for consolation, but was in deep thought about his own situation. ‘Sometimes it’s better this way…’

* * * * * * * *
Yagami waited at a bar, smoking a great pile of cigarettes before his comrade arrived. “What took you so long?” he snapped at the scientist who sat across from him.

“What’s the matter you??” Nomura snapped back, “Bringing Yamazaki here?! What if he runs into Kanzaki?!”

”Don’t worry. Those two won’t ever meet.” Yagami replied, “I’ve got everything under control.”

”If that’s the case, then why do you keep asking for money? And is it true that you’re actually funding Yamazaki’s work? I thought I told you to shut him down!”

“It’s part of my big plan; you’re not the only one I’m working for. There’s a certain military commander who wishes the ruin of the Tai Kouma Butai, so why not kill two birds with one stone? I have a way that will bring down the butai and any competition to you in one swoop. But, I’m going to need more money.”

”Dammit, you’re draining me.” Nomura grumbled, taking out another stack, “This better be good, Yagami. I expect something big.”

”It will be big,” Yagami said, shuffling through the pile, “But I have to ensure it goes well. And it’s not like Kanzaki isn’t paying you enough. Trust me.”

Nomura stared at him, then burst out laughing. “That’s a good joke! Trust you?”

Yagami chuckled too, wearing a devilish grin. “I know, I know… tell it to the girl I’m taking tonight. She won’t know what hit her…”

* * * * * * *
“Oi, Yamazaki!!” Yoneda yelled, wearing a black tuxedo and with a white scarf. “Hurry up! We’re going to be late!!”

”Aa…” he stammered, stepping out of his room. He bashfully stopped in front of them in a gray tuxedo, “W-Well…?”

”Your tie is crooked,” said Ayame, wearing a white flowing gown. Yamazaki’s mouth dropped open; she looked so good. She noticed his reaction and smiled. “Do you like it, Shousa?” she asked, teasing him by twirling around and giving him all views. He wouldn’t reply, teasing her back. Sighing, she took hold of Yoneda’s arm. “Let’s get going.”

”Aa…” Yamazaki said, locking up the door to their rooms. “It’s a couple blocks east; we can walk it. Besides, there seems to be lots of cars in the streets tonight. I just hope it doesn’t rain.”

”Yoshi! Let’s party!!” Yoneda said, leading Ayame down the stairs with Yamazaki trailing.

The party was held into a great big hall with crowds of glamorous people. Yet, no one was quite sure what the reason of celebration was. The live band played lots of songs that people could dance to and Ayame was getting excited to have her turn. “Shousa…” she uttered, turning towards him as they stood by the beverage table, “About before…”

“Don’t let it get in the way of having fun tonight,” he replied, sipping his juice, “I could tell you want to dance.”

”Would you dance with me then?” she asked, taking his hand.

“I don’t dance.”

“Shousa,” she sighed, feeling very disappointed by his answer, “Not even with me?”

”I don’t dance at all… But, I’m sure you can find someone who would dance with you. There are plenty of guys here who like your type.”

”HMP!” Ayame broke free from his hand and stormed into the crowd. ‘He doesn’t change! He isn’t even giving it a try! Sometimes I just can’t stand him!!’

“Hey,” Yoneda uttered, walking up to Yamazaki several dances later. “You don’t mind?” he asked the boy, who had finished four cups of juice.

“No…” Yamazaki replied, watching Ayame dance with a random partner. “She could dance with as many guys she wants.”

”That’s not what I was asking,” Yoneda retorted, pointing to his glass, “You don’t mind that I spiked the juice??” Yamazaki spat out the drink and wiped his chin with a napkin, glaring at the old guy. “Just kidding! Wahahahaha!!!”


Suddenly they heard something in the air that sounded familiar. Yamazaki and Ayame both caught each other’s eyes. ‘It’s our song…’ She stared towards him, pleading with him. He felt hesitant for a moment, but slowly started to move. Ayame held out her hand, waiting for him to come.

“Could I have this dance?”

Ayame blinked. Yagami had appeared out of nowhere and took her hand. Over his shoulder, she could see Yamazaki stop and turn away, going back to Yoneda. She couldn’t do anything but accept Yagami’s hand.

“Hey!” Yoneda said, elbowing Yamazaki in the side, “You gonna let her dance with that guy??” He didn’t say anything in return. “Don’t worry about it, Yamazaki… She ain’t interested in him.”


”Here, you take this,” Yoneda said, handing him a champagne glass, “I’m going to find someone to dance with you.” He rushed off into the crowd.

Yet, the song was already ending. Yamazaki hadn’t taken his eyes off her this entire evening. ‘Ayame, it doesn’t matter who you’re dancing with or who you like… I’ll always be waiting right here.’

* * * * * * * *
At the end of the party, Yamazaki found Yoneda drunk with some other old guy, the two of them lying on the floor with a pile of empty bottles around them. After prying the two new best friends apart, he carried the geezer down through the crowds, looking for Ayame.

”Aa! Shirei! Shousa!!” Ayame came running over to them, “It’s raining outside… what are we going to do??”

”There’s only a few taxis, so I guess we’ll have to walk,” Yamazaki uttered as Yoneda drooled on his shoulder. He spotted Yagami with a car. “Wait!! Could you fit anymore in there??”

Yagami showed that the back was filled with boxes. “Maybe one more.”

Yamazaki turned towards Ayame, “Maybe you should go with him.”

”I couldn’t… Please don’t go to any trouble.”

”No,” Yagami replied, opening the door for her, “I was going to ask you anyways. Wouldn’t want that dress to be ruined in this weather – it looks so perfect on you, that you should wear it again sometime.”

Ayame finally gave in and went into the car. She peered out the window as the engine started up. “Please take care,” she told Yamazaki and the drunk Yoneda, “I’ll wait for you guys at the inn.”

Yamazaki nodded and watched as the car sped past them. ‘Ayame…’ Getting drenched, he carried the drunken man back towards the inn.

“Wait!” Ayame gasped when Yagami had passed the inn, “Where are we going?” He sped into an alleyway that was dimly lit. Ayame nervously turned towards him when he stopped the car. “What’s going on?”

Yagami smiled as he leaned towards her. “You know… that dress does look perfect on you. Just about here…” he said, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her towards him.


“It’s only fair,” he whispered into her ear, “After all that money I gave to that bastard… I paid for this… You won’t believe how long I…”

Anger flickered across Ayame’s face. “I don’t care how much money you have – you can’t buy me! I can’t believe this was your motive after all!!”

“Shut up!” he exclaimed, elbowing her in the side of her head. Ayame sorely fell backwards and he went to follow. “You’re basically mine,” he said, going to forcibly kiss her.

“DAME!!” she cried, pushing his face away. She spat the nasty mixture of alcohol and cigarette back at him on his tuxedo. “You make me sick!”

“You bitch…” Yagami hissed, enraged at her for what she did. He was going to retaliate, but a light burst from her and hit him – his head colliding with the window. “UWAH!!” Ayame tearfully got out of the car, not looking back as she ran away from there. Yagami watched with a bleeding head. “I’ll get you back for this…”

* * * * * * * *
Back at the inn, Yamazaki looked at the clock one more time. It was already past midnight. 'Ayame... where are you...?' he thought, clutching at his blanket. He hadn’t changed from his tux, but had thrown his tie and jacket aside. He felt too worried to move. ‘Aa?’ His door opened slowly. Lifting his head, he saw the tearful woman before him. “Ayame…”

”Yamazaki-shousa…” she sobbed, stumbling towards him. He got up from the bed and went to hug her as she let out her emotions.

”Weren’t you with Yagami? What happened?” he asked, rubbing her shoulders, “Ayame, talk to me.”

”He tried to take advantage of me!” she cried, burying her face into his chest, “I-I didn’t want to…!”

Yamazaki’s face went pale. “Yagami did what…?!” He loosened his hold, getting her to look him in the eye, “Ayame...?”

”H-He kissed me… I didn’t want to… I'm sorry!”

”You don’t have to apologize for anything; it wasn’t your fault.” he said, trying to soothe her. He then noticed the bruise on the side of her face. “That bastard… if I see him, I’ll…!!”

“Still… I’m sorry…”

“Iya, I’m the one who’s sorry. I shouldn’t have left you in this situation. I could’ve prevented this.” He held her close, wiping away her tears and trying to comfort her. “Ayame, I’m here. I’m not going to let him come near you again.”

”Shousa…” she uttered, surprising him by the sudden name change. She just clung to him, still trembling, “I only want you…”

* * * * * * * *
The next day, Yoneda fought off his hangover and knocked on Yamazaki’s door. “Wake up – lemme in!” he called. Yamazaki opened the door, hushing and glaring at him. “What? I just wanted to ask you if you’ve seen Ayame-chan? She’s not in her room and I don’t know if she used it at all.”

”It’s all right… she’s in here.”


Again, Yamazaki hushed him. “She’s still asleep; don’t wake her up.”

Yoneda peered inside to see Ayame asleep in the bed, wearing pajamas. He shot a glare to Yamazaki, who moved out into the hall and closed the door behind him. “Get your mind out of the gutter – we didn’t do that.” Yoneda relaxed for a moment, until Yamazaki added, “Tonight, that is.”



Yoneda calmed down and spoke in a lower voice, “I received a call from Yagami saying he wasn’t coming to Teito with us. Did something happen??” Yamazaki clenched his fists, not answering. “Oh… something did?”

”Shirei, that bastard tried to take advantage of Ayame last night… If he ever goes near him again, I’ll kill him.”

Yoneda was surprised by this angry reaction, but also angry about this news. “His ass is mine to kick! No one goes after my cute daughter without my permission!!” He grabbed Yamazaki by the collar, “You too, you bastard!!”

The door opened. Ayame sleepily frowned at them. “Please don’t start so early in the morning.”

”Actually, it’s late morning and we have a train to catch in about three hours,” Yamazaki replied, “Yagami won’t be joining us.”

”I see…” Ayame uttered, becoming tense at the mention of that name. Yoneda backed away, looking to Yamazaki to take care of things. Ayame slipped back into the room, going to crawl back under the covers. “I just want to forget what happened…”

”You will, I promise.” Yamazaki replied, going to her and taking her hands, “I’ll do my best to make you forget. Please forgive me and take me back.” After an intense moment of gazing into their eyes, they reached for each other and started to kiss…

”YAMERO!” Yoneda yelled, standing in the doorway. Yamazaki fell off the bed as Ayame hid her blushing face in the blanket. “NO TIME FOR THIS!! GET PACKED SO WE CAN GO HOME!!”

* * * * * * * *
’And so, we went home…’ Ayame thought as they walked back from the train station. ‘I’m going to get over this incident… Yamazaki-shousa and I are trying hard to better our relationship… and I’m starting to feel his love again. I was afraid it disappeared – that one of us were going to change… but, Yamazaki-shousa has assured me that his feelings won’t ever change. I too… My feelings won’t change. I decided he’s the only one I want. No matter what happens, I’m going to stay by him…’

“Neesaaan~!” called Kaede as she happily ran from the house to meet her sister in the street. She gave her a great big hug and cried, “Yokkata!”

”K-Kaede-san!” Ayame gasped, “I can’t believe you’re here! I’m so glad to see you!”

Yamazaki smiled towards the sister’s reunion as Yoneda met with Kazuma. “Did you know about those two doing mature things!?”

”Na-Nani??!!” Kazuma squeaked.

“W-Wait a minute!!” Yamazaki gasped, turning pale, “Don’t miss understand, Taisa! This geezer doesn’t know what he’s talking about!!”

Yoneda was still raging, ”Bastard!! If Ayame gets pregnant, I’ll kill you…!!”

”Na-Nani?!?” Kazuma again squeaked.

“Hah? Nee-san wa…?” Kaede uttered, loosening her hold on her siter, “Yatta!! Shinosuke-niisan, when are you going to marry Neesan??”

Both Yamazaki and Ayame burned with embarrassment. “MINNA!! STOP IT!!”

* * * * * * * *
Next Chapter: “The one I love”
(Kaede’s letter)

I trusted you... But you lied and broke your promise. I thought that you really cared about her… But I was wrong. You’re just like everyone else. Please don’t come near my sister ever again. I hate you, Shinosuke-niisan.

onto ch.5
back to ch.3